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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

Page 23

by Cameron, D. H.

  Jack and I walked out of the bar and rounded the building to get the cars. Jack had cleverly modified the license plates with dark blue electrical tape that matched the lettering almost perfectly. We didn’t want anyone to figure out we were using Trudy or Docs’ car. We borrowed cars so the descriptions wouldn’t match with anything we owned. The D.A. with the resources of the police at his disposal would have a hard time figuring out who we were even if he did get our plate numbers since Trudy, Doc and Linda arranged to have rock-solid alibies.

  As we, turned the corner, we heard a commotion. “You’re a fucking man?” Larry shouted. Sarah tried to calm him down but I only got part of it. Essentially, she told him the blow job would feel just as good but Larry wasn’t having any of it. I looked at Jack and he pulled his gun free of the holster.

  “I’ll take care of this. You film it,” he said. I nodded as Jack crouched and disappeared between a couple of cars.

  “You fucking faggot!” Larry yelled. Oh, shit! I moved up to where I could see but I was still hidden behind a pickup. I had my phone ready and I pushed record just in time.

  “Look, just ignore it. I want to suck your cock. That doesn’t make you gay,” Sarah told him.

  “Fuck you!” Larry said and pulled a small revolver from his belt. “Do you know who I am? I’m the fucking District Attorney. I’ll fucking kill you!” he said. Sarah backed away.

  “No need. I won’t say a word. Please,” she pleaded. Larry held the gun out, his hand shaking. I was sure he was going to shoot Sarah but Jack reached them just in time. He placed his .45 against Larry’s head.

  “Drop it, loser,” he said calmly. “No one fucks with my bitches,” he added. Larry dropped his gun and lifted his hands into the air. He had no idea I was even there shooting video with my phone.

  “I didn’t know she was yours, man,” Larry whined.

  “Pay the bitch,” Jack said.

  “What?” Larry asked.

  “You think the blow job was going to be free? An ugly fuck like you doesn’t get blowjobs for free from pretty girls, even if they are really boys. Don’t fuck with me Mister District Attorney. I don’t give a shit who you are. You’re just another John to me. Pay her,” Jack warned. Hell, I knew Jack didn’t mean it but he was scaring me anyway. Larry reached into his pocket slowly and pulled out his wallet, dropping it on the ground. Jack laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Larry asked, clearly worried Jack would pull the trigger.

  “This!” Jack said and punched Larry in the face, dropping him like a bad habit. “C’mon, let’s go,” he told Sarah and then gestured for me to follow. I hopped in Trudy’s car, running surprisingly fast in my stripper heels. Jack tugged Sarah behind him and they took Doc’s Mercedes. We both left trails of rubber as we sped away, though mine weren’t as impressive in Trudy’s economy car. We headed the opposite direction of our final destination to through off anyone that followed. As planned, I left Trudy’s car near her house at the end of a dark cull de sac. After peeling the electrical tape off the license plates, I got into my car that I’d parked there earlier, removed the wig and stuffed it under my seat.

  Jack and Sarah did the same at the parking garage of the hospital where Doc worked. Sarah was supposed to be with me so she couldn’t change into her male clothes but I’m sure she was making due. After that, I drove around the beltway, taking several exits and getting back on, looking for a tail. I was sure I hadn’t been followed but it didn’t hurt to be sure. When I hit Interstate 15, I headed for my condo where we had planned to meet.

  I got there first and went upstairs to wait. We had agreed not to call, again just in case. Five minutes later, Jack and Dave walked in. “Sorry, we had to stop to get Dave some clothes,” Jack said. I got up and hugged Dave.

  “That was close,” I said. Dave hugged me back.

  “He wasn’t going to shoot me. I could see it in his eyes. Besides, I saw Jack coming,” Dave told me. I pushed him away.

  “Men!” I complained but then giggled. “I’m just glad you’re OK. You too, old man,” I added and hugged Jack.

  “You got it on video?” Jack asked.

  “Every minute of it,” I said.

  “Damn, that’s even better than catching Larry sucking my cock,” Dave said.

  “Yeah, it is pretty damning stuff,” I agreed.

  “And he told me all about the biker he was going to nail to the wall and why. That’s you, Jack, but it doesn’t matter. He was bragging. He told me how powerful he was, how he could fuck with anyone he wanted. He’s finished now,” Sarah said.

  “So what do we do?” I asked. Jack rubbed what was left of his beard as he mulled it over.

  “We drop that video and Sarah’s recording on a half dozen thumb drives, after we edit me out of course, wipe our fingerprints off and mail them to the TV stations and newspapers. That ought to solve one problem. Then we can deal with his half-brother and his gang,” Jack told us. I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a few beers, opened them and passed them around.

  “To us!” I said holding up my bottle. We clinked our bottles together and each took a chug. I wanted to celebrate our victory but most of all I needed a drink. But I was feeling a bit elated at our success, though I didn’t do much at all. Still I was shaking as I came off my adrenaline high.

  “We do make a good team,” Jack said.

  “A very strange but still effective team,” Dave added. How they could be so calm, I wasn’t sure. I was a wreck and before I knew it, I was getting my second beer. I had five before Jack and Dave carried me to my room and put me in bed. Dave left for home at some point as I slept and Jack joined me in bed after that. It was a few days before I stopped looking over my shoulder, wondering when the police or some mobster would track me down but it seemed we had we gotten away with it. Now we just had to wait.


  “Breaking news tonight. Channel 3 has received an anonymous video and audio recording. On it, Las Vegas District Attorney, Larry Fabiano is shown uttering homophobic slurs and threatening an apparent transgendered woman with a gun. On the audio recording, a man details corruption in the District Attorney’s office. While we haven’t definitively confirmed the identity of the man, we are confident it is Larry Fabiano. Channel 3 has forwarded copies to the FBI for investigation. Watch and listen but be warned, the language and images are quite graphic,” the Channel 3 anchorwoman announced to open the six o’clock news five days later, Thursday of the next week.

  “Oh my god!” Jack come see this,” I shouted but Jack was already coming to see. He was cooking dinner for Sarah and me. Dave and/or Sarah had come over the past two evenings to see if the story would be reported. Nothing until now. Dexter had helped us edit the video, blurring out Sarah’s face and editing out the end so Jack wouldn’t be recognized and so as not to take the focus off of Larry’s actions. We dropped the envelopes in the mail Monday morning. As we watched the video and heard the audio, my phone rang.

  “You watching this, kid?” Vic asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  “He’s toast. Good job. You’ll make a great defense attorney, kid. You’ve got balls of steel,” Vic told me.

  “Thanks but it was all Sarah and Jack,” I replied and Vic hung up. We watched as they analyzed the video and audio for nearly half the newscast. The next morning, the Review-Journal and the Sun had the story plastered all over the front pages. The FBI announced an investigation that afternoon and Larry Fabiano went missing. He was picked up at the Mexican border near San Diego trying to cross the border that weekend with over a quarter million in cash hidden in a briefcase.

  I appreciated Vic’s compliment but part of me was still thinking beyond Vic’s little law office. I didn’t feel like I’d settled anymore by working there. I’d come to believe that defending the accused was a noble pursuit and I enjoyed my job. But still, I had bigger aspirations and I couldn’t help but wonder now what I might do. I had some choices to make, but not until this was settl
ed. The District Attorney was out of the way but we still had his half-brother along with his motorcycle club to contend with.


  “Did you hear?” Sarah asked as we met at the mall on Sunday.

  “About Larry?” I wondered as we hugged and headed into the Fashion Show mall for a day of shopping and girl talk.

  “Yeah. Good news!” she said.

  “Not for him. I also happen to know Channel 3 is digging deeper. So is the FBI. I hear heads are going to roll in the Mayor’s office and at Metro,” I told her but added,” but you didn’t hear that from me.”

  “Interesting. I heard they are reviewing all recent cases in light of Larry’s admission,” Sarah replied.

  “They are and we’ve already made a motion to get Jack’s charges dismissed. Vic think’s it a no brainer because the details are so similar but I bet a few other people get off too,” I told her.

  “Good. I’m glad,” Sarah replied as we steered into Saks Fifth Avenue. “I saw a dress in here a few weeks back. It’s like six hundred bucks but I figure what the hell. I love it and I deserve it,” Sarah told me. I giggled.

  “Yeah, you do. You’re a badass,” I said.

  “Oh hey, I almost forgot. I got so caught up in the drama at City Hall. I bought a bike,” she said.

  “A bike?” I wondered.

  “A motorcycle. A big, loud one. It’s getting painted,” She said and I admit I was a bit shocked.

  “You don’t seem like the biker type,” I told her. Sarah frowned.

  “Who, Dave or me?” she asked. Sometimes hanging out with Sarah could get confusing.

  “Neither of you, frankly. Dave seems like a European car guy and you seem like...a pink Cadillac girl,” I said. Sarah laughed as two older women walked away as if we were crazy.

  “Prudes!” Sarah said loud enough for them to hear but not so loud they could be certain Sarah meant for them to hear. They walked faster, however. I admit, Sarah looked amazing but she was in drag queen mode. Even I had dressed up, short skirt, tight blouse, seamed stocking and heels, typical lawyer outfit with a retro feel to it.

  “Well, now I want a bike,” I complained.

  “Really? I’d ride behind Jack if I were you,” She told me. I thought about that.

  “You’re right. I want something though,” I said.

  “Some lingerie?” Sarah suggested.

  “Yeah, that will work for now,” I replied. We shopped all morning and then got sushi for lunch. I’d been thinking for a few days. Honestly, I couldn’t get the crazy idea out of my head. But there were a few problems. Sarah was one of those, problems. I hadn’t even told Jack about my idea yet. I wasn’t even sure I was going to do it until that moment. But for some reason, I had made the decision, as crazy as it sounded. I stared at my mountain roll as I tried to figure out how to say it.

  “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked. I glanced over at her. Then I just blurted it out.

  “I’m running for District Attorney,” I said. Sarah arched an eyebrow.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I am. I’ve been thinking about it for a few days. I can’t get the idea out of my head,” I told her.

  “What precipitated that?” Sarah prodded.

  “It’s not that I don’t like working for Vic, but I can’t do that forever. I guess between coming to understand how important it is to defend people that have been charged with a crime whether they are guilty or not and all the corruption that is coming to light, I feel like I need to do something,” I explained.

  “But D.A.? That’s a big step,” Sarah countered.

  “I know it’s stupid. I’ll probably lose and badly,” I replied.

  “Hey, I didn’t say that. I’d vote for you,” Sarah told me. I perked up a little.

  “Yeah?” I wondered.

  “Yeah!” she reiterated.

  “Well, I’ve got a problem. If I do it, you might be outed. They’ll delve into my past and my friends. I’m not ashamed but I worry your secret might be discovered,” I told Sarah. I guess that’s why I told her first.

  “Oh,” she replied. Sarah was quiet for a moment as she mulled that over. I let her think as I ate a piece of mountain roll. “You know what, Brandy. I don’t care. I’ve learned to accept who I am and I’m not ashamed. I’m a guy that likes to dress up like a girl and when I do, I’m gay for all intents and purposes. The rest of the world needs to accept that,” she said.

  “Are you sure? What about your job?” I pressed.

  “A lot of the teachers, like Trudy, already know or suspect. It’s the parents and administration. I’ll probably be asked to leave. They can’t really fire me thanks to the union but they can fuck with me. I don’t care. So what? Am I going to let my stupid vice-principle job control my life...or yours?” Sarah explained but she wasn’t done.

  “You’re going to have to deal with it though. A lot of people will resist a candidate with a biker for a boyfriend and a crossdresser for a friend. Not to mention the rest of the bunch. We’re all a bunch of freaks,” she advised me.

  “Yeah, that crossed my mind. It shouldn’t matter but I know it will. I’ll probably lose anyway,” I said.

  “Who knows? Maybe you’ll win people over,” Sarah said.

  “Thanks for being so supportive. I’m still worried about you,” I replied.

  “Don’t be. I’ve been thinking about coming out. This just made me really confront it. I want to. If I lose my job, friends and family, so be it. I’m sick of being two people. With you and Jack these past few weeks I’ve really enjoyed just being me, whoever that was on any particular day. I want the rest of my life to be like that. No more Dave to some people and Sarah to others,” she explained.

  “Don’t forget about Angelica,” I joked.

  “Oh God! Don’t say that. I’m complicated enough without another bitch in my head!” Sarah replied. We both laughed and the two guys at the end of the bar and one of the sushi chefs was looking at us. They all pretended they weren’t eavesdropping when we caught them. I didn’t care and I knew Sarah didn’t either.

  “I’m glad you understand and I’ll always be there for you,” I told Sarah.

  “Same here,” she told me and lifted her cup of sake. I picked mine up and clinked it against hers. Suddenly, I was hungry again.

  “Hey, could I get another one of these,” I asked the chef pointing at my mountain roll. He nodded and went to work. Life was moving fast but I liked where it was going. Jack and I were solid. Sarah and/or Dave felt like a brother and/or sister. I knew what I wanted out of life. I wanted to be the D.A. I wanted to correct the corruption that Larry had overseen but more than that, I wanted to be the D.A. to help people. I wanted to put the really bad guys in prison but I wanted to treat everyone fairly. Naive, I was sure, but noble.

  I told Jack that evening. He was working on his trailer, getting it back in shape. He’d come a long way. It was the shiny, classic Airstream on the outside again. All the paint was gone. The interior was another story, however. Jack had decided it was time to update the decor. He had it torn apart and I was bit sad. I really liked his bedroom and the sixties, free love vibe but Jack had promised I’d like the new room even more.

  “So, you’re going respectable?” Jack replied when I told him. He was working on the new tile flooring to replace the wood floor that had been ruined.

  “So, I’m not respectable now?” I wondered.

  “Well, you are dating a biker. You’re a swinger. Half your friends are either breaking the law, swingers or homosexual,” he said. He was only half-joking.

  “Who’s breaking the law?” I asked.

  “Dexter, Peace and Sarah all smoke pot, not to mention you,” he reminded me.

  “Oh yeah. So you don’t think I should run for office?” I asked him though I didn’t think that was his point.

  “Oh no! I think you should run. That will be fun to watch and even more fun when you win,” he said.

p; “When I win?” I pressed him.

  “That’s what I said, doll. When you win, you’ll fuck this town up. In a good way, of course,” he assured me. I was smiling like a fool suddenly.

  “Thanks. This place looks pretty...tame,” I observed.

  “That’s because I’m selling it,” Jack told me.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “I’m selling it. It’s too small for two,” he replied.

  “Two?” I wondered.

  “I need a roommate to help pay the rent,” he said. I glared at him. That was bullshit.

  “Don’t bullshit a bullshitter, old man,” I said. Jack laughed softly.

  “Well, if you would rather I move into your lousy condo...,” he replied leaving the thought hanging there.

  “Are you asking me to shack up with you?” I asked.

  “Well, if you want. I thought we could get a bigger Airstream, fix it up and maybe find a nicer park to live in with some security,” Jack explained as he got off the floor.

  “We’ll I don’t know if a D.A. should live in a trailer with a biker?” I teased.

  “Oh no. Being corrupt and hanging out in parking lots pointing guns at crossdressers is so much more respectable,” Jack replied. I laughed and hugged him.

  “I’d love to give up my fancy condo and live in a trailer park with you. It will be all I can afford after I lose the special election and Vic fires me for going over to the other side,” I joked.

  “I could always use someone to help me dumpster dive,” Jack replied.

  “Because you’re so old?” I asked him. Jack slapped my ass quite hard. I squealed.

  “You wearing stockings under that?” he asked. I was still dressed up from my day with Sarah.

  “Duh!” I replied.

  “Bed still works,” he said plainly.

  “Does it, now?” I asked. Jack pushed me backwards towards the bedroom and then pushed me onto the bed. He undid his jeans and exposed his hardening manhood. I didn’t bother with my clothes. I just hiked up my skirt and pulled my panties aside. Jack peeled off his t-shirt and then bent and began lapping at my bare mound. “You’re dirty and sweaty,” I complained.


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