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The Skeptics Annotated Bible

Page 333

by Wells, Steve

  After the massacre of Laish. Jg 18.29

  Who owns the earth?

  God. Gen 14.19, 22; Ex 9.29, 19.5; Dt 10.14; 1 Chr 29.11; Ps 24.1, 50.11-12, 89.11; 1 Cor 10.26

  Satan. Mt 4.9, Lk 4.5-6

  Humans. Ps 115.16

  How long was the Egyptian Captivity?

  400 years. Gen 15.13, Acts 7.6

  430 years. Ex 12.40, Gal 3.17

  How many sons did Abraham have?

  One. Gen 22.2, Heb 11.17

  More than one. Gen 16.15, 21.2-3, 25.1-2; Gal 4.22

  Is circumcision required?

  Yes. Gen 17.11, Lev 12.3, Acts 16.1-3

  No. Gal 5.2, Col 2.11

  Is incest forbidden?

  Yes. Lev 18.6, 12, 20.17, 19.1; Dt 27.22

  No. Gen 17.16, 20.12; Ex 6.20

  Are the laws of the Old Testament still binding?

  Yes. Gen 17.19; Ex 12.14, 17, 24; Lev 23.14, 21, 31, 41; Dt 4.8-9, 7.9, 11.1, 28; 1 Chr 16.15-17; Ps 119, 151-2, 160; Ec 12.13; Mal 4.4; Mt 5.18-19; Lk 16.17

  No. Lk 16.16-17; Rom 6.14, 7.4, 6, 10.4; 2 Cor 3.14; Gal 3.13, 24-25, 5.18; Eph 2.15; Col 2.14

  How old was Ishmael when he was abandoned by Abraham?

  He was an infant. Gen 21.15, 18

  He was a young man. Gen 17.25, 21.5, 8

  Did Sarah have faith that she would conceive?

  Yes. Heb 11.11

  No, she laughed at God. Gen 18.12

  Can God do anything?

  Yes. Gen 18.14; Job 42.2; Jer 32.17, 27; Mt 19.26; Mk 10.27; Lk 1.37, 18.27; Rev 19.6

  No. Jg 1.19, Mk 6.3-5, Heb 6.18

  Was Lot a righteous man?

  Yes. 2 Pet 2.7-8

  No. Gen 19.8, 36

  Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?

  Angels. Gen 19.13

  God. Gen 19.24

  Did Lot’s daughters think God had killed every man except Lot?

  Yes. Gen 19.31

  No. Gen 19.21-22, 30

  Is it OK to swear?

  Yes. Gen 21.23, 24.2, 9, 31.53, 47.29; Lev 27.2, 10; Num 30.2; Dt 6.13, 10.20, 23.21; Ps 63.11; Is 45.23, 48.1, 65.16; Jer 4.2, 12.16; Dan 12.7; Heb 6.13; Rev 10.5-6

  No. Mt 5.34-37; Jas 5.12

  Who named Beersheba?

  Abraham. Gen 21.31

  Isaac. Gen 26.33

  Has God ever tempted anyone?

  Yes. Gen 22.1, 2 Sam 24.1, Mt 6.13

  No. Jas 1.13

  Does God approve of human sacrifice?

  Yes. Gen 22.2; Ex 22.29; Lev 27.28-29; Num 31.26-29; Jg 11.29-39; 2 Sam 21.1, 9, 14; 1 Kg 13.2; 2 Kg 23.20; 2 Chr 34.5

  No. Lev 18.21, 20.2; Dt 18.10-12; 2 Kg 21.6

  Did Abraham know God’s name?

  Yes. Gen 22.14

  No. Ex 6.3

  Was Keturah Abraham’s wife or concubine?

  Wife. Gen 25.1

  Concubine. 1 Chr 1.32

  Will there be many Jews?

  Yes. Gen 26.4

  No. Dt 4.27

  Who was Bashemath’s father?

  Elon the Hittite. Gen 26.34

  Ishmael. Gen 36.3

  Is it OK to drink alcohol?

  Yes. Gen 27.28; Jg 9.13; 1 Chr 16.3; Ps 104.15; Pr 3.9-10, 31.6-7; Ec 9.7; SofS 5.1; Zech 9.17; Mt 26.29; Jn 2.3-10; 1 Tim 5.23

  No. Num 6.3; Jg 13.4, 7; Pr 20.1, 23.20, 29-32; Is 5.11, 22, 28.1, 7; Dan 1.8; Hab 2.15; Lk 1.15; Rom 13.13, 14.21; Gal 5.20-21; Eph 5.18

  Who was Laban’s father?

  Bethuel. Gen 28.5

  Nahor. Gen 29.5

  When did Jacob rename Luz to Bethel?

  Before visiting the land of Padanaram. Gen 28.19

  After visiting the land of Padanaram. Gen 33.18, 35.6-7

  Who was Anah?

  The daughter of Zibeon. Gen 36.2, 14

  The brother of Zibeon. Gen 36.20, 1 Chr 1.38

  The son of Zebeon. Gen 36.24, 1 Chr 1.40

  Who was Korah’s father?

  Esau. Gen 36.14

  Eliphaz. Gen 36.15-16

  Who brought Joseph into Egypt?

  The Midianites. Gen 37.36

  The Ishmaelites. Gen 37.28, 39.1

  Where did Joseph’s brothers find the hidden money?

  At home. Gen 42.29-35

  At the inn. Gen 42.27, 43.21

  How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt?

  He was an infant. Gen 44.20

  He was a grown man with ten sons. Gen 46.8, 21

  Was Mahli the son of Levi?

  Yes. Ezra 8.18

  No. Gen 46.11; 1 Chr 6.1, 16, 23.6

  Will God destroy those who intermarry?

  Yes. Ex 34.16, Dt 7.2, 1 Kg 11.1-2

  No. Gen 46.20, Num 12.1, 9.10

  Who were the sons of Benjamin?

  Four lists are given in the Bible. None of them agree.

  Gen 46.21; Num 26.38; 1 Chr 7.6, 8.1-2

  Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin?

  They were the sons of Benjamin. Gen 46.21

  They were the grandsons of Benjamin. Num 26.40

  How many were in Jacob’s family when they came into Egypt?

  70. Gen 46.27, Ex 1.5

  75. Acts 7.14

  What were the 12 tribes of Israel?

  There are six contradictory lists. Gen 49.2; Num 1.5, 13.4; Dt 33.6; Ezek 48.1-32; Rev 7.6

  Where was Jacob buried?

  Machpelah. Gen 50.13

  Shechem. Acts 7.15

  Is it wrong to lie?

  Yes. Ex 20.16, 23.1, 23.7; Lev 6.2-5, 19.11; Dt 5.20; 1 Sam 21.2; Pr 12.22, 13.5; Lk 3.14; Eph 4.25; Col 3.9; Jas 3.14; Rev 21.8, 27

  No. Ex 1.20, Jos 2.4, 1 Kg 22.22, 2 Kg 8.10; Pr 24.28; Col 3.9, Jas 2.25

  Did Moses fear the Pharaoh?

  Yes. Ex 2.14-15

  No. Heb 11.27

  Who was Moses’ father-in-law?

  Jethro. Ex 3.1, 4.18, 18.1, 5

  Hobab. Jg 4.11, Num 10.29

  Reuel. Ex 2.18

  Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush?

  God. Ex 3.4, Mk 12.26

  An angel. Ex 3.2, Acts 7.35

  What is God’s name?

  Jealous. Ex 34.14

  Jehovah. Ex 6.3

  I am. Ex 3.14

  Is it OK to steal?

  Yes. Ex 11.2, 12.35; Ezek 39.10, Nah 2.9

  No. Ex 20.15; Lev 6.2-5, 19.11, 13; Dt 5.19; Ps 37.21; Mt 19.18-19; Mk 10.19; Lk 18.20; Rom 2.21; Eph 4.28; 1 Th 4.6

  Is magic OK?

  Yes. Ex 4.2; Num 5.27, 21.8

  No. Ex 11.2, 22.18; Lev 19.26, 31; Dt 18.10-12; 2 Kg 18.3-4, 21.6

  Was Moses a good speaker?

  Yes. Acts 7.22

  No. Ex 4.10, 4.14-16, 6.12, 30

  Who makes people deaf and blind?

  God. Ex 4.11, Jn 9.1-3

  Foul spirits. Mk 9.25-26

  Who hardened the Pharaoh’s heart?

  God. Ex 4.21, 7.3, 13, 9.12, 10.1, 20, 27, 11.10, 14.4, 8, 17

  The Pharaoh. Ex 8.32, 9.34; 1 Sam 6.6

  Did God command the Israelites to make him burnt offerings?

  Yes. Ex 8.27, 10.25, 20.24, 29.16-17

  No. Jer 7.22

  Did God kill all the Egyptian cattle in the sixth plague?

  Yes. Ex 9.3-6

  No. Ex 9.19, 12.29

  How many days is unleavened bread to be eaten during the Passover?

  Six days. Dt 16.8

  Seven days. Ex 12.15, 23.15; Dt 16.3

  Is God warlike or peaceful?

  Warlike. Ex 15.3, Ps 18.34, 144.1

  Peaceful. Rom 15.33, 1 Cor 14.33, 2 Cor 13.11, 2 Th 3.16, Heb 13.20

  Is dancing a sin?

  Yes. Ex 32.19, 31, Mt 14.6

  No. Ex 15.20; Jg 11.34; 2 Sam 6.14; Ps 30.11, 140.4, 149.3, 150.4, Ec 3.4, Lk 15.25

  Is it necessary to keep the Sabbath?

  Yes. Ex 16.29, 20.8, 31.15, 34.21, 35.2; Lev 19.3, 30, 23.3; Num 15.32-36; Dt 5.12; Is 56.2

  No. Is 1.13, Mt 12.1-5, Jn 5.17, Rom 14.5, Col 2.16

  Where did Moses get water from a rock?

  The Wilderness of
Sin in Rephidim. Ex 17.1

  The desert of Zin in Kadesh. Num 20.1, 27.14; Dt 32.51

  Can God be tempted?

  Yes. Ex 17.2, 7, Dt 6.16, Mt 4.7, Lk 4.12, Acts 15.10

  No. Jas 1.13

  How did Moses get water out of the rock?

  By smiting it. Ex 17.6

  By talking to it. Num 20.8

  Who gave the law to Moses?

  God. Ex 19.20, 20.22

  Angels. Gal 3.19

  Is it OK to make images?

  Yes. Ex 25.18, 20; Num 21.8

  No. Ex 20.4; Dt 4.16, 23, 5.8, 27.15; 2 Kg 18.3-4

  How should parents be treated?

  Honor your parents. Ex 20.12; Dt 5.16; Pr 1.8, 23.22; Eph 6.2; Mal 4.6

  Disrespect and hate them. Mt 12.47-48, 23.9; Mk 3.31-34; Lk 9.59-60, 14.26

  Is it OK to call your father (or anyone else) father?

  Yes. Ex 20.12; Dt 5.16; 2 Kg 2.12, 6.21; Eph 6.2; 1 Jn 2.13

  No. Mt 23.9

  To kill or not to kill.

  Kill. Ex 32.27, Num 15.32-36; Dt 7.2, 1 Sam 15.2-3

  Don’t kill. Ex 20.13, 23.7; Dt 5.17; Mt 19.18-19; Mk 10.19; Lk 18.20

  Is it wrong to have sex outside of marriage?

  Yes. Ex 20.14, Dt 5.18, Heb 13.4

  No. Hos 1.2-3, 3.1

  Is it OK to covet?

  Yes. 1 Cor 12.31, 14.39

  No. Ex 20.17, Dt 5.21, Rom 13.9, Eph 5.3, Col 3.5

  How should strangers be treated?

  Be kind to them. Ex 22.21-22, 23.9; Lev 19.34; Dt 10.19; Jer 22.3; Zech 7.9-10; Mt 25.35

  Kill them. Num 1.51, 3.10, 38, 18.7; Dt 7.2

  Is only God holy?

  Yes. Rev 15.4

  No. Ex 22.31; Lev 11.44, 19.2, 20.7; Dt 7.6; Is 4.3; Ps 16.10, 86.2; Lk 2.23; 1 Cor 7.14, Rev 22.11

  How should we treat our enemies?

  Love them, be kind to them, and treat them well. Ex 23.4, Pr 24.17, 25.21-22, Mt 5.44; Lk 6.27, 35

  Hate them and wish them evil. Ps 35.6-8, 55.15, 58.6-7, 69.23-28, 83.18, 109.6-14, 139.22; Lam 3.65-66; 1 Cor 16.22

  How should Sabbath-breakers be punished?

  They should be exiled. Ex 31.15

  They should be killed. Ex 31.14, 35.2; Num 15.32-36

  Does God ever tire?

  God never gets tired. Is 40.28

  Sometimes God gets tired. Ex 31.17; Is 1.14, 43.24; Jer 15.6

  Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?

  Mount Sinai. Ex 31.18, 34.4, 32; Lev 26.46, 27.34; Neh 9.13

  Mount Horeb. 1 Kg 8.9, 2 Chr 5.10, Mal 4.4

  Did Moses see God face to face?

  Yes. Ex 33.11, Dt 34.10

  No. Ex 33.20

  Who wrote the (second set of) ten commandments?

  God. Ex 34.1

  Moses. Ex 34.27

  Is God merciful?

  Yes. Ex 34.6; Dt 4.31; 2 Sam 24.14; 1 Chr 16.34, 21.13; Ps 25.8, 86.5, 100.5, 103.8, 106.1, 107.1, 118.1, 136.1-26, 145.8; Jer 3.12, 33.11; Lam 3.33; Hos 6.6; Joel 2.13; Mic 7.18; Lk 6.36; 2 Cor 1.3; Jas 5.11; 1 Jn 4.16

  No. Ex 34.6-7; Num 25.4; Dt 7.16; 1 Sam 6.19, 15.2-3; Lam 2.17, 21, 3.43; Jer 13.12-14, 16.1-7; Ezek 7.4, 7.9, 9.4-11, Mic 1.12

  Who made the ark of the covenant?

  Moses. Dt 10.1-3

  Bezaleel. Ex 37.1

  Does the blood of animal sacrifices take away sin?

  Yes. Lev 4.20, 26, 31, 35, 5.10, 16, 18, 6.7, 17.11; Num 15.27, 29.5

  No. Heb 10.4, 11

  Which flying creeping things may we eat?

  None. Dt 14.19

  Some. Lev 11.21

  How should a man who has sex with a menstruating woman be punished?

  He shall be unclean for seven days. Lev 15.24

  He and the woman shall be exiled. Lev 20.18

  Who may offer sacrifices to God?

  Only Levites before the tabernacle. Lev 17.5, Num 18.6

  Non-Levites may offer sacrifices away from the tabernacle. 1 Sam 1.2, 7.9

  To judge or not to judge

  Judge not. Mt 7.1; Lk 6.37; Rom 2.1, 14.10, 13; Jas 4.12

  Judge. Lev 19.15; Jn 7.24; 1 Cor 2.15, 5.3, 6.2

  Should we love or hate others?

  We should love everyone. Lev 19.17-18; 1 Jn 3.15, 4.20-21

  We should hate some people. Lk 14.26

  How should nonbelievers be treated?

  Kill them. Dt 13.6-10

  Shun them. 2 Cor 6.14-17

  Love and be kind to them. Lev 19.18; Mt 5.44, 7.12, 22.39; Mk 12.31; Lk 6.27, 31, 10.27; Rom 13.9; Gal 5.14; Jas 2.8

  How should adulterers be punished?

  They should be executed. Lev 20.10

  They should not be punished. Jn 8.7

  How should homosexuals be treated?

  They should be killed. Lev 20.13

  They should be exiled. 1 Kg 15.12

  Does God love everyone?

  Yes. Jn 3.16; 1 Jn 4.8, 16

  No. Lev 20.23; Ps 5.5-6, 11.5; Pr 6.16-19; Hos 9.15; Mal 1.3; Rom 9.13

  Should we fear God?

  Yes. Lev 25.17; Dt 4.10, 6.2, 13, 24, 10.12, 20, 14.23, 28.58, 31.12-13; Jos 4.24, 24.14; 1 Sam 12.14, 24; 2 Kg 17.39; 1 Chr 16.25; Neh 5.9; Job 28.28; Ps 19.9, 25.14, 33.8, 18, 34.9, 96.4, 103.11-17, 111.10, 112.1, 115.13, 128.1, 147.11; Pr 1.7, 3.7, 9.10, 10.27, 14.2, 15.33, 22.4, 23.17, 24.21; Ec 3.14, 5.7, 7.7, 12.13; Is 8.13; Jer 5.22; Hos 3.5; Mal 2.5; Mt 10.28; Lk 1.50, 12.5; Rom 3.18; 2 Cor 7.1; Eph 5.21; Col 3.22; Heb 10.31; 1 Pet 2.17; Rev 14.6-7, 15.4

  No. 2 Tim 1.7; 1 Jn 4.8, 18

  Is it OK for men to have long hair?

  Yes. Num 6.5, Jg 13.5, 1 Sam 1.11

  No. 1 Cor 11.14-15

  Was Moses meek?

  Yes, he was the meekest man who ever lived. Num 12.3

  No, he was vicious and cruel. Num 31.15

  Who wrote the Pentateuch?

  Moses. Dt 1.1, 31.9

  Other authors. Num 12.3, Dt 34.5, 10

  Should we follow our own hearts?

  Yes. Ec 11.9

  No. Num 15.39, Pr 28.26

  Did God bury alive all of Korah’s children?

  Yes. Num 16.32-33

  No, some of them survived. Num 26.10-11

  Where did Aaron die?

  Mount Hor. Num 20.27-28, 33.38

  Mosera. Dt 10.6

  Does God lie?

  No. Num 23.19, 1 Sam 15.29, 2 Sam 7.28, Tit 1.2, Heb 6.18

  Yes. 1 Kg 22.22, 2 Chr 18.22, Jer 4.10, 20.7, Ezek 14.9, 2 Th 2.11-12

  How many did God kill for “committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab”?

  23,000. 1 Cor 10.8

  24,000. Num 25.9

  Does the Bible condemn gambling?

  Yes. Pr 28.22, Jn 19.24

  No. Num 26.55, 33.54, 34.13; Jos 14.2, 18.6, 19.51, 21.8; 1 Sam 10.19-21; 1 Chr 26.13; Neh 10.34; Acts 1.26

  What is the correct recipe for the new moon sacrifice?

  Two bullocks, one ram, and seven lambs. Num 28.11

  One bullock, one ram, and six lambs. Ezek 46.6

  Did the Israelites kill every male in Midian?

  Yes. Num 31.7, 16.17

  No.(A couple hundred years later the Midianites were “without number.”) Jg 6.5

  How long does God’s anger last?

  Just a moment. Ps 30.5, Jer 3.12, Mic 7.18

  A long time. Num 32.13; Jer 17.4; Mal 1.4; Mt 25.41, 46

  How should the Moabites be treated?

  Don’t fight with them or take their land. Dt 2.9

  Kill them and take their land. Jg 3.28-29, Jer 48.2

  How should the Ammonites be treated?

  Don’t fight with them or take their land. Dt 2.19, 37

  Kill them and take their land. Jg 11.32-33, Jer 49.2

  Will the earth last forever?

  Yes. Dt 4.40; Ps 37.29, 78.69, 104.5; Ec 1.4

  No. Ps 102.25-26; Is 65.17; Mt 5.18-19, 24.35; Mk 13.31; Lk 21.33; Heb 1.11; 2 Pet 3.10, 13; Rev 21.1

  Is it OK to test (or tempt) God?

  Yes. Jg 6.37-40, 1 Kg 18.36, 2 Kg 10.8-11, 20.8

  No. Dt 6.
16, Mt 4.7, Lk 4.12

  Does God know what is in everyone’s heart?

  Yes. Acts 1.24; Ps 44.21, 139.2

  No. Dt 8.2, 13.3; 2 Chr 32.31

  Who made the ark of the covenant?

  Moses. Dt 10.3

  Bezaleel. Ex 37.1

  Were the Israelites to spare the trees in the countries they invaded?

  Yes. 2 Kg 3.19

  No. Dt 20.19

  Did any Moabite enter the congregation of the Lord?

  Yes. Ruth 1.4, 4.17

  No. Dt 23.3, Neh 13.1

  How should the Edomites be treated?

  Be nice to them. Dt 23.7

  Kill them. 2 Kg 14.3, 7; Ezek 25.13-14, Ob 1

  Is divorce ever permissible?

  No. Mt 19.6, 9; Mk 10.9-12; Lk 16.18

  Only if the wife has been unfaithful. Mt 5.32, 19.9

  When the unbelieving partner chooses to leave. 1 Cor 7.15

  When the husband is displeased with his wife. Dt 24.1-4

  Is it OK for a divorced woman to remarry?

  Yes. Dt 24.1-4

  No. Lk 16.18

  Are those who obey the law cursed?

  Yes. Gal 3.10

  No. Dt 27.26

  Does Hell Exist?

  Yes, those that don’t go to heaven are tortured forever in Hell. Dan 12.2; Mt 10.28, 13.41-42, 18.8-9, 22.13, 25.41; Mk 9.43-49; Lk 16.19-31; Jn 5.29; 2 Th 1.7-9; Rev 14.10-11, 20.9-10, 15

  No, those that don’t go to heaven, just die. Dt 29.20; Ps 1.4-6, 34.16, 37.1-2, 37.20, 69.28; Pr 10.25, 24.20; Ob 16; Rom 6.21, 23; 1 Cor 3.17; 2 Cor 2.15; Gal 6.8; Phil 3.19; Jas 1.15, 4.12, 5.20

  Everyone goes to heaven after they die. 1 Cor 15.21-22, 1 Tim 4.10, 1 Jn 2.2

  Do humans have free will?

  Yes. Dt 30.19, Jos 24.15

  No. Jer 10.23, Acts 13.48; Rom 8.29-30, 9.11-22; Eph 1.4-5; 2 Th 2.11-13; 2 Tim 1.9; Jude 4

  Was Moses in good mental and physical health at age 120?

  Yes. Dt 34.7

  No. Dt 31.2

  Who was the greatest prophet?

  Moses. Dt 34.10

  Jesus. Heb 3.1-3

  John the Baptist. Lk 7.28

  Who is the Lord of this world?

  God. Jos 2.11, 3.13; 2 Kg 19.15; 1 Chr 16.14, 31; Ezra 5.11; Job 34.13; Ps 47.2, 7, 59.13, 83.18, 96.10, 97.1, 5, 99.1; Is 37.16, 54.5; Mic 4.13; Zech 4.14, 6.5; Mt 11.25; Lk 10.21; Acts 17.24, 1 Cor 10.26

  Satan. Mt 4.9; Lk 4.6; Jn 12.31, 14.30, 16.11; 2 Cor 4.3-4

  Did Joshua remove the twelve stones from the Jordan River?

  Yes, he took them to Gigal. Jos 4.20

  No, they are still there. Jos 4.9

  Who was Achan’s father?

  Carmi. Jos 7.1

  Zerah. Jos 7.24, 22.20

  Did the city of Ai exist after Joshua destroyed it?

  No. Jos 8.28

  Yes, it existed at the time of the Babylonian captivity. Neh 7.32

  To whom were the cities of Exhtaol and Zoreah given?

  Judah. Jos 15.20, 33

  Dan. Jos 19.40-41


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