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The Stone of Elsira

Page 15

by Scott Kennedy

  Earl broke the silence.

  “Fellow mages, it has been decided that Freya will assume the rank of Archmage henceforth. Fae has agreed to temporarily fill in as a Master Mage until the Society gets back on its feet.”

  Freya felt a mixture of anxiety and excitement. After over a decade at the Arcane Society, a new Archmage has been elected; that title being bestowed on none other but herself.

  Frea walked a few steps forward and quietly took a deep breath before uttering, “I am honoured that the adepts have agreed on my fitness to assume the role of Archmage. First of all mages, I would like to congratulate you all on managing to pull through despite the threat we faced from Xenos. From now on we ought to be a little bit more careful with regards to who we bring into the Society. Fae and Earl henceforth will assess new aspiring mages with spells that will determine if they're vampires and their background information will be taken more seriously. For the next week or so I just want us to remain low-key and mainly work within the limits of the sanctuary and local swamp. The usual daily training with apprentices and adepts will remain the same. We shall also stick to group training three times a week.”

  Freya glanced over at Falion.

  “Falion, you will train with Fae for three days a week. The rest of the days you must decide whether to join Bellona for Destruction Training or Herbal Alchemy with Muriel.”

  Freya nodded her head down at the apprentices and retired with Fae to the Archmage’s quarters.

  Soon after, the rest of the mages left to their respective training halls. Zupher remained in the same position, facing the grand statue. Muriel looked over at him and smiled. She had a moment of rapture thinking just how Zupher's appearance into her life had changed hers. 'If it weren't for meeting him, where would I be now?' Muriel thought.

  Life might just have remained the same; no real extraordinary stimulus to pursue her dreams and leave the comfort of Elsje. The fact that she had never really thanked Zupher with true gratitude and sincerity, started to trouble Muriel.

  “Hey,” Muriel said, approaching Zupher. “Have you heard of the butterfly effect.”

  Zupher did not answer.

  “Well,” Muriel said, “since you seem not to know, it means how one event or happening in life, no matter how big or small it may seem at the time, will change the entire course of one's life succeeding that event. The nature of the event determines just what kind of changes take place, and the effects of no two events are alike.”

  Zupher still did not answer, and appeared to be transfixed in thought.

  Muriel walked up close to him and gave him a gentle tap on his shoulder.

  “Is everything, alright?”

  Zupher turned around to face Muriel and looked into her eyes. After about five seconds, his eyes began to moisten. Muriel looked back at him with some apprehension, not easily being able to read his current emotions. Zupher then reached over to Muriel and hugged her.

  “You know,” whispered Muriel. “Usually I don't have a hard time picking up your emotions, but today it’s kind of weird. Talk to me.”

  Zupher released the hug, his face still expressionless. He then signalled Muriel to head over to the fireplace. Once they were seated, Muriel looked at Zupher in such a manner that indicated she was tired of his mysteriousness and now wanted to know what was going on.

  “You know,” Zupher said, gazing toward the flames, “my time here has done me great wonders. I have learnt and experienced things of such value. Value that I do not even see being equivalent of a large sum of gold. I have met wonderful people, you of course, being especially wonderful. I have gotten to see the real world; not just merely within the confines of Adlok, as propagated by the Royal Council. Becoming a mage has allowed me to mature in a way that I feel the average person never quite gets to reach. However, this maturity comes at a cost; that’s what I have realised today. I have become more conscious of my family, the few friends I did have, and the situation in Adlok. Prior to becoming a mage, I had no real respect or concern for the virtue of these things. Now though, they trouble me, especially my sister.

  Muriel, directed her gaze to the same focal point as Zupher's. A side she did not know of him had now been revealed to her. After a few moments, Muriel gently placed her hand on Zupher’s shoulder.

  “I hear you Zupher. Sometimes when we're in certain situations we make decisions and we only realise the dynamics of the decision much later on. Although, the choice you made to leave Adlok has allowed you to experience and evolve, as you mentioned. And that is what matters the most, because you really needed it.”

  “Now though, unfortunately there is little I can do to help my family. That is the thing that has struck me. Sure I have mustered up the maturity and capability to help by joining the Arcane Society, but now that I am here, I can't just leave to go about my personal interests.”

  For the next few moments, there were no words exchanged between Zupher and Muriel.

  “What do you suppose I do?” Zupher asked, feeling struck by anxiety.

  “At the end of the day, as mages, we need to be responsible for our actions. You made, arguably the most significant decision of your life leaving Adlok. Even though, during this time you were not a mage per say, you still need to take responsibility. For now there may not be much you can do, but you ought to accept the moment as it stands in the present. Through acceptance of how things currently stand, you'll have more mental clarity of what actions you should take, day by day to eventually manifest your desire. In order for this to happen though, it needs to have a solid foundation; that being acceptance of the situation.

  Upon the last word being uttered by Muriel, a wave of relief hit Zupher. It was just what he needed to hear. Muriel never failed to lighten him up, no matter what the issue.

  “Thanks so much. You know, I don't know if I would have been able to progress the way I have here if it wasn't for you.”

  Muriel let out a light blush and smiled.

  “I can honestly say the same to you, in fact I am actually grateful beyond words that you come into my life. Not only are you such a lovely person, but also through you I have been able to achieve my dream of being a mage here.”

  Zupher and Muriel then held each other’s hands and cuddled while gazing into the dancing flames. Five minutes later, a door opened and soon after, a voice called forth. Immediately Zupher shifted his position to one of a more conservative nature; feeling a little awkward with the sudden intrusion. His effort to try and hide his burning affection for Muriel may have just been a little too slow, as Racer approached, letting out a sarcastic sigh.

  “Ah being in love, when last? I suppose it was the time before I decided to commit my entire life to the arcane arts.” Racer then spread his hands over Zupher and Muriel's necks and leant in from behind the sofa. There was an awkward silence between the three for the next few seconds as Racer slowly turned his head left and right, studying the youth before him.

  “In all honestly Zupher, I do hate to interrupt this seemingly subtle moment you are having with your dear Muriel, however, I too am growing lonely, see. Not because I don't have a lover, oh don't get me wrong,” Racer casually laughed.

  “It is because I have been missing my partner for quite some time…”

  Before Racer could finish, Zupher got up and muttered, “Fine Racer, I guess we really should be training at this hour.”

  “I better get going as well,” Muriel said, slowly getting up.

  Zupher, Racer and Muriel then walked toward the training halls. Upon parting ways, Muriel waved at the boys and headed to the alchemy room.

  “Aye lad,” Racer said, while opening the door to the illusion room. “Love is a powerful force, which can be a great addition to occult power. However, just as easily as it can act as a catalyst, so can love, or rather infatuation or attachment, act as a major compromise. Not to say I am making any sort of indication on the nature of your relationship with Muriel. I am just giving you the heads up, talking fro
m personal experience.”

  “Fair enough, mindfulness on how your relationships are affecting your magic, indeed is important.”

  Racer looked at Zupher for a while, thinking about how he was able to pretty much single-handedly, defeat a vampire with one of the most powerful artefacts of legend in his very hands. Here was just a kid, who had little experience in magic, but was able to psychically tap into the Aurea Elderwood tree; something Racer had never heard anyone doing with such a degree of success. There was a saying Racer had heard from his youth – a saying along the lines of 'A true magician is brought into the world from his mother’s womb.'

  Sure anyone can learn magic; the basic principles it entails and how to apply various techniques, based on magic principles to achieve magical workings – however, observably, there are not many ascendant magicians out there. Most only reach a certain level and stay there or end up failing due to inconsistency.

  “Zupher,” Racer said, “now that you are, what I see as a relatively well-accomplished mage, despite the fact that you have spent little time here; tell me, how exactly would you go about defining magic?”

  “As I see it, based on my time and experience here – magic is based on a force; a force that permeates, connects and invigorates all things. If it weren't for this force, life itself would not exist; for everything derives its inherent power and virtue from this force. A magician is someone who has the ability and capacity to manipulate this force with his mind to achieve desired ends. When a magician is in the process of working magic, he utilises, concentrates, and builds up power of this force in his mental sphere. When this energy is controlled and formed into an image or idea and has manifested accordingly in the mage's mind, he sends it out into the world, so that it may also manifest there. This act of manifesting from the mind to the world is possible because of the aforesaid force that magick itself is based on.”

  Racer grinned, impressed by his answer.

  “So what of the difference between the magic schools? I mean here at the Society, we have a couple of magic schools. Based on what you told me, shouldn't it be easy for one to grasp the skill in all?”

  “Well the kind of magic you practice will have principles and theories that are more unique to that form of magic. The psychological disposition of how you go about progressing in those magic schools will also be different. Although any sort of magic school is based on the fundamental doctrine of magic, the points I've just made mean that only an individual with a special magical aptitude will be able to advance high in multiple schools.”

  “Do you see yourself as an individual of special magical aptitude?” Racer asked, shooting an eager look at Zupher.

  “I suppose you could say so, however, I feel my aptitude is more within the lines of illusion magic. Not to say I couldn't learn other magick techniques; Illusion just has a certain magnetic pull for me.”

  Racer smiled. He too never really wanted to delve too deep into magic other than Illusion.

  “Well lad, being able to do a certain skill to the highest degree possible is more effective than knowing multiple skills but not knowing them to the highest degree, if you ask me.

  So, I thought that today would be a good day to go over talismans and amulets. Are you familiar with such things?”

  “Not in particular.”

  “Well a talisman is an object which is charged and consecrated with magical energy to achieve a specific end. They act as catalysts to the subconscious and as receptors and transmitters of energy. Typically a talisman is used to draw or create energy of whatever nature the magician desires. On the contrary, an amulet is made in the same way as a talisman, but is used as an energy negator from forces other than that of the magician.”

  Racer then walked over to a chest situated in one of the edges of the room. He returned to Zupher, holding a plain iron pendant.

  “As an illusion mage, your psyche will be of particular concern to guard. When you cast spells on a target, your psyche will be at its most vulnerable to the attacks of any other enemies nearby. Due this fact, when you are dealing with multiple enemies and have concluded that some may also know illusion magic, it is best to go about using your illusion magic stealthily and spending a minimal amount of time in your opponent’s psyche. Although, as you know, only a few seconds will pass in real time when you're in someone’s psyche; a few seconds are all your enemy may need to attack you. Sometimes, however, circumstances will demand you to perform certain actions that will leave you especially vulnerable. That is why I have brought this iron pendant with me, so that you can make it into an amulet to help protect you from psychic attack and enemy illusion spells. Iron is also a natural amulet against malevolent spirits.” Racer then handed it over to Zupher.

  Zupher felt over the rough texture of the iron for a few seconds and then looked over to Racer's chest, now only noticing the apex of a string in his upper neck.

  “I'm only noticing now that you have something around your neck. Is it an amulet?”

  “Yes,” Racer said, lifting the amulet up from beneath his clothing to reveal a similar pendant, but with a sigil engraved in the centre.

  “Why is it that you keep it hidden?”

  Racer gently tucked the pendant back under his shirt. “Iron is a metal that your enemies will be well aware of. If you leave it out in plain sight, as if it were some jewellery, your enemies would immediately try and destroy it.”

  “What of that sigil I saw engraved on it? I have never seen such sigil anywhere else in the Society?”

  “That is because the sigil is one that I created specifically for this amulet...”

  Zupher noticed that Racer had somewhat halted his speech.

  “Go on?” Zupher asked, unsure as to why Racer was suddenly quiet.

  Racer didn't answer but narrowed his eyes and slowly looked around, as if he sensed something was not quite right.

  “Racer, what’s wrong?”

  “Lad, I think we may be in trouble. I want you to follow me.”

  Chapter 35

  The Omega Scroll

  Zupher followed Racer out of the illusion room toward the main door of the foyer. Racer then briefly opened it and scanned the foyer for a few moments.

  “I believe we may be under attack. I suddenly sensed multiple auras nearby in the cave; powerful ones. We had better head over to Freya and warn the others.”

  Racer then dashed into the foyer toward the Archmage’s quarters, without allowing any chance of a response. Zupher followed him, feeling apprehensive. There has never been a time he had seen Racer so worried. Not even when they were facing the zombies in temple ruins. Upon reaching the Archmage’s quarters, Racer flung the door open and immediately caught Freya’s eye. From what Zupher could tell they immediately knew what they were both thinking.

  “I am going to cast a spell that will notify the others to all gather in the general training hall. We'll defend the Society from there.”

  Freya then directed her attention to Zupher, with a look of piercing authority. She pointed to a shelf that she had recently installed in the Archmage’s quarters.

  “I want you to gather as many scrolls as you can to the general training hall. Fae has already taken some and will be back shortly to get more. You may only have time, however, to take one batch. So take all that you can carry.”

  Zupher rushed over to the shelf and noticed a wide variety of scrolls.

  “What kind of scrolls shall I take,” Zupher asked.

  “Scrolls good for the offensive and defensive.”

  “Okay and what about you guys?”

  After Zupher gathered 10 scrolls he looked back, noticing that Freya and Racer had left the room. Just as Zupher proceeded to get up, Fae rushed in and quickly gathered some scrolls in her hand. Zupher looked over to her, surprised at how rigorous and frantic her movements were.

  “Come kid, we need to get to the general training hall and make sure that everyone else gets there safely.” Fae then burst up onto her feet a
nd stormed out of the room, soon followed by Zupher.

  Upon reaching the general training hall, Zupher noticed that everyone was there, with the exception of Najla, Dahlia, Racer and Freya. Zupher went to stand by Muriel. He noticed that all of the apprentices seemed not to have a clue what was going on, save the adepts who all seemed to harbour the same emotions. After a few seconds of silence, Dahlia and Najla quickly jolted in.

  “Mages,” Fae said. “We are under attack by unknown forces. Freya has estimated there are about ten powerful mages who were able to breach the defences of our sanctuary.”

  Fae then started handing various scrolls over to the rest of the Mages. Zupher soon proceeded to do the same.

  “Now guys, no one saw this coming, but I want you all to put everything you have learnt here to use, to defend yourselves and this sanctuary.”

  Moments after Fae uttered her last world, Racer came forth limping with massive stains of blood on the left side of his body. Every mage that beheld the sight of Racer’s entrance, was left speechless. Upon reaching close proximity of the mages, Racer spoke, panting from exhaustion.

  “Freya is dead. They're coming.”

  “What nature of an enemy is this?” Bellona asked, bewildered.

  “They're all vampires, stronger than any other kind I've encountered. One of them is especially powerful and was solely responsible for Freya's death.”

  “What do you suppose we do?” Najla asked, noticeably trembling with fear.

  Earl stepped forward.

  “We'll have to give them everything we've got. If it is not enough, I'll unleash the Omega Scroll.”

  “Earl, you're saying, you'd be willing to sacrifice your very life for us?”

  Earl did not answer, but closed his eyes and started to mumble within his own confines.


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