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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

Page 21

by Cameron, D. H.

  “Yes!” was all she could manage. Jack was enjoying her backdoor but he still laughed softly at my teasing. He enjoyed the show as much as I enjoyed putting it on. I gripped Sarah more firmly and began stroking her slowly. She went crazy, her body clenching as she wailed in need. I took her to the edge and I could tell she was ready to finally be relieved. I looked at Jack and he knew what I was going to do. I stopped just as Sarah was at the point of no return. Her impending orgasm died and she began to cry.

  “Please, Brandy. I can’t...,” she pleaded.

  “Sorry, you’re just too sexy like this. I might just lock you back up if I can manage to stuff that little thing back into the cage,” I warned. Sarah looked at me like I’d just informed her that her puppy died but beyond that, I could tell she appreciated the game. She enjoyed this and I understood, at least a little, why. I did it again, stroking her more firmly until the last moment and then stopped. Sarah screamed.

  “Fuck!” she shouted. Jack hammered her even harder. I think he was getting off on my cruelty. I know I was. I had my other hand buried between my thighs and as Sarah’s pending orgasm faded, I made myself climax and embellished it a bit for her benefit. I moaned and shrieked. Sarah watched, her penis twitching and leaking profusely. I enjoyed the pleasant sensations and then informed Sarah of my plans.

  “I’ve decided. You can’t come tonight. But you have to make Jack come. You have to jerk him off like you want to jerk off and then I’m going to tease you for hours you dirty crossdressing slut. You have to make him do what you aren’t allowed to do and then let me have my fun at your expense too,” I told her. Sarah looked like she was going to be sick but again, I could tell the bluff was turning her on beyond belief. How this could excite her, why she needed to feel denied and humiliated, I wasn’t entirely sure but who was I to question it? If Sarah liked it, so be it.

  “Yes, Brandy,” Sarah said submissively, her disappointment evident. Jack pulled himself from her ass and then Sarah sat up and began stroking him.

  “No, from behind,” I said. Sarah got up dutifully and moved behind Jack. She reached around him as he knelt and began stroking him. “Yeah, girl. Pretend that’s your cock. Pretend you’re going to make yourself come,” I told her. Sarah was a wreck. Her mascara was running down her cheeks, she was shaking and shuddering.

  “Yeah, just like that,” Jack urged her. Sarah stroked him and I lay down in front of Jack, offering Sarah my breasts as a target.

  “Come on my tits, Sarah. Come on, girl. Do it,” I said. Jack tensed and then exploded all over me, the whole scene too much for him to handle. Sarah sobbed as the frustration of making Jack do what she wasn’t allowed hit her. I enjoyed the warm orgasm, rubbing it into my breasts. “Oh yeah, Sarah. That feels so good,” I teased. Finally, Jack was spent. He laid down, tired and worn out, leaving Sarah kneeling on the bed waiting to see what final humiliation I had planned. I got to my knees and faced Sarah.

  “You made a mess. Clean it up, bitch,” I told her. Sarah did as I said leaning forward. She cleaned up my breasts dutifully with her lips and tongue as I caressed her soft skin. When she was done, I took her face in my hands and kissed her like Jack kissed me. I was in control and that kiss proved it. I grabbed Sarah’s shoulders and pushed her to the bed. I straddled her legs and began teasing her penis. “Beg me,” I demanded.

  “Please, Brandy. I can’t do this. I can’t go back in that cage without relief. I need to come,” she said. I took her to the edge, it wasn’t hard, and stopped again.

  “Is that all you got, you sissy? Jack’s a real man. He takes what he wants. C’mon,” I prodded her. Sarah was befuddled.

  “I’m not. I’m a crossdresser. I’m not a real man,” she told me. I took her to the edge again and again I stopped. Sarah was crying again, openly crying and she loved it. Jack watched me give Sarah what she desperately wanted. She needed to feel this way even if I couldn’t quite understand why. I needed to feel dominated sometimes too. Being submissive to Jack and letting him take control was awesome but Sarah needed more than that.

  “You’re right. You’re a sissy. You’re a gay sissy girl, aren’t you?” I demanded.

  “Yes!” she replied as I stroked her slowly.

  “Yes, you are and I love you for it. You’re my best friend, you and Jack are my best friends in the whole world,” I told her. Sarah was wailing, desperate and emotional. “I’m still not sure I should give you what you want. In fact, I think I should tell Kat to keep you locked up forever,” I said. Sarah surprised me.

  “I wish you would,” she said. I knew it was the arousal talking but it was still shocking to hear. I jerked her faster, my hand and her penis slippery with Sarah’s juices. The edge approached and I moved to lie next to Sarah. I slowed my pace.

  “Maybe I will,” I told her. Sarah was quaking next to me, every muscle in her body tensed. I slowed even further, keeping her at the precipice for as long as I could manage. But she finally had enough and I felt her moved beyond the point of no return. “Maybe I will, but not tonight,” I said.

  Sarah lost her mind as she orgasmed. I felt her swell in my hand and then she launched easily three feet into the air. Jack gasped as he saw that. Sarah’s orgasm flew everywhere as I leaned over and kissed her. Our tongues mingled as she gasped and groaned, screamed and sighed. It just kept going, and Sarah produced a half dozen or more surges that covered us both. Soon, however, even Sarah’s pent up need was satisfied and I played with her slippery penis as we kissed.

  “Damn!” Jack said. I looked back at him.

  “I think I’ve got a new game to play. If our girl, Sarah, can do that, what can you do?” I asked him meaningfully.

  “I’m wondering how you’d react after several weeks of teasing myself,” he replied.

  “Touché,” I told him.

  “That hit the spot, you guys,” Sarah said as she caught her breath.

  “I’m glad. I had fun,” I told her.

  “Look at me. I’m crying. I was begging like a whore,” she replied a bit self-consciously. Jack leaned closer.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s cool,” Jack reassured Sarah.

  “I loved that. It was amazing! All if it,” Sarah told us. She sat up and we hugged. Then she hugged Jack. “You guys want to get high?” she asked suddenly.

  “I’m game,” I replied. Jack agreed. Sarah got up and rummaged through her purse. She returned with her pipe, a bag full of pot and a lighter.

  “You’re staying, right?” I asked her.

  “If you want,” she told me.

  “We do,” Jack answered. I removed Sarah’s heels and pantyhose while she prepared the pipe and then I finished getting naked myself. Jack sat on one side of Sarah and I sat on the other propped up against the headboard. Sarah got the pipe lit and then took a hit before passing it to me. I took a hit and then it was Jack’s turn. “That was...uh...,” Jack mused after he exhaled.

  “Crazy?” I offered.

  “Gay?” Sarah wondered.

  “I was going to say one of the best nights of my life,” he said. Sarah laid her head on his shoulder.

  “You’re a sweetheart,” she told him.

  “Yeah, I am,” he replied. I rolled my eyes.

  “Don’t feed the ego,” I warned. Sarah laughed and I joined her. The pot was already having an effect. Something told me the night was just getting started.


  Jack and I didn’t talk about our night with Sarah much. She slept with us and then left early in the morning. Jack snored contentedly as she gathered her clothes and put them on for the trip back to her room. “We should do something next weekend, just you and I,” I said quietly.

  “Yeah, that sounds good,” she replied and then stopped dressing and faced me. “Thanks!” she said.

  “You’re welcome,” I told her.

  “No, I mean it. You made me feel really special. You really showed me that you are my best friend. You knew what I needed. Thanks for paying attention and
not judging me,” Sarah told me. I smiled at her warmly.

  “Back at you, girl,” I said.

  “I wasn’t feeling very girlie last night but you and Jack made me feel like...well, not a woman but you made me feel like I’m important. Like what I do is OK,” she explained.

  “What happened to the Sarah that showed me how to live fearlessly?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. She’s back. Everyone gets a little unsure of themselves now and then. I don’t blame Kat or Butch and Ruth. They like what they like. It just made me feel...I don’t know...foolish I guess,” Sarah told me.

  “You’re not foolish. You’re the best friend a girl could ever hope to have. Don’t forget that,” I replied. Sarah smiled and finished dressing.

  “I won’t. By the way, that was an amazing orgasm. I wasn’t sure you were actually going to do it,” Sarah admitted.

  “That was the point, wasn’t it?” I asked her.

  “Yeah. You did good,” she said.

  “Hey, you almost forgot this,” I said snatching her chastity device off the night stand.

  “Keep it. I think I’m done with Kat. I need to move on,” Sarah said and then smiled sheepishly. “Besides, I feel like jerking off till I’m raw, you know,” she revealed. I giggled softly.

  “Have fun,” I said. Sarah winked and then left quietly. I curled up under the covers next to Jack. He was snoring like a chainsaw so I elbowed him. He stopped and I fell back to sleep. We met most of the gang for breakfast. Kat and Sarah weren’t there and Peace was a bit under the weather. The rest of us ate and swapped stories of the previous night. Nothing too graphic, just hints and insinuations, but it sounded like everyone had a pretty wild evening. That was the point, to have a good time and forget about real life for a bit.

  We checked out after breakfast and we rode back to Vegas as a group but as soon we hit the city, everyone went their own directions. As Jack and I changed lanes to head to his place, we waved at the remaining friends that still rode with us. I was looking forward to relaxing with Jack before Monday morning rolled around and the real world flooded back in. But that wasn’t to happen.

  We rolled into the trailer park, past all the other mobile homes and trailers towards Jack’s shiny Airstream. I think we saw it at the same time. Jack’s immaculate vintage pickup’s windows were shattered and the paint was keyed beyond repair. His Airstream trailer was covered in obscenities written in orange and pink spray paint. The door was left wide open. Jack pulled up to the trailer and we dismounted the bike.

  “Stay here,” he said as he retrieved a handgun from his saddlebag.

  “Jack!” I said to him.

  “Just a precaution. I’m sure they’re gone,” he told me. Jack went to the trailer and peeked inside, gun at the ready. Then he ducked inside as I waited. I’m sure he was right. Whoever did this was long gone but that didn’t mean I wasn’t worried. Jack emerged tucking the handgun into the back of his jeans to my relief but when his cell phone rang, I just about jumped out of my skin.

  “Hey,” he said. I could only hear his side of the conversation but it was short. “Mine too. I agree. All right. Later,” he said and hung up. “That was Butch. His place is trashed too. He’s calling the others. I bet they all got hit,” Jack told me.

  “What the fuck?” I asked him.

  “Seems our friends mean business. I’m sure your place is OK with all the security cameras and they might not even know where you live,” Jack told me. I’m sure he was right but I wondered about Sarah. I pulled out my phone and called her.

  “Hi, Bran...,” was all she got out before I interrupted.

  “Are you OK?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Kat took the news well. We decided to come back...,” Sarah began to explain but I interrupted again.

  “No, not that. Is your house is OK?” I pressed.

  “Huh? Yeah, why?” she asked. I told her what we found and what Butch told Jack. “Oh my! That’s terrible. I don’t know about Kat. She...hold on, she’s calling me,” Sarah said and put me on hold.

  “She’s OK but Kat’s on the phone,” I explained to Jack. Sarah popped back on the line.

  “Kat’s house was ransacked too,” Sarah said with a bit of concern in her voice. I told Jack what Sarah said. He thought about it for a moment.

  “Does she have a gun?” he asked. Sarah heard him.

  “Yeah, I do,” she told me and I nodded at Jack.

  “Tell her to keep it close. I’ll take you home and she should meet us there,” Jack told us. Sarah heard.

  “Does he think I’m in danger?” Sarah asked.

  “A precaution,” I told her and hoped I was right.

  “I’m not dressed,” she told me.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I replied and then added, “Just so you’re safe.” Sarah agreed to meet me at my condo in about half an hour. I hung up. “So, what are you going to do?” I asked Jack.

  “I don’t know,” he said. I could tell he was angry but he was trying to hide it.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Jack. You’re out on bail. You don’t want to spend the next few months in jail awaiting trial,” I told him. Jack didn’t want to hear that.

  “What the hell am I supposed to do? Just let those assholes get away with it. Butch and I, maybe Kat, we need to respond to this,” He told me, his anger coming out.

  “No way in hell I’m letting any of you start some turf war with them. Someone’s going to get killed,” I warned him.

  “What are you, my mother?” Jack asked trying to be funny.

  “No, I’m your lawyer. I won’t let you do this. Besides, I love you,” I replied. Jack sighed. “Look, there’s better ways to handle this. Call the cops and...,” I tried to tell him.

  “The cops? They think I’m dealing heroine,” he replied.

  “The cops were doing their job. The D.A. is the one who will try you. If they can get some evidence from the crime scenes, it might help us prove you were set up,” I explained. Jack nodded.

  “That’s why I pay you the big bucks,” Jack told me.

  “You don’t pay me anything but I do enjoy the fringe benefits,” I teased. “Take me home, call the others and have them call the police too. Tomorrow, we’ll talk it over with Vic and see how to proceed,” I told him.

  “OK, you’re right. This isn’t Sons of Anarchy. I’m a fucking artist, not a criminal. We’ll do it your way. I’ll call Metro, secure this place once they’re done and come over to your place. I’m sure you’re safe there but I need a place to stay and Sarah should spend the night too. At least I can keep an eye on you two,” Jack informed me.

  “You just want to play house with two girls,” I teased.

  “Kind of like Three’s Company but this time Chrissy is gay,” Jack joked. I giggled. I was young but I loved watching that show in reruns.

  “So, I’m Janet?” I asked.

  “Janet was always my favorite,” he told me. I smiled and hugged him.

  “Take me home. We’ll fix this,” I told him. Jack left his trailer the way we found it to preserve any evidence. Sarah was waiting for us when we arrived. She looked like Sarah but instead of her usual elaborate wig and trendy clothes, she wore a scarf wrapped around her head, a little makeup, casual blouse and shorts and low heels. Jack waved and rode off as we headed upstairs.

  “I look like hell,” she remarked in the elevator.

  “No, you look like most women on Sunday morning,” I told her.

  “You’re too nice,” she replied. We got to my condo and as expected, it was still locked up nice and tight. Jack was right. Either they didn’t know where I lived or they shied away due to the security. In any case, Sarah and I should be safe in my place.

  “So, how did it go with Kat?” I asked once we got settled.

  “Good. She understood. We weren’t exactly dating. It was all sexual. We’re friends and she told me that if I ever wanted to get locked up and treated like a girl, just ask,” Sarah told me. />
  “Cool! I’m glad it worked out. So what are you going to do now?” I wondered.

  “I have no idea. Spending time around you and the others kind of makes me want a wife,” she said. I reached over but Sarah batted my hand away. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I want to see the man. You’re my best friend. I should get to know you for real,” I said.

  “I don’t know, Brandy,” she told me. I could sense her nervousness.

  “C’mon,” I complained. Sarah sighed and pulled the scarf off of her head. She had short sandy hair. Funny thing was, she still looked like Sarah in a way. “You’re handsome,” I told my friend.

  “Thanks. This is weird,” she replied.

  “Not for me. I’ve always liked the person underneath all the clothes and makeup whether she called herself Sarah or himself...what the hell is your male name?” I asked her...him now, I guess.

  “Dave. I’m Dave,” she told me. Sarah got up and walked towards my bathroom with her bag in hand. “I’ll be right back,” she told me. I watched her go. A few minutes later, Dave reemerged, no makeup, male cargo shorts, AC/DC t-shirt and slip on loafers.

  “Whoa! You are handsome,” I said. Dave blushed as he sat down.

  “I wish I could find a girl like you. I like men when I’m dressed up but I want a wife. I want someone that understands me. Kat liked Sarah but she wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I want someone that loves me...all of me,” Dave explained.

  “You’ll find her. You’re a good guy and sexy girl. She’s out there, waiting for a handsome guy that can also fulfill her other desires,” I said.

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I think this is all too much,” Dave said.

  “I like you for who you are,” I replied.

  “Yeah but we’re just friends. That’s not the same,” Dave told me.

  “So you say. We’re best friends. And besides. If Jack told me he wanted to screw other men or dress up in lingerie, I’d be OK with it. I love him for who he is, no matter who that is,” I assured Dave.


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