Book Read Free

Rock Me Slowly

Page 3

by Dawn Sutherland

  “Look Josh that shit might work on your little groupies but it doesn’t impress me one little bit.” I lie again, who am I kidding? I feel seriously giddy at the thought of Josh being able to make me come. It’s been so long since a man was able to make me come undone.

  Josh gets up off his end of the couch and walks over towards me seductively. He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me up to my feet almost spilling my drink all over me. I place my drink down on the glass table and stare up into Josh’s big brown eyes, they remind me of chocolate.

  Josh tucks my hair behind my ear which sends a delicious shiver down my spine.

  Josh plays with my hair softly and it feels divine. “Your hair smells amazing. Would you like to have sex with me Sophie? I know we have just met but I can promise you I will make it worth your while.” Oh my god the audacity of the man! As if I’m going to just drop my panties for him right now. I push him away from me and place my hands on my hips to let him know just how pissed off I am.

  “Are you honestly telling me that you want to sleep with me already? You don’t even know me!” Is this how the guys conduct all their communication with potential sleeping partners? Oh look there’s a hot girl, I know let’s ask her if she wants to fuck me? Give me a fucking break! “No wonder you lot have a reputation for being bad boys. You must have some amount of notches on your bedpost.”

  “Sophie I’m telling you, you would love it. I can make you feel so good that you would be totally ruined for other men.” I cannot believe he just said that, what an arrogant pompous ass he is!

  I don’t even grant him a response to that as I walk right past him and out of the entertainment room. I’m full of so much rage now. I guess this is what it is going to be like living with a bunch of sexual deviants.

  I slam the door to the entertainment room and walk through to the private bedroom that Trev had showed me earlier. I just need a breather before I head back out into the madness that is living with a bunch of rowdy and sexual males. I run my hands through my hair in my frustration and take several deep breaths. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t find myself attracted to Josh, that’s the only reason I am finding this whole thing confusing. When I finally find myself calm enough to be able to be in the boys company I head out of the bedroom.

  I walk back into the kitchen where the guys are huddled around the kitchen island playing some card game. I don’t pay any attention to what card game they are playing, I’m too aggravated to even consider joining them. I grab a glass of water and down it in one and then head back into the entertainment room to relax for a while before bed.

  Josh is now standing directly behind me and has wrapped his arm around my chest whilst the other hand is now massaging my hip bone. His fingers are so damn close to the place that I’m desperately craving his touch. My breathing is erratic and I’m pretty sure he knows how aroused I am. Josh sweeps back my hair from my ear and bends down slowly to whisper something to me. Just the feel of his hot, alcohol smelling breath has me feeling lightheaded.

  “You know Sophie you can only keep refusing me so long. I’m attracted to you and I know damn well you’re attracted to me. You and I would be so fucking good together. Can you feel that? Feel how hard my cock is for you. I want your legs wrapped around me while I pound into you and hear you scream my name.” Josh is now rubbing his cock up and down the side of my leg, making me very aware of his own arousal. He now has a fistful of my blonde hair and his other hand has moved from my hip bone and has started rubbing my sex through my panties. All I can do is let out a moan of pure pleasure.

  Shit, I have to pull this back; I can’t just give into him. I’m sure he gets everything he wants, well not this time.

  “Josh, no, I can’t do this, this isn’t right. Stop please.” I manage to say through laboured pants. Any longer and I would have been coming apart in his arms. I have to have some self-control, my job is very important to me and I can’t afford to jeopardise it. It was obvious Josh wasn’t going to be able to stop.

  As soon as the words have left my mouth, Josh pulls away his hands and walks off towards the kitchen and I’m left withdrawn and confused to as what just happened. I want him badly but deep down I know he will hurt me. These guys are known for not only their antics on the stage but also for their antics for sleeping with different girls every night of their tour. Only I would have the ability to jeopardize my job here by being interested in a member of the band. I pick up my half full vodka and coke and down it in one. This is exactly what I need. I need to get as drunk as possible, as quickly as possible.


  I have a reputation as a bad boy but that’s not the whole truth behind the story. How did I get to become that bad boy? My life has been full of ups and downs growing up. I would of done anything to have been blessed with a normal childhood and upbringing, but it wasn’t to be. God, life was tough and I can barely remember any happy memories with mom, it seems to be tarnished with all the bad ones. Mom really knew how to fuck up good and proper. What I wouldn’t of given to have someone that loved and cherished their children. I’m only glad that she didn’t bring another kid into the situation. I suppose she loved me in her own way but her way was totally screwed up.

  I used to be a very angry boy. I could never understand why I was cursed to this life, constantly having to clean up after my mom, always looking out for her, it was meant to be the other way around. it was almost like I was the parent and mom was the child. I often wished things had been different. I desperately wanted a loving relationship with mom but it was as though I was nothing but an inconvenience to her at times. When I do finally settle down and have kids they will be the most treasured possession I will ever have and I will tell them that every damn day I’m on this freaking earth.

  I must have been about seven or eight when I walked into my mom’s bedroom to find her fucking a guy half her age. She screamed at me to get the fuck out of her room. She didn’t care that I saw something that no little boy should have to see. I am a product of my mom’s promiscuous behaviour. I have no idea who my father is or even where I would begin in trying to track him down. He obviously wasn’t a stand-up kinda guy if he had to sleep with a prostitute. I hate them both.

  I got into a lot of fights in high school. It became apparent that I would have two paths that I would be faced with. Either I would continue down the one I was already headed on and end up exactly like my mother or I could change what I was becoming and make a name for myself. Luckily I picked the second path, something I will be forever thankful for. If I hadn’t of changed I dread to think where I would of ended up by now,. I would probably be six feet under or lying in a ditch dying somewhere.

  I have suffered a world of hurt and could never move on, not until I met the guys. I have moved on the best I could. Now I’m living the dream and life couldn’t be better. I have as much drink as my body can consume and I have women falling over themselves to get into bed with me. So why the hell has little Sophie got to me?

  Sophie stopped me from taking our attraction to another level. That is truly a first for me. Never have I been rejected like that by a woman. Then again, I have never felt that level of lust for a girl I have just met either. I’m confused as to what is happening. Fuck, I need a drink now!

  I sit down on the leather sofa with the guys and they have now progressed onto tequila shots. I pour myself my first shot and knock it back feeling it take the edge out of any confusion I was suffering from. The liquid burns my throat but gives me an instant high. My high is increased when in walks Sophie in her tight little demin skirt and her figure enhancing white top. I know how soft her pussy had felt against my fingers and those little moans that reverberated deep within her throat. She wants me she just doesn’t want to admit it, yet. The first instant that I laid my eyes on her I felt my erection pressing very hard against the zip of my jeans, never had I got as hard as that just by looking at a woman.

  Sophie instantly starts trying to get to know the guys and for
the first time in my life I feel jealousy start to bubble up in me. I have never got jealous of any of the guys lays before mainly due to the amount I had readily available to me, apparently guitar players in a rock band do it for most women. Now all of a sudden there was only one woman that I wanted to please, only one woman that I wanted underneath me in my bed. Another drink. I need another fucking drink!

  “So what do you guys like doing when you aren’t performing? Have girlfriends? Babies?” Sophie drunkenly hollers above the music to the guys. I do believe this is her way of finding out if I am available, hell even if I wasn’t I would take the chance with Sophie. I hate how she is just openly flirting with each of the band members yet she won’t even fucking look my way. I’m not standing for this. I need her to look at me with those pretty green eyes. I want the connection we had earlier and I will do just about anything to get it back.

  “So Sophie what about you, do you have anyone significant in your life? If we are swapping stories here let’s hear yours.” I tried to keep my voice as level as possible but I couldn’t hide the snide tone to it. I was rather harsh but she makes me so fucking frustrated. Why the hell won’t she give in to her feelings and just let me give her the most pleasurable night of her life.

  “There isn’t really anything to tell. Prior to me taking this job I was in a relationship with a guy called Carter, but I ended the relationship to chase my dream. We weren’t really compatible, we both had different ideals and expectations in regards to our relationship. So I’m single and can’t honestly wait to start seeing what this tour brings. Maybe I will find a hot man in one of the cities you are touring. Who knows what the future will bring.” Sophie gave this big speech but I didn’t really take it all in, the only words my brain had processed was single, she was fair game as far as I was concerned.

  “Well none of us have long term girlfriends as you probably guessed. Why the hell would we even entertain that idea when we have sex offered to us on a silver platter. If they are stupid enough to think that they can be the one to tame us and settle down with them then why not take what has been offered. Sophie, I hope you are comfortable with hearing sex happening around you because you are going to hear a hell of a lot of it happening over the next six months.”

  Okay, so I may have taken that a little bit too far but I wanted her to be realising what she is missing. If I don’t get Sophie and soon then I’m going to have to find another lay, yes, maybe that will get it out of my system.

  “Oh okay. Well just so you all know I’m not exactly a prude so you all go ahead and enjoy yourselves. I know I will when I’m not working.” Sophie is trying to play mind games with me also. This is so not going the way I had hoped it would. I need a few minutes alone with Sophie to clear up any misunderstandings that may have been misconstrued.

  “Sophie will you walk over here with me a moment?” I nod my head over in the direction of the main bedroom. This is the only bedroom in the tour bus and this is reserved specifically for when a band member is fucking a woman.

  I open the door and allow Sophie to enter first, I may be a bad boy but I have manners. I step inside and close the door. Sophie is standing in the centre of the room with her hands clasped in front of her, good she’s nervous. I walk slowly over to where she is standing and just stand in front of her. She won’t look at me, her eyes are focussed on something on the floor. This won’t do, I need to see her reaction when I tell her what I need to say.

  I grab her chin between my thumb and forefinger and raise her head up to look me in the eyes. She really is the prettiest thing I have ever seen. She seems to have bewitched me, I can’t think of anything other than being buried deep inside her.

  “Look at me Sophie, just look at me a moment and listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you.” I put my hand at the nape of her neck and force her to keep looking at me. I bend down to her ear and tell her exactly how things will be between us. “ Sophie I realise you don’t want to jeopardize your position here but really that wouldn’t even come close. You make me so damn hard, I need to feel you wrapped around my cock and milk me until I have nothing left. I want to worship your body, I could make us both feel so damn good all you have to do is say the word. I understand your hesitation but baby there doesn’t have to be any.” Just saying the words and looking at Sophie has me built up with so much desire and need that I think I may just explode in my pants.

  “Look Josh I’m attracted to you by fuck I am, but I can’t allow myself to take that attraction any further. I can’t possibly get involved with a member of the band. If things were to end badly then there is no way I could continue working with you all. Just imagine how awkward everything would become then. It’s better if we stay friends rather than risk this all blowing up in our face. I hope you understand where I’m coming from.” With that she starts to walk past me heading towards the door. I grab her wrist and bring her back against my chest.

  “Now Sophie you listen real good. We will be red hot when we do finally give into our desire for one another and you will eventually. When we fuck I will own you. I will have you screaming my name so loud that you will forget what your own name is. Now understand that.” I may have come over a bit domineering but Sophie has to understand the depth of my attraction for her. She looks utterly shocked at my revelation but I can also see the desire and lust in her eyes. She pulls her wrist free and storms out of the room and slams the door closed behind her.

  I just hope that she sees sense soon. I want to fuck her so bad.


  I’m sitting in the kitchen having a few beers with the guys when my cell phone starts ringing. I pull it out and check the caller I.D. It’s our press office. What in the hell could they possibly want? I answer the call acutely aware of the guys eyeing me warily. “Yes.” I answer curtly.

  “Josh its Maria from the press office. I don’t suppose you have had a chance to look at any of the papers today have you?” She talks tentatively. What in the hell has happened now?

  “No. I don’t bother looking at those damn things; you can’t believe a word they print.” That and the fact that I worry about what fabricated story has been printed about one of us.

  “Well, both you and Mickey are going to want to look at them. There’s a story been published about the two of you.” Maria has a nervous edge to her voice. I can tell she really doesn’t want to be having this discussion with me.

  I run my hands through my hair anxiously anticipating her next words. “Go on.”

  “The story has been sold by Alicia.” Who the fuck is Alicia?

  “And who the hell is Alicia?” I’m totally clueless, I have no idea who in the hell that is. I’m getting odd looks from the others now so I wander down into the corner of the kitchen.

  “Alicia Davidson, your old Fashion Designer. Ringing any bells yet?” Oh fucking hell! She can’t be serious? If she has taken a story to the papers it can only be about one thing. The shit is about to hit the fan, big time!

  “Shit.” Sophie pretends not to be watching my phone conversation but I can feel her eyes boring a hole through me. I can’t let my body language give her any clues to the situation I’ve found myself in.

  “Josh the story is pretty vivid; it leaves nothing to the imagination. She’s really gone in for the kill. Do you want the details over the phone?” Do I really want to hear her twisted spin on the events of that night? I suppose over the phone would be better than face-to-face.

  “Go on then, let’s get this over with.” I grit my teeth together and await the sordid details.

  “Well firstly she talks about how working with you boys was a dream come true even at her age. She felt an instant attraction towards Mickey and that he was only too willing to indulge her. She goes on to describe a drunken night where Mickey seduced her. I don’t mean to sound crass here Josh but she describes the sex as frenzied fucking.” I can hear the embarrassment in Maria’s voice and I cringe at her words.

  I sigh. I know what’
s coming next.

  “Go on Maria.” I unconsciously run my hands through my hair.

  “She talks more about the sex with Mickey and how it was nothing like she had ever experienced before. He apparently really knows how to satisfy a lady. There are some more rather rude descriptions of the sexploits but then of course, there’s an addition to the story.” I knew it!

  “I know what you’re going to say but carry on anyway.” Fucking.Hell.

  “She said her whole world nearly ended when you walked into the bedroom and started getting involved in the action. There’s some pretty eye opening stuff in this article Josh. It’s titled “Buried deep with Buried Alive.” Not very tasteful but what do you expect? The press office wants to ignore this story Josh, I guess you do too.”

  “Yes of course.” With that she clicks off the line. Yes, I want to keep this quiet for more than one reason.

  I have a quick word with Mickey discreetly and we agree to keep this quiet. This kind of story could have an adverse effect on our tour. Something we don’t need.

  Chapter 4


  A few days later I receive a text from my friend Anna. It’s lovely to hear from her and is a welcome distraction from work.

  Anna: You had a look at the newspapers yet babe? X

  Newspapers, when the hell would I have time to look at those?

  Me: No why? What’s happening? X

  I receive a reply almost instantly. Anna is the fastest texter the world has ever seen.

  Anna: There is a huge front page spread about your men. My eyes nearly fell out of my head when I read it. Mickey and Josh are complete and utter studs!!!!!


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