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Forbidden Inmate

Page 6

by Carmen Falcone

  She spread her legs for him, and he thrust three fingers inside her cunt while his thumb flicked her swollen clit. “Touch me. I love when you touch me like this… it’s like your hand is fucking me so hard, honey. Makes me so hot because I know that’s how your cock will fuck my pussy later,” she said, her voice throaty.

  He drove his fingers in and out of her until her walls announced her orgasm. They trembled, and more of her essence coated his skin. “I need to taste you,” he said, a strong urge escalating inside him and compelling him to bury his head between her legs. She was close to coming, he knew it, but he wanted to taste her.

  “So hot. So good. Yes, lick all of me. It’s all for you,” she whimpered.

  He shoved his face between her legs, inebriated by her sweet scent of arousal. Without removing his thumb from her clit, he used the tip of his tongue to tease her and lick her sexpot. She moved her hips, rocking them into his mouth, no doubt wanting some release. He thrust his tongue into her, in and out, sucking all of her pearly essence.

  “I’m coming. God. Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” she screamed.

  He plunged his tongue deeper and faster, as her thighs shook. He kept on flicking her bundle of nerves. After a lick to her thigh to make sure he tasted the last drop of her, he lifted his head. He loved seeing her when she came. Loved seeing the lack of control that rode her body as she trembled, convulsed, moaned, and rolled her eyes to the back of her head. Honest, raw, and real. All the ingredients that made him care for her. That made him… fall for her.

  Mia wiped the sweat from her forehead. God, what the hell happened? She came so hard when he sucked her. No surprise for her, but being in a nice bed added a special quality to it. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.

  She’d given her body to him so much and so openly, but this whole time she’d been scared of giving him her heart. He already had it, but she never told him so. I wonder if he knows either way.

  Hey, you know how you’re trying to be counselor of the year? I’m in love with you and that may be a problem.

  He yanked her from her thoughts as he worked his way up her body, kissing her belly button, playing with her breasts until he was at eye level with her, propped on his elbows. He wiped the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, smiling. His large, hard cock poked her, telling her they weren’t finished yet.

  “There aren’t enough words in my vocabulary to describe you, Mia.”

  “You can always try.”

  “Breathtaking,” he said, nipping her ear. A current of electricity zapped through her and she tried move, but he kept her steady in his embrace. “Magnificent.” He kissed her cheek. “Superb.” He ran his index finger along her nose.

  She wrinkled her nose, wondering how she’d survive this man after she left prison. She wouldn’t see him as often, or would she see him more? Don’t overthink, Mia. Enjoy the moment. “You’re giving me a big head.”

  He positioned himself in between her legs, and her thighs cradled him. “And you’re giving me a big cock.”

  She wrapped her legs around his butt. “A win-win.”

  “It’s always winning with you,” he said, and thrust into her.

  Who was she to argue? He kissed her, his mouth hungry and eager like they hadn’t kissed in forever. She grazed his lip, and when he moved inside her the world made sense again. Doubts dissipated, old insecurities vanished, and the only thing she focused on was the fine piece of cockage drilling her sex.

  “I love being inside you, Mia,” he said, and his facial expression sobered. She watched him, his eyes gleaming at her so much that silver flecks flashed around the powerful cobalt irises. “I love you.”

  “I… love you too,” she said, and let out a sigh, like she finally shared a secret she had kept for too long.

  He withdrew from her then plunged back in. Her inner muscles squeezed him, and he intertwined his fingers in hers with one hand while his other arm propped up on his elbow, allowing him to continue kissing her. Small kisses that knotted her insides and provoked a big reaction. He loved her.

  She enjoyed the intimacy of their lovemaking… He thrust her with vigorous, steady plunges. His fingers held hers captive, and she enjoyed the kisses he placed on her skin as though she was made of delicate china and would break if he overdid it.

  “Yes. Yes,” she said when he reached so deep inside her she shook.

  “Come with me, Mia. Let’s get there together.”

  He squeezed her fingers against his, and finally his mouth fell on hers again in a kiss that sent her twirling through the room even though she never left the bed. She’d never been so connected to him as she was now. She touched his face, the back of her hand caressing his cheek, and she didn’t avert her eyes from his for one moment. “I love watching you come and knowing I’m the one doing it to you.”

  She breathed. “Good, because I’m close—

  “Me too. Let’s do this, love. Come for me. Come with me.”

  He drove in and out of her a few times, each plunge deeper. She started convulsing, unable to keep it together anymore, and he thrust one more time and lost himself in her. She watched him, how the planes of his face tightened before they loosened, and he let out a growl that sliced through the air. Wow.

  When they finished, he rolled on his back and took her with him. She’d love to stay like this forever, but this wasn’t reality. She’d have to go back to Leland—an idea that seemed even worse after experiencing all she’d done with him. She wanted her life back, no, she wanted a new life.

  “Amazing. Every time we make love is better than the last,” he said and kissed the top of her head.

  She quivered. “I agree.”

  “I could do this all day. But we should get ready soon, I need to take you back.”

  “Of course.”

  His phone rang, reality’s way of reminding them he had obligations. She slipped out of the bed. He went to the bathroom, disposed of the condom, then returned and checked the voicemail on his phone.

  She used his bathroom and took a quick shower, loving the hot water sliding down her body, and best of all, no company. Not that she’d complain if he joined her if they had more time. But showering without other women around brought her immeasurable bliss. Before prison, she’d loved hot baths and long showers. In prison, she washed herself as quickly as possible, still not used to the community type atmosphere.

  When she joined him in the bedroom, she slipped on the prison clothes. He talked into the phone and hung up when she showed up. He wore a pair of jeans but his chest remained bare, and she had to avert her gaze from the rippling muscles to be able to form a sentence and not jump back into his arms.

  “Everything okay?” she asked, her weight shifting from foot to foot.

  He nodded slowly, looking into the distance like he was still processing whatever news he’d just received. “Jack Llewellyn just got a transfer. He’ll be leaving Leland in two weeks.”

  “Oh.” So, Ana’s gossip source had been right. She put on her shoes and looked at him. “Is that good news or bad news for you?” Maybe he had a good relationship with Llewellyn and would be sad to see him leave?

  His jaw clenched. The air shifted, and she sat on the edge of the bed. “He offered me his position and I need to make a decision soon. If he recommends me to the board, the job is mine, pretty much.”

  Quietly, she crossed one leg over the other. “I never knew you wanted to be a warden.”

  He grabbed a shirt from the drawer and slipped it on. “It’d be a good opportunity to make the decisions and get more funding for my projects. More support from the board.”

  She crossed her arms, and rationalization dawned on her. Her heart raced like she was still having sex. If he accepted the position, his every move would be under a microscope. No wonder, a better title would bring more responsibilities and sacrifices. “Oh.”

  He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair. “If I do… we’ll have to lay low for a b
it. Even after you’re out we won’t be able to be seen together, probably.”

  Her stomach dropped to the floor. A little voice inside her boasted an AHA and chewed on her lower lip. Of course she didn’t expect him to scream his love for her from the highest Oregon Mountains, but if he accepted that position their relationship would become virtually impossible. “For how long?”

  “A few months at least. We’ll need for the novelty of my promotion to die down a


  She stood, perching her hands on her waist. “Isn’t it convenient you tell me you love me, then five minutes later ask me to be your dirty little secret?”

  “You’ve been a secret,” he said with a trace of annoyance in his voice, as if she didn’t see the obvious. Sadly for him, she saw it all too well.

  “Yes, but I’ve been in prison and not able to choose. Now I’m about to get out and I don’t want to feel like I’m doing anything wrong,” she said, releasing the words that had been trapped in her throat for longer than he’d ever know. Words she’d felt, she’d believed in, but just now made sense as they parted with her lips. “I felt like that for too long to go back.”

  He glared at her with challenge flickering in his eyes. “It’s not wrong, damn it. We both know it.”

  “It’ll be wrong if we’re keeping it a big secret, especially if you’re the new warden. That means you’ll be the maximum authority at Leland. And I’ll be there.” He wouldn’t be just a worker of the system—he’d be the system. Who are you trying to fool? He’s been it the entire time. Yet it hadn’t mattered as much as it did now.

  He lifted his hands in the air, then let out a sigh of impatience. “Mia, be reasonable.”

  “Reasonable? You wanted to show me the world that’s waiting for me. I saw it and liked it, but now you are ripping it all away. I’ll not hide from people again. I’m done.” Snippets of her few hours away from prison flashed in her mind, her heart thrumming in her veins.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Let’s face the music.” She walked up to him, each step solidifying her resolve. By the time she stood opposite Trent, air fled from her lungs. “We’ve had a good run, but you can’t really think I’ll believe all you need is a few months to sort things out. You aren’t going to be a warden temporarily, that might be your new position,” she said, remembering how good he was at what he did. He could ultimately make a difference in the lives of the Leland inmates, even if that cost her a heartbreak. “Take me back to Leland. I’ll never tell a soul about us, but we’re over. I’ve paid my debt to society. I want to put my past behind me, and if you’re by my side but always hiding me because I’m not warden’s spouse material, then we’re done.”

  He dipped his head down. “Mia, that’s not what I said.”

  She jerked away from him, otherwise she wouldn’t trust herself. “That’s what I’m saying,” she said, and told him the words she never thought she’d say, “Please take me back to Leland.”

  Chapter 7

  She’d been released from Leland for two weeks, and Trent still hadn’t managed to stop looking at the office door like someone was supposed to come in and change his day. Jack had ended up staying longer because Trent had refused the warden position. The idea tempted him at first, but he couldn’t fulfill people’s expectations of him or, in this case, Jack’s. He’d stood up to his family, to his ex-wife, but he hadn’t had the guts to stand up for Mia.

  She’d been right. A part of him still cared about what people thought. Or maybe he just wanted to protect her from the excruciating questions if she’d been caught with him. So he hadn’t touched her anymore. He’d seen her a couple of times, when she walked in to sign her paperwork, but she didn’t exchange many words with him.

  Someone knocked on his door.

  He raised his gaze. Jack.

  “Hey, Jack. What’s up?”

  Jack walked in and shook his hand. “How are you doing?”

  “Good.” He gestured for Jack to sit across from him, and rocked back in his chair. “I’m glad to see there’s no bad blood over me not taking the position.”

  Jack waved him off. “I’m still interviewing some guys, but I totally understand your reasons.”

  No he didn’t. Trent touched his collar. How could he agree with Mia and still hide the truth? If he omitted his reality, he’d be a coward. He wouldn’t be a man worthy of Mia—worthy of having had her. “There’s another reason why I never took that position.”

  “What is it? Anything I can still make happen to sway you?” Jack winked at him. Poor fool.

  Trent took a deep, long breath, and closed his eyes for a nanosecond. When he let the air out, he planted both hands on the table and looked straight into Jack’s eyes—like a man about to come clean and a man who regretted nothing. “I fell in love with an inmate. While I can’t give you her identity, she has left our facility so it’s no longer an issue.”

  Jack withdrew, shifting in his seat. He blinked a few times, scratching his goatee. “Holy shit. I’d never expected this.”

  Whatever he did, he couldn’t apologize—not for loving Mia. Still, Trent’s blood froze all the same. Not only his job, but his entire career was on the line. The same career he had fought so hard for. “I’ll type a resignation letter. I never crossed that line before, but I want transparency on this.”

  Concern touched Jack’s beady brown yes. “Is she filing a complaint against you? Does anyone else know?”


  Jack smoothed his hair. “No sexual harassment lawsuit? Are you sure?” he asked, his voice a tad nervous.

  “Trust me, it was consensual like any other relationship, just at the wrong place,” Trent said, paying attention to his own words. Over the course of a few months, he’d experienced different levels of a relationship with Mia and while their circumstances hadn’t been ideal—the sentiment was real, raw and honest. And, damn it, he had to honor it.

  “Okay. I thought you were different,” Jack said with a pang of disappointment. “Thank you for not taking the warden position. I’m not an idiot. While I don’t condone my staff getting involved with inmates, it’s happened before.”

  “I understand.” Trent imagined Jack avoided making a huge deal out of Trent’s resignation because he wanted to leave a clean uncomplicated staff for the next warden. Jack wouldn’t want to tarnish his reputation or awards by having an employee screw an inmate under his nose.

  He stood, walked to the door then tossed him a glance over his shoulder. “Was it worth it? To lose your job over a convict? To jeopardize your big project?”

  Trent smiled to himself, the image of Mia’s beautiful face formed in his mind. “Yes. I wouldn’t change a thing.” Jack mentioned something about paperwork Trent didn’t quite register, but he nodded. His answer echoed in his ears and muffled any sounds. Mia had been worth leaving his job—she was worth a lot more. Would she give him a chance after making the right move at last, or had he waited too long?

  “Are those flowers ready?” Mia asked Newton, pointing at the wheelbarrow filled with crimson wildflowers he carried.

  “Yes. The photographer from the magazine will be here later. I’m going home to change, and I’ll see you afterward.”

  “Sounds good,” she said. A local magazine planned on doing a piece on his business and they wanted some fresh samples to show the photographer. She smiled. Two weeks into her job and she loved it. She’d reported her status to her parole officer and he’d been surprised she already had an offer.

  Newton and his wife, Michelle, had received her with open arms. She learned later he’d been in jail himself in the nineties, but for a very brief time because of a political protest that ended in a trespassing charge.

  She used every moment of the day to keep herself busy. Her parents had welcomed her into their home and, while she loved their company, she’d already called a few places searching for roommates. Hopefully she’d be living on her own soon.

  The other clerk
worked inside the store, answering the phone and checking emails. While she did clerical work as well, the joy of being outside surpassed any other task. The weather warmed her skin, and she loved getting her hands dirty.

  Sadly, she thought of Trent too often. He’d hurt her badly when he wanted her to keep quiet after she was released from prison to protect himself and his career. She understood his reasons, but she’d been taken advantage of before and refused to let it happen again. Why did he get to keep everything—a promotion, status, a pristine reputation while she’d have to be content with being the girl on the sidelines? She’d wanted to show him they had to be equals once she left. In the real world, she couldn’t be treated otherwise. Maybe they weren’t equals at the prison—even if he never treated her otherwise—but in the real world she didn’t want to make that kind of compromise.

  Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt though. A band squeezed her lungs, making it hard to breathe. She cut a flower and put it with the others.

  “You’ve always been good with your hands,” said a male voice she recognized immediately. Her heart raced against her rib cage and she stretched to her full height and turned around to face the man whose voice alone had already tightened her stomach. Trent.

  “Hi,” she said. “What brings you here?” Maybe part of his reintegration program included visiting the former inmates afterward to ask them questions. He jammed a hand inside his pants, and she realized she’d never seen him so casual. He’d dressed in a short sleeved blue shirt that accentuated his gorgeous eyes and jeans that outlined his muscular legs.

  Legs that once tangled with hers.

  She shook her head and the thought out of her brain.

  “You. I wanted to talk, so I called Newton and asked about your schedule.”

  Sneaky. “Why?” she asked.


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