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Laura and Gail Chronicles: Hot Lesbian Erotica Compilation

Page 5

by Miranda Mars

  “I want to show you something,” Gail said, not even shutting the front door but taking Laura's hand and tugging her back out into the corridor. She shut and locked the door with a key while Laura waited.

  “I thought we were staying here.”

  “In a minute. Something I want to show you first.” She saw Laura's crestfallen face. “Are you that horny for this little thirteen-year-old bod? You can wait. Don't be so selfish.”

  Again she tugged Laura toward the stairs. Moments later they were on the sidewalk, trudging, hand in hand, up the hill to the intersection of 25th Avenue and Balboa. Laura felt kind of good about the hand in hand part. It made a twinge go through her pussy. This sweet girl likes me and wants me to fuck her, she realized. But I always have to pay in some way first. I suppose she's like this with everybody.

  The weather was cold, damp, and foggy, typical for a mid-summer day in this neighborhood. The foghorns were wailing and belching. Laura loved it. Evidently Gail did too. Now that they were at the top of the hill, she pointed in a north-easterly direction.


  Laura could see a massive, tubular plume of white fog through which the twin red tops of the Golden Gate Bridge towers peeped. She nodded. “I've been seeing that all my life,” she said. “I was born here.”

  “Well, I wasn't!” Gail snapped. But not with hostility.

  “No? Where were you born?”

  “In Fresno. Fucking dull boring Fresno, can you believe it? This is wonderful to me. God, listen to the sound of those foghorns. When you go to bed at night, they talk to you.”

  “I know,” Laura agreed. “I love it.”

  “Me too.” Gail looked out at the huge plume of fog steaming in through the Gate. “That's the Bridge. Those two red things.”

  “I know.”

  They were still holding hands, Gail pointing with her free hand. Laura squeezed the one she was holding. “Let's go back.” She leaned close, almost whispering but raising her voice enough to be heard over the traffic, which as always was thick, fast and loud. “I can't wait to kiss you. And it's chilly out here.”

  This time Gail beamed, instead of putting Laura off. She squeezed Laura's hand back. “Okay.”

  Back in the apartment, Laura didn't let her get far. As soon as the deadbolt was thrown, she grabbed Gail, embraced her, dug her fingers into the girl's marvelous compact bottom through Gail's jeans, and mashed her lips into hers.

  “Mmmmm . . . mmmmm . . . mmmmm,” they both hummed and hummed as they kissed hungrily.

  “God, I love to kiss you,” Laura panted as their mouths came apart.

  “My romantic Laura,” Gail grinned, slipping out of her embrace. “C'mon, let's go in here and do some more. We don't have to get to the sweating and groaning part right away, do we?”

  They went into the small living room and sat on a black leather sofa together. Laura grabbed her again and kissed her neck. Again she plunged her fingers into the round, firm moons of Gail's ass, through her jeans. “God, honey, you have a great ass.”

  “God, honey,” Gail mimicked her back, “you have a great ass for a white girl.” She stroked Laura's ass too.

  “I forgot to bring up my strap-on. It's still in the car.”

  “Do we need it?”

  “That's entirely up to you, my love. I could fuck you a hundred different ways.”

  “I'll bet you could,” Gail grinned. “Do you still want me to take down my pigtails?”

  She swished her head back and forth to make them shake. Laura was enchanted. “Leave them for a while. Then take them down later.”

  “Maybe you better go down to the car and get it before we start . . . you know, getting out of control. I mean, we don't seem to get together very often. Maybe we ought to make the most of it.”

  This was the kind of conversation that made Laura's blood start gushing and roiling through her body. She really wants the whole nine yards, she told herself. Darling Gail. It took you a while to get there, but now you want me to give this marvelous little girlish body a workout, right?

  As if to punctuate her last comment, Gail scooted even closer to Laura on the sofa and brushed her lovely lips against Laura's cheek. “I loved it when you did me in the Casbah with Prentice's big dildo,” she whispered. “It made him so mad. I got to tease him about it for weeks.”

  Did you love it because we did it together, or did you love it because you got to taunt Prentice? Laura wondered. “I don't see why he could be mad,” Laura said. “After all, he didn't want to use it on you. Why should he object if I did?”

  “Prentice is a control freak, I told you. He wants to be asked permission first. 'Can I breathe today, Prentice? Can I have an orgasm today?' That kind of thing.”

  “Maybe you should look for other roommates.”

  “You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find good ones.”

  Laura shrugged and agreed. Gail was right. She had no notion of such things. “I better go down and get it.”

  “I'll be waaiiiting!” Gail teased. “I may be . . . you know . . . like naayyyked!”

  Laura hopped off the sofa and went to the front door. “Be right back.”

  Down in the street, she only had to walk half a block to her car. In the trunk, next to the cat carrier she had brought to use in transporting Sammie, Frankie's poor, neglected cat (though the cat, Laura reflected happily, that had brought Laura and Frankie together!) back to what was becoming Cat Paradise at her and Makeeda's house in Berkeley, she found her little valise containing all her toys. She snatched it up and was back inside the apartment in under three minutes.

  Gail was not naked. Laura did not know whether to be happy or disappointed. She looked forward to undressing Gail herself, always such a thrill. But had Gail been naked, it would have introduced a whole new set of games. Rape games, Laura called them. Let me get my hands and my mouth on that gorgeous body and I will make you scream and come unbelievably before you can even draw a second breath. Those kinds of games.

  Gail, however, was not through flirting. Laura had, by mentioning her pigtails, opened Pandora's box. Gail was sitting cross-legged, smirky, on the sofa they had been sharing before Laura had popped downstairs to get the goody bag. She had a very flexible body, clearly the result of her yoga lessons, and had no difficulty contorting herself into weird positions. In fact, Laura was looking eagerly forward to a few of those contortions.

  “I thought you were going to be naked,” she said as she turned to again lock the door behind her.

  “I decided to make you seduce me. I think you get a kick out of it. I'm going to be twelve, and you're going to be a middle aged lady pervert who wants to do me in all the wrong ways. You have to persuade me.”

  “Middle aged!” Laura gasped in a fair simulation of outrage.

  “Well, if I can be twelve, you can be middle aged,” Gail said with a straight face, unflinching at Laura's mock horror.

  “You don't look a day under thirteen,” Laura said, playing along, being mildly nasty.

  “And you want to do evil things to my bod.”

  “Not evil,” Laura approached her from across the room, tossing the goody bag into a nearby chair. “You might even like it, in fact.” She sat down next to Gail, looking down at her tightly crossed legs, which were nestled under her butt. “How do you do that? It looks like it hurts.”

  “Take off your shoes. I'll show you.”

  Laura leaned over and brushed her lips across Gail's cheek, breathing her words instead of speaking them. “I want to fuck you instead.”

  She remembered how Audrey, Ashley's sister the nurse, had recently told her how hot it made her to be told that Laura, or anybody, wanted to fuck her. She had never been so bold with Gail but now wondered if the words might have the same effect, as they frequently did.

  Gail, who was apparently deep into her role, even though she had never teased Laura in this specific way before, pouted. “You're not supposed to say that,” she complained. “You would neve
r say that to a twelve-year-old. You're supposed to seduce me, get it? Try a little subtlety. You're an older woman. I'm afraid of you.”

  Laura playfully stroked and toyed with one of Gail's large pigtails, entwining the strands of blond hair in her fingers. “I want to twiddle your pigtails and lick your pussy,” she murmured.

  Gail giggled softly. “I'll bet you do.”

  Laura took Gail's face in both hands and planted another hungry kiss on her fetching mouth. She frenched her passionately. “You are a merciless tease,” she panted.

  “I know,” Gail grinned. “Don't you hate it? Don't you wish I would just give in?”

  By this time Laura had one hand under Gail's thin yellow sweater, stroking her hard smooth waist, raising the hand toward her bra. “Take this off.”

  “No.” Gail fake-pouted again, pretending to pull back, but not pulling away very far.

  “Please take it off. I love your body. I want to kiss it all over.”

  “Why do you love it so much?” Gail asked, eyes wide and faux innocent. “Somebody once told me I looked like a boy with tits.”

  “Oh no,” Laura murmured, now using both hands to pull the sweater up, over Gail's bra, to her neck. “Oh no. There are many kinds of bodies. You are as sexy and desirable as any girl I've ever known. Here, lift your arms so we can get this off.”

  Gail wore the same simple black bra she had worn when Laura had helped her undress in the Casbah, the first and only time before now when they had done it. Gail did not resist. She held her arms up so Laura could pull the sweater over her head. The big pigtails swayed and swished. Laura threw the sweater aside and embraced her, kissing her neck, her bare shoulder, her throat, her smooth dark upper chest.

  “See . . . I can kiss you now. Everywhere.”

  “Not everywhere,” Gail squirmed and giggled softly.

  “Let's go in the bedroom where I can fuck you to heaven.”

  “There you go again with that word. My mother would beat me purple if I ever used that word.”

  “I'm not your mother,” Laura reminded her.

  Gail melted a little. “You sure aren't. She would beat me purple if she knew you were fucking me, too.”

  “Oh? You mean she wouldn't beat me?” Laura asked, reaching behind Gail's back to unclasp her bra.

  “She would beat us both.” Gail helped her remove the bra. Her lovely little breasts were naked now, and Laura cupped them eagerly in her hands. Gail's eyes suddenly went almost glassy with sexual arousal and clear happiness. “Maybe we better go in on the bed after all. This is even better than the Casbah. We don't have to worry about being interrupted.”

  “I know,” Laura smiled as they both got to their feet. She couldn't take her eyes off Gail's small, swaying breasts and thick, gleaming black nipples.

  “Bring the bag,” Gail said brightly as she pranced off toward the back of the apartment.

  Laura, who loved the 'topless in jeans' look, stood paralyzed, looking at her. Quickly she snatched up the small bag from the chair and followed her. Gail was pulling down the bedspread and the blanket when Laura came up behind her, running her hands and her lips all over her sinuous naked back.

  “Oooohhhh, you're giving me the shivers!” Gail laughed, turning, catching Laura's mouth with her own, teasing Laura with her tongue. “Hurry,” she panted against Laura's teeth. “I never want to fuck so much as I do with you. I mean, I want it bad. And fast.”

  Music to my ears, darling, Laura thought. Still standing and kissing her beside the bed, Laura slid her mouth down Gail's body and siphoned up one of her delicious young breasts into her mouth for the first time in weeks. Oh god, I think I could die happy this instant! she thought, sucking it thirstily.

  “Ohnnnggg!” Gail yelped softly, looking down at her breast disappearing into Laura's mouth. “God, you always suck so hard!”

  “You don't like it?”

  “I love it! Do it again. Do the other one just as hard.”

  “Here, let's get the rest of these clothes off first,” Laura panted, quickly slipping out of her own as fast as she could.

  Gail still wore her jeans. She was watching Laura, the way Laura watched her. “I like your body, too,” she murmured softly. “You're so . . . beautiful. Like a model or something.”

  Laura smiled at her. And when have you made love with a model, sweetie pie? It took everything I could manage to get you into the sack. Or the Casbah. This time when she grabbed her and pulled her close, they were both nearly naked, Laura completely, Gail from the waist up. There was nothing like the feel of their smooth, warm skin sliding together. Gail unzipped her jeans and slipped out of them, and Laura skimmed off her panties, while they were still kissing. Now they were both naked.

  They fluidly slid onto the bed and Laura quickly tried to swallow Gail's other sweet breast, the one Gail had asked her to suck, the 'other' one.

  “Unnn . . . unnnggg . . . unnnnn!” Gail beat her elbows against the mattress as Laura devoured it. “Oh yes! Yes! Suck harder!”

  “You really like that, don't you.”

  “I love it. You better put that thing on, though.” She glanced toward the bag. “I want you to do me quick. God, I'm so wet.”

  Laura slipped into the strap-on harness as fast as she could, cinching it tight. Though their sexual experience together was limited, she couldn't recall having seen Gail so hot for it. The girl was also a 'slow builder,' who took some time getting to the pinnacle, at least in their last (and first) encounter. And so this feverish urgency was a welcome surprise.

  Gail was on her back, waiting for Laura, squeezing and twisting her own pretty breasts, and pulling her gleaming black nipples, the nipples that Laura wanted to swallow. She slipped between Gail's spread thighs, unable to resist bending down again, scooping Gail's small breasts up in both hands and hurriedly sucking them again while she had the chance. “I can never get enough,” she panted to Gail, slurping and devouring them.

  Gail said nothing but winced in happy sexual abandon, running her hands down Laura's body to the bobbing dildo jutting up from Laura's groin. “Oh god, you have a big dick,” she giggled. “Put it in me. Quick.”

  “Your wish is my command, my darling,” Laura purred, with one hand guiding the bulbous head of the dildo into the girl's open, frothing pussy, slowly pushing it in with the force of her pelvis, deep, deep, watching Gail's face transfixed with an intense sexual seizure as the hard shaft penetrated her.

  “Ummnnnmmmnnn!” she half-groaned, wincing again, but not with pain, instead fierce pleasure. “Oh shit.”

  “Is that good?” Laura murmured against her cheek, embracing her so that their naked bodies touched in every possible place. She could feel Gail's small, slackened breasts and hard nipples against hers.

  “Oh god, Laura.”

  “Now . . . I want you to give me your orgasm,” Laura murmured to her softly as she began to move the dildo slowly in and out of Gail's pussy. “It's mine . . . and I want it. I want your orgasm. I want you to scream it in my ear. Okay?”

  Gail bit her lower lip and nodded, grimacing as the long stalk slid deep into her body. She was a tiny thing, and Laura had no idea how much she could take, though experience had taught her that petite girls often had, for some reason, very deep vaginas and could take a lot. Also, Gail's facial expressions included an habitual small wince that didn't seem to be caused by pain or discomfort but instead by deep, piercing pleasure. It was hard to tell if you were hurting her or not, and since she now began to squirm and pant and whimper and buck under Laura, Laura had to assume she was in the throes of a very considerable sexual urgency.

  On the other hand, Gail did not come quickly. She had warned Laura of it last time, and so Laura was fully prepared for a sweet and lengthy tussle here, bringing her along slowly until there was no denying the ultimate.

  “Ohhhhh . . .” Gail moaned. “It's so big! So big!”

  Laura eased up a little. “Is it hurting you?” she murmured, kissing Gail's ear as she
spoke into it, kissing her warm dark brown neck, kissing her shoulder, sliding her mouth again down to one lovely young breast.

  “No. Unnngggmmm! Oh! Do that again! Not hard . . . but just slide it in deep like that. Ohhhhhhh!”

  Her body trembled under Laura, and she bit her lower lip again. “Like that?” Laura asked.

  “Oh . . . yessssss! Oh shit, Laura, I love it . . . I love it.”

  For the ensuing several minutes--Laura had no idea how long, but it was much longer than usually happened when a girl was this aroused--it was just sweet, sensual, slow, intimate, and tender fucking. Laura held her and slid the dildo slowly in and out of her body, feeling, as she suspected Gail felt too, more closely united and in harmony in their two bodies than they had ever felt up until now. She could feel Gail's body's progress, feel her smooth muscles grow more tense as the minutes passed, hear her breath quicken, hear the hot, passionate gurgling in her throat, feel the soft clawing of her fingernails into her own back.


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