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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 5

by Trina Bates

  “Any more info on this guy yet?” I ask my men.

  Rios is the first to answer, “Nope. Why the fuck didn’t they send us anything on him?”

  “Man, I don’t know, it's pissing me off too. We don’t even know his name. I’m tired of these pampered Others. Give us what we need to fucking protect you and the damn itinerary. I hate going into anything blind,” Q says with a scowl.

  “We got this. Let's just get through the first night without causing shit between us and him,” I don’t want their minds in the wrong places if something goes down. It's unlikely but this is for our protection as much as it is for this new guy’s.

  With a few grunts and a couple ‘Yes sirs’, we wait in silence after that. A few moments later and a sleek town car is headed our way.

  As a giant of a man comes around to open the rear passenger door, the last person I ever expected to see again steps out, Merrick. With my heart hammering in my chest, I knew I should have expected nothing less than for this shit to happen. Mira is not going to take this well. Yeah, I did have some idea that he's an Other, same with Rhydian, but I’m still on the fence about Rhett. This pregnancy, and our lives, just got a whole lot more complicated.

  Now I think I understand why there’s all the secrecy behind his arrival. Though it doesn’t make much sense as he was here before without a guard.

  He spots me immediately after he steps out, a large smile taking over his face. My men all turn to me with a look of confusion. With a quick head shake, I try to tell them I’ll explain later and to leave it alone for right now.

  “Sir,” I start but am quickly cut off by Merrick's hand slicing through the air.

  “Don‘t. The name is Merrick and you know it. Since you and I are acquainted, shall we say, there’s no need for any of that formal shit. How’s life been Ebbin?” With a quick handshake, I get the feeling this smug bastard is going to make my life hell.

  “Good. It's been a while. What are we doing tonight, Merrick?” Short and sweet, I really don’t want to play any games. I want to get home to Mira and relax, I’m sure as hell not going to tell him what she told me earlier. I don’t want him finding her and causing her any unneeded stress. This is our kid and we’ll be raising it. I don’t want it taken away and an Other as a parent, they all have the power to do that too. I can't watch her go through that no matter what.

  “Will you be riding with me, or in your own vehicles? I have just one simple stop tonight, but the Hounds and all other Enforcement groups are requesting a guard unit for me until I get my placement,” Merrick says with a seething tone that told us all just how much he likes the idea of having to be guarded. He’s ticking his jaw, kicking the ground with his square toed, suit shoes, as he glares at the dirt beneath his feet. He’s a big guy, and obviously Other. I wouldn't want to be guarded if I looked like him either.

  “We’ll have you in the middle of the vehicles. Erris, Rios and I will be point. Q, Gregor, and Kane will take the rear. I’ll need the address or name of where we are heading.” Getting my Link ready for the address, I look up expectantly only to find a smug look slapped on his face.

  “I think it will be an easy one for you. Before this guarding the big bad Other gets more serious, I want us all to take the first night to get to know one another. This is bullshit, but I won't be guarded by a team of people I don’t know a thing about and there has to be trust,” I can understand and agree with that. We weren’t going to be able to relax, we were still on duty.

  “Fair enough. Why will this be easy for me?”

  “Because there’s a particular waitress I know we’re both anxious to see. We’re going to Blue’s.”

  Fuck me, I can't do this. Mira is going to freak. She has enough on her plate.

  “One night, months ago Merrick. Don’t make this into something that it’s not. She has enough going on while she works. You know she's going to be nervous enough. Why don’t we just find somewhere else?” I ask hoping he will listen and choose a different place.

  “I actually need to give her something. This is the first opportunity to get it back to her. Since I know now that she’s working for sure tonight, this will be perfect. I have gone twice before and she wasn’t there. Let’s go.” He’s already starting for his car before I have the chance to ask him just what the hell it is he has to give her. Him wanting to see my woman is grating on me. It isn't his fucking place. Just what the hell is going on?

  Without so much as a warning to my team, they all get into their respective vehicles and are now waiting on me, I’m the one holding us up now, standing in place with clenched fists and a glare directed right at this asshole’s car. This is going to be a shit night. I have to warn Mira.

  I let Rios drive, I’m in no mood. Turning on my Link, I see I have a notification from Mira already, probably letting me know she got to Blue’s alright. Listening to it, I’m fuming. I hit the dash as soon as she tells me what had happened before she even walked in the door. I hate her working at Blue’s, but I know she loves it. She can take care of herself, but someone groping her like that, only to be saved by Rhydian, and him knowing she's pregnant? Fuck, and on top of it all, he's Other, just like Merrick.

  As I talk into my Link from the passenger side, letting her know we’re on our way there with Merrick and asking her to stay calm. I try to get my head in order. If shit does go south tonight, the Hounds would be there in no time. No one wants that. Blue’s is a hot spot for anything and everything to go wrong. The Hounds like to stay until closing every night it's open.


  Glancing over at Rhydian every few minutes, I notice he is rearranging his pants every so often. After the third time, he looks up and sees me watching him with a smirk on my face. He looks down, back up and stands abruptly as he storms over to the bar with a deep scowl on his face. I’m pouring shots for a couple when he comes up to me. With no thoughts as to who might hear, he yells,

  “What the fuck? What did you do Mira? This isn’t fucking funny!” He shouts, pointing down to his crotch with wide glaring eyes filled with accusation.

  Laughing a little too hard, I can barely get my words out.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Why the hell do you have a raging hard-on? I know we had a good night awhile back, I didn’t think you were sitting over there alone, daydreaming about it. Not my fault babe,” I say, continuing to work and trying, very unsuccessfully, to hide the smile on my face as I peer back at him. He is standing with his bulky arms crossed and his eyes are wide with shock at my words. I smile sweetly to him as I cross to the other side of the bar and start wiping down the bartop.

  I know I’m playing with fire, but I can’t help it. The wood he’s sporting may be impressive, but looking around, seeing all the little bar brats in wait, it gets my blood boiling. I’m about to bare my teeth and growl. Since I can’t do that, I look over at the few women standing around unabashedly staring at Rhydian’s pants, I stand up straight, crossing my arms and I glare each of them down. A few turn away, and the rest send glares back to me.

  “Get back to your own drinks, NOW!” I growl, clenching my teeth at one fake blonde in particular. She’s gorgeous and knows it. She’s always in here going home with a different man every other night. It pisses me off, she’s a fucking floozy. Never buying her own drinks, always mooching off others and using her fake silicone filled body to get what she wants.

  “What the fuck are you going to do about it Hollow? I can look. Shit, he yelled it and got everyone’s attention. Ain't no shame in his game either,” she says as she looks him up and down like she wants to devour him. She pushes her breasts out as far as she can, and starts tapping her long fake fingernails on the counter. She licks her lips as she takes another long look at Rhydian. “Fuck off and get me another martini.”

  She's not an Other, but for her to try and put me down in my own place? Fuck that. She has no idea what I am. Hell, for the longest time, I wished I was an Other, just to be able to get a little
respect from people like her. Cause a little fear, make people think twice before acting like she is now. I have the height but that is it. Nothing special about me, but she doesn’t know that.

  “You’re standing at about what? Five two and looking up to me, in my fucking bar. Kick rocks or I will make you eat them as I throw your ass out,” I’m walking around the bar and get right in her face, she doesn’t even flinch. I’m off my game.

  She has the nerve to try and throw her drink in my face, it’s mostly empty, and only a little gets on my shirt, but what surprises me the most, is Rhydian. He grabs her arm, twirls her around pinning her arms behind her back then walks her out the door. He said he would watch over me, but damn I didn’t think it would be to some bimbo with a grudge.

  “You gotta thing for me, Mira?” He asks as he walks back up to me, still sporting his signature scowl, both eyebrows drawn down and his teeth locked tightly together while he grinds his teeth making the sides of his jaw tick. He pushed out his hips and the tent in his pants makes me look down at his impressive size once more.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. He knows I do, and that grates on my nerves more. I glare back at him and put my hands on my hips while I try to show some false confidence, that he quickly demolishes with his next words.

  “Your little show of dominance towards the other women that were looking at me. I kind of liked it,” he's caressing my arm with a single finger, it's getting to me, making me calm just from his touch and getting me heated, he knows it. Watching his hips jut out when he sees me looking down at his pants, has me feeling a little warmer. I need to put a damper on my own libido. Fuck, this is annoying.

  “You wish. I love how you go from pissed at me, thinking I made you have a hard-on, to being all touchy feely and trying to get into my head. Not going to work, good sir. Now back off, I liked you better brooding in the corner. Go finish your damn drink,” I say while I wave him away like he has no effect on me. We both know differently.

  “Don’t wave me away. I know you and Blue did something to my drink. Makes it more obvious when she disappeared into the back right after I got it, and hasn’t come back out,” he says with his head cocked to one side and a half smirk playing on his sexy face.

  “Look stud, you’re right. You overstepped and you gave me no say. I don’t like that shit, I’m not some poor helpless little Hollow, okay? I meant it when I said I can take care of myself. Yeah okay, I’m pregnant. That doesn’t make me defenseless, helpless, or weak. When you decided to ignore everything I said, I decided it’s time for a little lesson. Don’t. Fuck. With. Me.” I wink at him to push his buttons, and then turn around drying out some pint glasses that are sitting in the sink.

  “So you think I’m a stud? Well, it's kind of what you used us for isn’t it?”

  Was he motherfucking serious? He did not just go there, and how is that all he took away from everything I just said?

  “Did you just insinuate I wanted you, for your sperm… that’s gross as hell, and also, are you trying to say I’m some kind of slut?” I turned around and left the glasses for later.

  At this point, I’m so angry, I come back around the side of the bar, and get right up in his face. It will be a cold day in hell when I let some B.S. like that go. The asshole is so full of himself, and he's laughing at me! I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but am cut short when someone yells.

  “What the FUCK is going on here?”

  As I stand on my toes to look over Rhydian’s wide chest, my heart starts to hammer inside me, my stomach drops, and my palms start to sweat. Merrick. Merrick is here and standing in front of Ebbin and his team. What the hell are they doing here?

  Shit, he still looks just as good as I remember! His towering height is what immediately drew me in, but once you get closer, the eyes, deep set, silvery gray, they noticed everything at once. I want to know what they look like without magic dulling them down. His chiseled jaw is covered by a close cut beard, that fit his appearance and personality well. I usually don't go for facial hair, on him though? Delectable. The edgy, short chestnut hair is styled to perfection. He’s all muscle and enormous. His arms are probably as thick as my thighs, and his thighs as big as my waist. Pure perfection of a man. I know he's covered in just as many tattoos as I am, I think after this is all said and done, I will have to rectify the fact that he's standing here in clothes. The need to be against his hard body is overwhelming.

  “OUT, OUT, OUT!!! Anyone who has ever been in my home! Get the hell out of this bar before I get Blue out here!” I don’t need this, not right now. Whoever is watching over us has a sick sense of humor. No one makes a move to leave. They are all rooted in place. The only ones that looks like they might listen, are Ebbin’s team members.

  “If anyone of you wants to even get a chance to discuss a single thing with me, you will leave now. Go to my house and wait! I’m working and I will not deal with this shit in my workplace!”

  That seems to garner a little of their attention.

  I turn to leave, expecting them to do the same until I come face to face with a pissed off Blue. She’s standing with her hand on her hips, pursed lips and a scowl on her face.

  “Listen to her, now! I don’t give a rat’s ass what you idiotic, sphincter goblins do! Unless you want to go toe to toe with me, leave. Yeah, even you Smith!” She commands, pointing to Merrick. With a death glare for each man while she stands there with her hands out at her sides, her palms up ready to start a scary magic show if they don’t start obeying her command. She turns and glares at Rhydian, looks down and a tug in the corner of her mouth has everyone, yet again, staring at his junk.

  “Oh, screw this. I know what you did, you damn Witch. I also know what else you can do. Yeah, you’re a little scary, but you can't do much to me. I’ll go as long as I have your word Mira, that you will do as you said. I’ll wait, but this needs to be dealt with. It won't just go away.”

  The softness in Rhydian’s voice lets me know it wouldn’t be a fight. He’s simply there to help, and to take care of me, the reasons why he's being this way eludes me, but you better believe I am going to find out. Ebbin comes to kiss me on the cheek and instead of letting him, I shy away. This situation is already awkward and I’m still riled up from the fight Rhydian and I had, and now Merrick showing up.

  “I’ll be home soon, I’m not mad, this is just a bit much. I love you, now please, get him the hell out of here,” I say shyly trying to avoid his gaze. A simple nod and tight smile are what he gives in reply. He goes to lead Merrick out with a hand on his shoulder, but Merrick won’t move.

  “Ebbin, I hope you explain this when we get to your place. I’m about to flip.” Merrick’s glare was on me, but now his silver eyes are trained on Ebbin. He crosses his arms and shakes his head angrily.

  “Ebbin won't be doing any explaining. That’s something you better get and get it fast. I said that I would explain and I will. You leave him out of it. If I find out you're causing shit, you better believe I’ll call the fucking Hounds and have them escort you away. This is my life that y’all are interrupting and honestly? I’m fucking over it.” I pointed my finger at him and glared back at his wide eyed face.

  That was apparently the wrong thing to say, but I’m not about to back down from this shit. I still don’t understand why Ebbin is here with him. He's supposed to be with some new client. Unless… Oh, fuck no. It all makes sense now. I feel like an idiot for not connecting the dots sooner. Ebbin is fucking guarding Merrick.

  “You wouldn’t dare. That’s not even okay to joke about Mira. I will listen, but don’t bring the damn mutts into this. For all our sakes,” he sounds broken, his words rushed and his hands are out in front of him like he is trying to calm me down.

  “Then just hear me out, alright?” I’m getting so tired. Exhaustion is creeping in and I just want to go home and sleep. My shoulders are slumped forward and I take a deep breath and exhale loudly. “Look,
I’m guessing you’re Other, aren't you? You're tall, built and hot, but you showed no other signs. I’m tall, hot and all that jazz, but I’m simply Hollow. I have to make a living so please, please, just leave, and if anyone fucking knows how to get ahold of Rhett, do it. I'm not repeating this.”

  They all know it's final after that and to leave this situation alone, for now. I walk around the circular bar and the gawking patrons that just got a show of a lifetime. I flip a few off that are snickering as I walk by, and run upstairs to the loft. The only other girl we have on staff is new. Ori, she's super sweet, but still has yet to get the gist of things. I hope she can deal with the bar while I have a mini break down. Blue will be up here once things are calm, I’m sure of it. Slamming the door unnecessarily hard, I lean my back against the wall beside the door and slide down. I feel so defeated, I hang my head and close my eyes trying to get everything out of my head. With a light tap at the door, I hear it creak open before I have the chance to reply to the knock.

  “Tatts, babe? Where are you?” She’s looking right above my head and doesn’t see me sitting on the floor.

  I grab her leg, startling her, but surprisingly, she doesn’t make a sound to tell me she got the slightest bit scared.

  “I just need a minute to decompress, I’m sorry. I'll be back down in just a minute.”

  She shuts the door behind her and slides down to be at my level, but even her being my best friend, I just want to be alone right now. How the hell did all of this get so complicated? One night and my life has been tipped on its axis and I have no compass to tell me which way to go. Merrick has no idea what's going on, but I know with Rhydian’s complex opinions and personality, this won't be easy with either of them.

  I can only imagine how Rhett is going to feel. He’s the fun jokester out of the three. The night we met, when any fun, upbeat song came on, he never hesitated to grab my hand and pull me up to dance, boy could move! Smiling at the memories going through my mind, sadly it doesn't help what's going on right now.


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