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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

Page 4

by J. L. Perry

  She continues to glare as my eyes rake over her body. “I guess that makes you the big bad wolf then,” she spits before shaking my hand free and storming off.

  “Fuck me,” I mumble under my breath as I throw my head back and I burst out laughing. I have to find out who she is.



  My hands are shaking as I push through the door of the gym. My bravado of a few moments ago is slipping away. He would have to be, without a doubt, one of the hottest guys I’ve ever laid eyes on. His big chocolate eyes and sexy as hell smile, it made my heart beat out of my chest. And those dimples…honestly, I wanted to lick them. What the hell! I’ve never had a compulsion to lick anyone before in my life.

  I don’t know why I was so rude to him, he was right when he said the collision was my fault. It’s like a barrier goes up, a protective armour I wear around men. I have this need to prove I’m strong in front of them. I don’t like to show weakness. In my head, I seem to think it will protect me from being treated badly. If I feel intimidated, my inner bitch immediately jumps to the forefront. It stems from my past, I’m sure of it.

  I feel bad for the way I lashed out at him. He was trying to be nice and got his head bitten off for his trouble. I groan. I’m going to have to work harder on my attitude or I’ll be the first sixty year old virgin who isn’t a nun!

  If I’m ever going to get rid of my “V card,” as Cass likes to call it, I will need to change the way I act around the opposite sex. For some reason, the hot ones seem to bring out my inner bitch more than the others.

  I must admit, my body was definitely attracted to him. No guy has ever made me feel like that. I still can’t believe the way I acted. Maybe I was intimidated by his hotness. His smugness not so much. I wanted to slap that panty dropping, arrogant smile from his perfect face—permanently.

  Several whistles cause Connor to glance around; he’s searching for who they’re directed at. When he sees it’s me, he scowls. He glares at the guys responsible for my embarrassment before putting down his weights and hurrying to me. He notices my trembling and quickly pulls me into his arms.

  “What the fuck Jaz? What happened? You’re shaking.”

  I ease away slightly and smile up at him. He’s worried about me and I need to ease his mind.

  “I’m fine. I just collided with some jerk outside the gym.” I lower my head and peer up at him under my eyelashes. “Um, I kind of dropped your phone. I hope it still works.” I hand over the pieces. He stares down at them for a moment before he chuckles.

  “Do you need me to sort out that jerk for you?” he asks with a cheeky grin.

  “No, it wasn’t really his fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going and sort of ran into him.”

  Somehow, Connor pieces his phone back together, turns it on and the damn thing actually works! I give him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the gym. I get a few more whistles as I walk towards the door.

  “Hey! That’s my sister you fucking cocksuckers,” Connor calls out. I hear the guys laugh as I push open the door. It brings a smile to my face too. I love the way he looks out for me.

  After dealing with the delay at the gym, my day became easier. I had a very productive afternoon. After returning from the shops, I unpacked the groceries. Then it was time to tackle the cleaning. The rest of the afternoon was spent introducing our apartment to the duster, the vacuum cleaner and the mop and bucket.

  I smile to myself once I’m finished. The place looks fantastic. A job well done. I found time to finish our washing and even unpacked my suitcases. Dinner was almost ready when I phoned Connor.


  “Fuck, I’ve missed your cooking,” Connor exclaims, his mouth full of food. He then shovels even more into his mouth.

  I giggle. “You really are a pig sometimes. You’re going to make yourself sick if you don’t slow down.”

  “It’s been a long fucking year since I’ve tasted your cooking,” he smirks. “Give a guy a break.”

  I inform him I’ve also made his favourite desert.

  “Did I tell you, I love having you here with me?”

  I smile, I love being here with him too. “Yeah, you did and I told you, it was only for my cooking.” My comment makes him smile.

  Connor tells me he appreciates me doing his washing and cleaning the apartment. “Don’t go thinking I expect you to do everything now you’re living here. Please don’t feel like you have to look after me.”

  “But, I love looking after you,” I protest. “What are little sisters for, if they can’t care for their brothers every now and then? You do so many nice things for me. Cooking and cleaning is my way of saying thank you.”

  He gathers me into his strong, muscular arms. “Thanks, but if it gets too much or you think I should be doing more, please tell me.”

  I assure him, I will. He helps me with the dishes and then disappears off for a shower.

  He reappears looking very handsome indeed. I whistle. “Where are you headed to looking so handsome?”

  “I’m hooking up with a girl I met at the café across the road from the gym.”

  I laugh. He hasn’t changed at all. He’s still a man whore.

  “She asked me to pick her up from work. Will you be okay on your own for a few hours?”

  “Of course I’m going to be okay,” I smile, before playfully pushing him out the door. “I’m a big girl, I can stay home alone. I want to Skype with Cassie anyway. I know we’ll be talking to each other for hours.”

  He laughs before bending down and kissing my forehead. “Okay then, don’t wait up.”

  I roll my eyes as I close the front door with a soft click. The poor girl has no idea she’s about to be another victim in Connor’s long line of conquests. She’ll be old news in a few days.

  While on Skype, Cassie cried almost the entire time. It broke my heart to see her so distressed. I’m the only true friend she has, most of the other girls we know seem to despise her. It’s because men are attracted to her, like moths to a flame. The other girls must be jealous. That’s my theory, anyway, because I know she’s a total sweetheart.



  Blake and I visit the homeless shelter for dinner. It’s not what you’d call gourmet food, but it’s a square meal and much better than feeding my son takeout every night. Unfortunately, I can’t cook to save my life, never had to. I’m trying though. I need to learn now for Blake’s sake.

  I’ve managed to master scrambled eggs on toast, pretty sad I know, but it’s a start. I can also cook great two-minute noodles. It only involves adding noodles and the flavour sachet to a pot of boiling water, but Blake seems to love them. He also loves fruit so I fill him up on that between meals.

  I appreciate and love that my son isn’t fussy. He’ll eat anything you put in front of him. I guess growing up hungry does that to you.

  Following dinner, I settle Blake up in my office with the X-Box. He loves playing video games. He’d never played before coming to live with me, but he’s a little champion at it now. He’s even kicking my ass.

  It’s sad when I think of the day his mother dropped him off to me. He arrived with a plastic shopping bag containing only a few items of clothing, underwear and a ratty old teddy bear. Nothing else, no toys, nothing!

  I immediately threw out the clothes. They were old, tattered and far too small for him anyway. He now has a wardrobe full of clothes that actually fit him, and a room full of toys. The bear stayed because he loved it, I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. He doesn’t play with it anymore, but it’s there if he wants it. The numerous cars, trucks and Lego we have purchased are much more fun. He also has two Nerf Guns and we have loads of fun shooting each other with the soft rubber bullets.

  It warms my heart to hear him giggle as we play war games around the house. He enjoys hiding out behind furniture and then shouts loudly when he ambushes me. It’s so good to see him carefree and happy.

  I’ve never h
eard him do a full belly laugh. I’m sure one will come in time. Blake’s first five years of life must have been tough. I’ll make certain he doesn’t suffer like that for the rest of his life.

  I sit at my desk, studying the books for the homeless shelter. Money is tight now that I’ve given my life savings to Roxy. It’s the reason I’m selling the house and downscaling. My intention is to invest the extra money I obtain from the sale. The interest I earn on the funds can be directed into the shelter. The shelter is fortunate to get government funding, but it’s never enough.

  I donate a portion of my weekly pay check and it helps but I wish I could put in more. I have Blake to consider and care for now, so I have to be careful. Selling my house was the best option I could come up with.

  I promised Betty, the founder of bridge, I would keep this place running if anything ever happened to her. When she passed, I vowed to do whatever was needed to make sure that happens. The shelter was her dream, her life’s work.

  I am well aware, for homeless people living on the street, this place is needed to help them survive. Without our assistance, they would be left to beg for food. I cringe to think they could even be forced to eat scraps from the trash bins.

  We open in the evenings to distribute a hot meal to all those in need. We also provide them all with wrapped sandwiches, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water before they leave every night. It’s not as much as we would like to give, but it’s enough to help get them through to the following night. During the hotter months, we distribute extra water and in winter, warm jackets and blankets. Betty’s dream was to be able to provide three meals a day. Hopefully, one day, I can realise that dream for her.

  Government funding cuts and the number of homeless people on the rise, means we can’t afford to open twice a day. It’s distressing for all involved but, until I can figure out how to generate more money for the shelter, it’s all I can offer.

  I met Betty, the founder of Bridge, when I was fifteen. Connor had moved to Melbourne and I no longer had a safe house to go to when I needed to escape my father. It was at that time I began living on the streets. Betty took me in and treated me like one of her own. I loved her for it and I don’t think I would be where I am today if it hadn’t been for her.

  It crushed me when she died suddenly, last year. She was eighty years old but had been extremely active for her age. I was naïve, I guess, and expected she would live forever.

  Connor and his father hadn’t fully understood how shitty things were for me at home. I never explained to them how bad it was either. I kept the whole fucked up situation to myself. I was ashamed of what went on in my house. I know in my heart, Connor and his father would never have left me without doing something, if they had known.


  I close the ledger I’d been studying and rub the back of my neck. I let out a frustrated sigh. Staring at the damn figures won’t make the extra money needed, magically appear. I fix my attention on Blake as he concentrates on the game he’s playing. He is making the cutest little faces. Even with a sprained wrist, he’s still kicking ass. My heart is so full of love for him already. I resent missing the first five years of his life, but I’m thankful I have him now.

  Out of nowhere, the little spitfire I encountered outside the gym pops into my mind. I feel a smile spread across my face. A warm feeling spreads through my body. I also feel my dick twitch behind the zipper of my pants. Fuck, I really do need to get laid.

  It’s a pity she hadn’t been forthcoming with her name. I will probably never see her again, which is a damn shame.

  I urge Blake to finish off the game he’s been playing. I need to get him home. It’s time for his bath before bed. It’s getting late and he has school tomorrow.




  Five days, was all the time Cassie could handle without me. I woke to someone bashing down our front door, early on Saturday morning. I dragged myself out of bed and rushed to answer it. I knew Connor would ignore it. I flung the door wide, ready to blast whoever was on the other side. Before I could open my mouth, my arms were filled with a sobbing, distraught Cassie.

  “I fucking missed you, bitch,” she sobs.

  “I missed you too, slut.” Even though we are both crying now, we burst out laughing. We always speak to each other like that. It’s like a game to see who can come up with the best insults. We don’t take offence. It always ends with us both rolling around laughing. I love how she is so down to earth; I never have to be anyone but myself when I’m with her.

  We embrace each other tightly until we calm down. I suspect there’s more to her showing up a week early, but I won’t press her. I’m confident she’ll tell me when she’s ready.

  I help her put her matching designer luggage in the spare room before leading her into the kitchen. She hugs me again, insisting she has missed me even more than she expected to. She takes a seat at the breakfast bar while I turn on the coffee machine.

  “Will you please cook me something to eat? I’m fucking starving. The airplane food looked like dog shit, I couldn’t bring myself to eat it. It took all my strength not to gag when the tray was placed in front of me.”

  I giggle at the expressions on her face and her language, as she over exaggerates what happened on the flight. Considering her breeding and the fact her mother sent her to the finest finishing school in the country, you would expect her to act much more refined. To say her parents’ money was wasted, would be an understatement.

  Cassie always flies first class. She’s too stuck up to even contemplate flying economy. Personally, I find the food acceptable but let’s face it, she is a snob. It’s difficult to blame her though when she’s grown up with personal chefs and dined in Michelin Star Restaurants.

  “After breakfast we will hit the shops,” Cassie states. “I need a new outfit for tonight.”

  I roll my eyes, I know exactly what’s coming next.

  “I saw that eye roll, bitch. You are taking me clubbing tonight, whether you want to or not. I haven’t had sex in over a week. I was too heartbroken to leave the house, after my BFF just up and abandoned me. You owe me Jaz.”

  I know from experience, there is no point in arguing. I can’t win when she’s like this. I haven’t had a chance to experience the night life in Sydney and going out together is always fun. We both love to dance and always have a good time.

  “I’ll ask Connor, when he drags his arse out of bed, where he thinks we should go.”

  “As long as the place has alcohol and sexy men, I’m there.” She smiles deviously and I’m left wondering about what else she has planned. Connor chose that moment to finally make an appearance, dressed in only his boxer shorts of course!

  “Speaking of sexy men,” Cass says, as she shamelessly licks her lips and drags hungry eyes over my brother’s body. “You better go straight back to where you came from and put some more clothes on. I haven’t had sex in over a week and you are in danger of being jumped. Eyeing off your half naked body is getting me extremely hot and bothered so I suggest you get moving.”

  “I’m up for it whenever you are Cass,” he smirks. “I know you have always secretly pined for this exceptional body of mine.” He indicates his body with his hands before resting them on his hips.

  “Ewww you two, stop!” I scream. “The image of my best friend and my brother doing the nasty, is an image I do not want in my head.” I glance over at Cassie. She’s blushing, my best friend never blushes.

  What the hell?

  I wonder if Connor’s actions and words have affected her. I’ve often wondered, if the two people whom I love most in the world, have a secret thing for each other. Neither of them have ever confessed to anything, mind you, there have been times through the years when one of them has asked me random questions about the other.

  I’ll have to keep my eyes open while Cassie is here. With both of them living under the same roof, there’s bound to be signs. That is, if what I suspect is c

  Connor has seated himself. He has no intentions of getting dressed, now Cass has admitted how good he looks.

  “Cass and I are going clubbing tonight. Can you suggest a good place we can go? Somewhere safe.”

  “Somewhere with lots of hotties,” Cass adds and rubs her hands together.

  I place mugs of coffee in front of Cass and Connor and continue to the fridge to remove a few eggs.

  “I’ll take you to a place I know downtown. I know it well and it’s safe.”

  “No…No…No!” Cassie screeches, causing both Connor and me to jump with fright. “I’m getting your sister laid tonight. There’s no way in hell I’m having you around cramping her style, being overprotective.”

  Connor had barely recovered from Cassie’s screeching and had taken a mouthful of coffee, when she continued. He obviously wasn’t expecting that answer and spits his coffee clear across the kitchen, before he starts to cough and splutter. “What the fuck, Cass? I don’t need to hear shit like that about my sister,” he growls. Poor Connor.

  “Get used to it. I’ve made it my personal mission, that the “V card” she’s carrying around, will be gone by the time she turns twenty-one. I have one week to accomplish it, so, I’ll say again. Get fucking used to it.”

  “Okay, that’s it. I’ve heard enough.” Connor rose and tipped the remains of his coffee down the sink. “Don’t cook anything for me. I’ll get something on the way to the gym.”

  “Don’t leave. I promise she won’t bring it up again.” My glaring glance at Cass ensures she knows I’m serious.

  He places a kiss on my forehead.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay. I have a sudden urge to go and bleach my brain. I think it’s best if I leave you two to discuss that alone. There are certain things about a sister, brothers don’t need to know.”


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