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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 18

by Trina Bates

  -Too bad I don't cook or bake-.

  Cherry wood adornes every cupboard and drawer, accented with brushed silver knobs. There’s an island in the middle with a sink and has a bowl of fresh fruits waiting for us. The table is picnic style, more cherry wood and bench seating.

  To my right, there are two white leather L shaped couches surrounding a giant black leather ottoman, the fireplace beyond that is wide and tall, filled with wood. Above it on the mantle is an even wider TV that will likely get little use while we’re here. Behind the couches is an area set up with three Link chairs and the console set up on the far wall.

  -They liked to Link, I had no idea!-

  That’s a pleasant surprise. Though, just like the TV, I doubt they will get much use either. We‘re here to train, figure out how to get the rest of my, pieces so to speak, in place. As much as I want to sit down and relax, taking this gorgeous place in, I need to unpack and start reading the books the guys found for me.


  Merrick comes to my side and takes my hand leading me up the stairs.

  “The others and I already have our rooms set up. I called ahead and with Ebbin's input we had a few things added to yours.”

  It’s the first door on the right and what I see does not disappoint. The bed is larger than any I’ve ever seen. There’s no headboard, but it’s very high, and it looks so inviting. It’s pushed against the wall and there are so many fluffy pillows, I can’t wait to jump in. Taking a running start, I jump up and fall back into the bed with a smile on my face as I nestle into all the pillows letting out a deep relaxing sigh. Sitting up on one arm, I take in the rest of the area, it’s sparse but has an empty bookshelf, a small vanity in the corner by the window, and a large armoire for our clothes.

  The room is freshly painted, a light sage, and the furniture in the room is all deep wood colors, some mahogany, some cherry. It almost feels like I’m in the forest, in the middle of spring. There’s a potted plant on the vanity that piques my interests.

  Getting up to see what it is, it looks like mint, but mint is so rare now. I have to rub my fingers on the leaves to get the scent and I’m so surprised and elated that it actually is chocolate mint.

  -Ebbin's doing.-

  I love putting it in my tea when we can find it and he knows that. He never ceases to amaze me.

  “I hope you like it. We can change anything you want or get more furniture. We decided not to get any chairs since Ebbin told us you were very particular on what you liked. Maybe tomorrow when we go into town for supplies, we can stop at the furniture store and find something you like. The bathroom was just renovated. We put in a large garden tub in case you wanted to try a home birth, and we added seating to the shower for after. The toilet is closed off with its own door so you have more privacy, and the vanity has double sinks with a controlled mirror that won't fog. Also, we got you this,” handing me a large screen, he pushes the only black dot on it, making it come to life. There are six different screens that all show different parts of the outside of the cabin. He swips his finger to the left and the inside of the house, minus the inside of the bedrooms and bathrooms, come into view.

  “You can also scan each book and have it handy on this anywhere you go, so you're not carrying everything around at once. Everyone's Link is in here and you just have to ask it to Link you to whoever you want and it will connect.” I love tech, but sadly I'm very ignorant when it comes to things like this. It’s such a sweet gesture and I can’t hide my excitement when I launch myself into his lap squealing like a school girl over her favorite boy band. With him laughing at my sudden outburst, I jump up after a quick kiss to the side of his cheek and start to unzip my bags.

  “Thank you for all of this. The colors are so gorgeous. I feel like I’m actually outside and the tablet is perfect. I don't know this place yet, but with this it will definitely make me feel safer.” I can feel the stress leaving me, my shoulders relaxing and my breaths come easier.

  Picking up the first book Lyra gave me, I ask the tablet to start scanning. Page by page is a little annoying but it will be nice to have everything in one place. Merrick’s right about that. I don't want to have to run upstairs or downstairs if I forget it somewhere, which was very likely to happen, a lot. It still will, even with the tablet.

  Merrick leaves me to my own devices, but soon enough Ebbin comes in dropping his bags at the side of the bed, with Cynide following him in from wherever she was out exploring. She jumps on the bed, plops her little body right next to me with her head on my lap.

  Absentmindedly petting her, I keep on with the scanning only to give Ebbin a quick smile and thank him for what he did with the room.

  He too leaves after he’s done unpacking, but is sweet enough to leave my clothes out and put all of my books on the shelves. He also takes my bathroom bag into the bathroom and surprises me with hanging a few pictures of us on the walls.

  One was of our first holiday, where we went to a little bed and breakfast on the coast. We had another couple that were staying there take a picture of us while we played in the water. Another was of us, in front of our house when we had just closed on it. There’s a new one I can’t place though, so I get up to see what it is. It’s a collage of pictures that I have never seen before. There’s one of me in the middle of Rhydian and Merrick, it was the back of us, but I have my head rested on Rhydian's shoulder and I was holding Merrick's hand on the other side.

  There’s one of me with a giant smile on my face, taking in the SUV they bought me. Another with me jumping into Rhett's arms, his eyes were closed and he has a look of sheer happiness and peace while he held me it was when we were outside and he had just put the protection spell on me. The last one was of Ebbin and I when we were in bed. My head was on his chest, with my hair covering my face, and both of his hands were wrapped around me while he slept. Getting to the end, I’m filled with love, and have some tears trying to escape.

  -When did they do all this?-

  I think to myself. They don't understand how much this means to me. Opening up my mind to all of theirs is a little harder than I thought it would be, but after a few tries I feel them all connect to me.

  -Thank you all so much for the pictures. They are amazing. I don't know when you had the time, some I didn't even know you were there!-

  -I couldn't let that moment go to waste. I opened a portal and had Merrick take it. I'm glad you like it.- Rhett answers.

  -Rhett took the one of us sleeping that first night. He showed me the next day and asked if he could get a print. It was a perfect moment. I love you, Bugs.-

  -Ebbin took the one of you, me and Rhydian. We didn't know about it either until he showed it to us in the frame. I'm glad you like them and that we all have our place with you. Though I want one of just us.- Merrick's reply makes my heart happy. They will all get their own chances with their own separate memories.

  -Me too! Lots of them!- Rhydian chimes in.

  -Dinner will be ready soon, are you almost done up there? We can just bring it to you if you want, Cynide is frothing at the mouth trying to get any scraps she can. She's kind of scaring us every time she gets close. I think she's doing it on purpose.-

  -I haven't opened myself to them yet but I can hear them. They are too easy not to have a little fun with, and though they seem very intelligent, they can also be very stupid. I can't poison them unless bare skin comes in contact with my fur.- Cynide informs me.

  Her laughter in my head was more of a hiss, which was a little scary. Laughing with her, I head down the stairs to ‘save’ them.

  “On my way ya big babies,” I shout with a giant smile plastered on my face. I feel like at any moment my face is going to split open from how much they have been making me smile.

  “We aren't babies! She’s scary! She pins her ears back, lowers her body like she's about to pounce on us and hisses! Mira! Tell her to stop, she's doing it again!” Rhett is too funny! Coming around the corner to the kitchen, I find Cynide doing
exactly what he described, but what he’s doing has me doubled over in laughter.

  He’s holding a ladle out in front of him, like a sword, and has the lid to the pot he was using, guarding him like a shield. His upper body is leaned back and his face is full of worry.

  -Put your claws out and act like you're going to scratch him. Oh, please do it! I can't wait to see what he does.-

  She doesn't disappoint. Deep in her throat, a low growl starts. She pins her ears back again and starts to hiss, then she raises her paw, lunges a few inches and takes a swipe at him.

  He drops the lid and the ladle, with a high pitch scream I thought only little girls can accomplish, and he jumps away from her and runs behind me. With Rhydian, Merrick and Ebbin all there to witness it, Cynide sticks her tongue out at him in a very human way, jumps down walks to Rhydian who stops his laughing immediately, and she starts winding herself in between his legs, purring.

  You can see the sweat start to bead on his forehead. I feel a twinge of guilt but not enough to stop her, or tell them she can't hurt them now. Leaving Rhydian alone, she does the same to Merrick and Ebbin, who all stand stock still with their eyes closed and fists clenched. When she’s done, I’m still laughing too hard to make actual words so I open the link to everyone.

  -Touch her. She has already accepted you. She did in the grove, but asked me to keep her secret, which I did to give you all a little dose of what it feels like. Once you touch her, she can speak into your minds.-

  Once it’s out, all hell breaks loose. Rhett, still behind me, smacks my ass and tells me how messed up that was and how he will be getting me back. Merrick stomps off to go brood in a corner, but not before he tells me to keep that mangy cat away. Not liking what he said, she jumps in front of him and starts hissing in anger. It weirds me out a little as well, because Rhett put the protective barrier on me yet he's able to still cause me harm. I know it’s a jest, but it gets me thinking.

  Ebbin yells a few cuss words, runs his hands through his hair and starts to laugh. Rhydian goes over to Cynide, picks her up and starts feeding her choice bits of the chicken that was sitting on the counter forgotten that they had been cooking for dinner before Cynide started her little show.

  No one sits at the table to eat. Merrick has finally come back from wherever he went off to after his little fit, when he found out I kept something from him, and everyone dishes up. We sit around the sofa and watch an old movie about some girl that has a really unhealthy relationship with a vampire that sparkles and a wolf that has control issues.

  It gets a little chilly with the cold night air creeping in, so the guys make a fire in the big fireplace while I snag a few blankets and snuggle into the couch. Looking to my left, Rhett’s sitting on the couch staring into the fire, he doesn't blink or even breath. I call his name but it doesn't register with him. I finally snap my fingers in front of his face which brings him out of his little trance.

  He shakes his head and looks to the fire and then to me with a very disconcerted look taking over his gorgeous features. He sends me a small smile and turns away, leaving me once again confused and a little scared.

  -What the hell was all that about?- I think to myself, happy no one seems to hear it when I get no replies back.

  Leaving Rhett's strange behavior for another time, I take everyone’s plate to the sink, rinsing them off trying to get my mind onto something else.

  With the clean-up done, I wash my hands and head back into the living room. Leaning into Ebbin, I relax with my head in his lap, my legs and feet over Rhydian and Merrick. Rhett is now sitting on the floor in front of me. His hair right there and I have an itch to play with it so I do just that, taking his long white hair out of his hair tie and running my fingers through it. We’re all full and comfortable so we keep the movies coming while I keep pushing my fingers through Rhett’s gorgeous, long tresses. It’s nice to relax and have this little bit of down time with them before we have to start the hard part tomorrow.

  Rhett’s asleep in no time, and I’m not far behind. I wake up when Ebbin goes to get up, rousing me from all his movements. Looking down they have put a giant pile of thick blankets and cushions on the floor. Rhett’s already fast asleep on the pile so, I sidle up to his right side and cuddle into him. Merrick takes my other side cocooning me in warmth. Ebbin lays at my head on the couch, and Rhydian lays on the other side of Rhett with his arm above Rhett's head as he plays with my hair. Ebbin rubs my shoulder soothing a few aches and soon enough, completely relaxed and nestled in between them all, I fall asleep embraced in their warmth.


  Going to sleep surrounded by yummy men, and waking up alone was something that needs to stop happening, right now. Groggy and a little stiff, I can smell the coffee brewing, hear the bacon sizzling and the sound of a toaster popping. I sit up and take my hair out of the messy bun that's even worse now that I slept on it, I brush my fingers through a few tangles and pull it back into a ponytail.

  Getting up and going around the corner, Ebbin’s at the stove cooking bacon and eggs, Merrick’s pouring coffee, Rhett‘s buttering the toast and Rhydian is feeding Cynide more leftover chicken. Watching them all flow effortlessly between each other, while sticking to their tasks, it’s a sight to see for sure. If I was in there with them right now, I would have them all pouring coffee and food everywhere and dropping food on the ground as I bumped into each strong, hard body. This, this right here, is what makes me happy. Seeing them so in sync and enjoying each others company. If this is how the rest of my hopefully very long life would go, I will gladly take it and cherish every second. There’s no jealousy between them, no animosity, they’re family; my family.

  Walking up behind Merrick, I hug his back and snag a coffee cup that he just poured. Scuttling away as he tries to snap the dish towel he has over his shoulder at me.

  “It was yours anyway, you little shit,” he says smirking at me, his silver eyes gleaming. He looks delicious in his low cut sweats and cut off shirt, that show off all his delicious tattoos, the ones on his biceps moving as he flexes his arms.

  Ebbin brings me a plate filled with bacon, eggs, toast and some cut fruit. He’s crazy to be cooking bacon without a damn shirt on, only wearing his gym shorts. I would have been covered in tiny blisters from all the splatter. I want to run my hands all over his hard body, but this isn't the place for that. He can tell what I’m thinking without having to enter my mind. His blue green eyes are half closed and he inhales deeply like Rhydian has done to me a few times before. I know he can smell my arousal, just by the way his eyes flutter and land on me giving me a heated start before he winks at me and turns back to the stove.

  -ASS, I will so get you later.-

  -Is that a promise, Bugs?-

  -Nope, that's a threat. I won't be nice… at all.-

  His shoulders tenses at the dirty words I’m thinking, to push it deeper, I show him an image of me on my knees in front of him, taking him deep in my mouth.

  -Looking forward to it.-

  Rhett’s sipping his coffee in sweats and a tight t-shirt that show every hard corded muscle, making my mouth water and my thighs tighten. His jade eyes crinkle at the corner and he too winks at me.

  -I hate you all. This isn't fair.-

  -What's not fair, baby mamma?-

  I had just taken a drink of my coffee when Rhydian's words in my mind come through, the drink flies from my mouth splattering across all of my food and the kitchen island, making a mess of everything.

  “Shit, what was that?” Merrick says turning around with one side up his mouth turned up in disgust as he tries to catch the coffee before it hits the floor.

  I‘m trying my best not to laugh at what Rhydian said, I almost make it, almost. Until Rhydian thrusts the air right behind Merrick like he’s humping him. More coffee spews at how relaxed and how fun he’s being.

  Merrick turns around, raises an eyebrow to Rhydian's now turned back, shrugs his shoulders and hands me a towel to clean everything els
e with.

  Rhydian’s the only one in normal clothes, wearing baggy jeans with a hoodie. He’s always dressed to impress, so seeing him like this is a nice change, but it surprises me for a minute since it is so new.

  When everyone is seated at the island, Merrick runs through what we all need to do without anyone bringing up the coffee incident again, thankfully. I’m too embarrassed about the coffee, and I would honestly have no idea how to tell them about Rhydians words. They were so strange.

  “Rhett is going to get the back barn set up for training and put up more wards around the property. Ebbin are you still okay with setting up cameras at the front gates and a few extras in the areas you know Mira will be spending the most time?” Ebbin nods his reply, and Merrick keeps going.

  “Mira, Rhydian and I want to take you into to town to look at the furniture for yours and Ebbin's room and stock up on the essentials. When we get back, I was going to finish helping Rhett, and have you and Rhydian start on the books we got for you. Sound okay?” Pleasantly surprised, I sit up straighter and wiggle in anticipation.

  “Sounds perfect but Ebbin, you're okay with me picking it out, you don't want to be there? I mean, it’s your room too.” It’s a little strange to think I’m going shopping for furniture without him. We always make those decisions together. My frown makes Ebbin smile, and it eases a little of my sadness.

  “Bugs, anytime we went, I never cared what you picked. I wanted to make you happy. I’ll love anything you choose because I love seeing you happy. Just no pink or purple,” bottom lip pushed out as far as it can go, he laughs at my face, gives me a kiss on the temple and I concede to going shopping without him.

  “Fine, but I’m not guaranteeing anything on the colors. You aren't going, well I get to choose it all!” Cackling like a witch, I grab two more pieces of bacon and take off up the stairs like a bat out of hell.


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