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Page 16

by K. I. Lynn

  I felt lighter and a bit sleepy as I slumped back down in my chair. “Fuck, I needed that.”

  She grabbed a tissue from the box on my desk and wiped away any leftovers. My hand reached out and ran through her hair, straightening out the mess I’d made. “I have a meeting, but don’t worry. I’ll get you tonight.”

  She smiled and stood up, then leaned forward for a kiss. “Can’t wait.” She turned and headed for the door.

  “Don’t forget your coffee,” I called after her.

  Turning around, she picked it up and brought it to her lips, taking a sip. She let out a little moan, smiling as she licked her lips.

  “Perfect.” She winked at me and took another sip, then headed out the door.

  Fuck, she was naughty. I fucking loved it.

  My little afternoon tryst with Lila helped calm me, but didn’t disperse with the threat hanging over me. Making it worse was that it wasn’t just me anymore—I had Lila to protect. With my dying breath, I would make sure she was safe.

  Which led me to my current dilemma.

  I walked into my home office and sat at my desk, swiveling the chair around to face the closed closet door.

  It was mad…crazy…insane for me to think about what was in there and what I could do with it. The box was buried under other file boxes. A label reading “Taxes 2008” was affixed to the exterior.

  The only tax documents inside were Via Marconi’s. My insurance resided there as well.

  Phone records, witness accounts, photos, etc.—enough evidence to tie Vincent Marconi to over five deaths and seven felonies. It only scratched the surface, but it was enough to get him put away for life and begin having his operation dissected, which would lead to his empire being torn apart.

  I wasn’t going into the situation again believing that everything would be fine. His daughter still had five years left to serve before even the possibility of parole. Until then, and probably even after, I was a marked man.

  What pissed me off was that the little bit of invisibility I’d had, the shadowing from his vision, was blown away because someone in an office where I no longer worked was forming a case against him. Marconi knew what I had on him—I was stupid enough to gloat in his face that he was next. Between that and the death of Grace and my baby, he was satisfied for the time-being. Happy to keep me scared and buried in my own personal hell.

  It was to the point of being damned if I do, or damned if I don’t. Seeing me with Tom would raise a red flag to Vincent. His first intuition would tell him I was working with them.

  I was a dead man.


  I looked to the door to find Lila standing there, a worried expression on her face. “Yeah?”

  She walked into the room and stood in front of me. “Didn’t you hear me calling?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry, I was lost in thought.”

  She pursed her lips. “What’s wrong?”

  I sighed and pulled her close, leaning forward to rest my head on her stomach. “Running into Tom Preston has fucked things up, and I’m afraid for us.” Her fingers moved through my hair, nails scratching, calming. I pulled back to look up at her. “What do I do to protect you?”

  “Protect me?”

  “You know from who, and now I’m left with this decision. We’re at a fork in the road, but which way will kill us?” My chest clenched, and I nuzzled into her. “I’m not sure there’s an alternative at this point.” I looked back up at her, pleading to anything that would listen. “The most important thing to me is keeping you alive.”

  Her brow scrunched up, and she shook her head. “There is no life for me without you.”

  My chest tightened, and I pulled her to my lap, holding her close. I didn’t know if there was enough hope and prayers to deities above to keep her safe, but I’d do whatever it took. Even if it meant killing the devil myself.

  The next morning, I pulled three expanding files along with a manila file out of my bag and set them on my desk. After soaking in my wife, I’d broached the box that haunted me and emptied its contents. They stared at me, and I stared back. It hurt me to even touch them, to bring them back out into the light of day.

  Memories and heartbreak tore at me all evening. Nightmares that were too real haunted my dreams. I couldn’t stop touching Lila, my worst fears killing me from the inside out. My heart begged me not to do it, but at the same time, it wanted justice—the files could help with that.

  I sat at my desk, my fingers running across my lips as I looked at their worn edges. Sending them to Tom would make things worse. Then again, I was already on the Marconi hitlist. The information would help in his case—I had no doubt about that—but I had to be discreet about delivery. There was no way I could walk up to Tom and hand it to him—we’d both be dead that day.

  I sat back and rubbed my face.

  Sending the files could help keep Lila safe. If Marconi was convicted, he might leave her alone. He might stop keeping tabs.

  I stood and picked up the files, heading out of my office and down the hall. I needed help and guidance. Who better than someone I trusted and had lost the same person I had?

  “Hey, Cassie, is Jack available?” I smiled down at his secretary.

  “Hi, Nathan.” She looked down at her computer. “You’re in luck. He’s got a break right now and he just got off the phone.”

  “Thanks.” I stepped forward and knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Jack called from inside.

  I opened the door and walked through, closing it behind me. He smiled at me from across his desk, his gaze narrowing on the files in my hand.

  “How are you doing, Nate?”

  I sat down in the chair across from him and placed the files on the edge of his desk as I leaned back.

  “I ran into Tom Preston the other day.” I jumped right in.

  “Oh yeah? How’s he doing these days?”

  “He’s working on a case against Vincent Marconi.”

  The smile slid from his face. “Jesus.”

  “I’m pretty sure we were spotted together.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Lila’s foster brother is a cop. He told me Marconi’s men, along with some dirty cops, were tailing those involved with the case. The list includes me.”

  “But why you? You aren’t involved with it.”

  I leaned forward and placed my finger on the stack of files. “Because of this.”

  His face paled. “All of your information on them.” He looked back at me. “You kept it all?”

  I nodded. “It was a bit of insurance, along with not knowing what the hell to do with it. You know how bad things were back then.”

  He leaned back and ran a hand through his white hair. “Nathan… What do you want to do with it? Why is it here?”

  I pursed my lips. “That’s the big question I’ve been struggling with. Grace died because of them. If there’s a strong case against them, I want to give them more ammo. But…”

  “You’re afraid.” A pained look crossed his face.

  “They already saw me talking to Tom, even if it was only a chance run-in and small talk. They know I have all this.” I waved my hand at the file. “Pretty certain the whole fucking thing red flagged me. If my life is in that much danger because they think I’m helping them, I’d rather someone put this to use.”

  “Do we have to go through all this again?” His head was down, shaking. “You’re so happy now.”

  I tried not to think about Lila, but it was useless. The road was about to get very rough, and I’d need her strength.

  “I’m not resigning myself to death. I have too much hope for a future to do that. But I’m not going to live like everything is fine, oblivious…not like last time.”

  “Have you talked to Lila about this?”

  I sighed. “A little. She caught that something was off. She’s been so happy since the trial, and I made her cry last night. We’ve even been working on a b-baby.” I stuttered on th
e word. My chest was tight, and I rubbed at the spot.

  Jack’s eyes were soft. “What can I do to help?”

  I let out a shuddering breath. “I can’t just hand this file to Tom.”

  “You’d be dead before the day was over.”

  I nodded. “I need a way so it’s not traceable to me.”

  Jack stared at the files, humming as he tapped his fingers on his desk. “You know, Mary has a niece that works for Michael Lawson. Last I was down there, his office was two doors down from Tom’s.” My eyes grew wide, hopeful. “And Jenny, Mary’s niece, just so happens to be coming over this weekend.”

  “Is that far enough removed?” Bad enough I was involving Jack, but my former mother-in-law and her family as well?

  He lips set into a thin line. “No, you’re right. We need another step.”

  My brain fired off ideas, each wilder and more extreme than the one before. “What if she put it in a courier envelope with a random address and sends it to Tom?”

  Jack thought it over for a moment. “Do you want to risk it with this information?”

  I blew out a breath. “What other choice do we have? Besides, I asked around, and Michael Lawson’s name did not come up as being associated with the case against Marconi. No one would be watching his office.”

  Jack scratched at his jaw as he stared at the files. “I’ll get it wrapped up in a code-locked courier bag and have her send it that way.”

  “How do we get him the code?”

  “Leave that to me. I’ll figure it out.”

  I was silent, unsure of how to thank him. “I can’t let it happen again, but I don’t know what to do to stop it.”

  Jack’s eyes were soft, full of understanding. “This will help. And try to stay calm—Lila needs you.”

  “Not as much as I need her. She’s stronger than I am.”

  Jack shook his head. “When it comes to you, Lila is the weakest woman on the planet.”

  I blinked at him. Fuck. He had a point. We were so codependent on each other that it was almost debilitating to even think of life without the other.


  Days passed and…nothing.

  Well, not nothing. I was a mess. A fucking disaster.

  High anxiety, nightmares, and a constant popping of pills got me through the day. Lila got me through the night.

  She made microwavable popcorn one evening and I flipped out, tackling her to the ground. I did laugh about it later, but it still had me on edge. I knew she was worried about me. She wouldn’t say it, because she didn’t want me to flip out even more. Conversations of the file and Marconi were taboo in our home.

  Every day, she sucked and fucked me in an attempt to keep me calm. It worked, but I wasn’t stable. Highs and lows led to more forceful, selfish, but mind-blowing sex.

  “Fuck, you’re so fucking good at that.” She had me panting as she swallowed around my cock.

  I held her head down, nose pressing against my skin, cock down her throat. Her fingers flexed against my skin, but I kept her there. The overpowering sensations of her gagging around the head forced me to pull out.

  Lila was panting, almost gasping for air, her hand wiping at her mouth. Tears made her makeup bleed black down her pink cheeks and her lips were swollen and red. Her hair was a mess, thanks to my hands.

  “You’re a fucking gorgeous mess.”

  She smirked up at me and licked her lips.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, little whore? I’m so fucking close. Or do you want to drink me?”

  Her tongue flicked against the tip of my cock, and I hissed. She was lucky I didn’t push her back down right then and fuck her throat raw.

  She sat up straight and opened her mouth, ready to receive. It was tempting, but I wanted to feel her pussy clamp down on me.

  “Hammering your pussy it is.”

  Her mouth closed some and she glared at me. “Why the fuck give me a choice?”

  I walked around her and pushed her head down, leaning over her. “To make you think you had one.”

  I was an asshole, but I’d make sure she enjoyed it.

  My cock slipped easily into her wet pussy, and we both moaned. She hissed out a “fuck” and a sharp intake of breath when I slammed into her.

  All of me curled into her, fingers digging hard into her skin. It was the only way I could get it all out.

  She was crying out, screaming each time I bottomed out in her. Shaking, she looked back at me, and I almost lost it under the lust in her eyes. When her eyes rolled back and she fell forward, I smiled. Her fingers clenched into the sheets, fisting.

  Her pussy clamping down finished me off. I shook, my hips thrusting, trying to reach deeper with each spurt of come that exploded out. Her pussy pulsed around me, drawing out the last drops. My legs gave out, and we fell to the floor in a tangled mess.

  Before we married, we made a pact to have a date night once a week. It was to take the place of our bar night and help us get out of our hiding tendencies. Thanks to the wedding and trial, we’d lost a few. There was still a nervous edge in the back of my mind that one of our coworkers would see us and report us. Even after we were married, it caught us both at times. I loved being out with her, whether to the grocery store or a movie—it was great being able to live life again.

  Adam was locked away, and Lila was glowing, despite the danger that was encroaching.

  “You’re wearing that?” Lila asked as she came out of the closet.

  I blinked at her and looked down at the charcoal slacks and black button-down. “Yes.”

  Her tongue peeked out to wet her lips, and it was then I understood that I didn’t just look bad. It was good—I looked edible.

  The same could be said about her. The few dresses she had for work were always the perfect combination of sexy and sophisticated. Conservative, with body hugging lines. They looked great on her, turning me on and creating the easy access I craved. I still blamed the flirty hemline of one of her skirts for my inability to control myself that night a year ago.

  We rarely went out for a nice dinner, but she always seemed to surprise me with a dress she pulled out of nowhere, and the one she had on was not a work dress.

  My lip twitched up and I stepped toward her, needing to touch her. I reached out, my hand resting on her hip, the deep red satin silky and soft beneath my fingers. It was classy and elegant, showing off just enough cleavage to draw my cock’s attention. It made me want to rip her out of it and wonder why we ever thought to leave the house.

  “Do we have to go to dinner? I could easily eat my dessert right now.”

  She rolled her eyes at me and smiled. Her hand reached out and she pressed her palm against my dick, making me groan. Her other hand slipped under the collar of my shirt as she stepped forward to whisper in my ear.

  “Something you want, baby? Do you want to fill my pussy, make me cream, and scream your name?”

  “Fuck yes!”

  She stepped away from me, her touch gone. My eyes opened to find a wicked grin.

  “Too bad. I’m already dressed, and we’re going.”

  My gaze narrowed at her. “I can rip it off you.”

  “You do that, and I’ll be a dead fish for the next month.”

  My jaw dropped. “My dick is magical, baby. You can’t resist the feelings it brings you.”

  She didn’t flinch, her expression the same. “No anal, no blowjobs.”

  “Now you’re just being mean.”

  “I really like this dress.”

  “I really like that dress, too. I’d like it better on the floor.” I smirked and my cock twitched. It liked that idea quite a bit.

  She sighed and shook her head. “You’re incorrigible.”

  I adjusted my cock so it wasn’t tenting in my pants so much. “Okay, you win. I’m picking my battle. Dessert after dinner.”

  “I knew you’d come around.”


  She glared at me. “What?”

��You can suck me off on the way to the restaurant.”

  “It’s a two-and-a-half block walk.”

  I held the door open for her. “You’ve got your work cut out for you.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked through the door. “Yeah, I have to learn to levitate by the time we reach the lobby.”

  We headed out, walking down the street with our fingers entwined.

  “I love that the weather has finally warmed up.”

  I reached out and touched her bare shoulder. “Me too.”

  She looked at me, trying not to laugh, but just shook her head.

  A few feet later, we were walking into the restaurant, and I attempted to behave.


  The rich, dark woods that adorned the walls coupled with the low lighting provided a warm and romantic setting. How was I supposed to stave off my desires in a place that was asking me to grope her under the table?

  We were seated at a table and not at a booth that would give me easy access to her. I wanted to pout at how far apart we were, even though our legs were touching under the table.

  The host handed us our menus, along with the wine list, before departing. I was almost salivating as I read over the different types of steak. Ruth Chris was by no means cheap, but they were worth every penny.

  “Hello, my name is Brian, and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Have you dined with us before?”

  I looked up from my menu and was about to speak when Lila beat me to it.

  “I haven’t.”

  He smiled down at her. “Welcome, and thank you for coming.”

  He was a young guy, mid-twenties, with the all-American boy look about him. Probably played sports and got in all the girls’ panties.

  My jaw twitched as he pointed things out to Lila on the menu and explained that it was all à la carte. There was a difference between friendly and flirting. She was oblivious to it, but his smile was a little cocky for my liking, as was his staring down her dress.

  I cleared my throat to gain his attention, and his head snapped up. “We’d like a bottle of the Chateau St. Jean, Reserve Merlot.”


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