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Page 13

by Jean Booth

  “Why are you laughing?” I exclaimed. “That’s a terrible name.”

  “Amada, if they could only see me with you, they would certainly know I was not filled with ice.” I laughed at the passion in his voice, knowing he was right. “It was my job to train the remainder of our people in combat. I was also the administrator of punishments handed down by Nereus and Atreyu. Atreyu was kinder in his orders, he never asked me to do anything he wasn’t willing to do, and he was always present. Nereus was more than content to order people beaten to the brink of death at the slightest provocation.” He lowered his voice. “There is something not right with him.”

  I wanted to comfort him, to offer some solace against the horrors I knew he had to have committed over the centuries. The pain in his voice told me more than his words ever could. He shook his head as if clearing it from not-so-distant memories.

  “There are a handful of people that have come here from the surface throughout the centuries, more so in more recent years. We’re not sure how or why they are chosen to come, but each arrival brings a mixture of hope and terror. We’re divided as a people; fear of being away for so long is fueling the dissent. While we all have a certain level of hope and desire to return to our rightful place amongst the Surface Dwellers, we fear the retaliation of your people.” I bristled at his words.

  “Your history has shown time and again that you are less inclined to accept that which is different. While we have grown to be a mostly peaceful society, there is no denying that we are vastly different from your people. I hope my people can return to their rightful place, that the reintroduction will go relatively smoothly, and that we will find a purpose in life again. We’ve been stagnant for so long, I don’t even know if my people know of the wonderful things we could achieve alongside yours. We need to have the opportunity to find our mates, to belong to more than just this small island.”

  He was right. History had shown that we were capable of a lot of hatred and fear toward those different than us. We hadn’t grown all that much, and I couldn’t help but think that his people were right to fear rejection. For the first time since I’d met Nereus, I finally understood his reaction to me. I was a symbol of everything he could possibly lose. By fulfilling the prophecy, Raif and I were risking not only our life together, but also war between our people. It was a lot to process.

  “When Michael arrived, he was the first person to see me as more than a xeada tool.” He glanced at me. “Don’t get me wrong, Atreyu never saw me as such either, he and Michael are the closest friends I have, but I still essentially worked for Atreyu. Michael was the first person who didn’t want to use me, rather he wanted to learn from me and share experiences with me. He showed me that I could be both an enforcer and a friend. That those who truly cared would understand. He was a reminder to me that we have to return to our rightful place on the surface. And then you came.” He was reaching for my hand. I hadn’t realized we’d made it all the way up the mountainside, but there he was, leaning over the edge, waiting for me to join him. I placed my hand in his and he lifted me up effortlessly. I stood in his embrace, feeling a light tug of wind in my hair as he spoke.

  “Your arrival changed me forever. Seeing you, vulnerable, unbreathing, limp in my arms, broke something inside me, and healed everything else. You complete and shatter me at once. And I wouldn’t change that for the world. You are my amada.”

  “And you are mine.”

  Cleito’s prison was an amazing castle carved intricately into the mountainside. I glanced down, still astounded that I’d made the climb without fear. Never in all my life had I imagined I’d ever scale the side of a cliff. I was giddy with excitement and glanced over at Raif whose smile matched mine. As spectacular as Cleito’s castle was, it couldn’t compare to the view of my love standing in front of me. I was still amazed that he was mine.

  As he repacked all our climbing gear into his pack, I looked out at the whole of Atlantis. From this height, the poufy cloud cover hid most of the interlocking islands. Little specks of pristine water and green vegetation could be seen occasionally as the clouds moved in the breeze. It was like looking at the land from an airplane.

  The most surreal part of it all, though, was the dome. We were so high that the clouds couldn’t hide the luminescent sphere that I’d wanted to see since I arrived. It created the illusion of the sun’s path across the sky. Currently, the dome was mimicking a westerly sunset. The colors winked in and out of existence, both on the dome and behind it. It was as if the sea itself had learned to mimic life closer to the surface as well. There were hundreds of sea creatures blinking in and out of sight past the sphere, their bioluminescence giving off the impression of hundreds of shooting stars.

  I thought that eleven thousand years of this amazing view would almost be worth the imprisonment. There was a peacefulness here that I’d never experienced before. The majestic splendor made me reflect on the mundane nature of my previous life, the life I was destined to return to.

  Raif’s arms encircled me, holding me tightly in his embrace. His strong arms crossed protectively around my belly, making me feel safe and more loved than I’d ever felt before. He held me as if he were saying goodbye. I felt him tremble, so I turned to hold him close. It was a moment the poets have been striving to define in rhyme and song for an eternity. Some may have gotten close, depicting two lovers as the only two in existence, held in an embrace that would transcend time and space. Here, it was easy to believe that. Sadly, my thoughts strayed and reality came crashing in. This was not to last.

  “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Are you sure that we have to do this? We could stay here, locked away with Cleito for the rest of our lives,” I whispered softly to him, silently praying he would agree to this suggestion. The longer I was with him, the less I wanted to be anywhere else. There were tears in his eyes as he shook his head. I sighed, turning my head so he wouldn’t see the tears gathering in my own eyes. I stood quietly in the shelter of his arms for another few minutes, just trying to enjoy the moment. We wouldn’t have many more.

  “Well, we’d better start looking for Cleito, then.” I pulled from his embrace, knowing if I didn’t, I’d never find the strength to pull away again. We put our packs back on and I clutched his hand. Together we walked toward what I could only imagine was the most spectacular prison ever created.

  “It has taken you quite long enough to get here. Do you realize how difficult you have made things for me?” At the sound of Atreyu’s voice, Raif’s strong arms pulled me tightly to his side.

  “Atreyu, what brings you here?” Raif was having difficulty controlling his features; the fear in his voice was plainly evident.

  “Helping you, of course, you hard headed fool! I knew from the moment you walked into the king’s castle that you two had mated. It was obvious to any who chose to look. You have rarely willingly touched another person before her, Raifuku.” His tone softened. “This is the right course to take, even if Nereus objects. We were not meant to live under the seas. There is much to learn and discover on the surface. We should have adapted thousands of years ago, evolving with the humans. Instead we’ve been stuck watching the things they do while we maintain the old ways. I also do not wish to face Poseidon’s wrath again. He must be allowed to reunite with Cleito or we, as a people, will be eliminated. We must also be allowed to find our mates.” This last statement was said softly as if he were trying to hide the pain lacing his words. “There are wards placed upon the castle preventing any from entering, and Cleito from leaving. I have worked them before and will hold them so that you may enter.” He strode forward, not expecting or wanting a response from us.

  His arms extended, and a wind picked up from nowhere, whipping at his robe. His hair danced about his head in a silvery mass that looked like fire. I dwelled for a moment on the pain in his voice when he mentioned finding a mate. I pushed all other thought aside, however, as he led us into Cleito’s castle.

NGS lined the entryway of the castle. It was as beautiful as it was foreboding. Atreyu navigated the halls, twisting and winding until I knew I was utterly lost. My grip on Raif’s hand was almost as tight as his grip on mine. All I could hope was that Atreyu was truly a friend, and was taking us to Cleito. The darkened halls lightened abruptly as we rounded yet another curve. It opened into a vast garden filled with vibrant plants. We were in the heart of her palace, the mountain jutting up around us. Flowers in every shade and shape bloomed everywhere you looked, their pungent odor stimulating the body and mind. There were trees and bushes lining the walkway, and wildlife walked about as if we were out in the wilderness. There were garden walls surrounding us, and in the center of it all was a very plain, very ordinary, circular stone fountain.

  Cleito was sitting on a bench at the side of the fountain, waiting for us. She was still as young and as beautiful as the statue I saw of her only two days prior. Her waist length golden tresses were held away from her face with intricate interlocking braids that looked impossible. She turned to face us and I smiled.

  She personified beauty—her crystal blue eyes appeared large on her pixy face. She was petite and delicate, like a porcelain doll. She looked at me and for a moment the pain in those blue depths spoke her true age, reminding me of what I was soon to face. She stood to greet us.

  “Welcome, my children. Your road has been long and difficult, and it will be more so before this day is complete. Please come and be welcome.” Her voice was like the tinkling of bells caressed by the wind.

  I had the urge to hug her, so that’s what I did. I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame and drew her to me. Raif gasped behind me as he and Atreyu kneeled in supplication, his body tense, radiating emotions I couldn’t decipher.

  “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have done that. You just looked like you could use a hug. I’m Natasha. I still don’t quite understand your customs.” I smiled uncomfortably; afraid I may have insulted her.

  “Do not fret my child.” She squeezed my arms as she moved past me to stand before the men kneeling at her feet. Her hand trailed through Atreyu’s silver hair. “Atreyu, please get off your knees. Raifuku, gather your mate and follow me. There is much to be done if we are going to do this properly. You must complete the mating ritual and be bound in mind, body, and spirit before you can separate, or it will not be effective. I have everything prepared; I have just been waiting for you. I trust you have the gown and the rings?” At Raif’s confused look she sighed. “It doesn’t matter, I have Atlas’ old rings, and I think Merick’s wife was about your size, although not quite so voluptuous. It will have to do.”

  “Mistress, forgive me, but I am having Michael bring a dress to suit our needs as well as something for Raifuku. He is also needed for a witness. The ceremony is incomplete unless there are two to bear witness. I had hoped he would be here by now, but he may be having difficulty teleporting the distance. I shall discover what keeps him and return shortly.” Atreyu bowed formally and left.

  Cleito sighed. I caught a hint of disappointment as she gazed at Atreyu’s departing figure. She led us through another maze of rooms and halls, into separate chambers to wash up before the ceremony. My room was amazing. There was a large, four-poster bed in the middle, complete with a canopy. It was done in various shades of purple that would normally make me feel like the Easter Bunny had exploded, but here it appeared elegantly.

  The walls were a dark purple, accenting the lavender canopy covering the bed. The carpet was a very deep brown, almost the same color as the furniture. There was a vanity, complete with an antique silver dressing set, across the room from the bed. The mirror glittered from the soft candlelight flickering everywhere. Next to where I stood in the doorway, was a small chest of drawers with another mirror. All the mirrors in the room multiplied the few candles that were lit until the whole room seemed to be flickering and dancing with candlelight. The decor was like something out of a history book and I caught myself chuckling at that thought. It looked like it came straight from a history book because it sort of did. It was ancient. Everything here was ancient, including my mate.

  I was growing more and more nervous as time passed. I hadn’t been expecting the mating ceremony to be as big an ordeal as it was turning out to be. I still had no idea what to expect. For some reason, I’d just thought we had to have sex. I should’ve asked Raif what the protocol was when I had the chance. Not that it would have changed anything. I just would’ve liked to have a better understanding about what was going on and what was about to happen. I was starting to feel like I was only getting snippets of information and only when absolutely necessary.

  The bathroom was through an archway across from the room’s entrance and was just as opulent as the bedroom. I bathed in the deep, claw-footed tub that was in the corner of the bathroom and felt like a princess. The bath was filled with herbs that released a calming aroma into the air. More herbs were burning from incense holders hanging around the room. The scents of lavender, vanilla, and eucalyptus filled my nose, relaxing my muscles slowly. I was half asleep in the warm waters when Cleito entered carrying an armful of scarlet fabric. She laid it on the bed and came over to help me prepare.

  “Atreyu has returned with Michael. They are assisting Raifuku, as well as making the final preparations for the ceremony. Let us work on you, shall we?” Everything she said was delivered with an air of dignity and grace.

  “May I ask you something?” I said as I finished drying.

  “I will answer what I am able.” She sat me in a chair and started brushing out the tangles in my hair.

  “What does this mating ritual consist of? I probably should’ve asked Raif earlier, but it just didn’t seem to matter. It still doesn’t, but I don’t know how comfortable I’ll be with people watching the event.” My face turned about the shade of the dress that Cleito had brought and I fought the urge to look away. I didn’t think I should be embarrassed about something as wonderful as becoming one with my soul mate, but the thought of people watching us have sex made me profoundly uncomfortable. And if that’s what this mating thing consisted of, I wasn’t entirely sure I could go through with it. It also struck me as odd that we’d need an audience at all—we’d already had sex, wasn’t that good enough? She smiled at me, as if she could hear my internal struggle.

  “Oh, you are precious! You can do that part privately, after you have been handfasted. Handfasting is an ancient tradition binding two people in this life and beyond. It is the outward, physical manifestation of your soul’s intent. You are being prepared for your mate as I was for Poseidon. You must be bound to Raifuku body and soul to complete the alma se funden.”

  “I’ve heard of handfasting before. Isn’t it just a trial marriage?” I asked, remembering some obscure bit of information I’d picked up from somewhere years ago.

  “Sadly, like so many things, it has become so much less on the surface.” Cleito lowered her head. “Handfasting is even more ancient and meaningful than your histories tell. While I know you feel as if you are already bound, there are still rituals that must be performed, and you must be blessed by the lord and lady. They are older than even the oldest gods and must bless your union before you can be complete.” She was skillfully plaiting my hair into intricate braids around my head as she spoke.

  “Oh, so it’s like a marriage.” Surprisingly, I wasn’t terrified at the thought. I had realized as Raif and I were making our way to Cleito’s palace that I’d do anything to be with Raif. He truly was the other half of me, fulfilling me in ways I’d never thought possible. When we were together, I no longer felt empty, but joyously complete.

  “It is similar, yes, but not entirely the same. Our handfasting is more permanent than your common marriage. It cannot be broken by a mere piece of paper or by death. It forever binds your heart, body, mind, and souls together as one. It brings us back to how we were first created, before the first soul’s division. You have accepted the fact that after you mate, you must
separate from each other, yes?” Her hands stilled for a moment as she asked the question.

  “Yes, he told me about the prophecy and what we’d have to do.” Her hands picked up their work once more. “The thought of leaving Raif tears me apart, but it’ll set things right with your people, and I’ll see him again someday. Knowing he’s here, feeling him in my heart, that will be enough until the day I can be with him again physically.” I smiled and hoped it was convincing. I really didn’t want to lose him, even for a moment. I had no idea how she’d lived for so long without Poseidon.

  She opened her mouth as if to respond, but then shut it again. She looked conflicted about something, and I looked up at her, encouraging her to continue. She wasn’t given the opportunity, however. A knock at the door interrupted our moment.

  “Forgive me, but we must hurry before my absence is noticed.” Atreyu called from behind the closed door. “King Nereus is determined to see Natasha eliminated before she finds her alma xemelga and fulfills the prophecy. We will be waiting.” His footsteps were fading away before either of us could form a response.

  I felt beautiful. The scarlet dress molded to my body like a second skin from my chest to my waist. The skirt billowed out from my waist down, swaying with each step I took toward my future. My auburn hair was held away from my face in a series of intricate braids and knots, leaving most of it to flow down my back. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect day than today, and wouldn’t ruin it with thoughts of what would happen later. I was binding with my soul mate, and nothing could compare to this moment.

  I rounded the corner behind Cleito and saw the clearing. There was a circle enclosed by orichalcum stones in front of a forest. Cleito explained that this was the same location that she and Poseidon had their handfasting, as well as where the curse occurred.


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