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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

Page 22

by Cameron, D. H.

  “That’s because you’re a kinky bitch,” Dave joked. There was my best friend again.

  “Well, there’s that too,” I joked. “You’ll find her. You just need to open your heart and one day, she’ll surprise you,” I said turning more serious.

  “Can I hug you?” Dave asked. I frowned.

  “Yeah, why couldn’t you?” I replied.

  “I just...,” Dave began to say but I hugged him.

  “Don’t be an idiot,” I told him. I let Dave go. “We should totally hang out like this too,” I said.

  “You’re not embarrassed hanging out with a guy like me?” Dave asked but I knew he was trying to be funny.

  “Well, you are a crossdresser. But on the other hand, it’s kind of hip. Having a gay friend is so five years ago. I’ve got a transvestite diva for my best friend. Take that, hipsters,” I replied. Dave laughed and I joined him. “Want a beer?” I asked.

  “Yeah, thanks. And thanks for everything. Last night and this. I’m glad I don’t have to dress up just to see my best friend,” Dave said as I got up to get a couple of beers.

  “But you will dress up, right?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah! I just don’t have too,” Dave clarified.

  “Good! I like you as a girl too,” I told him. We drank some beer as we talked. I told Sarah...I mean, Dave about Jack’s Airstream and truck. She told me that Kat’s house was broken into and ransacked, homophobic slurs written in purple spray paint all over the living room and garage doors.

  “Assholes,” I remarked.

  “Yeah,” Dave replied. We talked about the previous night. We needed to clear the air, make sure we both had the same expectations. Dave assured me he knew it was a one-time thing but I let him know that I wasn’t opposed to a repeat if it happened but I wasn’t going to plan anything. Dave agreed. He told me what happened with Butch, Ruth and Kat too.

  “Wow!” was all I could say when he explained what went on.

  “Yeah, I kind of wanted to join you guys for breakfast so I could see if Butch was walking funny,” Dave said. I giggled at that. It sounded like Butch was the bitch instead since both women had brought their strap ons along on the trip. After that, we just talked about life in general, what we wanted to do the following weekend and such. Jack showed up while we talked letting himself in without even knocking.

  “So?” I asked as he went to the fridge to grab a beer. “Hey, bring three!” I added.

  “Yeah, yeah...who’s that and where’s Sarah? She should be here by now,” Jack replied as he shut the fridge and turned to join us. He didn’t know.

  “Who the hell do you think it is?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” Jack shot back a bit confused. Dave stood up and took a beer from Jack who looked a bit confused.

  “I’m Dave. You know, Sarah,” he told my old man. Jack looked at me and then back at Sarah. He squinted as he looked the man over until recognition registered on his face.

  “Holy shit! I didn’t even recognize you...Dave,” Jack said.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Dave replied.

  “Well, nice to meet you for real...or whatever,” Jack greeted him. Dave laughed and I rolled my eyes.

  “He’s the same person,” I playfully admonished Jack.

  “Sorry, this is all...just give me a moment,” Jack said as he sat down. Dave sat on the other end of the sofa.

  “He just remembered what we did last night,” Dave observed. I hadn’t thought about that. Jack had sex with Sarah and now he was seeing her as man. I saw an opening to play with Jack.

  “Oh, is that is, sweetie? Are you sad you’re gay?” I asked, tormenting my old man. Dave snickered at that. He might have been hesitant about letting me see him as a man but we never shied away from his sexuality.

  “Very funny. No! I just...I just...,” Jack stammered and Dave and I laughed.

  “It’s OK, Jack. I won’t tell anyone you fucked a guy last night,” Dave said and we laughed some more at Jack’s expense. Jack shook his head and sipped his beer.

  “You two girls done yet?” he asked us in mock annoyance.

  “Probably not,” I replied and elbowed Jack. He sighed, resigned to the fact that he was outnumbered. Then he told us the cops showed up, filled out some reports and taped the area off. Detectives showed up a bit later and took fingerprints, gathered evidence and told Jack he’d be hearing from them. They gave him a case number and after Jack told them the other’s had their houses hit too, they assured him they would investigate the incidents as a group.

  “Hurry up and wait,” Jack remarked.

  “Well, tomorrow you both should come with me to the office. We’ll talk to Vic and see if he’s discovered anything from the private eye,” I told them. Dave told us he could take off the morning and Jack always set his own hours. He could dive dumpsters for electronics and pick car and motorcycle parts anytime. That night, we just relaxed, ordered Chinese food and drank beer. We all turned in early, Dave taking the sofa. I hoped Vic had some information or advice. I wanted this behind me but I just knew it wouldn’t be that easy.


  “Glad to see you both here,” Vic said as he finally showed up at the office.

  “Lacey making demands again?” I asked.

  “ I was meeting with the private eye. Who’s that?” Vic asked. Dave was with us as a man today because he had to go to his job later.

  “That’s Dave. A friend of ours,” I explained.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Vic,” my boss greeted Dave and extended his hand.

  “Same here,” Dave replied and shook Vic’s hand. Vic pulled a chair out of the hall and sat down in my office.

  “So the PI found that guy you talked about. He was at a biker bar downtown. He’s the guy, alright. The PI spoke with him and ended up getting him to tell the story about, and I quote, the six-foot four, three hundred pound biker bitch that beat him up and how he got her old man back by planting drugs on his bike,” Vic revealed.

  “I wouldn’t tell people Brandy beat me up either,” Jack said. I wasn’t too happy about the biker’s description but I chalked it up to his need to embellish to protect his manhood.

  “Yeah, well that’s not the important part. The PI followed him for a couple of days. The dude ended up going to City Hall. He went to the District Attorney’s office. The PI did some digging and it turns out, the D.A. and your biker friend are half-brothers,” Vic explained.

  “Really?” I said and then told Vic what happened over the weekend. The ransacking and vandalism of the houses and the incident at the pool with the two bikers wearing the same patches as the D.A.’s half-brother.

  “Holy shit! You’re up to your eyeballs in it, aren’t you?” Vic said assessing the situation correctly.

  “Understatement,” Jack replied. Vic stared at the wall, thinking as he played with the hoop in his ear. We waited while he mulled it over. If anyone knew what to do that might solve this problem while staying semi-legal, Vic was the one. He was an ex-con after all. He nodded finally and turned his attention back to us.

  “We need to get to the D.A. He’s the key. We can expose those assholes that trashed your houses and framed Jack but the D.A. won’t charge them if I’m right and he’s part of it. We need to expose that crooked son of a bitch but it won’t be easy. He probably keeps his hands plenty clean. I’m not sure how we should do it,” Vic said. I wasn’t much help and Jack didn’t have any answers. Dave, however, did.

  “I can do it,” he told us.

  “Do what?” I asked.

  “Get him to tell me what he’s up to and get some dirt on him,” Dave told us.

  “How?” Vic asked. Dave pulled out his phone and searched it. When he found what he wanted, he showed Vic a photo. “Who’s that?” Vic asked.

  “That’s me,” Dave said. Vic was confused.

  “I get it,” Jack said. “You’re suggesting that Sarah, you, seduce him?” Jack asked. I was shocked.

h. I can do it. If I can find him in a bar or nightclub I can get him alone, I can get him to talk and I can record it,” Dave explained.

  “That wouldn’t be admissible,” I replied. But Vic stood up and started pacing.

  “But we don’t need for it to be admissible. We just need it to put him on the defense. We just need it to embarrass him,” Vic said.

  “If you need embarrassment, I can do that too,” Dave said.

  “Dave,” I warned my best friend. He didn’t need to get himself hurt or killed for me.

  “I’m cool with it. You and Jack...well, you’re like family. If I can help, I will,” Dave told me.

  “How?” Vic asked.

  “A few pictures of the D.A. and me in compromising situations. Maybe my dick in his mouth,” Dave said. I think I gasped at that but Vic took it in stride.

  “That would do it,” Vic said. Vic had seen it all in his line of work. Dave’s revelations didn’t faze him a bit.

  “But what about you. What about your job?” I asked Dave.

  “Jack barely recognized me yesterday. I promise you, I can make myself up so neither of you recognize me. No one will connect the girl in the photos and Sarah, much less Dave,” he said.

  “I suppose,” I replied reluctantly. I was worried about Dave. I didn’t want him to suffer for something we did. Something told me, however, that I wouldn’t be able to talk my best friend out of it.

  “But that might cause the biker club to retaliate,” Vic told us.

  “I’ll take care of that,” Jack said.

  “How?” I asked.

  “The less you know, the better, lawyer girl. You and Vic are the endgame,” Jack said. I didn’t get it but Vic did apparently.

  “Yeah, a triple threat. Dave there gets the goods on the D.A., you and your club do whatever you’re going to do, and I don’t want to know what that is, while Brandy and I clean up the mess on the legal end,” Vic explained.

  “Right,” Jack replied, “I’ll make sure the dirt bag that framed me and the rest of his loser friends not only admit they framed me and trashed our homes, but that they wind up so deep in it the D.A. will forget he’s related to that piece of shit,” Jack said. Seemed like everyone was on board except me. I was worried for Dave and Jack now. Jack could wind up in prison. Dave could lose his job or worse. But we needed to fix this. We needed to get our lives back. This wasn’t going to end unless we finished it. I relented against my better judgment.

  “OK, fine. But you two better be careful,” I told Jack and Dave.

  “Hey, it’s me,” Jack said.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” I told him. Jack laughed and looked over at Dave. Dave didn’t look so girly at the moment. He looked like a stupid man about to do something stupid but it had to be done, I suppose. The question was could we pull it off without all of us winding up in prison or dead. A bit dramatic, I guess, but I wasn’t so sure we could pull it off.


  Told you,” Sarah said to me. Tonight her name was Angelica to protect the innocent. The private eye, strangely enough, already knew where the District Attorney, a guy by the name of Larry Fabiano, liked to hang out. This was Vegas. There was a lot of crooked stuff going on behind the scenes. I’m sure this Larry character wasn’t just looking out for his sleazebag half-brother. He probably had his hands in all kinds of illicit activity.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I probably wouldn’t recognize you,” I said. Hell, I wouldn’t recognize myself. Sarah had loaned me a curly platinum blonde wig and I had so much make up on my neck was beginning to hurt from the weight. Sarah was in a red wig, a really nice red wig that looked natural. She wasn’t dressed up as flamboyantly as usual. Her clingy green dress almost went to her knees. She looked as much like a woman as I’d ever seen. I mean she always looked feminine but she looked like your average escort instead of a party diva.

  “I don’t try to pass most of the time. I dress like a diva and that’s a dead giveaway. It screams drag queen and that’s OK. That’s what I like. But tone it down, dress conservatively along with some tasteful make up and I don’t look half bad,” Sarah told us. Jack had been watching the whole proceedings on and off. I mean he wasn’t hovering over us in the bathroom of my condo but he was relaxing on the bed.

  “So then why am I made up like this?” I asked. I was a bleached blonde in a trashy dress that left way too little to the imagination and stripper heels that felt like stilts.

  “Same reason Jack got his hair cut and he shaved. So the D.A. doesn’t recognize you. I could have done this alone but you two insisted on coming with me so you get to wear a disguise too,” Sarah told me. Jack’s long hair was gone. He had buzzed it close to his scalp. His scraggly beard was now just a soul patch under his bottom lip. He actually looked kind of sexy like that, still like a bad ass biker but different.

  “But you’re not in disguise...well besides the fact you’re a dude,” Jack told Sarah.

  “Aren’t I? Look at this drab thing,” she said pulling at her dress. “And these heels aren’t even platforms. Ug!” Sarah complained. I giggled.

  “You do look pretty plain,” I remarked.

  “Geez, you really know how to hurt a girl,” she replied. Jack laughed with me. The plan was simple and with Jack and me there, it would be so much easier. The D.A. frequented a dive bar in North Las Vegas. It was a rough place. Lots of the people that Vic and I defended would probably hang out there. Drug dealers, organized crime types, gangs, you name it. Jack was in his usual jeans and black t-shirt but he threw on a black dinner jacket over that. Mobster chic, I suppose.

  Jack and I would go in first, I guess I was his hooker girlfriend or something, and scope the place out. Sarah would come in later after we texted her, locate this Larry and seduce him. OK, she was going to throw herself at him. The hope was she could get him to tell her about what was going on. That would hopefully be captured by the tiny recording device and microphone hidden under her silicone breast forms. If she could also lure him into a compromising situation and maybe we could get some damning photos of that, so much the better.

  “I think we’re ready,” Sarah announced after looking me over and I did the same for her.

  “As ready as we’ll ever be, I suppose,” I replied. Jack was the only one that really seemed eager to do this. He saw it as an adventure. Sarah was nervous but she seemed excited too. Men! I was a wreck but I kept telling myself this would work out. It had too, right?

  A half hour later, Jack and I sat in a red leather booth that had seen better days. The bar was smoky and poorly lit, filled with dangerous characters, drug attics and hookers. Lovely place. Jack sipped his Crown and Coke but I just stirred mine with my finger. I’d texted her that everything looked OK and now we waited. Then finally, Sarah, or rather Angelica, walked in. No one paid her much attention and in the poor lighting, she was just another woman albeit a rather lithe and alluring one. She found the D.A. sitting at the end of the bar and walked past, brushing him to catch his attention.

  It worked. As she walked away, her hips swaying seductively, Larry’s eye’s followed. Sarah took a seat around the corner of the bar. She didn’t look at Larry but instead waited for the bartender. He walked over and we could barely hear him ask, “What’ll it be?” Larry caught the bartender’s attention, however, and offered to buy Sarah’s...I mean, Angelica’s drink. Now Sarah turned her attention to the D.A. The son of a bitch. His wedding ring sparkled in the light from the beer signs behind the bar.

  Jack and I watched casually as he moved to sit next to Sarah. They shook hands and then Sarah laughed way too hard at some witty remark. She, or rather Angelica, was in full on slut mode. Her drink, a martini of some sort, and a fresh glass of bourbon for Larry arrived. They drank and talked and laughed and it wasn’t long before Larry had his hand on Sarah’s ass. She was touching his arm and shoulder the way a woman did when she was interested, or at least open to an hour or two of sex for money. Larry wasn’t a particularly good l
ooking man, balding, a bit rotund and wearing a dark five o’clock shadow, so he was eating up the attention.

  For half an hour, Jack and I sat watching the two lovebirds. At one point, some young Italian guy came up to our booth and started to make suggestive comments towards me while he stared at my tits. Jack smiled at him as he showed him the .45 handgun in the holster under his jacket. The guy put his hands up and backed away. He didn’t know who we were. For all he knew, Jack was a real badass that wouldn’t hesitate to kill a man that insulted his bosomy girlfriend.

  Beyond that, however, everything went as planned. Sarah went to the ladies room and a moment later, I followed her. “So?” I asked quietly after we checked the stall to make sure we were alone.

  “Fondle a man’s cock and he’ll tell you anything. I got it all,” she said patting her left breast.

  “Really?” I asked incredulously.

  “He was bragging. He wanted to impress me. Men are so easy. I’m going outside with him. Give me five minutes and then come out. One of us will have a cock in our mouth but either way, we’ll get what we need. Just like we planned,” she said.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got him in the palm of my hand,” Sarah said and winked.

  “OK, five minutes. I’ll pull up in Trudy’s car and Jack will follow us in Doc’s Mercedes,” I said confirming the plan.

  “Right, cell phone camera at the ready. I’ll make sure you can see his face and then I’ll hop in and we’ll disappear into the night,” Sarah explained.

  “I hope this works. If not, just abandon him and call us,” I reminded her.

  “Don’t worry,” she said and turned to leave.

  “Be careful,” I told her as she went.

  “I will,” she replied as she walked out of the restroom. I waited a few minutes and then left by myself. I sat next to Jack again and kissed him as I stroked his chest.

  “Two more minutes,” I whispered. He nodded and finished his drink. I hadn’t even touched mine but suddenly I wished I had. I couldn’t wait for this to be over. I was so worried and scared. So many things could go wrong. Jack looked at his watch and when it was time, we got up to go retrieve Sarah and maybe get some embarrassing pictures of the crooked D.A.


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