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Bella Vita

Page 10

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Now, why on Earth did I have a black wolf on my property last night?” His eyes twinkled like stars in the night sky with his knowledge.

  “Do I really have to explain?” I whined.

  “Yes, you do. It is better to hear a story than to know the outcome. So please tell.” His smile was infectious.

  “Okay, fine.” I told Grandpa about my first day at my new school and all of the interesting, to say the least, things that happened to me.

  His laugh carried as he wiped a tear from his eye. “Now, Emma, it's not professional to walk around smacking school heads with a tail.”

  “But...” He raised his hand to silence me.

  “I'm not saying the poor little fellow didn't deserve it. I'm merely stating that it's not professional or lady-like, so don't let your grandmother hear about it.” He tried to compose his face but just broke into another smile.

  I laughed.

  “So, my sweet child, how can I help you?” He took my hand gently.

  “I just don't know what to do Grandpa. I don't want to be part of something that will try to use me against Mike. I know I'm not supposed to be drawn to him or anything, but he's a part of me. Our futures are twined together in some strange way that even I can't see.” I pouted.

  “Emma, you know there are some things that can't be known. Even by powerful psychics like yourself. Time will tell you everything you need to know.” He took a sip of his peppermint tea.

  I sighed. “But I can't just stay out of school forever.” I pleaded.

  “True. You must go back, next week. You can't run from this. You have to be able to show our people that you were trained in the same way as they were. You have to be an equal.” Grandpa was staring ahead at the warm burnt orange wall of the kitchen, the scent of fresh paint was still in the air.

  “But what if I'm not made to be in the person to lead our people to something better?” I felt hopeless.

  “Emma Mary Hutchinson. I never want to hear you think little of yourself.” He turned my face to look at him. “You are capable of anything you set your mind to, you know this.”

  I looked down at the cherry wood countertops.

  “Take my hand.” His words were a simple command.

  I followed suit and did as I was told.

  “Now see.” I felt a rush of energy entering my mind.

  My mind was filled with images and sensations. It was like an air raid on my mental senses. Every thought and image being sent to me was about me. But these were not just the thoughts of Grandpa. It seemed like the world was sending me images of the leader I would be, or that they hoped I would be. Slowly the feelings and sights stopped. Grandpa let go of my hand.

  “You will succeed, you'll do this because they need you to and because you're destined for it.” He smiled at me.

  All of my issues from earlier seemed trivial now. I truly appreciated my grandpa.

  “Thank you Grandpa.” A single tear slid down my cheek.

  “Not to worry, my Young One. One day you'll see yourself like we see you. Until that day, you'll have to trust what I say. Now, dealing with your male figure. I think, perhaps, that you let your temper and stubbornness get the best of you.” He handed me my phone which had like a zillion messages on it- both text and voicemail.

  “How did you get this?” I knew I had shredded all my clothes when I changed, and I didn't remember what happened to my bag.

  “Well, there was this very nice wolf in my yard last night, and she had a messenger bag, much like yours,” he held up my bag which had been sitting next to him on the floor, “and when she scaled the back wall to the house, I realized that it was probably you.” He winked at me.

  I loved my grandpa. I felt utterly ridiculous, but I still loved my calm and collected grandpa.

  “Thank you, Grandpa.” I took my bag and checked to see if my small bat pin was still attached, I lucked out.

  “Perhaps, you should call that boy of yours. You know he has called the house several times honey. I think he just didn't know how to handle such a situation. I also feel that you didn't tell him something that happened?” He raised his brows at me.

  “Unfortunately, that's the truth, Grandpa. But I didn't really have time to tell him yesterday, not that he would've listened anyways. He seemed quite content to not see what was going on right in front of his face.” I felt my temper rising again.

  Emma. Find your center. This isn't the right path. His words were full of wisdom and his voice was calm, like talking to a small child.

  Yes, you're right. I'm sorry. I let my temper get the better of me. I took a deep breath.

  I picked up my cell and checked the texts. They started out as angry texts from Dom trying to figure out what the devil happened to me. Then they became more frantic and apologetic. After reading through them, I felt really bad. I should've told him what happened mentally. I have the ability to send private messages, more so than anyone else. But I didn't even think to do that. Instead, I just got upset and felt that the world was against me.

  I think you should contact him. But I think this should be done with your minds. I know you have never done such a thing over longer distances, but I believe you can. It is the same as if you were doing it and he was right here. His voice floated over me like a warm comforting blanket.

  Okay, Grandpa. I closed my eyes. I knew Dominic's energy better than anyone else. I could find him in a cosmic blanket filled with other people. I knew that for certain. I took a deep breath and sent my thoughts to him.

  Dominic? I held my breath as I waited.

  Emma? His voice was faint but there.

  I'm sorry about yesterday. I handled it poorly. Another deep breath.

  It's okay, mia bella. I should have asked what happened. I clearly missed something. How are you doing such long distance communication? Intrigue filled his thoughts.

  It's me. What a silly question to ask. I want you to know what happened. Let me show you. I projected everything from yesterday to him.

  If I had known... I'm so sorry I put you through that. Never again, my Little Emma Bird. His thoughts were like gentle caresses.

  It isn't your fault. You couldn't have known. Your sister is fine, I got a message from her. Oh, and Kelly is coming for a visit. I wanted him to know what was going on.

  So you heard from my sister? Worry clouded his words.

  Yes, I got an email from her this morning. She's fine and she'll check in more often. I didn't want to tell him where she was without asking her for permission first.

  That's good. When will Kelly get here? He asked.

  Soon. I would guess the next day or two. I'll call and find out from her agent. I won't be back in classes til next week, I just thought you should know. I didn't know how Dom would handle that.

  I heard from the office. I figured as much, I actually thought you would try to take a longer break and I would have to drag you back there. Although I doubt that would be effective with your new ability. Laughter colored his words like little rays of sunshine.

  Where are you? It feels like you're not at home. I knew he had to teach classes today so he couldn't be really far away.

  Some trouble came up in Bella Notte in Paris, so I had to catch a flight over to deal with things. I'll be back soon. I've yet to sleep. I miss you. Maybe tonight we can go out to eat? Dom was clearly testing the waters.

  Maybe. I'll let you get back to work. I love you, Dominic. Be safe. I cut the link before he could push the subject further.

  “So he is well, and things are better.” Grandpa beamed at me.

  “I don't know why you even bother asking, you know more than I do.” I smiled at him.

  “Your friend Kelly called the house as well, she'll be flying in tomorrow and flying out at the end of the week- they've another shoot in Paris after.” He shook his head.

  “That's good to know. Perhaps I can take her shopping in Rome or something. So, what do you have planned for today?” I didn't really want to go back to my
other house, and staying with Grandpa and Grandmama seemed like a good idea.

  “Well, I'm going to the city to try and get some of the things your grandmother couldn't get taken care of with the house done. You, my dear child, will be sorting out your room and painting it.” He smiled at me.

  “But I don't know what color to paint it.” I wasn't sure if painting my room was what I had envisioned doing today when I asked him that question.

  “Not to worry, the color will come to you. There is just about every color of the rainbow in the basement. And painting will help settle your mind. Think of it as training. You'll learn control and patience.” His smile twinkled in his eyes.

  “Okay, Grandpa.” I stood up and walked to the door that led down to the basement. “I'll do it.”

  When I finally got back up to my room, Grandpa had already left and the house was empty. I moved everything that I could out into the hallway and my bathroom, what was left I covered it in plastic. I taped drop clothes to the hardwood floor so I wouldn't ruin it.

  The color I chose was a deep red. I considered doing the walls black, but the space wasn't huge and the dark color would only shrink it more- even the red might threaten to do the same. I zipped up my coveralls and went to work.

  My radio blared music from the bathroom and I sang loudly along to it. Hours ticked by and I never noticed. When I finished, I moved all of my stuff back to the center of the room. I pulled out some fresh clothes and went and showered. It took me awhile to scrub off all the paint I managed to get into my hair and caked onto my hands, but eventually I was enamel free.

  Unfortunately, most of the clothes I wanted to wear were at my house, so I had to settle for a thin black sundress. It was utterly inappropriate for the weather here. If my grandparents had a place with close neighbors then they might have thought I was insane. I pulled on my extra pair of Doc Martens- my second favorite pair, the first I unfortunate destroyed. Well, at least you get to wear boots with the dress. It was a happy thought.

  Once I was all dressed, I headed downstairs and found Dominic sitting in the kitchen with my grandmama. They looked deep in conversation. I cleared my throat loudly announcing my presence. It seemed that when I became a vampire, I became more stealthy and often startled people.

  Ah, Emma, Child, it's nice to have that music finally stop. Grandmama's cool voice tickled my thoughts.

  Sorry, Grandmama... there wasn't anyone home when I started painting. If I had known, I'm sorry. I smiled at her.

  Not to worry. She smiled back.

  Dominic rushed forward and lifted me off the floor and into a bear hug.

  “It's good to see you too.” I puffed out.

  “Ah, sorry.” He laughed nervously.

  “So, tall, dark, and handsome, what's got your confidence all in a bunch?” I cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “That just sounds strange coming from you. But I guess you could say I'm nervous I might set you off again.” He looked down at his feet.

  I felt slightly annoyed that he thought he had to tiptoe around me. Part of me felt that it was brought on by the fact that I carry a wolf inside me. Does he relate it to Mike? I wondered if he felt jealous of the obvious connection I clearly still had to my old life with Michael. I decided to play it off.

  “Afraid I might bite you?” I waggled my eyebrows at him.

  His laughter was like a soothing balm on my temper. It was like my body was going through the change again, where my temper was close to the surface.

  “So what do you wanna do tonight, mia bella?” His hand found mine.

  “Um, well, let's go to Bella Notte. It's been a while since I got to go there. Oh, can I take Kelly there when she comes?” I was trying to figure out what I would do with her.

  Absolutely not. Grandmama's words were like cold steel.

  Why, Grandmama? I didn't understand why she was so forceful about it.

  Need I remind you that Kelly is human and not part of this world. Her gray eyes felt like they were burrowing into my very soul.

  But she isn't completely separate from our world either. The entire modeling industry that she runs with are vampires! I helped her get into that world, Grandmama. It was like I needed to defend my very friendship with her.

  Yes, you put a human in danger. Many vampires don't have such pleasant feelings for humans, let alone when they're running around in the inner circles without any knowledge of what they might see or stumble upon. Do you realize the kind of danger you have put your friend in? Grandmama sat with a straight back on one of the kitchen bar stools.

  Would it have been better if I had explained everything about us to her? I couldn't help the snarky remark slipping out of my mouth.

  Emma Mary Hutchinson, you will not take that tone with me! I thought that steam might shoot from her ears.

  “Ah, I see I'm just in time.” Grandpa stepped into the kitchen and kissed Grandmama on the cheek. He laid his hand gently on her shoulder and I could see Grandmama visibly relax.

  Grandpa? I sent him a private thought.

  Hush child. Do not question this. His words sent chills down my spine- more secrets.

  “So Emma, you look ready to go. How about we hit the road? My bike is outside.” Dominic gently pulled on my hand, which I had forgotten was in his.

  “Yeah, Dom. I think that is a great idea.” I grabbed my messenger bag from where it laid on the kitchen counter, and we left.

  I still had a hard time getting used to the fact that amongst the vampires, Dominic and I were considered to be royalty. There was nothing that said our families ruled over the vampires, but our families basically did. When the prophecy foretold of Mike and me changing the world between our kinds, it bumped my status up very quickly. When Dom and I went out, other vampires would slightly bow as we crossed paths. That was something I had to seriously adjust to after believing in never flaunting what you had in front of others. Man, life has changed.

  Bella Notte was as amazing as the first time I went into it, only it had gotten better because I actually knew what was going on and because I was a vampire, unlike the first time. I loved the gothic vibes that came off the place. There weren't many people. Dom had called Abner in advanced to have dinner ready for us when we get to the club. Typically people didn't really eat meals there, but since Bella Notte was Dominic's vampire club chain, he could do what he wanted. Abner ran the Rome one for Dom while he attended to the newest ones opening all over the world.

  Our table was set up with tall black candles in an antique looking candelabra, and was a deep crimson tablecloth. There was platinum edged Black Aves bone china with a monochrome design on it that looked like something from the 1930s, but when you looked closer you realized that instead of the traditional birds, the plate had bats on it. Each of the two black cloth napkins on the table had silver holders that were engraved with a small bat and moon on them.

  Dom held back the thick curtains that usually cut the booth off from the rest of the club. I stepped into the dim lighting and slid into the cushy booth seat. Seeing the elaborate table setting set me off edge as I had no clue as to what was going on. The faint background music was a classical romantic piece that I couldn't place. It was beautiful and calmed me down instantly. Dom stepped into the booth and let the curtain fall.

  “So, what's the deal with all the hubbub?” I tried to keep the nerves from coloring my voice.

  “Oh, nothing. Let's eat.” He pulled on a rope I hadn't noticed before and a waiter I had never met came and put some of my favorite Italian food onto the plates.

  The smells filled the small enclosed area and my mouth was watering. The baked ziti was piled high in front of me. Another waiter appeared to pour a 1907 Heidsieck champagne that was tinted slightly pink, indicating that blood had been mixed with it. The sweet coppery scent caused my fangs to slide gently into place. I didn't know what to taste first. I took a little sip of the champagne first. It was like ambrosia to gods. As I ate I realized that Dominic was staring at me m
ore than eating.

  “This is great, you should eat too.” I tried to look cute while I shoved more food into my mouth.

  He smiled. “I'm eating, but I enjoy watching you more than anything else in the world.”

  I blushed.

  “I think you'll love dessert.” His voice was warm and full of happiness.

  “I can only imagine.” I ate on.

  When the waiters reappeared with delicious looking lemon soufflés I thought I couldn't manage to eat another bite. But the diced strawberries and chocolate stick on top drew me to take a bite. The flavor was light and tangy and left my mouth feeling cool and refreshed from all I had eaten. I smiled as I licked the last of the powdered sugar off my spoon.

  “I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, mia bella.” His cheeks were slightly flushed.

  “It was great! I'm glad we ate here before the club opened.” He was so handsome.

  “I want to be able to give you everything that you could ever want, forever.” He reached across the table as the waiters cleared the dishes away.

  “That would be awesome if it meant eating this good all the time.” I teased him.

  “Emma, I know that I haven't always been what you wanted or even needed, but I can't bear to think about living the rest of my long vampire life without you. When I was told about your change and that you had left, I thought I had surely lost you. I should've known better, but it scared me beyond belief. That's when I realized that I can't and won't live without you if I have a choice.” There was a slight dampness to his palms.

  “Dom, you don't have to live without me, silly, I've got control of the inner wolf.” I smiled at him.

  He moved to my side of the booth and knelt in front of me between the curtain and the table. “Emma Mary Hutchinson, will you marry me? I can't promise that I'll be pleasant every day or that we will always get along, and I'm sure at one point or another we will both doubt our sanity for getting involved with each other in the first place. But I know I would rather have my heart ripped from my chest and burned than to live in a world where you're not by my side.” Dominic clicked open a little black box.


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