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Knowing Me Knowing You

Page 26

by Mandy Baggot

  ‘I’m no competition for her, look at her, she’s perfect, I’m a wreck, I have split ends, stretch marks and Bethan. Anyway, Joel deserves so much better than me,’ Kate stated, still looking over at him.

  ‘Kate….,’ Lynn began in serious tones.

  ‘Hello ladies, it’s a perfect day for the final isn’t it?’ Miranda’s voice announced as she arrived at Kate’s side, still wearing her sunglasses.

  ‘I think the sun beds are that way,’ Lynn remarked before she could stop herself.

  ‘It’s a relief to be off that wretched coach I can tell you. One cup of coffee and one toilet stop, still, back to luxury here, Andrew and I are in an executive suite with a view of the London Eye apparently,’ Miranda continued.

  ‘So are Kate and Joel,’ Lynn commented.

  ‘That’s nice. I see Joel has a new friend over there,’ Miranda remarked, indicating Marina.

  ‘That’s his sister,’ Lynn said quickly.

  ‘Oh really, come to support you both, that’s perfect,’ Miranda responded.

  ‘We better find the bar hadn’t we Lynn, haven’t had a drink since Fleet,’ Kate spoke, taking Lynn’s arm.

  ‘Well I’m sure I will see you both around the pool later, supposed to really hot up this afternoon,’ Miranda said smiling and flicking her hair back.

  ‘Maybe, after short mat bowls,’ Kate responded with a sigh.

  ‘Come on, let’s get you that drink,’ Lynn said, leading the way across the foyer.

  ‘Two large rum and cokes please,’ Lynn ordered as she and Kate sat down on a bar stool.

  ‘Why is she here now? I mean I know he said she was coming to the show tonight but it’s not even lunchtime, what is she doing here? Is she going to be here all day?’ Kate questioned.

  ‘So you are bothered about Marina.’

  ‘Of course I’m bothered by her, she’s all over Joel, all over him, kissing him and touching him, and who can blame her. I’ve been such an idiot, I’ve pushed him away and now it’s too late.’

  ‘Dur! How can it be too late? She’s been around two minutes, you’ve been doing this show with him for two months, you’re in the final with him tonight, you’re sharing an executive suite.’

  ‘He doesn’t care about me any more, not like he used to. And that’s my fault because I’ve spent too much time hankering after Matthew.’

  ‘The minger,’ Lynn added.

  ‘Yeah, the minger,’ Kate agreed.

  ‘I see, bad news Joel mate, they’re on the rum already,’ Darren spoke as he and Joel arrived at the bar.

  ‘We haven’t paid yet, what do you want?’ Lynn offered.

  ‘Two lagers will be the order of the day I think don’t you Joel?’ Darren said with a grin.

  ‘Sounds good,’ Joel replied.

  Kate picked up her drink and drank a huge gulp.

  ‘Where’s Marina?’ she questioned, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

  ‘Oh you saw her, why didn’t you come over? I would have introduced you.’

  ‘We were talking to the Lady Dragon. So where is she? Getting ready for short mat bowls?’ Kate enquired, jealousy leaking out.

  ‘She’s gone shopping. She just came in to check what time it started tonight.’

  ‘She’s a looker that Marina isn’t she?’ Darren commented.

  ‘Oh she is is she?’ Lynn remarked, glaring at her husband.

  ‘Well, obviously nothing in comparison to you love, but you know, not bad,’ Darren said quickly.

  ‘She takes an hour to put her make-up on in the morning and even longer to take it off at night,’ Joel informed him.

  ‘Oh aye aye! Knows her early morning routines eh?’

  ‘I’ll have another one of these please,’ Kate spoke, passing her glass over the bar to the barman.

  ‘Yeah, and me,’ Lynn added, passing her glass too.

  ‘Have I done something to upset you?’ Joel asked, sensing Kate’s mood.

  ‘You? No, of course not, I’m just dreading the contestant lunch that’s all; can’t we skip it and go for a swim?’

  ‘As much as I would love to, I think we ought to check out the other contestants, see what we’re up against. We can always sneak out before the bowls starts.’

  ‘Is that a promise?’


  ‘So, you and Darren have talked?’ Kate asked as she saw Darren disappear towards the gents.

  ‘Not properly, not about that day, but he’s the same old Darren and we’re good.’

  ‘I’m glad.’

  ‘Yeah, me too. It’s a step in the right direction.’

  ‘HELLO! If I could have your attention! Could all the ‘Knowing Me Knowing You’ contestants meet in the dining room at 1.00pm, that’s in twenty five minutes time. There will be a three course meal followed by a photo shoot and a game of short mat bowls. Is Kate Baxter here?’ Becky the TV company assistant shouted loudly.

  Kate froze as her name was called out and everyone started scanning the room waiting to see what was about to happen.

  ‘She’s here!’ Lynn shouted, pointing at Kate.

  ‘Oh Kate, good, this arrived for you, very beautiful,’ Becky spoke and she handed Kate a yellow and white bouquet of gerberas.

  ‘Oh, thank you,’ Kate spoke, her face flushing with embarrassment as all eyes were trained on her.

  ‘Wow! That’s gorgeous,’ Lynn said, admiring the flowers.

  ‘It was Hermione’s idea, not mine; she said everyone would have one,’ Kate responded, still flushed.

  ‘It’s your wedding day; you should have whatever you want,’ Lynn told her.

  Kate smiled and looked up at Joel. If only.

  Thirty Three

  Kate slipped on her gold strappy sandals and then turned to look at herself in the full-length mirror. The reflection took her back; memories filled her head and tears sprung to her eyes. She felt like she had spent the last year crying.

  The dress Hermione had made was gorgeous. Any bride would have been proud to wear it on their special day. It was full length, tight at the bust, in at the waist and then it flowed down in a straight, pleated style, finishing at the floor.

  ‘It’s almost 5.00pm,’ Joel called from the living area of their suite.

  ‘OK, I’m just coming,’ Kate hurriedly called back, swallowing the ball of emotion in her throat and preparing to leave the bedroom.

  She opened the door and there was Joel in the midnight blue wedding suit she had chosen the material for. At the sight of him her heart jolted. Despite the scars from his attack he looked amazing and the way he smiled at her as she entered the room made her insides tighten.

  ‘Kate, you look….stunning,’ Joel spoke, his voice faltering.

  ‘It’s the dress, not me. I like your suit, Hermione is a genius.’

  ‘No, it’s definitely you.’

  ‘Midnight blue was so the right choice for you.’ Kate replied hurriedly, not wanting to acknowledge the charge in the room.

  ‘You like it?’ Joel asked, stretching out his arms to display the suit.

  ‘Yes,’ Kate answered, looking at him intently.

  ‘It feels strange, being dressed up for my wedding.’

  ‘Yes,’ Kate agreed.

  ‘I’ve never done it before.’

  Kate nodded and tried to ignore the urge to cry. She had to hold it together, in a few hours the contest would be over and things could get back to normal. He would be better off with Marina, they had more in common, they could work the camera together and eat healthily.

  ‘Sorry, that wasn’t meant to sound like it came out,’ Joel said quickly.

  ‘It’s OK, honestly,’ Kate answered, giving a small cough and getting rid of the knot in her throat.

  ‘I’m just getting carried away with the occasion; one look at the Love Dove will have me back to reality, well televisual reality anyway. Got to have steady nerves and a steady hand for the cake decorating,’ Joel said, smiling at her.

nbsp; ‘Yes and you mustn’t get so heavy-handed with the silver balls, they need to be in nice groups not large clumps,’ Kate told him.

  ‘Speaks the woman who knocked the head off the porcelain groom the other day.’

  ‘We’d better go or Lynn will be banging the door down,’ Kate said, looking at her watch.

  ‘OK, oh, here, don’t forget your bouquet,’ Joel said, picking the flowers up from the table and handing them to her.

  Their fingers brushed against each other and Kate grabbed onto the flowers as tightly as she could and headed for the door. She didn’t want to touch him anymore, it was agony knowing how close they had come to something special and how she had pushed it away.

  ‘Come on, we don’t want to be late.’ Kate called to him.

  ‘One lager, one rum and coke,’ Darren spoke as Joel and Kate joined him and Lynn at the bar.

  ‘Have you seen the mutton dressed as lamb over there?’ Lynn asked, pointing in the direction of Kate and Joel’s rivals for the ‘Knowing Me Knowing You’ crown.

  ‘God is that Sylvia?’ Kate asked, craning her neck to see.

  ‘Yes, in black with a horrendously low cut top that someone of her age just shouldn’t be allowed to own. She does look every inch the bride though….Frankenstein’s.’

  ‘The others look nice though,’ Kate said, admiring the other contestants’ dresses.

  ‘And so do you, and as for Joel! I have to hand it to Hermione, she got his measurements spot on, that suit fits him like a glove.’

  ‘She spent long enough measuring him I can tell you. Oh great,’ Kate spoke, her voice dropping.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘It’s Marina, barely dressed, heading this way,’ Kate said and she downed her drink in one and put the glass back down on the bar.

  ‘Hi Joel, hello Darren, lovely to meet you again,’ Marina spoke and she began kissing the two men on both cheeks, much to Lynn and Kate’s irritation.

  ‘Hey Marina, I didn’t think you could make it until later,’ Joel said, smiling at the blonde haired woman.

  ‘Well the shoot finished early so I got ready and headed on down here. You look amazing in that suit,’ Marina said, gazing intently at Joel.

  ‘He does doesn’t he! He’s getting married, to Kate; this is Kate, his bride,’ Lynn introduced, giving her a shove towards the pair.

  ‘Oh Kate, I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced you to Marina have I? Marina this is Kate, my co-contestant for the show, Kate, this is Marina.’

  ‘Hello,’ Kate said through tight lips.

  Co-contestant! Was that all she was now? Yes, of course that was all she was because she had been stupid and she had passed up her chance of having the sexiest man alive. She was an idiot!

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ Marina answered.

  ‘Wow! Look at you Kate, and Joel, what a smashing couple you make,’ Colin Sykes spoke as he and Dawn appeared at the edge of the bar.

  ‘Wow to you too Colin, nice shirt, I would never have thought canary yellow for your skin tone, but it really does complement it,’ Lynn remarked.

  ‘Thank you, I think. Kate, could I have a quick word, before we all get too drunk and caught up in the occasion to be able to say anything sensible?’ Colin asked with a smile.

  Kate felt her heart sink. She knew exactly what he was going to ask her and it was the moment she had been dreading for the past few weeks.

  ‘I won’t keep you from your groom for long I promise,’ Colin said.

  ‘Sure,’ Kate replied and she handed her bouquet to Lynn and went to the corner of the room with the Randall’s partner.

  ‘You know what I’m going to ask you don’t you? I know I said no pressure but there’s a course starting next month and I thought it would be good if you wanted to do it we could…..’

  ‘I’ve decided not to do the exam,’ Kate said bluntly.

  ‘Oh,’ Colin said in a tone that was both surprised and disappointed.

  ‘It isn’t what I want. It probably should be, but it isn’t, not right now.’

  ‘Has this got anything to do with Miranda?’ Colin asked seriously.

  ‘No, it hasn’t,’ Kate answered truthfully.

  ‘Well, I can’t pretend I’m not disappointed. I like you Kate, the other partners like you, your work is efficient and accurate and the clients have nothing but praise for you.’

  ‘That’s very kind of you to say but....,’ Kate began, looking back nervously at Marina who had now linked her arm through Joel’s.

  ‘It’s the truth Kate; you’re a very valued member of the team, highly regarded by all,’ Colin assured her.

  ‘And I regard you higher than anyone love.’ a familiar loud booming voice spoke from behind them.

  Kate turned around to see Frank Peterson beaming at her. He was wearing a tuxedo with a bright red cummerbund and matching bow tie, a fat Cuban cigar hanging from his mouth. She had never wanted to hug anyone more.

  ‘Frank! How are you? How’s Marion?’ Kate asked, smiling at her client.

  ‘Of course I’m here, couldn’t miss your big night, plus I’ve put up some of the prize money. As for Marion she’s healing up fine, won’t be dancing for a while but she’s up and at them, in the ladies doing her make-up at the moment,’ Frank informed.

  ‘A woman’s prerogative,’ Colin responded with a laugh.

  ‘It certainly is. You wouldn’t mind if I stole five minutes with your girl would you?’ Frank asked Colin as he put an arm around Kate.

  ‘Not at all, I’d better see to drinks for the team before the show starts. We’ll speak another time Kate,’ Colin spoke with an understanding smile.

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Kate replied.

  ‘Trying to chat you up was he?’ Frank asked her.

  ‘No, of course not Frank!’ Kate exclaimed with a laugh.

  ‘Well I wouldn’t blame him, look at you girl, you look wonderful,’ Frank said, admiring Kate’s dress.

  ‘Thank you,’ Kate answered.

  ‘Right, well, I’ll cut to the chase because I know you’re just about to dash off and compete for that prize and we can’t keep TV land waiting can we?’ Frank began.

  ‘Quite right too,’ Kate spoke, trying to concentrate on what Frank was saying and not stare at Marina who was leaning on Joel’s arm and pulling him into her.

  ‘I want you,’ Frank stated, his eyes bulging.

  Kate just stared at him, wide-eyed and verging on terrified.

  ‘I’m sorry Frank, I must have misheard you, what did you say?’ Kate asked gingerly.

  ‘I said I want you. I want to take you away from all this. I want you.....’

  ‘Oh dear,’ Kate replied awkwardly.

  ‘ my right-hand man, well right-hand woman I should say. I’m getting on a bit Kate, losing that sharpness, I need someone to keep me on an even keel, organise me, tell me what to do,’ Frank clarified.

  ‘Oh, God, you mean a job; you want to offer me a job?’ Kate said, relieved.

  ‘Yes, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now but with Marion getting laid up it brought things to a head, made me consider the future. I don’t want to let go of the reins yet but my thirty five year old son still acts like he’s at university, you know, drinking, different girlfriend every week, he’s not ready to take the lead. So, I’m sticking with it for now, but I need help and I want you,’ Frank repeated.

  ‘Frank, I do Probate and Wills,’ Kate reminded him.

  ‘I know but you have a good head on your shoulders, intuition and common sense. I trust you. That’s all I need,’ Frank assured her.

  ‘But what would I do? I don’t know anything about finance, well not in the way you mean,’ Kate told him, her concentration finally moving from Marina.

  ‘I don’t want you to have anything to do with finance, that’s my area; you just need to know about me. I like things done a certain way, you know that, I need someone to coordinate appointments, organise meetings, create opportunities. An assist
ant if you like,’ Frank explained.

  ‘Frank, I’m flattered, really I am, but I have Bethan and I’m not sure....,’ Kate started.

  ‘You could work from home, some of the time at least, I mean you know my business takes me all over the world and there would be times when I would need you with me but primarily we don’t have to be in the same place, I do a great deal of business by video link these days,’ Frank informed her.

  ‘I don’t know, I mean this has come so out of the blue,’ Kate began.

  ‘Well, don’t rush a decision on the spot, I know better than anyone that decisions need to be carefully considered. I can give you until Wednesday,’ Frank answered.

  ‘Wednesday,’ Kate said with a gulp.

  ‘It might take me some time to find a candidate as desirable as you and I don’t like to let the grass grow once I’ve made a decision.’

  ‘Frank, I don’t think....,’ Kate started.

  ‘£75,000 a year plus bonuses,’ Frank blurted out.

  Kate’s eyes went out on stalks. That was more than she could ever have imagined earning at Randall’s even if she had made partner.

  ‘£75,000 a year,’ she repeated, the words almost choking her.

  ‘To start with,’ Frank added with a smile.

  ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has come, the moment is here, please, be upstanding and put your hands together for our brides and our grooms as we begin the final of ‘Knowing Me Knowing You 2011’,’ Larry Rawlins roared into the microphone.

  The already half-cut audience got to their feet and began clapping; cheering, wailing and banging glasses on tables, sounding like a scrum of rugby players on a pub crawl.

  Kate took a deep breath, put a smile on her face and then let Joel lead her out onto the stage, following the train of other contestants in front of them. She now had much more on her mind than just trying to win the contest. Frank’s job offer was sensational. Working from home would be ideal but jetting off to far-flung countries whenever Frank needed her wouldn’t be. She would have to rely heavily on Hermione and she did that too much as it was. But £75,000 was a hell of a salary and she was in no position to wave it away without serious consideration. Especially as it was money she badly needed, wasn’t she competing in the show for that very reason?


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