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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 4

by Trina Bates

  I know Hollows and Others can have weaker half breeds. There are some complications usually coming from a shifter side. There are very few that I have heard of. I don’t have the time to process this. I mean, I still have my contraceptive implant in! I don’t even know the risks for that.

  Overwhelmed, I take a few deep breaths but it does little to calm me. I reach out in hopes of steadying myself from the vertigo that is racing through me. I feel nauseated, my head is spinning and my heart is pounding in my ears. I still feel as if I'm about to drop to the ground. All of a sudden, I feel a pull on the back of my head and my body being smashed into a rock hard chest, that smells like wild, untouched nature. Trees, water, flowers, even dirt.

  A strong arm wraps around my lower back and a large, calloused hand, caresses the back of my neck. Not sure why, but I instantly relax. I pull my arms around his waist and enjoy a sweet moment with a fling I never thought I would see again.

  He lets me go, my fears and anger hit me all at once again, replacing the calm that I was enveloped in, by being in his arms. My jaw is clenched tightly shut. The pressure increases in my chest and I start to rub my arms, not sure if it’s from the cold or all the emotions.

  “What do you mean, what ‘it is’? What are you? I know Ebbin is a Hollow, are Merrick and Rhett Other? None of you showed any signs that y’all were Other!”

  “Okay, quit. For one, we’re all able to shield parts of ourselves and we aren’t arrogant pricks, most of the time. You had to have had some kind of idea. We’re larger, our eyes are brighter than Hollows’ hinting at the magic hiding beneath them, they’re a dead give away, though we try to tone it down. We can't change too much because it's draining, and a pain in the ass.”

  I know logically, he’s right, but who the hell likes to admit they might be wrong? I know I should have noticed these things. I mean, I did, but at the time it just didn’t matter. All I wanted was them all over me.

  “I don’t know if you knew, but our drinks were laced with a spell. I know it's not an excuse, but I just didn’t even have a care at that point.”

  As much as I want to be honest, it's pissing me off. Shit. I have a vagina, isn’t there some rule where we’re always right? Wringing my hands together as I stare at the ground, I have to make him believe me.

  “It was just supposed to be for Ebbin and I. I kept buying more and we kept sharing.”

  I can see he’s getting angry. The thick vein on his forehead is pulsing in rhythm with his heart.

  “Who the fuck would have done that? And why was it done to you? Do you owe a debt? Who did you piss off?”

  I wince, as he is almost yelling at this point, and his fingers are digging into me, which were sure to leave bruises. He immediately pulls his hands away, flexing them. He stares down at his hands, his face contorted with anger as he narrows his eyes and presses his lips tightly together. It’s almost as if he blames his hands for his actions.

  “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”

  “Of course, and to answer your question don’t go all fucking crazy, alright? It was Blue.”

  Before I can even finish, he clenches his hands and stalks toward the door.

  “Stop, she has done it before, and she's my best friend. She has only done it so I can enjoy myself better; to relax. She would never hurt me.”

  He seems to calm, slightly. “It doesn’t fucking make it right. We all wanted you before the drinks started coming. There are four of us. What worries me is how are we to know which one is the father? That night was amazing, and I’ve come back here several times looking for you. This complicates everything.”

  Feeling his frustration, it takes me a moment to really understand what he’s saying.

  “You came back here. Looking for me, why?”

  As sweet as the sentiment is, it's not normal for things to keep going with a group like that. We fuck, we leave, we forget.

  “Maybe it was the spell? I’m not sure now, but I can’t get you out of my head. So I’ve come back several times. I know Rhett has been here at least once. We had a few drinks and he told me the same thing. He can’t stop thinking about you either. It's infuriating, to be honest. You’re a damn Hollow.”

  “Thanks for that. Kind of condescending if you ask me. I didn’t do anything. We fucked, yes. It was fan-fucking-tastic. The only thing that was in the drinks was a relaxer and lust. Blue wouldn’t lie to me. So as for why you’re feeling that way, maybe I have a magical vag. Hell if I know.”

  My attempt at a joke makes this behemoth of a man belt out a sudden laugh which made me jump in surprise. His beautiful, vibrant azure eyes are shining with the magic they hold inside. Lips open wide, to show an amazing set of sparkly whites. Seeing him in this state, it's refreshing.

  “Oh shit. You just might, Gorgeous, you just might. If that’s all that was in the drinks, we need to see a witch. Maybe get with your oh so lovely roofie friend and find out why we’re wanting you.”

  “You said it's only been a few times that you have come here, but I work here, obviously. I haven’t seen you since that night. Yeah, hours change, but I would have heard from Blue if one of you had come in.” I say rolling my eyes pushing my tongue into my cheek waiting to see what he could possibly say.

  “No, you wouldn’t. From what I know, Rhett, as well as myself and Merrick were shielding ourselves. Being in a city we aren’t from and it complicates things. We don’t want to deal with guards or Hounds.”

  “You can do that?”

  I know every Other possesses certain abilities, but I didn’t know more than one type can do that.

  “Most of us have a small amount of magic to go along with what we are. I have a limited amount. I’m a rare shifter, old magic, my line is actually cursed. In order for the curse to take hold, a part of the person who did this to us, well, they gave more than they bargained for. They gave their life to the curse, part of his hatred is deep ingrained in all of my kind now. Prick deserved worse in my opinion.” The last part is said under his breath. The mirth, anger, and sadness that’s overtaking him is crashing through the walls I’m attempting to build, threatening to break through. I know about curses. We grew up learning everything we were able to about the Others. Disgusting if you ask me. One person screws up, so an entire line or village for lack of a better term, was fucked.

  “What are you?” I ask him, still enjoying the warmth of his arms that are wrapped tightly around me. I squeeze his large frame a little tighter than necessary with the anticipation coursing through me, waiting for his answer. As he looks around, his nervousness at the question apparent, his eyes are shifting back and forth and beads of sweat start to form on his forehead. He takes me by the base of the elbow and leads me to the side of the bar.

  “I’m bad, evil even. I’m a Black Schuck. Our kind, when we shift, we sense the ‘wrong‘ on a person, we can sense whether their hearts are pure, or tainted by darkness. We can see auras and we are also able to sense some thoughts, hearing if they are meaning to do someone wrong. We don’t stop. Some of us are more in control, like my parents, but that comes with age. There aren’t many of us left. We don’t want this curse put on anyone else. Not having control is terrifying. We only chase the bad people, but it doesn’t excuse what we do. I love what we stand for, sure, but what I have to see and feel, makes me hate what I am.” He’s shaking his head at the ground, his shoulders slumped and his hands fisted in a tight grasp. “We prey on perverse sexual deeds or desires.”

  With his brow drawn low, arms crossed and feet fidgeting, it's easy to feel sorry for him. His honesty is not something I fully expected, but it's refreshing.

  “What do you mean ‘sexual deeds’? I get what perverse is, but there’s more to it.”

  “Rapists, molesters, people who have sexual desires of a darker nature, the intent to cause harm and infect others with hatred and fear. For people with only the thoughts, that haven’t done anything, it’s a simpler punishment. We cause a disease with a bite. They will either
die, depending on how rotted their hearts and minds actually are, or they can change their ways and go on to live happy, pure lives. The ones that have caused pain and done the unimaginable? We either eat them or we make them crazy. Most like the feed, but I like to cause the pain. We put their worst fears into their minds. They live it over and over, never knowing sanity again. I feel that’s the best punishment. Death is too quick, too easy.”

  “Wow. Well, I don’t see much wrong with what you are. You give justice to those who have been wronged. You save the people who can’t save themselves. How’s that wrong? Yeah, it's a little scary, but almost noble, I think.”

  The last thing I expected from him is a full on laugh, but that’s what he does.

  “I think I’m missing something here. Why’s that funny?” I ask, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow at him in question.

  “I’ve never heard a Hollow so quick to accept what I am. Most run, cry, or cower. You surprised me. I might hate what I am but hearing you, a Hollow that barely knows me, defend what I am and my beast; it's sweet. I’m not though, I’m anything but. When the scent is in the air, I have no control over my shift. Yes, I’m aware when my beast takes over, but I don’t control him. I hope you never have to see him.”

  He’s getting back to the heavy, and sad parts. I don’t like it.

  “I would love to see you. Can you shift without there being a predator?”

  “Mira, I’m the only predator you need to worry about,” he answers as he holds my arms and stared deep into my eyes. At that moment, he doesn’t scare me, he makes me feel safe. I can’t help but smile at what I’m sure is supposed to be a very serious moment. With an eyebrow quirked, he throws his hands in the air and turns away from me.

  “You’re infuriating. Why the fuck are you smiling? I’m trying to warn you, but you just smile it away. Fucking Hollows.”

  The last part is said under his breath, and I can tell by the lilt in his voice he’s smiling.

  “Okay, still didn’t answer me. Can you shift right now? I want to see you.”

  “I can, but I won't. I’m not about to shift out in the open and leave you unprotected. Plus, you need to get to work,” he holds his arm out for me to take, it's kind enough so I oblige him. “I’m glad I found you and this won't be the last time we talk. I’ll stay for your shift and take you home tonight. Knowing what’s growing inside you, I can't leave you now, no matter whose it is.”

  Fucking Others! My frustration is growing along with my anger.

  “I don’t need a bodyguard Rhydian, if I did, I would call Ebbin. You remember him right? I’m fine on my own. Been walking home alone for a while now. My big girl panties are on and I can take care of myself.”

  “You’re not getting out of this. You can kick me out of the bar, but I’ll just wait outside and I will walk you home. Get used to it. You know damn well, I remember your man. I wouldn't mind seeing him and catching up with him either.” His tone leaves no room for argument and his eyes are trained on me, pushing his point home, with how hard he is staring at me.

  Before I can find my words, he’s already walking away from me. I have to follow and that pisses me off more, but if he wants to wait in the bar, I hope he likes what Blue is about to serve him. After his little macho showdown, I’m going to deflate his ego a bit. I’m not even worried that it might be petty. It will be fun. Let’s see how long he lasts when she douses his drink with a little spell that will make him hard for hours.

  With a smile on my face and my nerves still a little fried, I walked into work for the second time today.


  “Okay babe, what the hell was that all about?” Blue asks as I grab a tray full of beer for a rowdy looking bunch at the pool table.

  “Short story? He knows I’m pregnant. He thinks it might be his, which it could be. He wants to stay here and watch over me. I think it's unnecessary, sweet okay whatever, but I don't like being told what to do and not having a say. You instilled that in me. Ya wanna play a little?” I ask her with a devious little grin playing all over my face. I know she’s in once her lips purse to the side and she tries to glare at me.

  “What are you thinking? And I don’t think he’s in the wrong in wanting to watch over you, makes my job a little easier, but I'll bite. I’m up for some mischief.”

  I tell her what I want her to do, and she's more than up for it. It isn't painful and won’t incapacitate him. I feel a little bad for what’s about to happen but not enough to stop it. It’s my idea after all. Let’s see how easy it is for him to hover with a raging hard-on while he does it.

  With the crowd being almost calm, no thanks to Rhydian brooding in the corner, it’s an easy start to my shift. No one has tried to get ‘handsy’ and people are even using some manners! ‘Yes please’ and ‘thank you’ aren’t something we hear too much. They just grunt and go about their business.

  Blue waves to me and I know she has her drink for Rhydian ready. Heading over to him, I keep my head held high a huge smile on my face and set his drink down on the small table by him.

  “If you’re going to be here, might as well have a drink. On the house, take it as a peace offering.”

  He looks between me and the drink several times before he takes a nice long pull.

  “Truce?” he asks.

  “For now,” I reply walking away, grinning to myself.

  I feel petty, but I can’t help it. Part of me also wants to see what he will do with the large package he’s got going on.

  Remembering I forgot to Link Ebbin, I run to the bathroom and talk a reply into my Link, letting him know quickly what happened, who’s here, what he has to say, and what Blue and I did. I hope he takes it all okay. I don’t need him rushing over here and getting himself in trouble with this new client.


  I don’t want to leave Mira knowing how she felt and how she thought I felt. That tore me up a bit. I hope I’m able to ease a little of her fears. We should have just stayed home and taken some time together to figure out what our next step is going to be.

  For her to think I wouldn’t want anything to do with this kid if it isn’t mine shows she still has a lot to learn about me. I obviously haven’t shown her enough of myself if she’s thinking that way. No matter the years we’ve been together, we still have things to work through. Over time, we all inevitably evolve; people, opinions, wants, and even needs all change. I told her years ago I’ve always wanted kids with her, but there hasn’t ever been a need to talk about what would happen if the child isn’t mine.

  When we see each other again, I’m just going to have to spoil her a bit, make her understand me more, and show her how much she and this baby already mean to me.

  With my gear packed, along with all of my weapons, I head out to where the rest of my team is waiting for this new big shot to show up.

  My team is made up of six. The only one that comes close to me in height and weight is Gregor. Standing at five foot nine, he is our resident asshole. The only words that come out of his mouth are insults and cuss words. Most I don't understand and the others I have never heard before.

  Kane is next. At five foot seven, the stocky little shit can throw down. Not only are his hand to hand skills amazing, he can use a Broadsword like the Vikings of old. The few words he does speak, we have to make him repeat several times. He has a very thick Spanish accent and he hasn’t been here long enough to tone it down. He’s an amazing asset and one I’m glad to have with me instead of against me.

  Rios, the smallest one out of us all, is five foot one and quick. He carries throwing knives and uses his small stature to his advantage. With two sai’s, the three pointed weapons are not only used for defense; but, in his case, since his are custom made, also offense. They are razor sharp on each side. He is a beast with them. He can get right into your space and cut you down before you know what happened. Probably one of the only people I will trust with anything. He's been my best friend for years.

  Q, is ou
r mean little Asian with a heart of gold. I’ve known him the longest, going on twelve years. His family took me in when they found me sleeping in their shed. They never judged, just took me in, fed me and clothed me. I brought him along with me since his family is the one who threw me into training right alongside him. He’s our best archer and he’s got our entire team’s back all the way.

  He knows a lot more than me, but I’m bigger, faster and stronger. Others like that shit when we have to guard them.

  At five foot four and shorter than a few of the ladies, you wouldn’t ever guess, he is also the biggest slut around. On our days off he can always bring in two or three women a night. I have no idea how he does it. I think the best pick up line I heard from him was, ‘do you like peanut butter? If they said ‘yes’ he would tell them, ‘me too, wanna fuck?’ I know he got slapped after that one, but she went home with him that night.

  Erris is our newest and final member on the team. We originally formed six years ago, with him joining more recently in the past two years. Which is fine with us because he's so amazing at creating electric based weaponry.

  His creations are beneficial for what we do, as traditional weapons don't work on Others. Bullets pass straight through Others, or they use our bullets against us by manipulation. Because of what Others could do against our old school devices, we were forced to use nylon and fiber-based constructs, that is until Erris came on board with his gift for crafting new toys for us.

  One of the weapons Erris has created for us is the Arm Mounted Electric Tasers, A-METs for short. Mira likes to call them ‘Intergalactic particle splitting ray guns’. No idea where she came up with it, but we all laugh whenever she says it. Most send out a direct wave to knock enemies down, but the best one he just finished. It fires five rounds of bottled up fucking lightning. Erris calls it an A-MEC since this one sends out a current. They go quick, but damn if they don’t come in handy! It attaches to our wrists like our Links. The only issue is they’re blocky and get in the way. If you use a sword, you won't be using a Flash Box.


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