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Thread Skein (Golden Threads Trilogy Book 3)

Page 54

by Leeland Artra

  (synonyms) blast, darn, diurdu, diurdin, drat, shoot, rats, urdu.

  Urdu: (exclamation) Expressing anger, surprise, or frustration. “Urdu! The horse broke its leg!”

  (synonyms) darn, diurdu, diurdin, drat, shoot, blast, rats, urd.

  Vanedicha: A poison which induces a trance if a small amount is inhaled, and kills in less than a minute in larger doses. Victims are unusually truthful when revived from a vanedicha-induced trance.

  Vendi: The day of the week before Saturdi and following Lodi. See Lebuin’s Lexicon: Time

  Week: A period of seven days. The Imperial names for the days are Solidi, Lundi, Martidi, Merdi, Lodi, Vendi, and Saturdi. See Lebuin’s Lexicon: Time

  Windy Pass: A series of hills and valleys which separate the Burga Spine Mountains from the Halias-Ne Mountain Range, bordering Nasur on the east and Laeusia on the west.

  Yalthum: A human kingdom spanning the entire west coast of the North Duianna continent, from the Halias-Ne Mountains on the south, to the northern ice fields. Yalthum is as old as the Duianna Empire and has never attempted to expand its borders, but has bitterly defended its borders and western sea lanes. Yalthum is a member state of the Duianna Empire. Capital: Kayseler. Ruler: King Deorgra Yalthum, with Heiress Apparent Jawayi Yalthum. Abbreviation: YA

  Year: The period of time during which Niya-Yur completes a single revolution. The Imperial calendar is broken into four seasons starting with spring. The month names for each season are spring Menadyt, Tarudyt, Nanadyt; summer Samudyt, Patredyt, Innadyt; fall Nabudyt, Kishadyt, Lahmudyt; and winter Sharludyt, Ankidyt, Ninurdyt. See Lebuin’s Lexicon: Time

  Yunna Minthra: An original fae Loehesh Pattern filter artifact that predates Niya-Yur. Only one exists somewhere in Elraci, Runa-Illa acquired it when it was given to her as a gift by Ticca in an alternate reality and then transported here by accident.

  Yur: See Niya-Yur.

  Ziel: See Niya-Ziel.

  Zielat: a native or inhabitant of Niya-Ziel. A near human race of beings distinguished by their large size and potent magical abilities. Zielats are usually 20% to 30% larger than the average human with an average of 250% magical potential.

  Lebuin’s Lexicon: Money

  For over 10,000 years, all of the nations of the Duianna continent, as well as many trade nations on other continents, have done trade based off of the Duianna Imperial Money System. The money system was further cemented by the Covenant of Duianna. Although prices may shift slightly and the value of various precious metals will fluctuate, the currency has remained stable. Any attempt to undermine the currency is seen as a capital offence in every nation known.


  Copper Ring (r)

  Ring = 1

  Pence = 4

  Bell = 6

  Tyme = 12

  Chera = 24

  Cross = 48

  Crown = 960

  1 lb 99% base = 360

  Coin (oz) = 0.044

  Size = 1/2 Penny

  Copper Pence (p)

  Ring = 1/4

  Pence = 1

  Bell = 1-1/2

  Tyme = 3

  Chera = 6

  Cross = 12

  Crown = 240

  1 lb 99% base = 90

  Coin (oz) = 0.178

  Size = ~ nickel

  Palladium Bell (b)

  Ring = 1/6

  Pence = 2/3

  Bell = 1

  Tyme =2

  Chera = 4

  Cross = 8

  Crown = 160

  1 lb 99% base = 220

  Coin (oz) = 0.073

  Size = ~ dime

  Palladium Tyme (t)

  Ring = 1/12

  Pence = 1/3

  Bell = 1/2

  Tyme =1

  Chera = 2

  Cross = 4

  Crown = 80

  1 lb 99% base = 110

  Coin (oz) = 0.145

  Size = < nickel

  Silver Chera (c)

  Ring = 1/24

  Pence = 1/6

  Bell = 1/4

  Tyme =1/2

  Chera = 1

  Cross = 2

  Crown = 40

  1 lb 99% base = 140

  Coin (oz) = 0.114

  Size = > dime

  Silver Cross (s)

  Ring = 1/48

  Pence = 1/12

  Bell = 1/8

  Tyme =1/4

  Chera = 1/2

  Cross = 1

  Crown = 20

  1 lb 99% base = 70

  Coin (oz) = 0.229

  Size = ~ quarter

  Gold Crown (g)

  Ring = 1/960

  Pence = 1/240

  Bell = 1/160

  Tyme = 1/80

  Chera = 1/40

  Cross = 1/20

  Crown = 1

  1 lb 99% base = 180

  Coin (oz) = 0.089

  Size = ~ dime

  Monthly Incomes

  Semi-skilled laborers (teamsters/porters/cooks) earn ~4 Crosses

  Servants/Domestics earn ~2 1/2 Crosses

  Skilled laborers (Masons/Millers/Sailors) earn ~6 Crosses

  Business owners/Courtesans/Guild Masters earn >15 Crosses

  Blades/Guards earns ~6 Crosses

  Junior Daggers earn ~8 Crosses

  Experienced Daggers earn up to ~16 Crosses

  Senior (well known) Daggers earn >30 Crosses

  Price Guide

  A mug of ale/hyly cost 1 round

  Pot of tea/arit cost 2 rounds

  Glass of milk is a pence

  Quality spirits cost 4 pence or more

  Cold meal of bread and cheese is generally available for 2 rounds

  Hot meal of meat and soup is generally available for a pence (or more)

  Cloak (linen) costs 6 crosses 6 pence

  Hood (linen) costs 7 pence

  Leggings (linen) costs 4 crosses 6 pence

  Robe/gown (linen) costs 4 crosses 6 pence

  Shirt (linen) costs 4 crosses

  Surcoat (linen) costs 5 crosses 7 pence

  Tunic (linen) costs 5 crosses 7 pence

  Vest (linen) costs 2 crosses 8 pence

  Belt (leather) costs 11 pence

  Cloak (leather) costs 17 crosses 11 pence

  Hat/cap (leather) costs 1 cross

  Hood (leather) costs 1 cross 7 pence

  Leggings (leather) costs 12 crosses 6 pence

  Shirt (leather) costs 11 crosses 8 pence

  Surcoat (leather) costs 14 crosses 8 pence

  Tunic (leather) costs 15 crosses 6 pence

  Vest (leather) costs 7 crosses 4 pence

  Gloves (leather) costs 1 cross 4 pence

  At an inn a room can be generally rented for 4-10 pence a night.

  Lebuin’s Lexicon – Time

  According to an ancient archive, the time on Niya-Yur is measured roughly the same as it was in all races’ histories, which is to say that it is based on evenly dividing one complete rotation of the planet into smaller and smaller units of time.

  For some races, their days are slightly longer or shorter from their home of origin. For example, humans come from the legendary world called Terra. The archives state that Niya-Yur rotates on its axis slightly slower, making the Niya-Yur second about 1.1 Terra seconds. That tiny difference means that humans have 2.4 marks additional time in the twenty-four-mark day.

  Second: The smallest unit of time measurable by available clocks and is of time equal to one-sixtieth of a minute.

  Minute: A period of time equal to 60 seconds
or a 60th of a mark.

  Mark: One of the 24 equal parts of a day. The name ‘mark’ is based on the tick marks used on all clocks.

  Day: The 24-mark period during which Niya-Yur completes one rotation on its axis.

  Week: A period of seven days. The Imperial names for the days are Solidi (Sunday), Lundi (Monday), Martidi (Tuesday), Merdi (Wednesday), Iodi (Thursday), Vendi (Friday), and Saturdi (Saturday).

  Cycle: A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon’s phases, or about thirty days or four weeks.

  Year: The period of time during which Niya-Yur completes a single revolution. The Imperial calendar is broken into four seasons, starting with spring. The cycle names for each season are spring Menadyt (April), Tarudyt (May), Nanadyt (June); summer Samudyt (July), Patredyt (August), Innadyt (September); fall Nabudyt (October), Kishadyt (November), Lahmudyt (December); and winter Sharludyt (Jan), Ankidyt (February), Ninurdyt (March).

  Lebuin’s Lexicon: Imperial Command Language

  The Duianna Empire is ancient in the extreme. The complete history of the empire is not lost; however, due to undisclosed reasons the historical records for the time prior to the creation of Niya-Yur are restricted to the Gods, and key government officials. Considerable research using available resources has led to the following list of Imperial command phrases and their translations. The command language is not a spoken language of any known race. Unconfirmed reports indicate that it is an ancient language from the dawn of human civilization in the time prior to humans relocating to Niya-Yur. A number of reliable sources have independently confirmed that Imperial scientists selected the language for its precise logical construction, unambiguous nature, and because it was not used as a spoken language by any race. This language solved the problem for a device or system to know if the command was for it or simply a part of the vocal communications.

  Phrase: Defensionem et imperium eu monitores

  Means: Activate defense monitors and controls

  Phrase: Nomino JOHN DOE nomine heredem regni Duianna. Et nunc cedo ad successionem in sempiternum.

  Means: I name JOHN DOE heir to the Duianna crown. And now I yield the succession to his/her line for ever.

  Phrase: Vivant et imperii decus est famuli tui Duianna LAND/CITY NAME.

  Means: By the glory of its LAND/CITY NAME servants, long may the Duianna Empire live.

  Phrase: Me ut hic coram AUTHORITY nomen RECIPIENT rector LAND. Remitto etiam potestatem omnis gubernator, et de semine regio, et familias suas, civitates et provincias AUTHORITY LAND LAND ut RECIPIENT, secundum omne tempus.

  Means: I, AUTHORITY, name RECIPIENT, here before me, as the ruler of LAND. I also relinquish all authority for both the royal and regent lines of AUTHORITY LAND and the cities and province of LAND to RECIPIENT.

  Phrase: Ave, imperatrix Duianna. Ut et illustris, nobilem Duianna, vivere per te imperii. Vivat regiam.

  Means: Hail Empress Duianna. May the honorable and illustrious Duianna Empire live through you. Long live the Empress.

  Phrase: Excitant, omnia praesidia.

  Means: Activate all defenses.

  Phrase: Auferte praesidia.

  Means: Stop all defenses.

  Phrase: Lorem munimenta urbis.

  Means: Activate city defenses.

  Phrase: Regia praesidia committitur.

  Means: Activate palace defenses.

  Phrase: Desine urbe praesidia.

  Means: Stop city defenses.

  Phrase: Desine regia praesidia.

  Means: Stop palace defenses.

  Phrase: Socium hostemque pugnae signum.

  Means: Identify friend and enemy combatants

  Phrase: Da mihi nuntius vocem.

  Means: Give me the message voice.

  Phrase: Ostende mihi OBJECT.

  Means: Show me OBJECT.

  Phrase: Indurat terram, ledo

  Means: Ram into the ground hard.

  Phrase: Conabamur. Dic ducis ille erat rectum.

  Means: We tried. Tell Duke he was right.

  About The Author

  Leeland Artra lives in the Emerald City (Seattle, Washington) with his wonderful wife and idea-inspiring kids. He spent the first half of his life as an avid science-fiction/fantasy reader while becoming a US Navy-trained computer scientist and self-taught table-top gamer. After twenty years of thinking he should publish, he finally got serious, pulling out all the notes and ideas he had stored, and set down to learn how to be a professional writer. He soon discovered he got as much joy from writing fiction as he did from reading it. His goal is to transition to full-time writing someday. In the meantime, he works as a software engineer and architect at Expedia. In short, by day, he helps people take fabulous vacations, and at night, he helps people take even more fantastic trips of the imagination, which he finds to be very symmetric.

  Other Works By Leeland Artra

  List of Published BOOKS

  Golden Threads Trilogy

  (World of Niya-Yur, Genre: fantasy/speculative sci-fi)

  Book One : Thread Slivers (January 2013)

  Book Two : Thread Strands (August 2013)

  Book Three : Thread Skein (July 2015)




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