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The Maxwell Series Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 88

by Alexander, S. B.

I started my assault on the tops of her feet, slowly dragging the feather up one leg, all the while watching her. She sucked in her bottom lip, her chest rising, her nipples hard. As I approached the apex of her legs, her eyes fluttered closed. I switched to the other leg, doing the same thing, then ran the feather over her shifting abdominal muscles, between her breasts, along her neck, her arms, and her legs. When I was anywhere near the tops of her thighs, she raised her butt off the bed, trying to guide me toward her core. Beads of sweat broke out on my body. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stick to my plan.

  “Kel, I love the sensation, but I need to feel you all over me,” she whined.

  I groaned. The need to be inside her bellowed through me like fucking wildfire. “Foreplay,” I said in a strained voice.

  “Don’t you think the last hour or so has been enough foreplay?” She captured one of her nails in her mouth.

  Fuck. The first second after I’d opened the hotel door had been enough. “You’re not ready to scream my name.” I leaned over and captured her lips with mine, pushed my tongue through, and took, tasted, and got lost in her, in us, in our past. Seven fucking years of dreams of her, of pain that wouldn’t go away, of memories, of wondering every day where she was and if she was okay. Now the only pain I had was a throbbing erection. But her needs came first.

  She curled into me, moaning as she returned the kiss. When our tongues met in a heated frenzy, sparks shot off inside me like a cannon. I growled and abandoned the feather. I needed to taste more of her, all of her. I adjusted us so I was poised with my legs between hers, my hands pressed into the mattress on either side of her head. We continued to kiss as she gripped my butt, trying to tug me down.

  I broke away, both of us breathing heavily. Her hands were all over me, and yet nowhere. She opened her legs, and my dick brushed the inside of her thigh. She rocked her hips upward, wiggled, did everything she could to fuse us together.

  Control, control, I chanted in my head. What control? We both wanted each other badly. I grasped one wrist then lifted her arm over her head. “Leave that one there,” I said in a hoarse voice. “I promise I won’t tickle you.”

  “I’m not going to last,” she said. “I need you. I’ve dreamed of this moment. My foreplay started years ago, Kel.” A glow of pink stained her cheeks.

  “Baby doll, you have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this moment. But I promise in the end your dreams will be answered more than you imagined.” I slid down, capturing a nipple as my hand covered her breast. I sucked lightly then nipped. She writhed as I lifted her other arm over her head. Then I ran my fingers down her body, careful not to tickle her sides.

  She watched me with a quiet but lazy intensity, her body relaxed, her skin glistening in the soft candlelit room.

  Perfection came to mind as I settled on her other breast. She moaned her approval as I began dragging my lips slowly down her shifting abs, circling the outline of her belly button before landing on the inside of her thighs. I kissed the inside of both legs then glanced up at her, silently seeking permission. With her arms still over her head, she blinked.

  Fireworks went off in my stomach, causing my heart to beat out of control. I lowered at a snail’s pace, torturing myself as I did. I wanted to take my time, but my body was telling me to speed up the process so I could be inside her. When I captured her clit between my lips she let out a squeal, gripping the sheets above her. I licked lightly, up then down, before falling into a steady pace. Her breathing grew shallow. I reached up with one hand and found her nipple. When I pinched, her hips shot up as she screamed my name. I didn’t think I could be any harder, but fuck. When my name fell from her lips, it was all I could do not to become a madman. Instead I continued to suck lightly, wanting her release to last. When her body finally softened, I reached for the condom, tearing the hell out of the packet. In two seconds flat I rolled the condom on and crawled up her body, my biceps shaking like a motherfucker, until I was completely over her.

  Her face glistened as she smiled through hooded eyelids, her gold speck shining like a beacon.

  I rocked my hips and barely pushed in. Her eyes widened as she gasped.

  I stilled. “Open for me.” I was a millisecond away from exploding.

  She wrapped her legs around me.

  I glided in deeper. “You okay?” She felt like heaven, fitting perfectly around me.

  “Better than okay.” She dug her fingers into my biceps.

  With our gazes locked, I drove in far and deep, wild and free, savoring the feeling of her around me, beneath me, and with me. She kept up with my rhythm as we melded together effortlessly as though we’d made love to each other before. She made soft breathy noises with each thrust, sending me closer to the one place I’d never thought I’d experience with her.

  She kissed my mouth, hungry and heated, tethering her hands in my hair. I pumped harder and faster as I devoured her lips. Then I rolled us over without breaking contact. I needed her on top of me. I needed to absorb all of her, from the wildness of her hair, to the love in her eyes, to the way she moved on me. She swept her hooded gaze over my chest as she planted her hands on my tat.

  “The lizard has blue-gray eyes.” She was holding her lip hostage, seemingly lost in my tat.

  “Like you, baby doll.” I grasped her hips, guiding her up and down before she pressed her breasts into me. We moved together, kissing, my hands dancing rough and wild in her hair, until the fire morphed into an inferno. I flipped us one more time, taking control, thrusting faster, our bodies slick as we moved.

  She screamed my name for the second time that night, and when she did, my heart fucking exploded with glee. I pumped harder, not wanting any of it to end. Desire flared to an impossible high that I hadn’t even known existed. Tingles, heat, and suddenly, the room disappeared. I growled my release, my body shaking then stiffening, laboring for breath, the adrenaline pounding in my ears. “I love you, Lizard.” I kissed her nose then smoothed back her damp hair.

  Her eyes welled up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her hand cupped my face. “Can we do that again?” She giggled.

  “Fuck, yeah.” My dick was already getting hard inside her again. “But why the tears?”

  “I don’t want to leave Boston. My heart can’t handle being away from you.”

  Those words were a symphony to my ears. I wanted to pick her up and swing her around and shout out my happiness to the city of Boston. “Then don’t. We have great schools here. We can get an apartment together.”

  “What? Naked model Kelton wants to settle down with one woman?” Her mouth curled on one side.

  I was as shocked as she was, but I was also dead serious. She was the missing link in my life. “Lizard,” I said in warning. “I will tickle you with that feather.” I didn’t want to lose her. I didn’t want her to go back to Miami. Although, as rough as it would be for me to be away from her, I would deal if I had to. I loved her that much. Deep down I always had. If it weren’t for Terrance Malden stealing her inheritance, I wouldn’t be there with the one girl who wasn’t getting away from me again. “Better yet.” I squeezed her sides.

  She squirmed faster than a rattlesnake. “Okay, I won’t tease.”

  “Seriously. Think about it. I know you still need to get your inheritance worked out, but I can’t keep living at home. The commute is too far. And I don’t want to live with Zach. His gig babysitting that house ends when summer starts anyway. I don’t want to go back to the dorms for my senior year at BU. Aside from all that, I want to make new memories with you.”

  She traced the scar on my chin. “I’ll think about it. For now, can we have a repeat of tonight?”

  “Hell yeah.” I climbed off her then extended my hand. “Let’s go. The shower awaits.”

  Chapter 30


  Kelton and I were sitting in Mr. Davenport’s office, waiting for him to get out of his meeting.

  I gazed out at the city skyline, the March sunshine glinting off the buildings. I played with my earring as I sifted through the events since I’d arrived in Boston. My sole purpose had been to find Terrance Malden, get my inheritance back, and return to Miami and school. Never had I imagined I would find Kelton along the way—or Dillon, Bee, and Allie either. I had some decisions to make once I resolved the legal part of my inheritance. Miami was home to me. All the memories of my parents were there. I was enrolled in a great marine biology program, and I had access to the tropical waters off the coast of Florida.

  On the other hand, it was time for me to stop shutting people out of my life. I’d been doing that since my parents died, afraid that I would lose anyone I loved, and while I’d taken that chance exposing my feelings to Kelton, I was still deathly afraid that all the good that had come out of my time in Boston would vanish in an instant. More importantly, I would be a complete wreck if I left Kelton behind. I couldn’t ask him to leave his family or school. He was taking every step to get into Harvard Law. I refused to ask him to give up his dream for me. But my dream was to finish my degree in marine biology and build a life with Kelton.

  After our amazing night together that past Sunday, I’d had to time to think. I’d remembered from when I was researching colleges a couple of years before that BU had a great marine biology program. However, before I made that decision I had to ask Kelton one more time if he was serious about his offer for us to get an apartment together. I believed he was, but people did say things in the heat of passion. Since we’d had time to think about us, I didn’t want to assume anything.

  I glanced at Kelton, who was bouncing his knee. He hadn’t heard from Mr. Davenport about the job offer yet. And given that we’d ended up at the police station, I was somewhat nervous for him.

  “Do you think Mr. Davenport got wind of you at the police station?” I had an inkling as to why I was there. The lawyer in Florida, Mr. Pilkington, had had the meeting the day before with the courts for my temporary injunction to freeze my assets, which I was praying the courts approved.

  He shrugged a muscled shoulder. “I hope not.”

  I snagged his hand, twining my fingers in his. “Maybe we’ll both get good news.”

  “Did you think more about staying in Boston?” Kelton asked, trepidation pooling in his blue eyes.

  The door opened, followed by the voices of Mr. Davenport and another man. The hairs on the back of my neck rose. Kelton and I turned our attention to not only Mr. Davenport, but to Terrance Malden.

  My mouth dropped open. Kelton and I exchanged a smile.

  “Let’s all sit over here.” Mr. Davenport waved at the small conference table behind us as he held folders in his other hand.

  Terrance carried his briefcase as he crossed the floor to a chair at the table. He was dressed in a business suit, and his hair was combed back. He appeared fresh and ready for battle.

  My stomach heaved as Kelton helped me to stand. Sure, I was happy Terrance was there. To me his presence signified that he was willing to help. But I was also apprehensive. He’d said there was only two hundred thousand dollars left in my bank accounts. However, if he hadn’t done any accounting on the estate, the remaining funds might be slotted for unpaid bills.

  Mr. Davenport didn’t give me a chance to think or speak. No sooner than he’d sat in a chair at the head of the table he said, “Ms. Reardon.”

  I swung my gaze from Terrance to Mr. Davenport as Kelton and I took two chairs across from Terrance.

  “I called you here today to discuss the outcome of the temporary injunction that took place yesterday,” Mr. Davenport said. “Before I get to that, I want to address the reason Mr. Malden is here.”

  I pinned my gaze on Terrance. He flashed me a tentative smile.

  Mr. Davenport flipped open a folder. “Mr. Malden has handed over all the documents on your estate. And for the last three hours, I’ve had the opportunity to go through them.”

  The churning in my stomach settled for the moment. I wasn’t about to get my hopes up. Kelton reached under the table and rested his hand on my thigh. I placed mine on top of his. For so long I’d been on my own with no one to turn to, and while I could fight for what was mine, his love, his presence, and his strength were a balm to my frayed edges.

  “It appears from these documents that Mr. Malden has been draining the estate of cash. He’s failed to file any tax returns. He’s failed to pay any debt of the estate, and he’s also failed to provide Ms. Reardon’s living expenses.” He glanced at Terrance. “Under the law, I have no grounds to have you arrested. However, Ms. Reardon has a right to bring a civil suit against you, which we will discuss in a minute. The Florida courts can also hold you in contempt. But you wanted to say a few words.”

  Terrance bobbed his head at Mr. Davenport before setting his apologetic gaze on me. “After our conversation in the police van, I thought long and hard about what you said.”

  Kelton gripped my hand tightly. I glanced at Mr. Davenport. He studied Kelton for a moment before writing something down on a piece of paper. Yeah, he knew.

  “Your father and I were great friends,” Terrance continued. “I’d have done anything for him. But when he asked me to watch over you if something ever happened to him and your mother, I was speechless. I told him I wasn’t the right person. He’d said he didn’t trust anyone else, not even the little family he or your mother had.” He lowered his gaze briefly. “I’ve never been a good father. I put my kid through hell. I stole from him too. Gambling is an addiction that’s hard to break. I cursed your father in his grave. I’m still angry with him for dying and for thinking I was the right person for this job. I was supposed to be on that boat with them that weekend.” Tears formed in his eyes.

  I was supposed to have been on the boat with my parents as well. I had to sympathize with Terrance. I was also angry that my parents were taken from me, but that wasn’t anyone’s fault. Habit or not, sympathy aside, he stole from me. He has a disease.

  “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I’m not proud of what I’ve done. You made me see that I need to make vast changes in my life, especially now with a grandbaby on the way. So I’m entering a rehab facility. But I will do what I can to cooperate with the attorneys and the courts to make this right.”

  “How much have you gambled away?” I asked.

  Mr. Davenport pulled a piece of paper out of a folder. “Roughly six hundred thousand dollars has been depleted from the bank accounts. Is that correct, Mr. Malden?”

  “Yes. But there’s the two hundred thousand that’s left in the bank account, and I have three hundred thousand in winnings from recent poker games that I’ll return immediately.”

  “How can I be sure I’ll get that money?” Once Terrance walked out, he could very well disappear.

  “Terrance and I have already started the paperwork for the wire transfer,” Mr. Davenport said.

  I let out a quiet breath.

  “That’s the cash part of the estate,” Kelton chimed in. “But what about the rest, the 401Ks or any other monies her parents had?”

  “Fortunately, her parents had set up a separate trust specifically for the 401Ks,” Mr. Davenport explained. “And that trust hasn’t been touched. Mr. Malden couldn’t touch it anyway. The details outline there’s two point five million in 401Ks. When Ms. Reardon finishes college, she will be paid a portion of the monies from the 401Ks on an annual basis, leaving the balance to grow and adjust with market fluctuations.”

  My breath caught in my throat. I remembered Mr. Pilkington telling me after my parents’ funeral that I’d be set for life. I also recalled something about a million dollars, but I hadn’t paid close attention during that meeting. I slumped in my chair, gripping Kelton’s fingers,
holding back tears of joy that the majority of the money was tied up in 401Ks and Terrance hadn’t had access to those accounts. But I wasn’t out of the woods yet. Mr. Davenport explained that Terrance hadn’t filed any tax returns or paid any bills associated with the estate. I couldn’t be certain, but I guessed the IRS would want their share regardless of a trustee’s theft of the money.

  “Ms. Reardon?” Mr. Davenport said. “Are you okay?”

  I blinked away a lone tear. “What bills need to be paid against the estate? And how much do I really have when everything is paid?” Since I didn’t have access to the 401Ks until I graduated college, I needed to live, pay for school, and pay back my own debt, though that wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things. I owed a landlord for back rent, which totaled three grand. I’d bet he’d already packed up my things and rented out the apartment. I had to settle my score with him if I wanted my furniture and the rest of my clothes.

  Mr. Davenport’s bushy eyebrows lifted. “Until we work up the tax documents, it’s hard to say. The good news is that the lawyer in Florida was able to get the temporary injunction approved to freeze the assets. Mr. Malden will not have access to any of your money. The next steps are to get the accounting straight, remove Mr. Malden as the trustee, pay any outstanding debt, and name a new trustee. You also need to decide if you would like to bring a civil suit against him.”

  I wanted retribution. I wanted for all this to end. I wanted to move on, and above all I wanted control of my life. If I did take Terrance to court, that would be more money out of my pocket. In the end, it was a crapshoot whether I would win. Not to mention, if I did, how would he pay me?

  Kelton rubbed the backs of my fingers as he leaned into me. “Whatever you decide, I’m with you,” he whispered in my ear.

  Terrance was cooperating, and I’d told him I wouldn’t press charges if he did. “No civil suits.” I pinned a glare on Terrance.


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