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Teacher: The Final Act (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy #3)

Page 13

by R. L. Merrill

  “I’m serious,” she continued. ”I couldn’t be around him and his douchey friends any longer! I’ve used douches that were less douchey than him!” At that I cracked up. I couldn’t help it.

  “Douchey sounds terrible. And gross. And quite vivid. Listen, how about we go eat something. Then you can tell me more about Oliver. Or not. Or…”

  She smiled at me. ”Thanks, Jesse. For not making this weird. I’m sorry I was such a bitch. Last night, before. I just…Yeah.”

  I wasn’t quite sure what to say so I just smiled. ”It’s okay. I’m not always Ms. Personality.”

  She just sighed and nodded, like she was coming to terms with something. “I’m glad Danny’s marrying you. You’re good for him, you really are. And I thank you, you know, for being there for Jane when I couldn’t. I guess I’m not cut out to be the mom of a teenager.”

  I stood up and she followed me into the house. I got out two servings of dinner. I chose the pasta with tomato cream sauce stuff that Nora made because it was my favorite. I heated hers, then mine. She sat at the counter and I stood facing her, eating my food.

  “Brooke, can I ask you a question?”

  She shrugged. ”I don’t see why not, since I seem to be in a sharing mood.”

  I snickered, not sure if that was a go ahead or her cautioning me to watch what I said. ”I was just curious, why would you say you’re not cut out to be the mom of a teenager? I mean, I know they’re difficult, but what changed for you?”

  She pondered my question while chewing her food. I could sometimes see glimpses of the movie star in her, like now, when she made eating pasta look like an Academy Award winning performance of high drama. When she finally spoke, I had to shake myself out of the little trance.

  “I guess it was when I realized she didn’t think I was perfect anymore. I don’t know. Jane is the greatest kid, you know? I didn’t have to even try to make her love me. She just thought I was the best mom ever. Then, when we started to fight, I realized I couldn’t keep up the charade anymore, that anything I did was going to tarnish her image of me. I don’t know. I guess I was just tired. I never had to do anything and all of a sudden I’m failing at the whole motherhood gig because I don’t want to hang out with her and her moodiness. I don’t know. I know it sounds awful. I just think some women aren’t cut out to be mothers. I never had a burning desire to be one. Danny wanted kids, so I went along with it since he didn’t ask me for much. But I didn’t get the fulfillment from it I thought I would. I love her. Don’t get me wrong. She’s amazing. She’s kind of too good for me.”

  What a sad, sad woman! The fact that she said the last part was the only thing that saved her in my mind. She was right. She may have given birth to Jane, and probably wasn’t the world’s worst mother, but Danny definitely got the credit in my mind for making Jane the caring, wonderful person she was growing up to be. I was grateful she was in my life. Screw Brooke if she didn’t want to be her mother. I’d be proud to be step-mother to such a sweet girl.

  “I guess I understand,” I finally said, thinking my expression likely gave my thoughts away.

  She shrugged again and pushed back from the counter. ”Thanks for dinner. I’m going a little stir crazy in this place. I think I might go out for a while. Would you mind dropping me off at my mother’s?”

  I didn’t think she was supposed to be going out, but I wasn’t her keeper.

  “Sure, I guess. I thought you didn’t want her to know you were here?”

  She rolled her head around on her neck and stretched her back. “I talked to her earlier and filled her in. She’s just glad I’m taking care of things.”

  I blew out a breath and then said, “Okay. I’ll just go grab my keys.”

  I texted Danny to let him know what was going on, but he never got back to me. I knew he was busy. I had a bad feeling about this, but if I didn’t take her, she could always call a cab, and then who knows who would see her? Or where she’d really go?

  It turned out her mother lived in Beverly Hills, not too far from where she used to live with Jane. She didn’t say much, just fidgeted a lot. She and I were about the same size, but she was shorter than me by about two inches. And had larger breasts, by a lot, even with my new cup size.

  I pulled up to a large ranch house just as the last light left the sky and stopped the car.

  Brooke looked off in the distance. ”Thanks, Jesse,” she said in a quiet voice.

  It reminded me of the tone she had when I called her from the hospital months ago to tell her Jane had had an accident at the horse ranch… And that she was cutting herself. I didn’t know this woman very well, didn’t really want to, but I wanted her to get her shit together and be a mother to her daughter. I didn’t want Jane to have to pay for Brooke’s bad decisions.

  “Are you coming back to the house?” I asked her.

  She nodded slowly. ”Yeah. Tomorrow sometime, or whenever I get sick of my mother. Don’t worry. If you aren’t there, I’ve got a key.” She climbed out and moved slowly toward the front door.

  The way she carried herself made me think of Jane and how she looked the day we went to pick her up in New York. Part of me felt sorry for Brooke, like maybe her mother was no picnic either. But that was a small part. The rest of me was just short of disgusted.

  I stopped and picked up some food and toys for Legs and was looking forward to a long cuddle session with her tonight. If Danny and Jane were off without me, Legs and I were going to have a sleepover!

  Saturday was the first lazy day I’d had in forever. Legs and I slept in, went for a walk late in the afternoon at Griffith Park up by the observatory. Then we picked up a hot dog at Pink’s for an early dinner. It was a great day and I was really looking forward to my evening with the boys. I thought I’d bring Legs with me so they could see how big she was getting! She was already over eighty pounds and growing bigger every day!

  I pulled up to my old apartment complex close to seven and shook my head. It was still as shitty as ever. Strangely, I missed it sometimes. Danny’s place was fantastic, but this place had so much life to it. Too much at times. I looked in the back seat at Legs and shook my head. ”Don’t worry, girl. We’re just visiting!” I also figured I could use her as my excuse if things got too crazy. I could say I needed to take her home.

  The party was already in full swing. Johnny handed out drinks and Sam manned the grill.

  “Hey! Jesse’s here!”

  I hugged Jinx and wished him a happy birthday, handing him a card. His jaw dropped when he saw my hand.

  “Whoa! Guys! Get over here! Black popped the question!”

  All of a sudden I was surrounded by sweaty, smelly guys all trying to grab my hand from each other. Legs woofed protectively and Jinx looked down in shock.

  “Holy shit! Is that Legs? What the hell have you been feeding her?”

  I bent down to give her a scratch. ”She’s mixed with Irish Wolfhound. The vet said she’s likely to top out over one hundred twenty pounds!”

  He looked over at Johnny, his eyes wide. ”It’s a good thing she’s living with you. She’s going to be a beast!”

  Cosmo came out then, shirtless in a pair of jeans. His long, curly hair was pulled back in a hair tie, he was freshly shaved, and he looked as though he’d just hopped out of the shower. His eyes lit up when he saw me. He made his way over to give me a hug.

  “Jesse Baby, I’ve missed you,” he said quietly.

  I smiled up at him and he kissed my cheek.

  “Dude! Look at this rock!” Jinx stuck my hand in Cosmo’s face. He blanched, then took it gently in his to examine it.

  “It’s beautiful, Jesse. Congratulations.” He kissed my cheek again and hugged me, giving me an extra squeeze. When he stepped back, I detected a hint of sadness in his eyes.

  I frowned. ”Where’s Maria?” I asked him, hoping to deflect any deeper conversation.

  He shrugged. ”Not sure. She and I parted ways. I guess the Tragedy was a little too much f
or her.”

  Shit. I was hoping that wasn’t the case. “I’m sorry, Cosmo. Are you okay?”

  He shrugged and sighed exaggeratedly. “I will be. I always am. I survived you leaving, so I guess I’ll be fine.”

  I rolled my eyes and elbowed him. He noticed Legs. Then did a double take. ”I can’t believe it. She’s huge!” He got down on a knee and Legs licked him affectionately.

  I thought back to the afternoon I came and got her. That was back in July! He hadn’t seen her in four months! He took my hand in his and I followed him back into his apartment. There were some familiar faces sitting around the living room so I said hello. The crowd seemed a little mellower than they used to be, and I was thankful for that.

  Cosmo asked me what I was drinking. ”Just water, thanks.” I sat down at his dinette set in the kitchen and Legs sat obediently next to me. Cosmo put down a bowl of water for her and then took the other chair. We talked for a long time about the band, about Danny, about Jane… He asked me where everyone was.

  “We had a little unexpected guest show up and throw a wrench into things. Jane’s at her friend’s for the weekend. Nora’s staying with her sister. Danny and the guys are in New York. They’re going to be on Saturday Night Live tonight.”

  “Really? Hey Jinx! Turn on the TV. Doesn’t SNL come on earlier here?” He looked at the schedule and saw that the show would be on at nine, which was in just a few minutes.

  Cosmo kicked some people off the couch so we could sit closer and watch. ”So, unexpected guest?”

  I looked around and spoke quietly in his ear. ”It’s Brooke. She’s been staying with us this week. I guess things were not going well in New York.” He nodded like he understood completely. ”I dropped her at her mother’s house yesterday and I’m not sure when she’s coming back. I felt a little weird about leaving her, but I wanted to see you guys and I didn’t feel like I could tell her no.”

  He smoothed his hair back. ”She’s a grown woman. Dealing with an adult who makes bad decisions is not a good time, baby. When is Black coming home?”

  I sagged a little. ”Monday sometime. He leaves again a couple days later.” I sighed loudly and he put his arm around me.

  “You’re going to be fine. You just might have to take care of yourself, ya dig? Like borrow some of Jinx’s porn collection.”

  I snorted out a very unattractive laugh. ”Uh, no thanks. I think I’ll survive.”

  He shook his head. ”I don’t know. Ladies left unattended can get, you know, frustrated. I’d hate for Danny to come home and find you—”

  “I’ll be fine, Cosmo!” I slugged him in his arm. This felt so much like old times.

  I was leaning back into the couch when all of a sudden Sam shrieked, “LOOK JESSE! They’re on!!!” He cranked up the sound on the shitty TV and there they were.

  Danny wore black jeans and a black button down with the sleeves cut off at the shoulder. His smile was cocky and he was throwing off major sexuality. They launched into their new release, which had a complicated hook at the beginning. They sounded good, but it wasn’t quite as thrilling as having them play in Danny’s living room. Our living room. It was still so surreal, and here I was wearing Danny’s engagement ring! I must have had a silly grin on my face because they guys all started razzing me.

  The music pulled back at one point and it was just Danny voicing over a heavy bass line that grew and grew. He gripped the microphone in both hands and stared right into the camera. It was like he was staring right at me, singing to me. It was crazy! This song was one of the ones he wrote about us and it got a little explicit. I felt my face flush thinking about the specific night he was singing about and thought Cosmo just might be right about needing to take care of things.

  When their performance was over, the TV got turned down and the music turned back up. The guys asked me when the wedding would be. I told them I had no idea, that it all happened so fast.

  “I promise, you’ll all get an invitation.”

  Another round of hugs and it was time for Legs and I to go home. I walked her around downstairs so she could go potty before we headed home. Cosmo stayed with me and lingered as I let her into the back seat.

  “You sure you’re okay, Cosmo?” I finally asked him.

  He smiled and pulled me into his arms. He felt safe to me, like hugging a brother. ”I’m fine, baby. Just tired. I’m ready for this band to take off, ready for something to happen. I can’t keep partying with these guys forever. I’m thirty years old, man! I thought I’d be happy just lounging around this shithole all my life, but working with Danny, seeing there’s a chance for us to go somewhere? I want it. I’m just sorry I realized it too late to be with you.”

  My stomach dropped a little. It was so much easier with Cosmo as my friend. I didn’t want him to hurt. ”I see great things happening for you. You’re so talented, Cosmo. You’re such a good man. I’m sorry if you’re hurting.”

  He shook his head, looking embarrassed. ”It’s cool, baby. I think it was more the idea of you, anyway. I mean, I do love you, but I just see how supportive and loving you are with Danny and I want that, too.”

  I smiled up at him. ”I want that for you. You just have to be selective. These little girls who hang out here aren’t looking for a man like the real you. That’s why I hoped it would work out with Maria. Maybe it’s not too late?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t worry about me. I’m cool. You just be careful. I don’t like you up in that big house all alone. Set the alarm, dig? And text me when you get home.”

  I kissed his cheek and he hugged me to him once more. “Take care, baby.” He waved as I climbed in and drove off.

  I saw in my rearview mirror that he watched as I drove away, his hands in his pockets. Needless to say my visit ended on an unsettling note. It took forever to get home and I was yawning as I pulled into the driveway. There were lights on, so I assumed Brooke was back. I groaned and turned around to give Legs a scratch. ”You gotta hang out with me, okay? Don’t leave me alone with her.” Legs let out a sigh and I laughed. She was so expressive. I loved her so much.

  The door was unlocked and I heard laughing from inside. I started to get the chills and Legs growled low in her throat. I kept a good hold on her leash and told her “easy.” Brooke was in the living room with a couple of sketchy looking men. One of them was kissing her neck. She looked really out of it.

  “Brooke,” I called.

  She noticed me and then rolled her eyes. ”Oh, hi Jesse. This is Carl and Mike. Guys, this is the future Mrs. Black.”

  One of the guys, Carl I guess, was helping himself to Danny’s booze and had a cigar lit. I cringed at what they’d been up to while I was gone.

  “Brooke, can I talk to you?” I asked and started walking toward the kitchen.

  Mike stepped away from her and blocked my way. Legs growled at him as he reached down to pet her. I yanked her back before she bit him.

  “Whoa, now. No need to get feisty there, puppy. We’re just having a good time. Why don’t you come have a good time with us?” He fingered my hair on my shoulder and my stomach lurched as I jumped away from him.

  I started to shake, but I wasn’t about to let him know how scared I was. ”I want you to get out of my house,” I said firmly, not really sure where my courage was coming from. ”Both of you. Brooke, your friends need to leave.”

  Neither of the guys looked ready to leave. I threw back my shoulders and loosened my grip on Legs’ leash. She was really growling now, her hackles were all up.

  “Jesse, we’re just having some fun. Come on,” Brooke said.

  I shook my head. ”Either they leave now, or I’m calling the police.”

  She stumbled to her feet. Carl came around and caught her around the waist.

  “Come with us, Brooke. We’ve only just gotten started.” He reached around to grab her breast and she pushed him away.

  “I don’t feel so good.” She wavered once more and collapsed in his arms.

p; He laughed and laid her out on the couch. “Perfect.”

  I was beyond furious. This was NOT happening in my house!

  I stepped over and punched the silent alarm on the keypad and yelled, “You two better get the fuck out of here. Now! The police are on their way. I’m more than happy to show you the fucking door.” I let go of Legs’ leash, but she stayed by my side, guarding me. I stepped into a defensive stance, ready to put my training to work.

  Mike stepped closer to me and sneered, “How cute! Did you take a kickboxing class?”

  He reached for me and three things happened. I delivered a punch to his throat, I kneed him in the nuts, and Legs lunged at him, snapping and snarling as he hit the ground. Carl hurried over and pulled a groaning Mike up from the floor.

  “Jesus, lady! We were just trying to have a good time. We’re out of here.”

  He dragged his friend out the door and I slammed it behind him, locking it tight. I slumped against the wall, the adrenaline too much for me. I felt like I was going to hurl, but I needed to check on Brooke.

  Legs didn’t leave my side as I made my way over to the velvet couch. Brooke was passed out cold. I turned her on her side in case she vomited and I sat with my head in my hands trying to get my breathing under control. Legs nudged me with her nose and I hugged her tight.

  “You are the best dog in the whole world, girl! Thank you, my sweet puppy.”

  She licked my face a few times for good measure. I jumped when I heard pounding at the door. I hurried to open it once I checked the peephole. Legs never left my side. I grabbed her leash and held her back as she barked like crazy.

  “Ma’am, we received an alarm from this house.”

  I exhaled, grateful once again for Danny’s alarm system. ”Yes, please come in. I came home and found some men in my living room and they didn’t want to leave. I think we need an ambulance, though. My fiancé’s ex-wife is passed out and I don’t know if they drugged her or not.”

  Legs was going crazy, so I pulled her back before she bit the good guys. ”Do you know if there’s anyone else here?” the officer asked.


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