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The Stone of Elsira

Page 16

by Scott Kennedy

  From their standpoint in the general training hall, the mages of the Arcane Society had a clear view of the central statue of the foyer. After a few moments, however, the statue was shattered along with the central chandelier. With a mighty influx of force, the statue and chandelier came crashing to the ground, causing a cloud of dust. On reaction, the adepts and apprentices alike got their scrolls and magic ready. From the cloud of ash that the fallen objects had caused, a laugh began to emanate. As the dust began to clear, the laugh became more and more striking. The laugh then came to a halt as the figures approaching the mages manifested. The first of the assailants to came forth was a tall man, wearing crimson red and black robes. He had silver hair and grim facial features. It was Lord Auberon.

  “Ah, finally I am here in your little sanctuary. Oh, how I have been waiting for this day for decades!” Lord Auberon then walked a few paces forward, followed by the rest of the Royal Council vampires, each wearing yellow and black robes. Zupher scanned the vampires, one by one. He did not recognise any, save the last man to the right of Lord Auberon. It was Magnus Cordak. A piercing blow of tension hit Zupher. Here was the man who had co-raised him, who was married to his mother. A man who he once trusted more than anything else; a man who he once thought was his true father. But now here he is, standing among the dreaded vampires of the Royal Council; meaning he himself had been a vampire the whole time. Magnus did not appear to be analysing any of the mages, to Zupher’s surprise, but rather remained looking dead ahead with the other vampires, waiting for command.

  “Well, my dear friends, this is the end for you and the beginning for me. See, I know that the stone of Elsira is here. It was through its energy being unleashed in your very sanctuary that I knew exactly where to go. What a profit it turned out to be as well. Not only will I be able to vanquish all of you, but likewise claim the stone for myself.” Lord Auberon let out a sadistic laugh, only to be targeted by a fireball soon after. Lord Auberon stretched out his hand at the incoming projectile, and by the time it reached his hand, it was sucked in, as if he absorbed the spell. He then looked over to Falion who had activated a fire scroll on him.

  “You sly little runt, where are you manners?” Lord Auberon flicked his left hand in the direction of Falion. He then pulled his hand back. In reaction, Falion was flung into mid-air toward one of the vampires. Once he was within melee range, the vampire shoved an enchanted razor straight through his heart, freezing his entire body. When the vampire pulled the razor out, Falion's body exploded into thousands of ice fragments.

  “Oh and don't worry about telling me where you kept the stone. That will be our own little treasure hunt, if you will, when we are done butchering you all.” Lord Auberon then thrust his hands forward, projecting a massive wave of force, bringing all the mages to their knees. The rest of the vampires then individually rushed to each mage. Zupher made sure to intercept Magnus. Upon first reaching fighting range, Magnus did not seem to recognise it was Zupher, and slashed out at him with a glowing blue sword. Zupher ducked to avoid the first three strikes, and then unsheathed his dagger to help him counter the next two lower blows. Immediately after, Zupher motioned in, and lashed his dagger four times at Magnus's forehead. In reaction Magnus grunted, placing his left hand on the wound. Zupher then let out another lash; this time deep into his left forearm. Magnus yelped in pain. Now seeing Magnus, exposed and vulnerable, Zupher launched a psychic attack.

  Upon entering Magnus's psyche, Zupher found himself in a casino, whereby Magnus was none other than a sweating gambler, sitting with multiple women; playing against what seemed to be “big boys”. Zupher noticed that there were some other people in the casino wearing masks and at one of the nearby tables, there was a vacant mask. Zupher put it on and walked behind Magnus.

  “Seems you're a big old hypocrite. You think you can cheat others, for the profit of yourself. Pity; since we're in a casino it shows the disorganisation and inconsistency of your ambitions.”

  Magnus, who was trying his best to focus on what card to play next, nervously replied.

  “Who the hell are you?! Can you not see the stakes are high here?!”

  “Oh that is rather apparent, yes. The higher the stakes, the higher the loss. A pathetic man like you, nothing but a pawn and a failure to his wife has not much to lose at all, if you ask me.”

  “No one asked you in the fireplace!” Magnus screamed with rage, slamming down a card –

  soon after the card choice that he played ended up costing him the game. Zupher then moved out of Magnus's psyche and found him lying face down on the floor. Zupher then pushed his dagger as deep as he could through the back of Magnus's neck.

  “This is for Mom and Vesser, you pitiful wretch!”

  When Zupher pulled out the dagger and stood up, he had a brief look around and noticed that Dahlia, Najla and Fae had been slain. The rest of the mages, aside from Earl were all fighting for their very lives against their vampire assailants. Lord Auberon was watching from a distance, laughing menacingly. He then caught Zupher’s gaze.

  “What's wrong, you have just killed the man you thought was your father. Now you're just going to stand still like a sorrowful coward?” Lord Auberon let out a mocking grunt.

  “Well, you can enjoy the spectacle of all your fellow beloved mages being murdered and once that has been done, I'll have a little surprise for you.”

  Zupher remained still for a while, shocked by how everyone was so utterly helpless against the Royal Council vampires. It was clearly a losing battle. Just before Zupher was about to run over to assist the others, a wave of ocean-blue energy suddenly filled the hall and the vampires, including Lord Auberon were rendered paralysed.

  “Run, flee, get as far away from here as you can!” Earl shouted at the top of his lungs.

  Racer looked behind at Earl and saw him holding the Omega Scroll.

  “Zupher, Muriel, Bellona let’s go!”

  “What about Earl?!” Muriel frantically asked.

  “The scroll he's using to paralyse the vampires will last as long as he can feed the scroll his life force. He is sacrificing his life to save us.”

  “What about the Stone?” Zupher asked.

  “We do not know the spell to unseal it and if we take it with us, Lord Auberon will hunt us down soon after the Omega Scroll’s effect has worn off. Its energy signature is still too powerful due to its recent use. We'll have to deal with him later, one way or another. Now let’s make a move!”

  Zupher and the surviving mages rushed out of the sanctuary as fast and they could. Once they were out, and had run to the outer proximity of the swamp, they stopped briefly to catch their breath.

  “Where do you suppose we go?” Racer asked.

  “We could go to my brother and Elsje,” Muriel replied.

  “Their help won't be good enough,” Bellona said. “Lord Auberon and his vampires are already much stronger than us as it stands. Add the Stone of Elsira to his arsenal, and I'm afraid there is no one in Elsira itself who can stop him.”

  Racer looked at Bellona with a touch of contempt. “So then what do you propose we do Bellona? Seek help from the Elves?”

  “Yes, precisely.”

  Racer’s jaw dropped, and Zupher and Muriel briefly glanced at each other, confused.

  “Believe it or not, I have contacts over there that will help us, I'm sure of it. Ultimately, however, in order to stop Auberon, we'll have to seek help from the Elven Queen herself.”

  Racer laughed in response to what he heard.

  “That's not very different to us going straight back to the sanctuary now.”

  Bellona shot a glance at Racer, clearly indicating to him that she wasn't impressed at all.

  “Well, our kinsman have been slain, our sanctuary sacked. So do you suppose that we just forget that we were ever a part of the Arcane Society and just go about our lives, disregarding all that has happened? Or do you suppose that we head over to the Elven Kingdom and seek help. Sure it’s a risk, but
it’s a risk I am willing to take, to avenge our fallen mages and put an end to those vampires once and for all.”

  There was silence for a few moments among the mages.

  “Well, now I'm sure we have made up our minds, no?” Bellona said. “Now, who's with me? Head over to the Elven Kingdom?!”

  For a few seconds, there was no response from anyone.

  Muriel was the first to raise her hand and Zupher soon followed. Racer looked at the youths before him, hands held high. He then thought about the points Bellona made. Indeed there was no way they could find the kind of help they needed in Elsira and it would be cowardly and disgraceful to just forget about everything. Racer, then raised his hand up slowly.

  “So it’s settled,” Bellona said, nodding her head.

  Chapter 36

  The Looting

  After an hour of unleashing the Omega Scroll, Earl's life force had fully depleted. He fell to the ground, and had one final glance of Lord Auberon and the Royal Council vampires who were slowly coming by. Earl then thought about how because of him; Zupher, Muriel, Racer and Bellona were able to get away. The Arcane Society did not have to end, there was hope. That was all Earl needed to know in his final moment of life. He then look one last breath, smiled, and passed away.

  Lord Auberon, who had now stood up, looked around and noticed that the other vampires were still stunned from the scroll. He thought about how such scrolls were rare and the only time he had seen a scroll of such magnitude before was back when he himself was but an apprentice. Lord Auberon then proceeded to walk toward Earl's quarters. He could sense that the Stone of Elsira was there.

  Upon reaching Earl’s quarters, the strongbox that held the Stone immediately caught Lord Auberon's eye.


  He walked up to the strongbox and observed its sigil more closely.

  “Ah, a chaos requiem seal. This man knew indeed was he was doing.”

  Lord Auberon returned to Earl's corpse and searched the body.

  After five minutes of checking Earl's knapsack and pockets, Lord Auberon came to the conclusion that Earl must of destroyed the spell book that he used to make the seal.

  “I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but these pitiful mages have given me no choice.”

  Lord Auberon had a look around at the other vampires again before heading back to Earl’s quarters. Some of them had managed to rise up on their knees, but most of them were still lying down. Lord Auberon laughed.

  “You guys are weaker than I thought. This is the consequence of complacency, gentleman.”

  Now back in Earl’s quarters, Lord Auberon walked up to the strongbox and placed his right hand on it. He then started chanting. After a few seconds, he gradually increased his tone and tempo. Three minutes into the chant, the veins on his forehead and neck enlarged and his left eye turned blood red. He then started to physically shake and vibrated the last word of the chant loud and deep; with blood simultaneously seeping out of his left eye. When the blood from his eye dropped onto the strongbox, Lord Auberon was able to open it.

  Although exhausted after the chant, once Lord Auberon grasped the Stone, and used it to revitalise himself. By the time the rest of the Royal Council vampires had recuperated from the Omega Scroll, Lord Auberon appeared before them in an eye-straining flash of pure white light. In his right hand, he held the Stone of Elsira. He formed a wide grin on his face and raised the ebony stone high for all the vampires to see. An influx of energy then rushed out of the Stone into the vampires, fully revitalising them. The vampires spoke no words to Lord Auberon; all of them were transfixed by the mystical stone held in his hand.

  “Now men, as you see, we have finally got what we came here for.”

  One of the vampires replied, “My lord, but what about the mages who escaped?”

  “They are now no longer a concern. We ought to return to Adlok now. I'm sure the masses are yearning for us to reveal ourselves.”

  Lord Auberon walked closer to the Royal Council vampires and activated the Stone’s power again. This time projecting its energy to link himself to the rest of them. Moments later, with another flash of light, Lord Auberon and the Royal Council vampires were out of the sanctuary.

  Chapter 37

  The Revolution of Adlok

  Vesser woke up again to unusual sounds that had been persisting for the last few weeks. She had heard word going around that a revolution had started in the slums and the rebels were gradually working their way to the Royal Council longhouse to do what they felt was justice to the Royal Council personage and reform the social, political and economic system of Adlok. The sounds on this day; shouting, screaming, crackling, explosions, shooting, were louder than ever and clearly indicated to Vesser that the rebels were deep into the inner district. Vesser got dressed and headed downstairs. Upon reaching the proximity of her living room, she noticed a letter on one of the tables. She walked over to the table and picked up the letter. The only writing on its cover was her name, in a font that undoubtedly indicated that it was written by her mother. Arna had been unusually quiet to her in the last few days, so Vesser was eager to finally find out what was going on. She unfolded the cover and read the letter:

  Dear my darling Vesser

  Magnus may be in trouble. As you have likely heard there is a revolution happening at this moment. The rebels may harm Magnus if they reach him. Early this morning I am going to head over to the longhouse and see if I can manage to get him back to us. I want you to remain within the safety of our house and wait for me to return, either with Magnus or alone. I know you are disappointed at my wish, but your safety is my highest concern. I lost Zupher and I do not want to lose you.

  Vesser put the letter down and sat down on one of the sofas facing a window. It was drizzling lightly and the sky was fully overcast. Vesser's grandfather then came to mind. She did not have much a relationship with him. He always had an special liking to Zupher, but purposefully spent a minimum amount of time with her and didn't talk much out of the average around her. Out of the husks of her memory, she then recalled an event that occurred nearly five years ago. Vesser had been given a parcel by Magnus, with the usual instructions with any sort of delivery or message to her grandfather, to make it quick and stick strictly to the task. Vesser exited her home and headed down the street to her grandfather’s apartment. He was usually not home during the times she would try to visit, without being sent by Magnus or her mother. Vesser arrived at the apartment, after having to walk up the stairs and knocked on his door. The door was then opened by her grandfather, taken a little off guard by her sudden appearance. He was dressed in brown slacks with a cotton white jersey and wore a beret on his head. Around his neck were three silver necklaces.

  He uttered with a big smile,“Vesser, what a pleasant surprise!” He then proceeded to lean over and kiss her on the cheek.

  “Grandpa, good morning. I hope you are doing well. I have this parcel for you that Magnus asked me to deliver on his behalf.”

  Vesser handed over the parcel to her grandfather.

  “Why thank you very much sweetheart. I am doing just fine by the way. Thanks.”

  For the next few moments there was silence between them.

  “Well, aren't you going to invite me in for tea or something? I can't even remember the last time I spent some alone time with you. You seem all too willing to be alone with Zupher, though. What's wrong with me?” Vesser asked, shooting a sharp stare at her grandfather.

  He then broke eye contact with her.

  “Okay dear, you had better come in...”

  Vesser followed her grandfather into his apartment. It was not very big. There was only one bedroom where he slept, and most of the space was occupied by books.

  “You sure like to read hey,” Vesser said, looking at one of the books she picked.

  “Certainly. Reading and writing are the basis for a strong, fit consciousness.”

  Her grandfather then sat down on his reading chair and wove h
is hand over to a vacant chair opposite him. Vesser went by and sat down.

  “You see, I am a man of secrets. Secrets that especially need to be kept away from Magnus. I am afraid that if I establish a strong relationship with both yourself and Zupher, I may risk compromise by Magnus, who is, as you know, a member of the inner Royal Council.”

  “What kind of secrets are we dealing with here?” Vesser asked, looking deep into her grandfather’s eyes.

  “Secrets, that are crucial to the wellbeing of this place in the future, and to future generations. What I am willing to tell you now is that things will change in the next few years. From the depths of the slums, a rebellion will emerge, which shall reform this city once more into its former glory.”

  Aerin could tell by the look on Vesser’s face, that her emotions were running high.

  “Look, I wish it didn't have to be this way, but sometimes circumstances demand us to act in ways that are contrary to our inherent nature.”

  Vesser then had tea with her grandfather and left his apartment.

  After recalling the event, which had been within the confines of her subconsciousness for quite some time, Vesser realised that the revolution her grandfather mentioned to her now was actually happening and was in its final stage. There was no need for her to speculate what it was about. Whether she was actually at risk of danger, was something that Vesser now highly doubted. The rebels had no intention of harming the civilians. They were just after the Royal Council. The only thing she needed to look out for was getting caught in between a clash of Council guards and rebels. Vesser left her home, eager to witness the conclusion of this long-time revolution.

  By the time Vesser was walking on the main road toward the Royal Council longhouse, the conflict and noise appeared to have stopped. People were no longer running in her midst; everything was now calm. She walked alongside many other civilians. Once she reached the longhouse she was standing among thousands of other people. This was the first time Vesser had ever seen so many non-nobles within the central district. Everyone had their eyes glued to the main entrance of the longhouse, where three men, presumably the rebel leaders or generals, were banging on the door.


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