All I Need: Hookers and Hand Grenades Book One
Page 13
I shuffled through the pile. On the front page of each of these rags were pictures and headlines about Lindsey and me. I was annoyed, but it was part of territory and she was a good sport about it all too.
“So? The media is nothing new.” I wished he would get to his point. I had a woman to fuck.
“Look at the headlines,” he instructed me.
I glanced at them. They were all about “taming the bad boy” and shit like that. I still wasn’t seeing where he was going with this.
“You have a girlfriend now and women don’t like that. Sales are down. When you were single before, women had a sliver of hope that they might hook up with you. Now that you’re taken, they’re losing interest. With a new album coming out in a while, that’s not good.”
I pushed the papers back. “You’ve got to be kidding me. What do you want me to do? I’m not breaking up with Lindsey?” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“I’m not asking you to. Just don’t flaunt your relationship.”
“I’m not listening to this anymore. I’ll see you later.” I left the room and headed back to Lindsey’s bus. He was delusional if he thought I would try to hide what Lindsey and I had. I was damn proud to call her my woman and I wanted the world to know. Fuck sales.
I got back to her bus and I thought I heard crying from outside the door. I pushed it open and found Lindsey crying on the couch, holding her phone in her hand. I went to her immediately. “What’s wrong baby?”
She sniffled and clung to me. “I have to go home.”
I stroked her hair. “We are in a couple of days. Just a couple more shows and then we’re going back to LA.”
“No, I have to go to Madison.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “My mom is sick and my dad needs me. I have to get on a plane now.” She collapsed against me and sobbed.
Shit, all my plans for us went out the window. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to go be with her family, but this put a serious wrench into things. I just finally got her back; I wasn’t ready to let her go.
And I wasn’t sure our relationship would survive the distance. Not yet.
I don't 'do' crying females.
When a woman starts to cry, I usually shut down. I don't have time for that bullshit. It's usually over something stupid like me kicking them out of my bed or leaving town and I didn't give a fuck about that. After all, I would never see them again.
But now the woman I was starting to fall for was sobbing in my arms and I didn't know what to do. She was clutching my t-shirt for dear life, her body shaking with emotion. I looked around the bus and tried to peek out the bus window to see if there was someone that could give me a hint of what to do, but there was no one. Fuck.
I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight. “What's going on?” I asked. She mentioned something about her mom being sick, but she kept mumbling as she cried, so I couldn't be sure.
She untangled herself from my arms with a sniffle and sat back on the couch. Her eyes were blood shot and puffy from her tears. For the first time in my life, a woman's tears didn't annoy me; instead I wanted to do whatever I could to make them go away.
Lindsey looked around for a tissue. There was a box on the table and I reached over for it. I handed it to her and she grabbed a handful to blow her nose in. It was breaking my heart to see her hurting. This was a whole new experience for me.
She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands. “Mom has cancer. Breast cancer. Apparently, it's already pretty advanced.” She was overcome with emotion and had to stop talking. “They knew for a while, but told me now because she only has about six weeks to live.”
“Oh baby,” I said as she broke down again. She never talked about her parents much other than to say they didn't like her career choice and they weren't close. I drew her against me and rubbed her back. Even an emotionally stunted man like me knew there wasn't much I could do for her in this situation. All I could do was comfort her and listen.
“I can't believe they didn't tell us before now. They didn't even tell my brother and he's a doctor!” She sat back up. “They thought she would beat it and then they were going to tell us. It's spread all through her body. Dad already has her at home with hospice coming in to make her comfortable.” She blew her nose into a tissue. “I have to get to her right away.”
I watched as she stood up and went to a closet and pulled out her suitcase. She opened it and came back to her phone. “I need to get a flight. I need to pack. I have to call David.” She stopped looking at her phone and put her arms down at her sides. “What am I going to do, Cane?” She whispered to me.
I stood up immediately. I couldn't do anything about her mom being sick, but I could help her get to her. I put my hands on her shoulders. “Let me get you a flight. You're going to Madison, right?”
She nodded, her eyes wide.
“Ok, I'm on it. You pack. You can call your brother on the way to the airport. I'll get a car for you too. I'll go with you to the airport.” As much as I hated to see her go, I was going to do all I could to make sure she got back home as easily as possible.
Her phone rang when I dropped my arms. She looked at her phone and whimpered before looking back up at me. “It's my brother.”
“David,” she said with a sob and walked towards the back of the bus. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I could tell she was crying again. I wanted to comfort her, but she needed this time with her brother.
I ran my hand through my hair with a sigh and dialed my manager. I told him to arrange a flight for Lindsey on the next flight to Madison and to get us a car. He was to text me with the details as soon as he had them.
I hung up the phone and sat back down on the couch. I couldn't blame Lindsey for wanting to go home to be with her family. I didn't have any family other than the band and I would want to be there for any one of them if they needed me - especially Diesel after the way he didn't leave my side the whole time I was in the hospital.
I heard her say goodbye to her brother and she walked back to me. “David's calm and cool as usual,” she said with a roll of her eyes. I didn't know much about her brother either other than the fact that he was some hot shot surgeon in New York.
I realized I actually knew very little about Lindsey. We could have done that on vacation in Jamaica and when we got back to LA, but that wasn't going to happen now. I wondered if I could cancel those tickets or maybe I could change it to two rooms and Diesel would want to go. I made a mental note to ask him later.
I stood up and cupped her face, wiping the tear from her cheek. “Maybe he's hiding how he feels. Isn't he your older brother?”
“Yeah,” she said and put her arms around my waist before leaning into me. I wrapped myself around her, holding her tight. I was going to miss her warm body against mine.
“He's probably trying to be strong for you,” I said and rested my head on her chin. She was the perfect size for me and our bodies fit so well together. In fact, I was getting hard just from holding her close but this wasn't the time to put the moves on her.
I stood holding her for a few minutes, thinking about all that we had been through so far in our short time together and wishing I could take away her pain. I was going to miss her like crazy.
“Were you able to get me a flight?” She asked, her words muffled by my shirt.
“I called my manager and told him to get you one. He's also sending a car and will text me as soon as he has the information.”
“Thank you. Let me know what I owe you.”
“Don't worry about it, baby. I got this.” I reached down and gave her ass a soft pat. Man, was I going to miss it. It was selfish, but I didn't know how I was going to behave while we were apart. What if we didn't see each other the whole time? Now was not the time to worry about it.
“Thank you,” she replied softly and patted my cheek. “I'm going to go pack.”
I nodded and watched her walk away. As I sat back down o
n the small couch, my phone dinged with a text from my manager. It had the details of Lindsey's flight. He was able to get her out on a flight later that afternoon and it was direct from Denver to Madison. A car was going to be here in about two hours. Plenty of time to get some one last time; did I even dare try? I didn't want to send her off pissed at me. I would take her cues and see what happened.
She rolled her heavy suitcase to the door and brushed the hair out of her eyes that had fallen from her ponytail. “I think that's everything. I'll call my boss on the way to the airport. The tour's almost done anyway. I can write a wrap up piece from Madison.” She put her hands on her hips and looked at me. “Did you find out about my flight?”
“Yes,” I nodded. “You fly out in about three hours. I emailed you the info. A car will be here in two hours to pick you up and take you to the airport.”
“Whatever am I going to do for the next two hours?” She grinned at me and that was the signal I needed.
I reached for her hand with a smile and pulled her down onto my lap. “I have a few ideas.” I slipped a hand under her t-shirt and placed my hand on her warm belly.
She wrapped her arms around my neck. “How about we go to the back room and you help distract me for a bit?”
I leaned forward and had kissed her lips softly. She tasted like toothpaste and a hint of the coffee she was drinking. “It would be my pleasure.”
I stood up and took her into my arms. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to the back bedroom and it didn't take long before she was panting and crying out my name. I was determined to leave her with something to think about when she was lying in bed at night. I wanted her to think about what I did to her and get herself off while remembering the way I made her feel.
After round two, I rolled off of her and she grabbed her phone to check the time. “Shit, the car will be here in twenty minutes. I don't think that's enough time for a shower.” She propped herself up on her elbow. “I'm really going to miss you.”
I slid a hand up her thigh and leaned over to kiss her neck. “I'm going to miss you too.” I almost told her about Jamaica, but decided not to. I would surprise her with a trip like that when this mess was all done. By then she could probably really use some time away.
“I don't think you should shower. Then you can smell like me the whole plane ride.” The thought of her sitting among strangers, her pussy still dripping with my cum, was a total turn on. It was almost primal, like I was marking her so no one else touched her.
She closed her eyes and whimpered when I dragged my teeth along the soft skin of her neck. “I don't want to leave you and if I ask you to join me in the shower, I'm afraid I'll miss my flight all together.”
I reached out and cupped her breast, running the pad of my thumb over it until it was a tight peak begging for my mouth.
“Cane,” she protested weakly. “I really have to get ready.”
What a fucking buzz kill.
I sighed and rolled over onto my back. She jumped out of bed and went to the small bathroom off the tiny bedroom. “I know you have to go, and I get it, but I'm so bummed we're going to be apart. We just got together.”
She didn't say anything and I was afraid I'd pissed her off with my selfish comments. She came wearing her yoga pants and a bra. My cock stirred under the bed sheets despite the fact that I'd just come twice in the last hour. That woman would look good in a garbage bag.
She slipped on her favorite Hookers and Hand Grenades t-shirt and I couldn't help but smile. I would never get tired of seeing her in that shirt.
“I have to ask you something.” She was chewing on her bottom lip and I got nervous again.
“Are you going to sleep with other girls while I'm gone?” she asked, the words coming out of her mouth quickly.
I was speechless. I hadn't even thought about it and I wasn't sure how to answer her.
“I know we haven't had a chance to really figure this out and I understand if you can't go that long without sex. I don't know when I'll be back to LA or if you'll be able to visit or if you even want to.” She was looking down at her hands, rambling on nervously.
“I don't want any other girls, Lindsey. I think you wrecked me for them anyway,” I admitted before getting out of bed and slipping on my jeans.
“Can you wait for me?” She asked softly, her words almost a whisper.
“I do have some self-control, you know,” I snorted. “Besides, there's the phone and video chat. We can do stuff that way.”
She nodded, looking visibly relieved. “Please though, if at any time you don't think you can wait, please let me know. I don't want to find out from the press. Can you please at least do that for me?”
I walked over to her and cupped her face in my hand. “It's not going to happen, baby. But yes, I promise I won't cheat on you.” I leaned down to kiss her lips only to be interrupted by the sound of a car horn outside the bus. I broke the kiss and leaned my forehead against hers. “Fuck, that's your car. Are you ready?”
“Yes,” she replied left my embrace to grab her purse. I put on my t-shirt and slipped on my boots.
She turned and gave me a hug. “What are you doing?” I asked, still trying to adjust my clothes so we could leave.
“Saying goodbye,” she said, her eyebrows furrowed.
“I'm coming with you to the airport. You can say goodbye there.” I swatted her ass when the car honked its horn again. “Now get that pretty little ass out the door. I got your suitcase.”
She giggled and grabbed her laptop bag before heading towards the door. She looked over her shoulder at me.
“I'm right behind you. Don't worry.” I took the handle of her suitcase and wheeled it to the door. Damn, that thing was heavy. She had two more bags I was going to ship to her with stuff she wouldn't need right away. She packed way too much shit for the summer.
She got into the limo and I gave her bag to the driver to put in the trunk before following in behind her. We sat together the whole right to the airport not saying a word. I had grabbed her hand and threaded my fingers with hers when we sat down. We each looked out our own windows, lost in our thoughts.
When we pulled up to the airport, a feeling of dread came over me. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. Maybe instead of going on vacation after the show, I would join her in Madison for a few days.
The driver opened the door for us and I got out first. I gave her my hand and pulled her up out of the limo and into my arms. I held her tight against me and leaned down to kiss her. One arm was wrapped around her waist with the other cupped her cheek.
My kiss was soft and gentle at first, exploring her lips with mine. As she melted into me, my need for her got stronger and soon I was ravaging her mouth with mine. I wanted to brand her with my kiss before she got on that plane. I wanted her lips to be sore and her to remember it was me that made them that way.
I finally tore myself away from her, both of us panting. “Cane,” she said, her voice hoarse.
I put a finger to her lips. “It's ok, baby.” I wrapped her up in my arms for one last hug, sure she could feel my raging hard on along her thigh.
“Take care and call or text whenever you want,” I said before releasing her. I kissed her lips again, softly this time. “I'll miss you.”
“I'll miss you too,” she replied, her voice breaking with emotion. The limo driver brought her suitcase over and she glanced down at it. “I have to go or I'll miss my flight.”
“Ok, baby. Call me when you land.” I kissed her forehead and watched her while she dragged her heavy bag into the airport. Fuck, I should have had our last shows cancelled and gone with her.
When I could no longer see her, I scrubbed my hand over my face and got back into the limo. I had a text from her almost right away.
Thanks for the ride and the ticket. I'll miss you.
I sent her a quick reply that I would miss her too but I couldn't shake this feeling of dread I had. I had a bad feeling about her leavi
ng while our relationship was so new. I was probably being ridiculous. In a couple of weeks, I would surprise her and join her and everything would be ok.
It had to be. We finally deserved some happiness.
At least that's what I kept telling myself.
Leaving Cane behind in Denver was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. It seemed like fate was always working against us and I was beginning to doubt we would ever truly be able to be together. A small part of me was also worried he wouldn’t be able to keep his cock in his pants either. At least the tour was ending in a couple of days and he wouldn’t have access to so many groupies.
Maybe I was crazy to even ask Cane Stephens – rock god – to be faithful to me. Really, who was I? I had a bad feeling this was going to end in disaster.
I leaned my head back on the seat while I waited for the plane to take off, remembering our last time together this morning. What I wouldn’t give to be back in bed with him right now rather than on a plane getting ready to go home to see my sick mother.
I was almost never excited to go back to go back to Madison but this time I dreaded it so much it made me sick to my stomach. I loved my parents despite the fact they didn’t approve of what I did for a living and I still couldn’t comprehend the whole concept of my mother dying. They had to be exaggerating or being dramatic to get me back home.
That’s what I kept telling myself. I was so good at denial.
I thought about texting Cane again, but I didn’t want to become one of those needy girlfriends. He was probably busy with band stuff anyway and if I texted him and didn’t get a response right away, I would only worry. He needed his space and usually I needed mine too. The combination of us getting back together only to have me have to leave right away and the news of my mother had me an emotional mess.