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Teacher: The Final Act (A Hollywood Rock n' Romance Trilogy #3)

Page 14

by R. L. Merrill

  I froze. “Oh my God! I don’t know! I just assumed it was the two of them. Can you check the house, please?”

  One of the officers checked on Brooke and then called for an ambulance. The other officer took off down the hallway. Once he checked all the rooms, he came back out and told his partner that all was clear.

  “Ma’am, it looks like some of the drawers in your room may have been disturbed. Can you please come and check it out?”

  Legs and I hurried down the hallway and into our closet. I gasped and got teary when I saw that my top drawer was opened.

  “Oh no,” I breathed. The pearls that Danny gave me when we went to visit his parents were gone from their gift box. I teared up, devastated to lose such a precious gift. Thankfully, none of Danny’s things were missing. His drawers were all intact. The officer said he’d take a police report for the items, but he’d need information from Danny when he returned.

  I sat on the steps going down to the living room and held onto Legs. I heard my phone buzzing from inside my purse.

  “Jesse? Are you ok?” It was Patricia. “The alarm company just called me.”

  The second line buzzed at the same time and I saw Danny’s name. ”I’m okay, Patricia. Danny’s on the other line. Let me answer.” I put her on hold and picked up.

  “JESSE! Oh, honey, are you okay? What the fuck happened?”

  I exhaled and finally felt like I could breathe normally. “I’m fine, baby. I got home with Legs from Cosmo’s house and Brooke had a couple guys—”

  He started swearing and shouting.

  “Danny! Listen, I’m fine, but Brooke’s passed out and I don’t know if they drugged her or if she’s… I had them call an ambulance. I know she didn’t want anyone to know—”

  “Too fucking bad! What the fuck was she doing bringing losers into our fucking house? That’s it! That’s the last fucking time I ever help her out of a jam. I can’t fucking… Oh shit, babe! Did anything happen? Please fucking tell me you’re alright!” He was breathing hard.

  I could tell he was completely distraught. I tried to reassure him. “I’m fine. Neither of them touched me. You can thank Legs and the self-defense training for that. One of them probably won’t be walking right for a while, though.”

  He let out another round of curses. ”I’m so sorry, Jesse. I never should have let her stay. I can’t believe— God, I love you, honey. Let me call Patricia and see if she can get me a flight home.”

  “No, Danny. It’s okay. I’m okay. I know you have to work. Patricia’s on the other line.”

  He cursed. ”No, she’s knocking on my hotel room door. Hold on.” I heard him put the phone down, shout a few more f-bombs, then I heard Patricia’s voice. When he picked the phone back up, he said, “Jesse, I’m coming home. I’ll be back tomorrow. The guys can finish the interviews without me.”

  I tried to argue, but he wasn’t having it. My phone buzzed again. This time it was Cosmo. The police officers were trying to talk to me and the paramedics were coming in.

  “Danny? I gotta go. Do you want me to go to the hospital with Brooke?”

  He swore loudly. ”Fuck that! No! I want you to stay put. Tell them to call her fucking mother. Fuck, I’ll call her fucking mother and tell her to get her ass over there. Brooke’s her problem now. I’m done.” I tried to calm him down, but he kept ranting.

  “I gotta go, I love you,” I whispered and then hung up so I could deal with all of the emergency folks who were staring at me and trying to suppress a giggle at the sight of me holding the phone away from my ear. One of the paramedics approached me.

  “Ms. Martin? We’re going to take Ms. Jones to Cedars Sinai so we can evaluate her. Did you see anything she took?”

  I shook my head. ”No, I just came in and found her with the guys, although one of them was acting like…”

  It turned my stomach and I knew I couldn’t hold back. I ran for the bathroom, Legs hot on my heels, and I hurled violently. I had really not missed this.

  When I got myself under control, I stepped back out and told them calmly what I thought was about to happen. They said they would take care of her. I thanked the officers for coming out so quickly. They had Brooke on the gurney by this time, and were wheeling her out the front door. I gave the officers further descriptions of the two men and they said they might need me to come down and meet with an artist to do a sketch if Brooke couldn’t identify them by name. I told them I understood and wrapped my arms around myself, the evening’s activities taking their toll.

  “Do you have someone we can call?”

  Just then a car came screeching up to the house and I heard shouting. Cosmo came running up the walkway and took me in his arms.

  “Jesse, baby, are you okay?”

  Jinx, Sam and Johnny were right behind him, ready to protect me.

  The officer gave me his card and said, “If you think of anything else, or you need us, don’t hesitate to call.”

  I thanked him again and went inside, the boys right behind me.

  “You never called to say you got home okay and then you didn’t answer your phone, so we came. Are you okay?”

  I nodded, the tears finally flowing free. I gave them the abbreviated version and they walked me over to the couches in the great room.

  “Jinx, can you take Legs out back, please?” She didn’t want to leave my side. He had to really coax her, and then he gently led her out. ”It’s alright, girl,” I called out to her. She finally went with him.

  Cosmo sat next to me and I curled up to his side, my head resting on his shoulder, while Sam and Johnny got me water to drink and settled on the other side of me.

  “We’ll stay until Danny gets here, baby. I’m not leaving you alone.”

  I smiled up at Cosmo, who was furious, and felt my body finally relaxing. He coaxed me into lying down with my head on a pillow on his lap and I was out in seconds.

  Chapter - Nine

  Shouts woke me the next morning and I was totally discombobulated. I shot up off the couch and ran to the foyer. I saw Danny wiping blood off his jaw and the boys holding a very pissed off Cosmo back.

  “Your drama keeps getting her into these messes! You need to clean up your shit before you even think about marrying her.”

  Danny shook his head. ”I know, alright? Don’t you think I know that? Fuck, that’s a mean right hook you’ve got there.” I hurried to his side and he enclosed me into his arms. ”Honey, I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I frowned over at Cosmo. He shook off the guys holding him and walked back into the great room. He was back in seconds with his wallet and keys.

  “Cosmo,” I called to him, but he stomped out the door. I let go of Danny. ”Give me a minute.” He nodded, rubbing his hand down his face. “Cosmo!” I hurried to catch up to him and when I did, I grabbed his arm. ”Hey,” I said.

  His expression was pained as he looked down at me. ”Jesse Baby, I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. It pisses me off that you keep suffering for his bullshit. I’m sorry I hit him, but dammit!”

  I put my hand on his chest. ”Cosmo, I appreciate you staying with me last night. I’m sorry I took you away from your party.”

  He exhaled harshly. “It’s fine. You know I’m always here for you. It just…You scared me last night. I don’t like this feeling. I wish you were still home with us where I could watch out for you, but I know you’ve moved on. Just, please? Please be careful, baby. With him gone…”

  “I will. I promise. No more Brooke. No more being alone here. Just, no more hitting him, okay? I kind of love that face of his.”

  He smirked, not quite laughing. ”Tell him I’m sorry.”

  I raised an eyebrow, giving him my teacher look. “Why don’t you come tell him? I don’t want you to leave on bad terms.”

  He nodded, shoved his hands in his back pockets and followed me back in the house.

  I left him and Danny alone and grabbed the other three to follow me into the kitchen. ”How about br

  They all grunted and sat at the bar. I got some eggs and bacon going, making sure I didn’t burn the bacon or undercook the eggs. Jinx grabbed juice for the others and Sam helped me serve up the food. Danny and Cosmo came in a few minutes later and they both sat down looking grim. I served them both plates and they ate without talking. This was not exactly the homecoming I expected from Danny. The tension was killing me.

  “Guys, I’m going to go shower. If you’re gone before I get out, thanks again.” I hugged and kissed all the guys, taking a little longer with Cosmo. I looked to Danny, who was frowning and moving his food around on his plate.


  He looked up at me, looked to Cosmo, then back down at his food. ”I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Dammit. Well, I’d give him a few minutes to stew and beat himself up, and then he was going to have to deal with me.

  I showered and dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of Danny’s boxers, my favorite outfit, and waited for him to come in. Ten minutes later he dragged himself in and stopped in the doorway. I held my arms out to him and he just stood there. After a minute, he walked over to the foot of the bed on the opposite side from me and sat down with his back to me. What?

  “Jesse, I think it would be better for you if—”

  “Danny? Please just come here and hold me. You’re tired from your trip and—”

  “Jesse, I think you should move out. I’ll set you up in a place. You will be safe and away from all this—”

  “Daniel Adam Black!” That got his attention. He turned to look at me, his disgusted look on his face. ”Don’t you dare! You promised me—”

  “And look how good I’ve been at keeping my promises! I promised I’d keep you safe and I brought this shit into our home. Twice! No! Goddammit, it’s been three fucking times now! I’m not good for you, Jesse.”

  I groaned and stood up, stomping around in front of him to make him look at me. ”Damn you, Danny! You need to get over it right this minute! What the hell did Cosmo say to you?”

  He shrugged and looked down. ”Only the truth. This is no kind of life for you. You deserve better.”

  I rolled my eyes. ”Don’t try to tell me what I deserve or what I need! I’m a big girl and I make my own decisions. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I moved in with you. We’ve had some bumps in the road, sure, but you promised me and I promised you that we’d work this out. Did you forget about that? And contrary to what Cosmo might have said, I was in just as much potential peril living in the apartment complex with him. He needs to keep his big mouth shut. Just you wait until I see him, that interfering, manipulative Neanderthal!” I heard a sniffle from Danny. He was trying not to laugh.

  “You’re scary when you’re mad,” he finally said, wiping tears from his eyes.

  “You have no idea,” I said, pushing him onto his back. I crawled on top and straddled him. ”I’m tired, I’m angry, and I just want to make love to my fiancé, who I haven’t even been able to properly celebrate with, and now he’s trying to throw me out. Well, you can forget it, you obstinate, aggravating, pain-in-the ass—”

  He interrupted me by sitting up and trapping me in his arms. His kiss was desperate, his cries urgent. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him as close to me as possible.

  “Don’t you push me away, Danny Black! I fucking love you, you jackass!”

  His deep brown eyes met mine and held. ”I’m sorry, Jesse. I was just so scared.”

  I held him to me and we just rocked for a moment. I took a deep breath. ”Please, Danny, if you don’t want me, don’t—”

  “Jesus, honey, I’m so fucking sorry. Of course I want you! I’m just a really big jackass. I’m sorry! Don’t listen to me. Please don’t leave. I need you.” His pleas continued as he undressed me.

  I needed to be close to him just as much. When we were naked, I didn’t hesitate to take him inside of me. We both groaned as we clung to each other. He cried. He begged me to stay. He made love like a dying man using his last wish. I yelled at him some more, he apologized some more, and when we’d both exhausted ourselves, we collapsed together in a heap and fell asleep.

  Hours later I rolled over to find Danny on the phone. “Thank you. Yes, I’ll let her know. I will.” I sat up and put my hand on his back as he hung up. ”That was Brooke. She called to apologize to you and to let me know she’d be going straight from the hospital into treatment. She spoke to the cops already and gave them whatever information she could. The doctor told her she was drugged. She’s so lucky you came home when you did.” I rubbed his back and he exhaled harshly.

  “I’m glad, too. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But Danny? They stole the pearls you bought me. I’m so sorry!”

  He cursed and then turned in my arms and just held me to him. ”I’ll buy you new ones, don’t even fucking worry about it. Are you okay, though? You sure? I promise, no more. She’s not stepping foot in this house again.”

  I frowned. “Danny, that’s not exactly realistic. She will have to see Jane somewhere and it’s better if it’s in a safe place where you have control, right? Just no more overnights, please?”

  He nodded. ”I guess I better call Nora. Sonofabitch. How the fuck am I going to make this up to you both?”

  I giggled and reached down between us. “I know what will work for me. I don’t think this will work for Nora.”

  He definitely made it up to me many times that afternoon.

  By evening he was taking and making calls to smooth over this latest disaster. We ate the food Nora cooked for us while he plotted his apology to her.

  “Jesse, let’s take her to Spain. Let’s just fucking go. I’ll be back from London just before Thanksgiving. Can we go then?”

  I shrugged, taking a bite of chicken. ”Why are you asking me? I’m just along for the ride,” I said with a wink.

  His expression was dead serious. ”I’m asking you because I want to marry you in Spain.”

  I set my fork down and swallowed hard. ”You want to get married. In Spain. In two weeks.” I stood up from the counter and staggered over to the sink for a glass of water. I drank it down before turning around to face him. He looked nervous as hell. “Don’t you think you have enough insanity going on right now? You really want to throw a wedding into the mix here? In the middle of touring and releasing your album?”

  He stared at me for several seconds and then shrugged. “Yep! I’d take you right now, but we need Jane, and I still have to get back in Nora’s good graces. That’s going to take me at least a week. Plus, I need to let Roland know.” He stood from his seat and just slayed me with his sexy swagger. When he got to me, he slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his naked chest. His lips quirked up in a delicious smile. ”Did I mention Roland is an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church? He’s married lots of people.” He ran his finger under the strap of my cami. Damn him and his powers of persuasion.

  “You don’t say.” He pulled the strap down and nibbled my collarbone. ”But what about our families?”

  He brushed the stubble from his cheek against my shoulder, causing my already unsteady legs to go liquid.

  “If you want your parents there, I’ll fly them there. Roland lives in a fucking castle. Plenty of room.”

  I was quickly covered in goosebumps, clinging to him for support, and ready to buy whatever he was selling. He pulled my hair back and kissed me deeply, his tongue making luscious sweeps that had me panting. Before I knew it, I was naked and propped up on the counter like a damn Thanksgiving turkey.

  “You actually expect me to make a decision while you are—Ah! Danny!” I felt him growl against my navel.

  “God damn, do you know how long I have wanted to eat in this kitchen? I have missed,” he nibbled lower, “my,” and lower, “fucking,” I cried out as he found his meal, “kitchen.”

  I could barely stand the attention he was giving my most sensitive erogenous zone. He continued to carry on
in between licks and sucks about “perfect counter height” and “correct placement of drawer pulls,” as he hooked my heels on said drawer pulls. I moaned so loud. I was completely out of control while he was absolutely in control. Master of his fucking destiny.

  “OhhhhhhmmmmmyyyyyGOOOOOODDDDD DANNY!” What was left of the tension in my body after my eventful week flowed out in waves of supreme pleasure.

  Danny stood before me and licked his lips groaning, “Mmmmmmm….My favorite dessert. Jesse with cream sauce.” I burst out laughing and leaned my sated body against his.

  And that’s how I was persuaded to get married in Spain, to Danny, on Thanksgiving. My parents agreed to let Danny fly them. My mother cried when I told her, as much because her baby was getting married as the fact that she’d finally realize her dream to visit Europe. Danny’s wedding gift to me was to send them on a 21-day cruise throughout the Mediterranean after the wedding. He and my father talked and that damn manipulative fiancé of mine convinced Jack Martin to quit his job and move into a bungalow in the Los Feliz neighborhood with my mother and go to work for Danny after their cruise. Danny had Patricia set the whole thing up. She’d already bought the house at Danny’s request. He and I had seen it one afternoon while driving around and he fell in love with it. We sent pictures to my parents and my mother loved it just as much. Patricia hired movers to take care of everything on both ends. I was deliriously happy about their move. I even spoke to Mom about working at the studio part-time. She might not be able to dance anymore, but she could certainly teach.

  Once again Danny was making all of my dreams come true. The only snag in this whole plan was Jane. Danny’s beautiful, but troubled, daughter was having a terrible time in school. She’d had detentions for talking back to her teacher, had cut class, and was failing English. I talked to her about it, but she’d just cry. Danny took her to see her therapist so they could talk about it together and he found out that her English teacher was always bringing up Brooke and asking questions about her. It was Grace Manning all over again. Danny asked me to go to the school with him and Jane to meet with the principal and this teacher. The meeting did not go well.


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