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Laura and Gail Chronicles: Hot Lesbian Erotica Compilation

Page 6

by Miranda Mars

  “Anngghhhh!” Gail suddenly groaned, after a long period of fairly silent undulating under Laura's gentle thrusting. “Oh!”

  Her pace quickened. She churned her pelvis more excitedly. “Oh honey,” Laura purred to her. “Are you closer? Are you getting close?”

  “Oh god! Yes!”

  This Laura took for her clue to bring on the hot finish. She began fucking Gail faster, and a little harder too, plunging the dildo deeper into her pussy, holding the base of it with one hand to make sure it didn't slip out, watching Gail's happy wincing and listening carefully to her keening cries, eager to catch the little yelp that would signify a final, inevitable spasm.

  “Yes . . . honey . . . yes . . .” she cooed to her, pumping her more vigorously now, and still kissing her lovely young body everywhere.

  “Oh!” Gail gasped. “Oh! Oh . . . shit! Ungghhh!”

  “Yes . . . honey . . .” Laura purred, now even riding Gail's ass up off the mattress with her fierce strokes, knowing that the moment was imminent.

  Suddenly, Gail's whole churning body seemed to curl and twist like a spring under Laura. The tiny yelp Laura was waiting for caught itself in her throat.

  “Uurrrnngghh! Oh!”

  And she began to come in waves, sharp, shuddering waves. Laura held her and stopped thrusting. She crushed Gail's quivering body to hers as the girl erupted in clenching spasms, silent spasms, punctuated only by her little mewling moans.

  “Mnnnuunngg! Ohhmmnngg! Ummmm!”

  Let it out, honey! Laura thought. Scream. No one will hear you.

  But Gail did not scream. She continued chuffing and mewling, as the waves of her orgasm grew longer and gentler, as the soft wheezing of her intense pleasure gave way to deep sighs. Laura knew it had not lasted very long, but it seemed longer to both of them as Gail continued to undulate, then twitch and quiver, through several more waves of spasms, her breath short and loud, her mewlings turning into soft, barely audible sighs, her eyes tightly shut as she floated through this bliss.

  Finally, she blinked and opened her eyes and smiled up at Laura. “You make me come different every time,” she half-croaked. Then she laughed out loud, a sudden eruption of happy, explosive laughter. “God, I thought my body was going to blow up.”

  Laura slowly pulled the dildo out of Gail's pussy, watching her adorable little winces as it exited her body. Pulling back like this made her large pigtails visible again, and Laura had a sudden flash of guilt, as if she were actually fucking a thirteen-year-old after all, and bringing her this deep, stirring sexual pleasure. She reached over and flicked one pigtail affectionately with her fingers.

  “Take these down,” she smiled. “You're making me feel like a pervert or a child molester.”

  Gail made a fetching adolescent moue at her. “You love it. How many little girls have you fucked? Bet I'm the first one, right?”

  “You come like a grown woman,” Laura reminded her.

  She divested herself of the strap-on apparatus by pushing it to the end of the bed, and they cuddled happily under the sheet for a long time, dozing, kissing, rubbing their flesh together. “This is fun,” Gail said. “You know, I've had several boyfriends, but I could never cuddle with them like this. The studs always want to fuck you again right away, and the other ones want to check their email or shoot hoops or something. Weird. Why wouldn't they want to do this? Like, kiss? And whisper to each other? And listen to the fog horns?”

  “You've got me,” Laura agreed. Few things were more pleasurable than cuddling under the sheet with Gail and listening to the fog horns. Although Laura had to confess to herself that she was a little like the 'studs,' contemplating how she was again to going fuck this marvelous quirky girl to next November and back in just a few more minutes.

  After a while Gail, full of adventurous enthusiasm, insisted on learning to use the strap-on herself, on Laura. It was an episode of giggles and happy tussling, nothing like the solemn sex of their earlier couplings, and it resulted in a quite exultant and loud orgasm for Laura, who still nevertheless felt a little guilty, this time as she stared up instead of down at the adorably cute girl and her large, bobbing pigtails.

  “Fucking a little girl could never have been as much fun as this,” she murmured to Gail as they cuddled again, temporarily satiated, under the sheets.

  “You're just saying that to make me feel good,” Gail squinted.

  “Tell me about growing up in Fresno,” Laura kissed her cheek and smooth dark brown neck. “I didn't think any blacks lived in Fresno. All lily white Republicans.”

  “Boy, you got that right. On the other hand, they all felt like they had to bend over backwards to be extra nice to me, just to show that they weren't dumb ass crackers. Plus,” she squinted playfully at Laura and waggled her head to make her huge pigtails sway and fluff out, “they all just wanted to fuck me to death. Really.”

  “I can imagine,” Laura smiled and kissed her some more, her lips heading down again toward those sweet little breasts.

  “Even some of the girls, I guess,” Gail said, almost wistfully. “I never realized how many chicks wanted to fuck me until I got to San Francisco. First all those lesbians following me around the store. Then you.”

  “Uh oh,” Laura teased her. “I'm the culprit, am I? Did I seduce and corrupt you?”

  “You did!” Gail pinched her thigh. “You made me like it! Before you I was a normal heterosexual adorable little cutie, and you've turned me into a lesbo pervert. God, Laura, thanks!”

  She thereupon kissed Laura passionately on the mouth and mashed her naked breasts into Laura's deliberately. Laura of course kissed back hungrily.

  “I think I'm ready for another lesson,” Gail said brightly.

  “Mmmmm, me too,” Laura purred, filling her hands with the girl's lovely little breasts.

  “You know,” Gail said, with a sprightly tilt of her head, “since you got me going in this direction, I found a website on my laptop that showed girls fucking by putting their pussies together. Have you ever done that?”

  “Oh, a few times,” Laura said with a deadpan killer stare.

  “Sorry. Of course you have. So. Maybe that can be my next lesson.”

  Laura swarmed happily all over her delicious young body. “Sounds like a plan,” she purred, taking one of Gail's ears inside her mouth and drilling her tongue into it.

  Gail squealed and laughed, quivering and writhing against Laura. “I think if you fuck me now I will come in five seconds,” she panted.

  But of course it was not to be. Gail would probably not climax quickly under any circumstances, but Laura did not find that in any way disconcerting since the journey, to her, was nine-tenths of the pleasure. She again filled her gluttonous mouth with Gail's thick, pulpy black nipples, one at a time, lip-mauling them and sucking so voraciously that Gail was soon whimpering and gasping, her fingers digging into Laura's back.

  “Oh god, yes!” she panted excitedly.

  After a minute or so of this Laura had to release them and move on, fearful that she would make Gail's pretty breasts sore by her feverish love assault. She bent enthusiastically to her task, sliding one leg under one of Gail's and maneuvering their bodies so that her crotch pushed into Gail's. The girl had a small, tight-lipped pussy, the exact opposite, for example, of LaVonda's extravagantly petalled large black blossom, and so bringing their swollen vulva together was a slightly more challenging task. But Laura was motivated.

  Her fingers did their magic, and soon Gail's tight outer lips were parted and the warm, gooey, raw, wet meat of her cunt came into direct contact with Laura's. The sensation, as usual, was electrifying.

  “Oh shit . . . yes!” Gail gasped again. “God, that feels wonderful!”

  She was on her back, with Laura perpendicular to her, slowly rubbing her cunt into Gail's while holding Gail's thigh loosely between her arms. She bent forward and down to kiss her. “This will be where your yoga flexibility comes in,” she panted, already very aroused by the feel
of Gail's wet pussy grinding into her own.

  “I knew . . . it had to be good . . . for something . . .” Gail panted back to her, grinning a little bit and swirling her hips to push her pussy harder into Laura's. “Oh god, it feels so good!”

  “Yes . . . honey . . . yes . . . honey,” Laura panted, falling into a smooth rhythm of gentle pumping, knowing it would take several minutes to bring Gail along to a higher peak.

  Some tribbing could be rough and quick and almost violent, ending in a fierce explosion, but some could be the opposite: a slow, simmering crescendo, a gentle rocking rhythm, and a lot of kissing and sensual squirming, culminating in wondrous blooming hot clouds of sweet coming. This was, Laura figured, the way it was going to be for Gail, and she did her best to manage their journey, fondling Gail's lovely little breasts and occasionally bending to kiss and suck them, nuzzling her neck and again frenching her ear as they drew closer to the pinnacle, gauging Gail's sexual tension, and picking up the pace when she knew it was increasing.

  For a long period Gail succumbed to this rhythm, saying nothing, merely panting and swirling her pelvis up into Laura's gentle thrusting. Finally, her eyes caught Laura's, a little glassy and dilated, pulsing, full of sexual throbbing that Laura clearly recognized as a signal of her closeness to a final spasm. And yet, she didn't come, or show any sign yet of actually arriving.

  Finally, she broke her silence. Still staring wondrously into Laura's eyes, she said softly, “I love it, Laura. But I don't think I can come this way.”

  Laura smiled and caressed her face, still rocking gently against her, pushing her own pussy into Gail's. “Nothing wrong with that,” she murmured, reassuringly. “Different strokes for different folks, right? As they used to say back in the day.”

  “You know . . . that first time you did me? In the Casbah? With your mouth and your fingers?”

  Laura nodded.

  “God, I came so hard.”

  “Want me to do it again?”

  “Yes,” Gail nodded. “I'm really . . . very close.”

  “I know,” Laura smiled again, quickly disentangling their legs and sliding down between Gail's silky brown, very lean thighs. “Mmmmm, you have the prettiest little pussy.”

  Gail leaned back and groaned softly as Laura began to work her magic again. “Unngghhh! Oh!”

  “Just work with me now, honey,” Laura murmured to her, parting Gail's pussy lips with her fingers and slipping her tongue into the tangy, wet slit. “We're going to have you there in seconds. Give it to Mama. Come on . . . just give it to me. There you go . . . there you go . . .”

  In only seconds Gail, who was indeed very close, began churning and bucking more and more wildly. She began twisting her small breasts in her fingers, and pulling her nipples, and gasping uncontrollably.

  “Unh! Unh! Oh . . . shit! Unh!”

  “Yes! Yes!” Laura encouraged her.

  She stabbed her tongue deep into Gail's warm wet pussy, and licked her distended clit aggressively, finally sucking it insistently, meanwhile probing the girl's tight, greasy sleeve with her two fingers, hoping to find the magic button, but knowing Gail would come anyway in seconds.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh Laura!” Gail whimpered. “Oh god! Oh god!”


  “Auungghhh!” Gail roared, suddenly twisting her flexible young body into pretzels, it seemed, flipping and surging off the mattress as a fierce climax gripped her. “Auungghhh! Nnnmmggeeee! Oh! Ungghh! Oh!”

  It was a thrashing, flailing, whooping orgasm, unlike any Gail had yet had in Laura's arms, and it seemed to go on longer too, the sharp spasms finally beginning to die away after about half a minute of writhing and groaning. Gail, collapsing and panting in the aftermath, seemed overwhelmed by it. She squinted and blinked at Laura.

  But she didn't say anything. Instead, she seemed to be still reeling from the sweet shock of it. She closed her eyes and seemed sunk in a semi-swoon for a long period. Then she opened them, finding Laura still kissing her naked body, kissing her way up Gail's smooth flesh to her breasts, to her throat, to her cheek, her mouth. They kissed romantically, and embraced now almost passionately.

  “I think I came harder then than the first time,” Gail croaked softly. “I mean the time in the Casbah.”

  “I think you did too. You were so beautiful. It must've felt good.”

  “It felt like I was exploding and melting all at the same time,” Gail said with wonder. “I don't think I ever came so hard.”

  “Well . . . now you have,” Laura smiled, cuddling with her, pulling up the sheet. “Let's doze and listen to the fog horns talking to us again. It's nice to be here with you, Gail.”

  “I'd feel lonely if you left,” Gail said, almost plaintively, staring up at the ceiling. “After that. It was so good.”

  “Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere,” Laura said, but she knew she couldn't stay too long. She had agreed to stop by Frankie's on the way home to pick up Sammie. She was now the mother of three cats, who needed to eat and be scratched on their tummies.

  “I'm going to make you come like that too,” Gail said, very seriously. “After I rest a minute. I promise. I'm going to get good at this.”

  Laura nuzzled her under the ear. It was part of Gail's charm that she would approach fucking just like she had approached yoga. “I'll bet you are. Now . . . take these pigtails down before I drive to the nearest police station and turn myself in.”

  To be continued...

  Laura had not seen Brenda for years. Years and years. During one lunch hour, she caught the 8-Market Muni bus to visit a shop on Upper Market St. she had heard about, and who should be driving it but . . . Brenda. Both of them were, to put it mildly, astonished.



  Brenda had to wrench her gaze from Laura back to the traffic, which was, as usual, teetering on the edge of a grand guignol entertainment. Laura hung on to the chrome bar that separated the driver from the passengers, bracing herself for each lurch of the bus as Brenda maneuvered it. An electric bus; lots of lurching. There were no empty seats nearby, and she realized that there was no way she could just leave it at a startled greeting. Not after what we've done together, she realized. We have taken each other to paradise. True, it was a long time ago. But look at her!

  One was not accustomed to seeing gorgeous bus drivers. They were either gruff middle-aged men or hugely fat, nasty-tempered black women, but not this. Brenda, though wearing an unflattering brown Muni uniform, dark brown gabardine pants, light brown starched shirt, with patches and insignias, looked positively luminous. Or is it me? Laura wondered. I mean, I have held her close and made her moan and pant. Of course she would look beautiful to me. She squinted to see if she could glare through her fog of affection and lust to the Real Brenda. No, she was real. It was Brenda, and she was heart-pinch lovely in her drab brown clothes, her black skin glowing and smooth, her dark eyes flashing, her white teeth glistening, her sensual mouth expressive and desirable, and her shapely black hands clutching the mammoth steering wheel of the bus as she guided it through the frightening turmoil of traffic. I could never do that, Laura thought with admiration.

  “Just . . . stand here for a minute,” Brenda said to her, but not looking at her, eyes still fastened laser-like on the traffic. “Somebody'll get off. Before long.”

  Laura did as told, and Brenda was right. After about a minute an old, wizened Chinese woman in the seat by the door got up and painfully, slowly exited the bus. Laura took her seat. She realized these seats were for the elderly and handicapped, but the bus driver enforced those rules (or didn't), and she knew she would not be asked to move. Brenda beamed over at her, as if she were a long-lost treasure. It could make you feel good, Laura realized, beaming back.

  “Can't talk right now,” Brenda said, swerving the bus back into traffic.

  “That's all right,” Laura reassured her. “I'm happy to let you keep your mind on your business.”

  But neither
of them wanted to let the other go, she could feel that.

  Unable to talk to Brenda, she lapsed into a brief reverie. She had finally, at the end of a week, accepted the offer of the job Rhonda had vacated, and she was still getting used to the idea. They had moved her to a new, slightly bigger office, with a corner window, though not the one Rhonda had occupied; and the window looked out on an alley. She fought back a moment of panic at the thought that Shamika would not be able to find her. But then she relaxed. She'll find me, if she wants to. And Shamika did. Only two days after their 'algebra' homework session, Shamika found her new office and dropped in for a few minutes of electrifying and sexy flirtation.


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