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Twisted War

Page 1

by Danielle James

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Twisted War

  By Danielle James

  ©2017 Danielle James. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



  I’ve never hated anyone more than I hate that motherfucker.

  Emmanuel Scott.

  Ever since he had his own wife killed and framed an innocent man for the murder, I haven’t looked at him quite the same. He used to be a pain in my ass strictly because he kept sticking his dick in the love of my life, but now? Now he’s the goddamn devil as far as I’m concerned.

  I keep my eyes on his moves at all times, especially any time he’s around Camilla or the baby. I’ll be damned if he gets any stupid ideas concerning them. They belong to me.

  At least I think they do.

  When Camilla told me she was pregnant I was overjoyed until the reality of our twisted situation sank into me like hot lead. She was fucking both of us. Emmanuel and me. Either of us could be that baby’s father. It ate at me for nine fucking months. It didn’t matter that Camilla assured us that she would find out the paternity as soon as the baby was born. I had to sit in limbo for damn near a year. Each month that passed made me loathe Emmanuel more. I even put some distance between Camilla and I because she insisted on spending equal amounts of time with both of us even though I told her she was done with him. She kept throwing the fact that it might be Emmanuel’s baby in my face. Like I didn’t know they were and still are fucking.

  When she finally gave birth to a perfect little baby girl, Chloe Isabella, I couldn’t even be happy because I didn’t know if she was mine. It fucked me up inside. What’s even worse is that she had both of us in the delivery room.

  From the public’s point of view, it looked wholesome. It looked like Camilla had her father and her boyfriend in the room when she gave birth, but only those closest to us knew the real situation.

  I have to hand it to Camilla though as soon as Chloe was born she nursed her, named her, and sent her for the paternity test. Emmanuel was quiet the entire time. I didn’t like it. Not to mention he knew too many fucking people in the hospital; doctors, nurses, security, it felt strange to me.

  Like a setup.

  I fully expected to be devastated when the results were mailed to Camilla. I braced myself for the heartache and prepared to bury my pain in new pussy. Only the pain never came. When Camilla read the results she smiled at me.

  She told me that Chloe was mine.

  It took a moment to even comprehend that shit. The baby that I’d been doting on and waking up with was actually my daughter. I felt a weight lift from my chest and the love I used to have for Camilla came rushing right back in like it never faded. I fucked her so much that night I thought we’d make a new baby right on the spot.

  Camilla and Chloe were mine.

  That is until suspicion started to flood my thoughts. I began to wonder if Emmanuel rigged the results in my favor to avoid a political scandal since he did go on to become Mayor of Miami. He was just the type of scheming asshole to do something like that and I wouldn’t put anything past him after knowing what he did to Dana.

  Every month Chloe gets bigger and smarter and I keep wondering if the results were real. It’s never stopped me from loving her though. I can’t help but melt every time I see her chubby cheeks and bright eyes. She calls me Dada and reaches for me and hugs me and I forget all my suspicions in that instant. All the paranoia seeps back in when I see Emmanuel and Camilla laughing and talking though. When I see him hugging Chloe and hear her trying to pronounce Manny as best as an eleven-month-old can manage.

  What if all this shit was a fucking set up?

  I’d like to think Camilla wouldn’t be able to hurt me like that but when it comes to him, she loses focus. I could be just losing my damn mind though. Sometimes I think I see a bit of myself in Chloe; the way she grins looks just like me when I was a baby but there’s still something nagging at me.

  I’ve made up my mind that by her first birthday this February, I’m putting an end to this shit and getting the paternity test retaken by someone outside of Miami, someone that’s not in Emmanuel’s pocket. I have to know if Chloe really is mine or if I’m being played because if it’s the latter I don’t care how much of a devil Emmanuel is, I will find a way to take his ass out.

  Everyone has a weak spot.

  Chapter One


  I was supposed to be hiring a new director for Angels of Grace, New Grace’s daycare center since I’m the main pastor now that Mayor Scott is no longer working here. I’ve gone over countless resumes and spoken to dozens of under and over qualified applicants but nobody was just right. Camilla insisted that I run everyone by her too since our daughter was enrolled in the daycare. Not just anyone would do for the position.

  Last week Camilla actually found a resume that she liked though. She forwarded it to me and I agreed. We finally fucking agreed on a director for the daycare. I’m supposed to be listening to her right now.

  Supposed to be.

  I couldn’t hear shit she was saying though because she was built like a coke-bottle and her gray blouse has one too many buttons open. When she stopped talking I forced my gaze to her eyes and smiled. She seemed to like it when I smiled because I kept seeing this twinkle in her eye when I did it. I’m pretty good at reading women and I’d bet anything that my dimples were making her pussy wet.

  “Okay Mrs. Pearson, you sound like a great fit for Angels of Grace. I ran your background check and it came back clean as a whistle. If you pass your drug test and your referrals check out you’re hired,” I announced with another smile.

  “It’s Miss Pearson.” She stressed each syllable in her sentence so I knew she wasn’t married. I glanced at her ring finger and nodded.

  “Sorry about that. I just can’t understand how you’re not married.” She blushed, resting her chin on her hand in response.

  “How are you not married, Mr. Sanders?” Her soft brown eyes slid over to my bare ring finger and I sighed. I’m never one to keep secrets from any of the women I fuck or could possibly fuck. They all knew about Camilla. They had to because if they didn’t they’d be blind-sided by her crazy, jealous ass.

  “I may not be married but I’m definitely taken,” I explained to her. “My daughter is enrolled in daycare at the church and her mother also works there.” Miss Pearson turned the corners of her full lips down and gave me a nod. She couldn’t help but pry a little though.

So you’re still with your daughter’s mother?” Her brows were raised and damned if she didn’t start eye fucking me while she waited for the answer.

  “Yes. Very much so.” I started gathering papers in an attempt to get the hell out of my office before my mouth got me in trouble in more ways than one.

  “Well, you sure do flirt a lot for someone who’s taken.” She crossed her legs and leaned forward giving me a perfect view of her ample cleavage. I wanted to pop every button on her shirt so I could run my tongue over her nipples.

  “My fatal character flaw,” I laughed. “I’m a big flirt. You don’t help though, Miss Pearson. You’re flirting back.” Fuck. Why was I still flirting with this woman!

  “Can you please call me Jada?” She asked with a cute pout. I stop putting papers away and looked at her face. She was a beautiful shade of sepia with doe eyes, and her soft cheeks made her look much more innocent than she was, which was dangerous for me.

  It made me want to watch while she sucked my dick so I could see that innocent looking face doing nasty things. She wasn’t stunning and didn’t look like she just stepped off a runway like Camilla but I wanted to bend her over my desk anyway. I liked that she didn’t look like Camilla. I’m usually attracted the knockout types but Jada had my attention right then. My dick could attest to that.

  “Okay, Jada. As long as you call me Xavier,” I flashed a smile and she bit her lip.

  “You know what your smile does to women, don’t you? That’s why you keep smiling at me.” When she stood I got a full view of her shape and my dick stiffened at the sight. I shook my head trying to tame him, but he has a mind of his own. I made sure to remain seated.

  “I’ve been told I might have somewhat of a charming smile.”

  “You know you do, Xavier.” She sat her curvy ass on the edge of my desk swinging her leg back and forth. Instinctively, I reached out and dragged my finger up her thigh. She wasn’t shocked by my bold move, she didn’t gasp she just looked at me like she wanted me to rip her clothes off. “I thought you were very taken?” She giggled.

  “I am. And you’re trying to get my ass in trouble.” I moved my hand and Jada pouted again, this time she even whined. Sometimes I swear I hate the effect I have on women. It makes it so damn hard to do the right thing.

  “I won’t tell,” she whispered in my ear.

  “It’s not you that I’m worried about,” I explained. Camilla had been doing so well ever since Chloe was born. She’d been trying her best to make things work between us in spite of Emmanuel’s pull. It’s me that can’t get it together. Women like Jada come a dime a dozen at New Grace and it’s too tempting not to sample them. Camilla never took it well though. She flips out on anyone she finds out I’m sleeping with. It usually sends her running back to Emmanuel crying on his shoulder and I end up kicking myself and promising never to fuck another woman besides her.

  “You’re worried about your girlfriend?” Jada almost laughed at the idea of being intimidated by another woman. Most of them did, especially once they saw Camilla. They thought she was one of those beautiful girls that was nothing more than a pretty face, not realizing that her pretty face came with a vicious bite. Camilla never fought fair and if any woman got too close to me she had no problem ruining them. I tried to warn Jada about it all but she didn’t seem to care.

  “Look, let’s try to keep it professional. It’s gonna be hard but I really do need someone to fill this position and the last thing I need is something fucked up happening to you.” I tamed my erection and stood up.

  “Oh my goodness. Your girlfriend does not scare me. I’ll get you eventually.” She winked and blew me a kiss from those full lips and I shook my head at her.

  “Go home. We’ll do a tour tomorrow after your test comes back clean.” I said, trying to sound stern.


  Mary was holding down the fort in Angels of Grace when I got there to check on Chloe. Camilla beat me to it though. Even though Chloe was in excellent hands inside of New Grace, both of us checked on her whenever we got a free minute. It’s a perk of having a daycare center at your job.

  I just stood there watching Camilla bouncing our daughter on her knee and tickling her. I was overcome with worry that this perfect image was a fucking farce. That Chloe and her cute cheeks and adorable smile weren’t mines. Numbness spread through my chest and I tried to push it out.

  “Dada!” Chloe pried herself from Camilla and toddled over to me, falling down several times along the way. I knelt down and held my arms out for her. I was giddy when she hugged me and buried her face in my neck. “Dada, hi!” She chirped, baring a few teeth and a drool covered chin.

  “Hey, Chlo. You miss me?” I asked, in between blowing raspberries on her cheeks. Chloe erupted in a fit of giggles and shook her head back and forth “No?” More raspberries and giggles. Camilla walked over to me and placed a kiss on my lips. I was still open for her, it didn’t matter how many other women I tried to fill the gap with. It would always be Camilla that had me head over fucking heels.

  “Hey, babe.” She smiled at me. As much as I wanted to bask in the moment with me holding Chloe and Camilla happy to see me, I couldn’t. She sensed it too because she looked at me, searching my eyes for an explanation to my mood shift. “What’s wrong?” A frown tugged at the corners of her mouth.

  “Mr. Sanders, is this the facility? I know I was supposed to wait until tomorrow for a tour but…wow.” Jada Pearson evidently doesn’t follow instructions very well. My head whipped around and I took in her short frame and curves. My dick wanted to salute her. I put Chloe down and sent her back to play because I felt the tension flare up as soon as Camilla laid eyes on her. Jada sauntered over, her heels clicking on the floor with each step, and extended her hand to Camilla.

  “You must be up for the Director position?” Camilla smiled and shook her hand but I knew her better than anyone and she was on high alert. She was studying Jada and Jada was doing the same. I felt like dragging Jada out of there and cursing her ass out.

  “Yes, and you must be Mrs. Sanders?” Jada’s eyes twinkled and I cringed inside. Camilla’s eyebrows flew up and she looked at me with an expression that told me I’d get an earful later.

  “No. I’m not. Not the domesticated type. Something tells me you knew that though. Don’t let Xavier get you in trouble, Jada Pearson.” Camilla’s words sounded syrupy on the outside but I knew better. Jada kept the phony smile plastered to her face until Camilla walked out after kissing Chloe. As soon as I knew she was definitely out of earshot, I grabbed Jada by the elbow and dragged her away from the noisy kids.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I tried to keep my voice low but this chick was really pushing it for someone I’ve never even had the pleasure of fucking. “Don’t do the stupid catty shit with Camilla before you even get hired,” I warned. I let her elbow go and she rubbed it gently.

  “Oh please. I wasn’t even that bad. I had to make sure you weren’t actually married. You know, since you slid your finger up my thigh earlier.” She said barely above a whisper. “Besides, your girlfriend isn’t even scary. I thought she’d be…bigger, more menacing.” She let an amused laugh escape her lips and covered her mouth innocently.

  “Jada, watch yourself. If you want to actually get hired you better learn some goddamn respect.” My eyes traced the outline of her full breasts then I focused on her face. Damn it was hard.

  “I promise, Mr. Sanders.” She beamed. “So, which one is your daughter?” She peered around the room at the kids who were out playing in centers. I pointed my Chloe out and just stood to watch her. She was so perfect and so damn beautiful, just like her mother.

  If I were smart, I’d continue on my two-month, monogamy streak and keep my dick to myself. Looking at Jada though, I didn’t know how long that streak was going to last. I turned my attention to her ass while she watched the children. My hands would look lovely on it while she bounced on my dick. “But you’re so invested in your relationship,
huh?” Jada smirked. She caught me red fucking handed looking at her ass. I rubbed a hand over my face and exhaled. All I could do was smile. Besides, I knew it turned her on when I smiled.

  “Look, let’s meet for coffee tomorrow at eight. I’ll let you know if you got the position or not.” I put the meeting in my phone so I’d remember but I knew damn well I wouldn’t forget a meeting with Jada.

  “Okay. Something tells me I have the position. Something tells me I’m gonna have more than one position soon.” She bit her lip and went over to the kids, who swarmed her. I noticed Chloe hanging back though, watching me. I motioned for her to go play but she kept walking until she reached me.

  “What’s up kiddo?” I asked. She didn’t speak; she only tugged at my finger. She wanted to go with me. “Go say hi to Miss Jada,” I told her. I led her over to her group and tried to usher her to Jada but damned if she didn’t decide to go all limp noodle on me. “Chlo. Stop it,” I frowned. As soon as Mary reached for her, she was fine though. Back to her normal happy self. Did Camilla really instill that sixth sense in our damn daughter? I looked over my shoulder before heading back to my office and all I saw was Chloe giving a green-eyed glare to Jada.

  I didn’t even know babies could fucking glare.


  Chapter Two


  Holding Chloe while she fell asleep may have been indulgent and I probably was spoiling the girl rotten but it was everything I wish I’d had from Dana. I wished she would have rocked me to sleep and kissed me even after I’d drifted off but she was too busy being an unfit mother. I’d never do that to my baby girl. She would never doubt that her mother loved her.

  My entire life changed once I looked at her. I swore that she would come out and I would know exactly who her father was after one look. She’d either have Emmanuel’s coffee eyes or Xavier’s honey eyes. Coffee or honey, and I’d know whose she was but nope. Chloe came out with green fucking eyes. She actually came out looking pretty much like a carbon copy of me.

  Once she was old enough to actually smile is when I saw Xavier in her. She may have had my eyes and hair and everything else but Chloe had Xavier’s smile and she had those dimples. She melted me each and every time she smiled, just like her damn daddy.


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