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Bella Vita

Page 11

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  The platinum ring sparkled at me from its black velvet resting place. The oval cut diamond in the center shimmered in the candle light. I could see the intricate engraved filigree scrolls that wrapped around more diamonds across the band of the ring. My heart physically pinged at the sight of it.

  “So, will you, Emma, will you be my wife?” He asked once more, his face blanching just slightly.

  “Dominic. I don't know what to say. Of all the things I could've thought of for all of this. I would've never guessed this.” I wanted to squeal. “Of course I'll marry you!” I pulled him up into a hug and kiss. Deep in my heart, I felt the slightest guilt for agreeing so readily without thinking if I was making the right choice. That part of me merely asked, what about Mike?

  The rest of the evening passed in a blur of faces and words. I felt giddy and drunk off of life. I called my parents and told them the news. They were in some small foreign country seeing to political vampire business, but they were excited. I decided to tell my grandparents in the morning. The entire club heard the announcement first. It was a beautiful night, so very different than my birthday when my dad announced our betrothal.

  The next day when Kelly arrived at Castello di DeDominico, I knew exactly what we would do- plan my wedding. I was so happy to see her, I hadn't realized just how much I had missed her. Kelly had a dark side that was usually masked by her pleasant attitude.

  The car pulled up to the front of the house. Kelly got out and looked like a perfect magazine ad. It was almost nauseating. She kept blowing bubbles with the pink gum she was chewing. It made me want to laugh at how typical dumb blonde she looked and she either didn't care or wasn't aware of it.

  “Kelly!” I shouted as I ran down the steps.

  “Em!” She squealed and caught my hug easily.

  “I've got something to tell you... I'm getting married!” I flashed my ring at her.

  “Oh. My. Gawd! Look at the size of it! When? Do you have a date yet?” Her voice was fast and high.

  “Not yet. Probably months.” I knew the date of our wedding was something Dominic and I would have to talk over.

  “Do you have anything planned out yet?” Kelly actually looked excited about the idea that she might get to help.

  “Nope, nothing. You wanna help?”I looked up at her with pleading puppy dog eyes.

  “Of course! There's so much to do and to think about! I doubt that we'll have time to do it all while I'm here. Maybe we could keep it going via email after. Hmm, where to start?” She was staring off into space.

  “Hey, how about we start by getting you settled in and grabbing some cocoa from the kitchen, kay? Oh and don't freak out about the house.” I smiled at her.

  “Um, okay.” She went to pick up her bag but I grabbed it first.

  “You're the guest, let me get that.” It was good to have her here.

  Kelly reacted the same way I did when I first saw the castle, utter amazement. When I finally got her to her room, you'd think I just gave her the keys to the city. I had made sure the room was decorated and subtle for a model- including a secret mini fridge that had water and chocolate in it. The walls were a light golden color, and the bedding was done in rich, warm, fall colors. One of the guest laptops was on the desk, and I had a large flat screen TV mounted directly across from the bed. I knew that Kelly would like it. I also ensured that the bathroom, a similar design to mine but in light colors, was stocked with thick towels and a soft thick bathrobe.

  “Um, can you say money?! This place is like a fantasy land.” She did a little twirl in the middle of the room before she landed with a whoosh onto the bed.

  “So, you like it?” My heart was warmed that I had gotten the room right.

  “Like it? I love it.” She sighed.

  “If you want to take a shower before we head downstairs, that's cool. I can come back in a little bit and get you.” I gestured to the door that led to her bathroom.

  “You know that would be great. Thanks, Emma.” Suddenly Kelly looked really tired, like she was letting some of her front slip.

  “Don't mention it. Maybe later I can give you a little tour of the castle, or at the very least show you my room. You'll get a trip from it, I'm sure.” I smiled.

  “Okay, see ya in a bit.” She grabbed her bag and started to dig through it, I left silently.

  After I left Kelly's room, I found my cell and called Dom.

  “Hey.” I said as soon as he answered, I was pacing around my room.

  “Hey, did Kelly get there okay?” I loved how he remembered what was going on.

  “Yep, how's school?” I hated to think I would have to go back to that place soon enough.

  “It's going good. I haven't started classes yet for the day. What's up? I feel like there's something wrong.” His words sounded concerned.

  “Nothing. I guess I just wanted to talk about wedding stuff. I know it's soon and all, but Kelly's here and she's all gung-ho about working on it.” I breathed it all out.

  “I, um, am glad you called about it. After I left this morning, I realized that there were some things that you probably don't already know about.” He sounded nervous.

  “Okay, so tell me.” My stomach pinched as my mind flooded with a sea of concerns.

  “Stop worrying, it's nothing bad. It's more vampire tradition stuff. Okay, so just breathe.” Dom's voice was reassuring, but that didn't really help because I knew that 'vampire tradition stuff' meant more stuff that I probably won't like. Ugh.

  “Okay, shoot.” I took a deep breath.

  “So since you've accepted my proposal for marriage, then we should be wed within a month.” He huffed out the words at me.

  “Say what?!” I stopped breathing.

  “It's a tradition. Something that our families will want us to keep to. But I figure then we could get married on Halloween. Make it a theme.” His voice was pleading, but my mind had shut down.

  I stared at my phone.

  “Emma? Don't be mad. Everyone we invite to our wedding will know that it's short notice. If you and Kelly could decide on the invitations tonight, we could get them sent out tomorrow. The printers are vampires so they will know.” He was trying to show me how it could be done- it was just so shocking that in just about a month I would be married.

  “Okay, we can do it. But what about everything else? Will we be able to get it all expressed in time? I have so many questions and so much stress now. Is there anything else I need to know?” I was wondering what the wedding would be like.

  “There is another problem. Humans typically aren't allowed at our weddings. But I think we can let Kelly come if she is under a spell. She's can't remember anything that has to do vampires, but merely the theme. You know that we drink each other's blood during the ceremony.” It sounded like he was shying away from many of the details.

  “That's kind of kinky, Dom.” I laughed, I was trying desperately hard to calm him.

  “You would think so. Sei la mia anima gemella, voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te. You are my soul mate and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” His words were like honey.

  “Well, you don't really have a choice about that now.” I laughed at him.

  “I have to get ready for my first class now, mia bella. Ti amo con tutta l'anima, I love you with all my heart. Everything will work out fine.” He blew me a kiss.

  “And I you, I know it'll be fine. Go teach, Professor.” I blew him a kiss back.

  “Ciao, cara mia.” He said.

  “Ciao.” I hung up.

  I took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of my bed. What am I going to do now? I felt desperate. I seriously doubted that I could get everything done for the wedding in less than a month. Suddenly, visions of all those shows with bridezillas on them flashed in my mind and I cringed. I was determined to keep my cool. We had the funds to make it happen. I took another deep breath and went downstairs to make some cocoa. Cocoa will fix everything, and now I've to break this to Kelly. U

  Once the cocoa was done, I carried it back up to Kelly's room. I knocked lightly. Part of me was hoping she might have fallen asleep after her long travels. She opened it with a huge smile on her face.

  “Good gawd, have you seen my bathroom?! What kind of shower is that? It's like a spa! And you stocked the mini fridge with smart water and galaxy bars! You are the bestest friend ever!” She hugged me, almost knocking down the tray I held in one hand.

  “Well, it wasn't any trouble. But I've got some serious stuff to drop on you. Apparently, there is some funky tradition that makes it so Dom and I have to be married within a month after the engagement. So we're looking at a Halloween wedding.” I looked apologetically at her.

  “That's really soon, but so cool. You guys could have a Halloween themed wedding. Maybe let everyone dress up in costume. You and Dom could be vampires or something. Oh, your dress could be black and red, with a black train and veil. It would be awesome. So what's the problem?” Kelly started to plan instantly.

  “Wow. When Dom told me I damn near died, and I tell you and you're like 'let's make this happen!'” I laughed.

  “Well, you two are going to be married, and I don't see you breaking that tradition. So what's there to stress over? It will get done.” She smiled at me and shrugged, and I was suddenly very thankful for Kelly.

  I took another deep breath and we sat on her bed and started to plan.

  It took us hours to figure out some of the most basic things. But in the end, the invitations were decided on, there was a rough sketch of my dress, the Halloween theme was set, and I had a rough idea of what I wanted my maid of honor to wear. After all that work, it didn't seem so overwhelming. I also started out a guest list. It was all vampires, which was kind of boring. But Betty and Bernard were on my list. I figured that Leland would be Dom's best man so I started to talk to Kelly about what matching costume she wouldn't mind having. It was like a whirlwind of ideas. By the end of it all, I was exhausted.

  I heard the front door close, long before I heard Dom's knock on Kelly's door. He opened it slightly and stuck his head in. He quickly surveyed the mess surrounding us and chuckled.

  “How are my ladies doing?” He stepped into the room.

  “Good. Here are the invitations I want and the guest list that I can think of, you'll have to add to it.” I handed him the printout of the bat invitation I wanted and the rather long list.

  “Wow, that's a lot by itself. What else did you get done?” His voice was curious.

  “Well, here's a sketch of my dress, we decided that the wedding party will be dressed in traditional stereotypical vampire gear. Red and black will be the main colors for that. Everyone else can come in costume. I want the décor to be very Halloween, so jack-o-lanterns and fall leaves. You know what I mean right?” I really wanted him to see the picture I had in my head for it all.

  “I think I do. I'll get these to the printers later this evening as soon as I go over the list. And I can call the wedding planner in the morning to get everything else in motion. You guys have done an awesome job. I think that we should rest tonight, but tomorrow should be a fun evening. Maybe you two could head over to Rome and shop a little in the daytime?” He smiled at me.

  That was how the evening passed- quiet.

  In the morning, it was hard to get up with the sun. I really wanted to sleep until dusk and to figure out a way to get Kelly into Bella Notte. But a bride isn't something that makes itself over night. I pulled on my thick black robe and padded downstairs to the kitchen. Dominic was sitting at the table with a sample print of our invitations. He was on the phone.

  When he saw me all blurry-eyed, he gestured to the café au lait. I silently thanked the heavens above for giving me the best man on the planet.

  The sweet milky fluid sent shivers to my mind, attempting to shock my system into function mode- even if caffeine didn't do much. I yawned and stretched my tired body. You would think that being a vampire would make me able to wake at any time ready for action. Sadly that was not how my body worked, I required a boost if I was going to get up so early without a good reason. I was vaguely aware that Dom was talking to the printers, or so it sounded. I knew I should probably try to help with whatever was going on, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I just wasn't that awake yet.

  “Buon Giorno, mia bella.” He said as he shut his phone off.

  “Morning, my love.” I kissed his cheek gently and took a seat next to him.

  “So, this is the official invite, and they will be going out this morning.” He handed me a cute little tri-folded bat that had its wings covering its face.

  “Cute. Why were you on the phone with them?”I laid the bat next to me.

  “They needed Kelly's address. They have every address of every vampire, but since she's human, they required her address.” He sipped on his tea.

  “Will it cause problems?” I really wanted her at my wedding.

  “No. Anything you want, you'll have on your wedding day. Bugger to the rest of the world.” He took my hand and kissed the back.

  “Aw, see that's why I love you so much. You spoil me.” I laughed.

  “So when do I meet the wedding planner? And where?” I sighed at the thought of the day.

  “She'll be here around ten this morning.” Dom gestured to the clock on the wall that showed me it was seven.

  “Ugh. Okay, I can handle the three hour wait. I'll think about the stuff I can tell her. And I suppose I have to get Kelly up.” I so didn't want to face this day.

  “Ah, you can do it. Em, this is nothing. Out of everything that you've learned, this will be a walk in the park.” He squeezed my hand encouragingly.

  “I was wondering... um, maybe after I take Kelly shopping in Rome, if maybe I could take her to Bella Notte, you know, before it opens.” I really wanted her to see the place.

  “I think we could manage that. And if you're willing to test out your ability to spell your friend, then we could try to see if she could stay into the evening there. If worst comes to worst, we can get her drunk and she'll forget it all anyways.” He laughed.

  “Woot!” I was glad I could share it with Kelly.

  “Okay, I'm going to go take a brief nap before I leave. I'll take a change of clothes- you know what, I'll just dress for tonight when I leave for school. My students can deal with me in a black tank and leather pants. I'll take my bike too.” I could see the contemplation on his face for how much trouble he'll get into for it.

  “If it makes you happy, then do it.” I kissed his nose and headed out to the patio that Dom had built for me.

  I drifted happily in a between state as I sat outside listening to the ocean rolling in and out. My mind was clear. I tried not to focus on the dream of Issy that was coming every night now. I breathed in the cool air. My nerves felt settled, and I knew that I could handle the day ahead.

  I went back inside and asked the cook if she could make some mini frittatas and hazelnut cinnamon rolls. I was going to ask for some ice coffee as well, but the weather was chilly outside. I knew that Kelly would need the warm liquids unlike the vampires in the household, that weren't affected by the elements. So I requested some Mexican hot chocolate. While the cook did that, I went upstairs and pulled out some worn jeans, one of Dom's white button-ups I had 'borrowed', and a black camisole. I found my black chucks wedged under a pair of heels and pulled them out.

  My shower was just right as always. The soft water was like having mist or fine dust gently sliding along my body. It was just what I needed to start this day. Afterwards, I got dressed quickly and let my hair hang loose. I would try and do something with it later. Once I was dressed and somewhat presentable I went to Kelly's room and woke her up.

  “Kelly, you've got to get your butt out of the bed or you'll never move.” I laughed as she waved her hand at me with her face shoved into the pillows.

  “Uhmm.” She mumbled at me.

  “Okay, the wedding planner is going to be here in two hours
and the cook has made a delicious breakfast that I guess I'll have to eat all by myself. Oh and drink that yummy thick Mexican hot chocolate as well.” I turned towards the door.

  “You are evil. Do you know that?” She sat up and sneered at me.

  “I know, I fight dirty.” I laughed again.

  “Yes, you do. My mind knew right away that it was something wonderful and if I stayed in the bed, I would miss it. And once I start my shoot I don't get to indulge in this yummy stuff.” She sighed.

  “Okay, well get into the shower and get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs. Try not to be too long, you can come and pamper yourself later before we go shopping.” And with that I left the room and went downstairs.

  The cool library seriously needed a fire going. For me, it would add a pleasant atmosphere- for Kelly the heat her body needed. I lit the huge beast of a fireplace. The room filled with a nice gentle orange glow. I cleared off the meeting table that was usually cluttered with books. I asked the cook if she could bring in some tea and cookies for my meeting.

  Letta, the human cook, was a sweet older woman that only spoke Italian. Her long beautiful black hair was beginning to gray around the edges. Her pale skin held only the slightest wrinkling of someone that was happy and had a happy life. Her eyes were a light brown that was like honey, only hers constantly had a sparkle to them.

  Letta and I communicated with perfect Italian. It was strange that I had become fluent in a language I hadn't known before I came here. She agreed to bring in the tea and cookies, but requested the rest of the day off. Even though Letta never said she knew what we were, she tended to ask for time off when she knew there would be more than the usual vampires in the house. She also never came in the house without her cross on. No one told her that it wouldn't work against us or anything, we just secretly smiled to ourselves whenever we saw it.


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