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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 87

by Alexander, S. B.

  “I saw one of your matches three months ago,” he was saying. “My brother dragged me to one. I was impressed. You knocked out your opponent in three rounds.” The detective placed his hand on the doorknob.

  “I have a bout next month,” Kross said.

  “Let me know date and time,” the man with the Glock said.

  Dillon and I exchanged a wide-eyed look.

  “They started talking about boxing,” Lizzie added.

  I’d gotten that. What surprised me was that they acted like buds from high school. Maybe Kross’s minor-celebrity status boded well for us.

  Kross flicked his head at me. “That’s my brother.”

  “I see the resemblance.” He chuckled. “I’m Detective Rayburn.” He pointed at the fat dude. “You, go with Detective Bensen.”

  A female detective dressed similarly to Rayburn settled in the doorway.

  Fat Dude pushed off the wall and came up to Lizzie. “I hope everything works out for you.”

  “Thank you, Oscar,” she said. “And stay out of those poker joints.”

  After Oscar and Detective Bensen left, Rayburn walked over to the two-way mirror and knocked on it. Then he said to Dillon and me, “I already questioned Kross and Elizabeth. I suspect if I question you two I’ll get the same responses. And we don’t have anything to hold you on. Besides, we’re after bigger fish at that poker game anyway.” Rayburn looked at Terrance. “You, on the other hand, I do want to question.”

  The blood drained from Terrance’s face. “You turned me in?” he asked Lizzie. “I thought you said that if I helped you, you wouldn’t press charges?”

  “I said I would consider it, although I already went to the cops in Florida weeks ago. They have my statement.”

  “According to Ms. Reardon, you know one of the dealers from that poker game,” Rayburn said. “I don’t have anything to hold you on either, but I do want to hear more about the dealer.”

  “Oh,” Terrance muttered.

  “But don’t think for a minute that I can’t call down to Florida and talk with one of my brethren. So if I were you, I’d do the right thing.” Detective Rayburn waved his hand toward the door. “Let’s go.”

  Terrance shuffled past us.

  Lizzie grabbed his arm. “My attorney here in Boston is Robert Davenport at Davenport Law Firm, and you have my number. I hope to hear from you soon.”

  Detective Rayburn pinned a look on all of us. “Stay out of illegal poker joints. I don’t want to see any of you in here again.” Then he shook Kross’s hand. “You have my card. Give me a heads up on your next fight. And someone will be by in a moment to escort all of you out.”

  When it was just the four of us, I let out a heavy sigh. We weren’t going to jail. My future as a lawyer wasn’t ruined. Most of all, the woman who had my heart in the palm of her hand was safe. It was time for flowers, feathers, and foreplay. Lots of foreplay.

  Chapter 28


  I walked into a posh hotel in the Back Bay of Boston to meet Kelton. Large vases of fragrant lilies dotted the lobby tables as I crossed the shiny white floors on my way to the elevators. I inhaled the sweet aroma—a definite upgrade from the cigar smoke at the club the night before.

  I stabbed the up arrow for the elevator, thinking of Terrance. I had hoped he’d call. During our conversation in the van, I’d thought I’d rattled a nerve or two, talking about his son and my dad. But maybe I’d read him wrong. Or maybe Detective Rayburn threw him in jail for some reason. Aside from all that, Dillon had confirmed with Duke that all but twenty percent of our money would be returned to us. Apparently, Oscar gave Dillon a heads up on that piece of info. At least I wasn’t out ten thousand dollars, only two.

  But I stowed away my problems. For that night, Terrance, money, and everything else didn’t exist. I pressed the button again. Then I checked the text message Kelton had sent me earlier with the room number. Ding. The doors whooshed open. After a couple filed out of the elevator, I hopped in and hit number twenty-five. When the car began its ascent, so did my pulse. Our first date hadn’t gone so well. We’d both been on eggshells. We were still getting to know one another. Only tonight would be on a whole new level.

  The churning in my stomach kicked into high gear as I got out of the car. I laughed as I looked in the mirror that hung on the wall right outside the elevator.

  “No reason to be scared,” I said out loud. Despite the drizzle of rain I’d trudged through on the way from the “T” to the hotel, the little makeup I had on was intact. My cheeks were pale and my hair draped around me, but my eyes weren’t as red as they had been earlier from lack of sleep. I smiled at my last thought. I probably won’t get much sleep tonight either.

  I made my way to room twenty-five twelve, which was two right turns off the elevator. After a long trek down the hallway, I arrived at Kelton’s room. He’d instructed me to meet him at 9:00 p.m. I rapped on the door with a shaky hand and nausea ready to rise. We’d been through our first kiss, first touch, first eye contact, first fight—lots of firsts, but never had we been intimate with each other.

  As I wiped my damp hands down my jeans, the door opened with a light click, revealing a shirtless Kelton with his colorful lizard tattoo snaking out of sight into his jeans. I wiped my hands on my legs again and again. The way I was going, I was about to start a fire. Or maybe I was on fire.

  He opened the door wider. “Hey.” His lopsided grin made me squeeze my thighs together. As he held onto the door, his left bicep flexed, causing his serpent tat to move as if it was slithering up his arm.

  Then again, I was probably dizzy. I grabbed onto my necklace as I padded deeper into the room. Waiting for Kelton to close the door, I took in the scene. Candles peppered the desk, dresser, and nightstands. The city lights spilled in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. A faint, flowery fragrance hung in the air, and the bed—or should I say the elephant in the room—was inviting with its comforter folded down and the pillows fluffed to perfection.

  Kelton came up behind me and pressed his body into mine, gently helping me out of my jacket before he swept my hair to one side. Then his lips touched the spot of skin just below my ear. I jumped as tingles exploded from head to toe.

  “Easy, baby doll.”

  He smelled clean like fresh air, sparking memories of our summers together in my backyard as we’d lain on the grass in the rain. I sank back against him, tilted my neck, then reached up to cup his smooth-shaven face. He turned into my hand, his tongue snaking out to trace circles on my palm. My body instantly erupted in another wave of tingles, and this time I didn’t jump. Instead, I dropped my head against his chest as he grasped my hips then trailed his hands up under my sweater. He brushed my breasts as he continued his slow ascent until he whispered in a husky tone, “Raise your arms.”

  I obeyed. He removed my sweater then tossed it aside. I shuddered at the coolness in the room but was quickly rewarded with warmth when his strong hands found their way to my waist and he guided me around to face him. His blue eyes appeared darker, like sapphires in an expensive ring, as he lowered his head then stroked my lips with his thumb.

  I closed my eyes, my limbs languid as he moved to caress my neck, working his way down to my breasts. Moaning, I gripped the waist of his jeans before reaching for the button.

  “Not yet. Slow is the key word tonight.”

  I pouted as I opened my eyes, meeting the most insanely blue and intense gaze. His black hair was messy. The scar on his chin—a reminder of our past. I went to feel the ridges of his six pack, but he grasped my hand.

  “This way.”

  We bypassed the bed, heading to the bathroom. My pulse was erratic as I tried to control my breathing. He pushed open the door. Curls of steam floated out as he tugged me inside. Before I could do anything, he lifted me up by the waist a
nd set me down on the long counter opposite a bathtub surrounded in candlelight. In quick moves he removed my boots. Then he raised my legs so my feet were planted on his chest. I held onto the counter. He glanced at me then at my toe socks and grinned, a little amused, a little feral. He hadn’t told me to wear them that time.

  “What is it with my toe socks?” I wasn’t complaining, but his fetish was kind of weird.

  He gripped my right foot between his hands, pressed his thumbs into my heel, then massaged. “They look sexy on you.”

  I purred my approval as I closed my eyes, feeling the relaxing sensation of his magical hands.

  “They’ll look even sexier with your jeans off.” He lowered my legs.

  I planted my hands on the tiled counter as he worked to unbutton and unzip my jeans. As he pulled them down, I raised my hips. He sucked in a sharp breath when I sat in only my pink lace bra and thong and my socks. He sized me up slowly, smoothing his rough hands over my thighs and stomach before settling on my breasts.

  “So fucking stunning.” He traced the outline of my cleavage, his hand slightly shaking. He appeared to be using every ounce of energy not to rip off my bra.

  I poked out my chest, hoping he would replace his hands with his mouth. Instead he took off my socks, gripped my waist, and set me on my feet. Then he had me face the mirror as he positioned our bodies in front of the un-fogged spot in the middle. We peered at each other as his hands roamed freely over my body, his eyes heavy. The image of us heated me and made me want to cry. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be standing in Kelton’s arms.

  “You’re everything I imagined, everything I dreamed of.” He nibbled on my ear.

  I rested against him, soft to hard, before I snaked my hands between us, feeling his arousal straining through his jeans.

  He flattened a hand on my stomach then dipped his fingers inside my thong. He growled, pushing his hips into my hand. When his fingers landed on my bundle of nerves, I let out a soft moan, squeezing him tightly. He flipped me around and unhooked my bra, practically tearing it off. My breasts fell free. He hedged back, drinking me in. I wasn’t going to last if he didn’t do something soon. Nor was he, with that large bulge in his jeans. As desperate as I was to move things along, I also wanted to enjoy every second, every touch, every kiss, every noise, and every look between us.

  As he continued to study me, the light in his eyes dimmed, his eyebrows knitting. I had a sudden urge to cover myself or wrap my arms around my chest. I hardly shied away from anyone, especially Kelton.

  I did a mental shake to rid myself of any self-doubt then shimmied out of my thong, watching him the entire time. He licked his lips as I stood naked in the bathroom, surrounded by candlelight, flowers floating in the tub, tension hanging in the air, and steam and lust swirling around us. I clutched the half-heart charm as my nerves perked to life.

  I inched closer to him, hoping he wasn’t having second thoughts about us, about his love for me or mine for him. Or was he rethinking the long-distance relationship?

  I hooked my fingers in his belt loops. “I love you, Kel.”

  Without so much as a warning, I was in his arms and he was lowering me into a warm bubble bath filled with jasmine flowers. I squealed as he knelt down outside the large oval bathtub, his pensive expression never wavering.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I picked up a flower.

  “It’s not what’s wrong. It’s what’s right. For so long I closed off my heart, afraid of what would happen if I let someone in. Even when I told you I loved you at Dillon’s, I truly didn’t grasp the strength of the feeling until now.” His hand disappeared under the water. “You deserve the world, Lizard, and I want to give it to you. No matter if you’re in Miami and I’m here, we’ll work it out. And”—his hand coasted up my thigh—“I just want this night to be perfect.” His confident tone, the love in his eyes, and his smile erased any reservations I’d had about what he would do when I flew back to Miami.

  Tears pricked my eyes. “Are you getting into this bathtub with me? Or are you going to talk all night?” Not that I didn’t want to hear what he had to say, but actions were always louder.

  He chuckled as he quickly stood, shucking his jeans. My mouth dropped open, heat pinching my cheeks as my gaze lingered on his erection, imagining how he would feel inside me. He grinned like an ass as he climbed in—all six feet of hard ridges, tight abs, colorful tattoos, toned thighs, and impressive package.

  I scooted forward as he eased behind me. When he was situated, he pulled me back to him. Then he snagged the soap from the tray and began lathering my body, concentrating on one breast with the soap and the other with his hand. Warmth slithered down my stomach. Excitement soared up. The night was just beginning.

  Chapter 29


  My fingertips were shriveled, and the water was lukewarm at best. For the past thirty minutes, Lizzie had been mush in my arms as I’d lathered her body, feeling her perfect breasts in my hands, kissing her ears, her neck, anywhere I could as we sat in the tub. I took my time, not wanting to rush the evening. Although when she had first arrived I’d wanted to throw her on the bed and release the need that had been building since I’d first seen her again after seven years. Even more when she’d been standing naked earlier with a shy look, curvy hips, long legs, and those soul-stealing eyes with that square pot of gold shining brightly. Hell, the gold speck was one of her attributes that had snared me from the moment I’d met her in the fifth grade. My mind reeled at the fact she was there with me. I wanted to make new memories with her. I also wanted to cherish those that we had from the past. Good or bad, those times had defined us.

  I snaked my hand down, found her sweet spot, and began to move my finger in circles. She whimpered as I teased her awake.

  “Baby doll, I’m going to get out. But I don’t want you to move.” I wanted to get a couple of things in place before I laid her on the bed and worshipped her.

  “Hurry up. The water is getting cold.” She shivered.

  I climbed out and toweled off. “Two minutes.”

  Her gaze traveled like a race car over my body until she put on the brakes, skidding to a stop on my painful hard-on. Yep, I had been rock hard since she’d walked into the hotel room. But I didn’t care about the pain. The pleasure would come soon enough. Besides, this night was about her, about showing her how much I loved her.

  I darted out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag, removed a large purple feather, and placed it on the nightstand. The woman at the flower shop had thought I was nuts when I asked her if she sold feathers. I’d had to repeat myself a couple of times before the shop owner came out from the office. I wasn’t about to explain why I wanted it. Luckily, the shop owner had some left from a flower arrangement she’d made on a special request.

  I dove back into my bag, grabbed the condoms, and set them next to the feather. Then I arranged the pillows from the headboard to the side and tore the comforter from the bed. I checked the candles around the room. All flickered. Satisfied, I hurried back into the bathroom, snatched a towel from the rack, then stretched out my arms. “Your chariot awaits,” I said.

  She rose, carefully easing out of the tub. I followed every droplet of water as it slid down her body. More blood rushed to one place. I stifled a groan as I bundled her up, then I hoisted her in my arms. As I carried her, she sucked on my ear. In that second, my knees nearly buckled. Fortunately, my legs brushed the side of the bed.

  I let her down as gently as my shaky arms allowed. “Head on the pillows.”

  “Demanding still, I see.” She moved up, the towel falling and exposing her naked body.

  My gaze was riveted to her. My pulse sped up. My mouth was bone dry. Pure, raw hunger gripped me. The fire coursed through me like a slow burn, and at any moment the door would burst open, the backdraft sending me o
ver the fucking edge.

  “Are you going to stand there gawking?” she asked.

  All night if I couldn’t get my legs to move. My gaze wandered lazily upward from her navel to her breasts. Her nipples were calling to me. I blew out a breath, but the knots in my stomach didn’t loosen. I was never this nervous when it came to women and sex. Hey, moron. You’re not having sex. You’re making love to the most beautiful fucking woman you’ve ever laid eyes on. The woman who always had the superpowers to unlock those feelings you stowed away forever.

  She cupped one of her breasts and squeezed. My body jolted. Oh, hell no. As much as her touching herself was a turn-on, those babies were for me. I moistened my lips, yanked the towel from her, and flung it behind me.

  She blushed seductively, her body outstretched, her hair messy around her. The half-heart charm fell between her breasts. A surge of warmth spread through me. That piece of jewelry was a testament to the love she had for me.

  I reached for the feather then crawled up on the bed beside her, propping up on my elbow. “Hands over your head.”

  Concern glimmered in her eyes. “You know I’m ticklish,” she said in a breathy tone.

  I ran the feather lightly over her face. “I know.” The feather wasn’t meant to tickle her. “Trust me?” Her entire body was all mine, every satiny inch of it was mine to do with as I pleased. My dick jerked at that thought. I’d lain awake the past several nights, imagining the feather dipping in between her legs but never touching the spot she would eventually beg me to touch. I wanted to see her wiggle, see her facial expressions, and hear her moan. I wanted to feel every emotion with her as I tortured myself in the process. Because in the end, the high would be like no other fucking high in this world.


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