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The Skeptics Annotated Bible

Page 334

by Wells, Steve

  What tribe was Aijalon from?

  Dan. Jos 21.23-24

  Ephraim. 1 Chr 6.66-69

  Is death final?

  Yes. Jos 23.14; Job 7.7-9, 14.14, 20.7; Ps 6.5, 31.17, 88.5, 115.17; Ec 3.19-22, 9.5, 10; Is 38.18

  No, there will be a resurrection from the dead. 1 Kg 17.22; 2 Kg 4.32-35, 13.21; Is 26.19; Ezek 37.12; Dan 12.2; Mt 9.24-25, 25.46, 27.52-53; Mk 5.42; Lk 7.12-15, 9.30, 14.14, 20.37; Jn 5.28, 11.39-44, Acts 26.23; 1 Cor 15.16, 52; 1 Jn 2.25; Rev 20.12

  Does God forgive sins?

  Yes. 2 Chr 7.14, Jer 31.34, 1 Jn 1.9

  No. Jos 24.19

  Who bought the sepulcher in Shechem from the sons of Hamor?

  Jacob. Jos 24.32

  Abraham. Acts 7.16

  Can God stop iron chariots?

  Sure, he can do anything. Jg 4.13

  No, iron chariots are too hard for him. Jg 1.19

  Was Sisera murdered in his sleep?

  Yes, he was fast asleep. Jg 4.21

  No, he was awake and standing up. Jg 5.27

  What is the earth set upon?

  Nothing. Job 26.7

  Pillars. 1 Sam 2.8, Job 9.6

  How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab’s house?

  Twenty years. 1 Sam 7.2, 10.24

  More than forty years. 2 Sam 6.3, Acts 12.21

  Were the Philistines subdued all the days of Samuel?

  Yes. 1 Sam 7.13

  No. 1 Sam 13.5-10

  Who was Samuel’s firstborn son?

  Joel. 1 Sam 8.2

  Vashni. 1 Chr 6.28

  Does God help in times of need?

  Yes. Ps 22.24, 46.1, 145.18; Nah 1.7

  No. 1 Sam 8.18; Ps 10.1, 22.1-2; Is 1.15, 45.15; Jer 14.12; Ezek 20.3; Hos 5.6; Hab 1.2;

  Who was Kish’s father?

  Abiel. 1 Sam 9.1

  Ner. 1 Chr 8.33, 9.39

  When did “Is Saul among the prophets?” become a proverb?

  When Saul prophesied among the prophets. 1 Sam 10.11

  After Saul prophesied naked for a day and a night. 1 Sam 19.24

  What was Jonathan’s first slaughter?

  The Philistine garrison in Geba. 1 Sam 13.3

  Sometime after the Geba smiting. 1 Sam 14.14

  Why did God reject Saul as king?

  For offering a burnt offering. 1 Sam 13.9, 13.14

  For incomplete levocide. 1 Sam 15.23, 26

  Who were Saul’s sons?

  Jonathan, Ishui, and Melchishua. 1 Sam 14.49

  Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal. 1 Chr 8.33, 9.39

  Did Saul and Samuel kill all the Amalekites?

  Yes. 1 Sam 15.7-26

  No, Agag’s mother was left alive. 1 Sam 15.33

  No, Saul was killed by an Amalekite. 2 Sam 1.8-10

  No, David killed them all a few years later. 1 Sam 27.8

  Then David killed them all again. (Except this time 400 escaped.) 1 Sam 30.17

  Was Haman and Agagite?

  Yes. Est 3.1

  No. 1 Sam 15.33

  When was the last time that Samuel saw Saul?

  After he hacked Agag to pieces. 1 Sam 15.35

  When Saul prophesied naked. 1 Sam 19.24

  How many sons did Jesse have?

  Eight. 1 Sam 16.10-11, 17.12

  Seven. 1 Chr 2.15

  Was David a man of war before he fought Goliath?

  Yes. 1 Sam 16.18

  No. 1 Sam 17.33

  When did Saul meet David?

  Before David slew the Philistine. 1 Sam 16.21

  After he slew the Philistine. 1 Sam 17.55

  How did David kill Goliath?

  With a sling. 1 Sam 17.49

  With a sword. 1 Sam 17.51

  Who killed Goliath?

  David. 1 Sam 17.50

  Ethanan. 2 Sam 21.19

  When did Saul become David’s enemy?

  After the dancing girls sang, “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” 1 Sam 18.8-9

  After David bought Saul’s daughter with 200 Philistine foreskins. 1 Sam 18.29

  How many Philistine foreskins did David buy his first wife with?

  100. 2 Sam 3.14

  200. 1 Sam 18.27

  When David fled to Nob, what was the priest’s name?

  Ahimelech. 1 Sam 21.1

  Abiathar. Mk 2.25-26

  Was David alone when asking for the holy bread at Nob?

  Yes. 1 Sam. 21.1

  No. Mt 12.1-5, Mk 2.25-26, Lk 6.4

  Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech?

  He was the son of Ahimelech. 1 Sam 22.20, 23.6, 30.7

  He was the father of Ahimelech. 2 Sam 8.17, 1 Chr 18.16, 24.6

  Did Saul inquire of the Lord?

  Yes. 1 Sam 28.6

  No. 1 Chr 10.13-14

  Was Jesus the first person to rise from the dead?

  Yes. Acts 26.23, 1 Cor 15.20

  No. 1 Sam 28.8-19; 1 Kg 17.22; 2 Kg 4.32-35, 13.21; Mt 9.24-25, 27.52-53; Lk 7.12-15, Jn 11.41-43

  How did Saul die?

  He committed suicide. 1 Sam 31.4, 1 Chr 10.4

  He was killed by an Amalekite. 2 Sam 1.8-10

  He was killed by the Philistines. 2 Sam 21.12

  God killed him. 1 Chr 10.14

  Did Saul’s family die with him?

  Yes. 1 Chr 10.6

  No, Saul’s son, Ishbosheth, became king of Israel after Saul’s death. 2 Sam 2.8-9

  No, two of Saul’s sons and five of his grandsons were sacrificed to God to stop him from starving people to death. 2 Sam 21.6

  Who were the sons of David born in Hebron?

  See the conflicting lists in 2 Sam 3.2-5 and 1 Chr 3.1-4

  When did Absalom rebel against David?

  After forty years. 2 Sam 15.7

  Less than forty years. 2 Sam 5.4

  Which sons of David were born in Jerusalem?

  See the conflicting lists in 2 Sam 5.14, 1 Chr 3.5-8, and 1 Chr 14.3-7

  Where did God kill Uzzah?

  The threshingfloor of Nachon. 2 Sam 6.6-7

  The threshingfloor of Childon. 1 Chr 13.9-10

  How many children did Michal have?

  None. 2 Sam 6.23

  Seven. 2 Sam 21.8

  How many horsemen did David take?

  700. 2 Sam 8.4

  7000. 1 Chr 18.4

  How many did David kill?

  40,700. 2 Sam 10.18

  47,000. 1 Chr 19.18

  Was Solomon David’s second or fourth son by Bathsheba?

  Second. 2 Sam 12.15, 24

  Fourth. 1 Chr 3.5

  How many sons did Absalom have?

  None. 2 Sam 18.18

  Three. 2 Sam 14.27

  Who was Amasa’s father?

  Ithra an Israelite. 2 Sam 17.25

  Jether an Ishmaelite. 1 Chr 2.17

  Whom did Elhanan kill?

  Goliath. 2 Sam 21.19

  Lahmi, the brother of Goliath. 1 Chr 20.5

  Did David sin?

  No, David never sinned. 2 Sam 22.21-25; 1 Kg 3.14, 9.4, 14.8;

  David never sinned, except in the matter of Uriah. 1 Kg 15.5

  David sinned in numbering the people. 2 Sam 24.10

  How many men did the chief of David’s captains kill?

  800. 2 Sam 23.8

  300. 1 Chr 11.11

  Who tempted David to number Israel?

  God. 2 Sam 24.1

  Satan. 1 Chr 21.1

  Is it OK to have a census?

  Yes. Solomon had a census (like his father David’s) and God didn’t mind at all. 2 Chr 2.17

  No. God killed 70,000 men because of David’s census. 2 Sam 24.1, 1 Chr 21.1, 7

  How many valiant men drew the sword in Israel and Judah as counted by Joab?

  800,000 for Israel; 500.000 for Judah. 2 Sam 24.9

  1,100,000 for Israel; 470.000 for Judah. 1 Chr 21.5

  How many years of famine?

  Seven years. 2 Sam 24.13

  Three years. 1 Chr 21.12

much did David pay for the threshing floor?

  For fifty shekels of silver. 2 Sam 24.24

  For six hundred shekels of gold. 1 Chr 21.25

  Who was the greatest?

  Solomon. 1 Kg 3.12

  Jesus. Mt 12.42, Lk 11.31, Col 2.2-3

  John the Baptist. Mt 11.11

  How many stalls did Solomon have?

  40,000. 1 Kg 4.26

  4,000. 2 Chr 9.25

  Who was Heman’s father?

  Mahol. 1 Kg 4.31

  Zerah. 1 Chr 2.6

  Joel. 1 Chr 6.33, 15.17

  What was Solomon’s payment to Hiram?

  Wheat and oil. 1 Kg 5.11

  Wheat, barley, wine, and oil. 2 Chr 2.10

  How many overseers did Solomon have?

  3300. 1 Kg 5.16

  3600. 2 Chr 2.18

  When did Solomon’s reign begin?

  476 years after the Israelites left Egypt. 1 Kg 6.1

  570 years after the Israelites left Egypt. 1 Chr 29.27; Acts 13.20

  Which tribe was Hiram from?

  The tribe of Naphtali. 1 Kg 7.13-14

  The tribe of Dan. 2 Chr 2.13-14

  How high were the pillars of brass?

  18 cubits. 1 Kg 7.15

  35 cubits. 2 Chr 3.15

  What was the volume of the molten sea in Solomon’s temple?

  2000 baths. 1 Kg 7.26

  3000 baths. 2 Chr 4.5

  What was in the Ark of the Covenant?

  Only the two tables of Moses. 1 Kg 8.9, 2 Chr 5.10

  The tables of Moses, a golden pot filled with manna, and Aaron’s budded rod. Heb 9.4

  Does God dwell in darkness or in light?

  Darkness. 1 Kg.8.12; 2 Chr 6.1; Ps 18.11, 97.2

  Light. 1 Tim 6.16

  Does God dwell in temples?

  Yes. 1 Kg 8.13; 2 Chr 7.12, 16

  No. Acts 7.48

  Is everyone a sinner?

  Yes. 1 Kg 8.46; 2 Chr 6.36; Pr 20.9; Ec 7.20; Rom 3.23, 1 Jn 1.8, 10;

  No. Rom 5.14; 1 Jn 3.6, 5.18; 3 Jn 11

  How many officers did Solomon have?

  550. 1 Kg 9.23

  250. 2 Chr 8.10

  How many talents of gold did Hiram send Solomon?

  420. 1 Kg 9.28

  450. 2 Chr 8.18

  Who was Abijam’s mother?

  Maachah, the daughter of Abishalom. 1 Kg 15.2

  Michaiah the daughter of Uriel. 2 Chr 13.1-2

  How were Abijam and Asa related?

  Abijam was Asa’s father. 1 Kg 15.2, 10

  Abijam was Asa’s brother. 2 Kg 15.1-2, 9-10

  Did Asa remove the high places?

  Yes. 2 Chr 14.2-3

  No. 1 Kg 15.14, 2 Chr 15.17

  Was Asa perfect?

  Yes. 1 Kg 15.14, 2 Chr 15.17

  No. 2 Chr 16.7, 10, 12

  When did Baasha die?

  In the 26th year of King Asa’s reign. 1 Kg 16.8

  Sometime after the 36th year of King Asa’s reign. 2 Chr 16.1

  How long was Elijah’s drought?

  Three and a half years. Jas 5.17, Lk 4.25

  Less than three years. 1 Kg 17.1, 18.1, 45

  Was Jehu the son or grandson of Nimshi?

  Son. 1 Kg 19.16

  Grandson. 2 Kg 9.2

  Did Elisha receive Elijah’s mantle before or after Elijah is taken up into heaven?

  Before. 1 Kg 19.19

  After. 2 Kg 2.13

  Did Jehoshaphat remove the high places?

  Yes. 2 Chr 17.5-6

  No. 1 Kg 22.42-43, 2 Chr 20.31-33

  Did God give Gehazi leprosy?

  Yes. 2 Kg 5.27

  No. 2 Kg 8.4

  When did Ahaziah begin to reign?

  In the twelfth year of Joram. 2 Kg 8.25

  In the eleventh year of Joram. 2 Kg 9.29

  How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign?

  22 years old. 2 Kg 8.26

  42 years old. 2 Chr 22.2

  Was Jehu the son or grandson of Nimshi?

  Son. 2 Kg 9.16

  Grandson. 2 Kg 9.2

  Did God commend or condemn Jehu for the killings at Jezreel?

  God commended him for it. 2 Kg 10.30, 2 Chr 22.7

  God condemned him for it. Hos 1.4

  Where was Joash buried?

  With the other kings in Jerusalem. 2 Kg 12.20

  In Jerusalem, but not with the other kings. 2 Chr 24.24-25

  When did Jehoash become king of Judah?

  At least forty years after Joash became king of Judah. 2 Kg 13.1, 10

  In the thirty seventh year of Joash’s reign. 2 Kg 13.10

  How long did Jotham reign?

  At least 20 years. 2 Kg 15.30

  16 years. 2 Kg 15.32-33

  Was Ahaz buried with his fathers?

  Yes. 2 Kg 16.20

  No. 2 Chr 28.27

  Is every word of God pure?

  Yes. Ps 12.6, 119.140; Pr 30.5

  No. 2 Kg 18.27, Ezek 23.20, Hab 2.16, Mal 2.3

  Why did God turn the sundial back ten degrees?

  As a sign that he would heal Hezekiah’s boil. 2 Kg 20.8

  As a sign that he would defend the city against the Assyrians. Is 38.4

  How did King Josiah die?

  He died a peaceful death. 2 Kg 22.20

  He was killed in battle. 2 Kg 23.29-30, 2 Chr 35.23-24

  Where did Josiah die?

  He died at Megiddo. 2 Kg 23.29-30

  He died in Jerusalem. 2 Chr 35.23-24

  Who succeeded Jehoiakim as king?

  He was succeeded as king by his son. 2 Kg 24.6

  He had no one to succeed him. Jer 36.30

  How old was Jehoachin when he began to reign?

  He was 18 years old and he reigned for 3 months. 2 Kg 24.8

  He was 8 years old and he reigned for 3 months and 10 days. 2 Chr 36.9

  Did Zedekiah’s eyes behold the king of Babylon?

  Yes, his eyes beheld the king of Babylon. Jer 34.3

  No, his eyes were removed before he reached Babylon. 2 Kg 25.7

  On what day did the temple burn?

  On the seventh day. 2 Kg 25.8-9

  On the tenth day. Jer 52.12-13

  How high was the chapiter?

  Five cubits. Jer 52.22

  Three cubits. 2 Kg 25.17

  How many men were in the king’s presence?

  Five. 2 Kg 25.19

  Seven. Jer 52.25

  On what day of the month was Jehoiachin released from prison?

  On the 27th day of the month. 2 Kg 25.27

  On 25th day of the month. Jer 52.31

  Generations from David to the Babylonian Captivity

  Contradictory lists are given in 1 Chr 3.11-16 and Mt 1.6-11

  Was Jeconiah the son or grandson of Josiah?

  He was Josiah’s son. Mt 1.11

  He was Josiah’s grandson. 1 Chr 3.15-16

  Did Jeconiah have any sons?

  Jeconiah had no sons. Jer 22.30

  Jeconiah had several sons; one was an ancestor of Jesus. 1 Chr 3.17, Mt 1.12

  Who was Zerubbabel’s father?

  Pedaiah. 1 Chr 3.19

  Shealtiel. Ezra 3.2, Neh 12.1, Hag 1.1, Mt 1.12, Lk 3.27

  Who were the sons of Heman?

  Contradictory lists are given in 1 Chr 25.4 and 2 Chr 29.14

  Who was Zechariah’s father?

  Jehoiada. 2 Chr 24.20

  Berechias. Mt 23.35

  Did Jehoiakim die in Babylon or near Jerusalem?

  He died in Babylon. 2 Chr 36.6

  He died near Jerusalem. Jer 22.18-19

  How many of Arah’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  775. Ezra 2.5

  652. Neh 7.10

  How many of Pahathmoab, Jeshua, and Joab’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  2812. Ezra 2.6

  2818. Neh 7.11

  How many of Zattu’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  945. Ezra 2.8

  845. Neh 7.13

  How many of Bani’s offspri
ng returned from Babylon?

  642. Ezra 2.10

  648. Neh 7.15

  How many of Bebai’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  623. Ezra 2.11

  628. Neh 7.16

  How many of Azgad’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  1222. Ezra 2.12

  2322. Neh 7.17

  How many of Adonikam’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  666. Ezra 2.13

  667. Neh 7.18

  How many of Bigvai’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  2056. Ezra 2.14

  2067. Neh 7.19

  How many of Adin’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  454. Ezra 2.15

  655. Neh 7.20

  How many of Bezai’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  323. Ezra 2.17

  324. Neh 7.23

  How many of Bethlehem and Netophah’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  179. Ezra 2.21-22

  188. Neh 7.26

  How many of Lod, Hadid, and Ono’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  725. Ezra 2.33

  721. Neh 7.37

  How many of Senaah’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  3630. Ezra 2.35

  3930. Neh 7.38

  How many of Asaph’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  128. Ezra 2.41

  148. Neh 7.44

  How many children of the porters returned from Babylon?

  139. Ezra 2.42

  138. Neh 7.45

  How many of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda’s offspring returned from Babylon?

  652. Ezra 2.60

  642. Neh 7.62

  How many singing men and women returned from Babylon?

  200. Ezra 2.65

  245. Neh 7.67

  How much gold, silver, and clothing did the people give?

  61,000 drams of gold, 5000 pounds of silver, and 100 priests’ garments. Ezra 2.69

  20,000 drams of gold, 2000 pounds of silver, and 67 priests’ garments. Neh 7.72

  Was Zechariah Iddo’s son or grandson?

  Zechariah was Iddo’s son. Ezra 5.1, 6.14

  Zechariah was Iddo’s grandson. Zech 1.1

  Is the devil free to roam?

  Yes, he’s free to roam around. Job 1.7, 2.2, 1 Pet 5.8

  No, he’s tied up. 2 Pet 2.4, Jude 6

  Who brought evil on Job?

  Satan. Job 2.7

  God. Job 42.11

  Does God destroy both the righteous and the wicked?

  Yes God destroys both the righteous and the wicked. Job 9.22, Ec 7.15, Ezek 21.3-5

  No. God destroys the wicked, not the righteous. Ezek 18.19-20, 33.19

  Can God be found through reason alone?

  Yes. Rom 1.20

  No. Job 11.7

  Do evildoers prosper?

  No. Ps 34.21

  Yes. Job 12.6; Ps 73.3-4, 7, 12; Jer 12.1

  Do the wicked live long?

  Yes. Job 21.7

  No. Ps 55.23; Pr 10.27, 24.20; Ec 8.13; Jer 23.19; Nah 1.3

  Is wisdom a good thing?

  Yes. Pr 3.35, 4.7, 10.14, 14.8, 16.16, 23.23; Ec 9.16-18; Jas 1.5


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