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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 19

by Trina Bates

  “This is going to be interesting, especially with her and the baby there’ll never be a dull moment in our lives,” I hear Merrick say as I come to the top of the stairs.

  “Yeah, but that's the best part. Would you have it any other way?” Rhett asks them all, his voice low and demanding, I know his answer was ‘no’, though I did wait to hear the rest.

  “Fuck no,” they all say in unison, making my heart happy and my face ache from the giant grin that has overtaken my face.

  Excited and happy, I rummage through my still packed bags, finding a pair of black jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and my boots. I put them on in a hurry and go brush my teeth and try to tame this mess of hair. Skipping steps as I jump down the stairs, Cynide is there waiting for me.

  “I would love to ask if you wanted to come with me, but I doubt you would want to be stuck in a car while we shopped,” I say aloud to her.

  -No, I prefer to have free reign, though if anything happens, I can mist to you in an instant.-

  Cocking my head to the side, I ask her, “What’s misting?”

  -To explain it simply, my body loses all density, and I am able to… hmmm, teleport to you? I think is the proper terminology.-

  “Kinda jealous, though they say I can do the same with my Demon half. I haven't even tried yet. Maybe you can help me with it later?”

  -I would be honored! Thank you!-

  She says excitedly and runs off before I can say or ask more.

  Kissing Ebbin, who is waiting by the door for me, I hug Rhett and rush out. Merrick and Rhydian, are shaking their heads at me as I pass their smiling faces. I hope they think I’m fun, because in this moment I’m happy, free and full of bottled up excitement. Jumping into the back of the big red truck, I get cozy and wait for the others to get in.

  “So if we are supposed to be hours away, how are we going to get away with shopping in town, unless we’re driving a while to wherever your other property is. If so, I wish I would have thought about it sooner and said no,” I nibble on my bottom lip and shift my eyes back and forth, not looking at anything in particular, just trying busy myself.

  “Love, town is forty minutes away, I own pretty much all of it anyway. I get what I want, when I want it,” his eyes in the rearview mirror are locked onto mine and his gaze is steady and intense. I know he’s insinuating something with me, but there’s no way I have the nerve to ask what it is.

  “The furniture store is closed down for repairs. No one will be there. They were told that we would have an interior decorator coming in to pick up a few things for my house back in the city. The market it always closed on Sundays and well, I have the keys,” he holds up a keyring with a shit load of keys dangling from it to make his point, as he smirks at me with twinkling eyes filled with amusement in the mirror. “No one will even know we are there. That's the beauty of being rich.” Merrick's eyes are staring back at my surprised look with a now mischievous one of his own.


  Walking into the enormous store, my eyes fall on the most amazing lavender chaise lounge. -I know, I know, Ebbin said no purple, but…- it will go so well in the corner by the book shelf. The colors won’t clash at all. I can see myself sitting in it now with a book in one hand, tea or a coffee in the other, covered with a nice throw.

  “Yup, that’s coming home with us. Look at her face. I think she went into furniture overload. No way can I resist that,” Rhydian says. I can’t turn my head away from the chair to gauge his reaction, but the light, playful tone has me smiling anyway.

  Clapping my hands and squealing, I hug them both and run around the store like a maniac trying to find my next piece.

  We end up with a round end table to go with the chaise. A set of light sage high back leather chairs, and two nightstands.

  The guys won't let me load a single thing. Merrick won't let me pay either. That’s still something I’m going to have to get used to, but if we’re a team, then I’ll pay them back in my own way, just have to figure out how.

  We have to finagle a bit to get all of it to fit, but we finally get it all in. We put a tarp over everything incase it starts to snow or rain and walk across the street to the closed market. We’re out of there pretty quick, grabbing mostly red meats, some vegetables, and bottled water. Rhydian grabbed a bunch of cereal. He claimed it was for Rhett, though with the sheepish look on his gorgeous face, I can see it was for him as well. I grabbed a bunch of junk food and extra peanut butter and pickles. After that, we were back on the road.

  Everyone comes to help unload and put everything where I want it in the room. Ebbin doesn’t mind the color of the chaise like I initially thought he would. Going back to finish with his camera setup, I get changed into a pair of thick sweats and a t-shirt. If I’m going to sit around and read, I’m going to be comfy while doing it.

  Finding my way through the house, on the first floor, tucked away from the rest of the large house is a quaint study. Though small in size, the ceilings are very high and covered from floor to ceiling in books. There’s a table in front of the window, with a large high back leather black chair, that looks very comfortable and inviting, but that’s it for the furniture.

  Setting my books down, I hand one to Rhydian and we start going through them page by page, making notes if it’s important enough. Finding ‘Information on How to Ascend Without Having Valkyrie Family With You, I halt his progress and read it to him.

  “‘Valkyrie Edeline:

  If you find you have Valkyrie lineage before your twenty-seventh name day, and you're ready to give yourself to our people, our ways. Find the tether inside yourself that will lead you back home. Clear your mind of all thoughts and feelings. Open yourself to the pull of our worlds. Search your center, grasp the link within your mind and call to your ancestors. Ask them for guidance. They will help lead you on your journey home, push with all of your might to be with our people. You will find yourself home when you're able to follow those steps.

  If you're so lost to our ways and it is unknown which house you hail from, search yourself for our mark. Each Valkyrie is born with a mark showing their lineage. A tree for one and four knots for the other. If you don't succeed in this by your twenty-seventh name day, you will forever be lost to our worlds and your ascension will never take place, leaving you weak and mortal for the rest of your days.’

  “How the hell does that explain anything? Do I beg a fucking tree or set of knots to bring me back? And that doesn't tell me anything about actually ascending! Just how to get to the other worlds. This is bullshit,” my voice is raised out of frustration and I throw the book away from me in anger.

  “Is there anything else in there?” Rhydian asks, in a quiet voice trying to calm me as he puts a large hand on my shoulder and starts to knead the taut muscles.

  “No, that was it. Fucking garbage.” I exclaim a little louder than I mean to and roll my eyes at my own outburst.

  “Okay, it’s a start gorgeous, let’s think this through, we can now look up the knots and tree okay? But let's go show this to the others.” Blowing out a frustrated breath, I nod my head to him and try to give him a small smile to let him know I appreciate all he’s doing for me and that I will calm down, in time.

  “I have no idea about the mark though. I don’t have anything like that, that I have ever noticed.” Wagging his eyebrows at me with a devilish smirk he says, “I can help you find it, you should take your clothes off, for easier viewing purposes, of course.”

  “You’re such a perv!” I say, smacking his arm playfully. “But you make me laugh. I’ll find the mark, but after? I want everyone around for whatever happens, if I do make it work, I don’t want to be alone wherever I end up,” my shoulders involuntarily drop and he places his hand on my lower back to rub a couple times before he lets go.

  “Sounds good love, let’s go.” Standing, I take his hand and follow his lead, grabbing my tablet so we don’t have to haul the books as well.

  The barn, if you can even call it that
, is a monstrous metal building, no loft or stalls like I imagined, no farm machinery.

  It’s filled with every piece of gym equipment you can think of. Hell, some I’ve never seen before! If I try to use any of this stuff I’ll no doubt do it completely wrong. A machine that’s supposed to work out your arms, I would use for my legs or something massively embarrassing like that.

  Rhett’s high above us in the rafters, just as I peer up to him, a long rope falls from where he’s sitting. It’s a wide piece of stretchy material that doesn't touch the ground, not a rope like I first thought, and I again have no idea what it’s for. Ebbin, just walking in, holds a small set of cameras in his hands. Merrick, not looking to be doing much of anything, is walking towards Rhydian and me with a quizzical look on his face, brows drawn and a slight frown on his lips.

  “Done already?” he asks rubbing his hands together and shaking himself from the cold he must be feeling.

  “Not really, but we found this,” I turn the tablet on so he can read it.

  Ebbin’s right behind him reading, and Rhett being the show off that he is, takes one side of the material and slides down so effortlessly, upside down with one of his legs wrapped around the material and his hands sliding along it for extra support. His dismount is a perfect flip and he lands it throwing his hands in the air. Wish I had a gold medal to give him. That was amazing.

  I think I know what the material is for now. I remember Ebbin and I once went to a show where acrobats flew in the air on something like this, doing amazing twists, and jumps flying through the air like they had wings of their own. It was breathtaking.

  After they’re done reading, Merrick pulls me by the arm and has me sitting in the middle of the room with the rest of them around me in a circle. My arched eyebrows and wide eyes clue him in on my confusion.

  “We want you to try, but I want to make sure we’re all touching her while she does. If she figures it out, I don't want her shooting off to someone unknown place alone. Love, do you want to call Cynide?” Merrick states to everyone. While they all reach for me or who they’re sitting next to.

  “I do, but if we're going to do this now, shouldn't we get the house locked up and have some bags packed? I don't know if this ‘Tethering’ thing goes both ways,” I say with a nervous chuckle not only at what I’m about to do, but how quickly he’s ready to leave everything behind without any preparations.

  “True. Let's meet back here in an hour. I'll get the last two cameras set up. Bugs, can you pack me some clothes and I'll pack a bag with waters and some protein bars?” Ebbin asks, laughing to himself while he gets up and heads for the door.

  “Sounds good,” I say lifting myself off the floor and following behind him.

  -Cynide, in an hour I am going to try and find ‘Valkyrie land’. No idea if you’ll be able to follow me there, if I even end up figuring it out. Did you want to stay here or come with me?-

  I really want her to come, but I also want it to be her choice, not something I push on her.

  -I would like to come with you, will I be a burden? If so, I can stay here and protect the grounds. In case something does happen, I will need to know where it is you're going.-

  She sounds indifferent, and that worries me, she’s usually so open and willful with her words and feelings. This new attitude isn’t like her at all.

  -I have no idea. There are two possible ‘realms’ but I don't know which one I am from. I have to do some weird shit where I meditate and find some tether, I will know it because there will be a magical pull inside me that wants me to go home. Oh, and find some mark.-

  I tell her honestly, though my words are tinged with mirth, though not meant towards her.

  -Well that's easy. Yggdrasil is one realm, the good one. It is where the first original Valkyrie was from. The other, that is home to the rest. The realm of the gods and where most Valkyries come from is Kalikore. They were once a proud people, but darkness has clouded their hearts for many years. They are not bad, but they are not good either. I can find you in either realm now that I know that is where you will be going. There is no need to worry there.-

  Her flippant tone makes me crack a small smile. I need that more than anything in this moment. More good news and happy thoughts, not the dreary, life altering shit I have been dealing with.

  -Well thank you for that, though I'm not sure I can even begin to properly say, the what was it? Igdruddle? Uhh yeah, the first place. None of the books have names. It was strange. So now that I know that, maybe after I get a few things packed I'll see what I can find out about them.-

  I wish she was with me so I can hug her little body. In a matter of hours, she has become a best friend and protector. I know she’ll never leave me, and I want to show her what family and a team really mean, that she’s not alone. That she can count on all of us.

  - You will never be a burden to me. Your opinion matters to me. I want you to do what you want, not what I want. We are a team, all of us, that means when I ask for anyone’s input, on anything? I want yours too, okay?-

  A deep rumbling purr is vibrating from her when she finally finds me walking to the house.

  -Thank you so much. I am truly lucky to have you.-

  She says as she rubs her side against my leg as we walk.

  -You seem so… wise, and you don't have the voice of a child, but your body is small. Will you grow? I hope that doesn't offend you.-

  -Not at all. I was wondering if you would say anything. Much like Ebbin and Rhydian's animals, I, too, was just a spirit, think of me as a ghost in your world. I was nothing but aether before I was sent to you. We live and learn, but we don't have bodies. I am unsure as to why I was sent to you in this form. This body has to grow, just like a child's. Though I should have received my second form by now. I am a little thrown off as to why I can't manifest it.-

  -Wait, wait, wait. Okay, I have no idea how the other animals came to be or whatever, but then again I really have been in the dark my entire life. I only found out a week ago that I was Other.-

  I think to myself, holding it back from her hearing it.

  “Maybe I’ll get one of the guys to explain it all to me,” I mumble aloud.

  -What about your second form? I think I remember one of the guys saying something about that when you first showed up. Is it a bad thing?-

  She’s obviously worried about it, though the reasons are unknown to me, I want to be there for her, in any way I can.

  -It’s not. What has me worrying is when an Agathion is sent to her pair, we come with two forms, but I only seem to have this one. I should be able to shift, but I cannot. That is another reason I would like to go with you. If you come into your Valkyrie side, maybe it will trigger my second form.-

  -I still haven't even tried to figure out my Demon half, maybe that's why? The guys said I manifested, but I was incapacitated when it happened. I don't feel any different though. Maybe when I ascend, everything will fall into place for the both of us.-

  -You should try accessing your Demon side before we go as well. Your men might be well versed in their abilities, but you're not. If something should happen, and none of us can be by your side, you need the confidence and know how to protect yourself and others.-

  I try to really understand her words, I do. The issue was, I don't want to be a fucking Demon, of any kind. Being able to protect myself and others is a plus, the rest that came with it, is what has me so worried. I know I’m going to have to do everything; ascend and accept my Demon half, however, it doesn't mean I have to like it.

  -So, go pack, look up the two realms that I will be going to, we’ll only be going to one of them and also, what? Try and kill something? I know there is a lot more a Death Demon is able to do. I'm still not sure I am one. The book I was given by a Blood Fae states that his last child was killed twenty-four years ago. He was the last Death Demon when the veil dropped. I am doubting I am a Death Demon, a Demon yes, but not Death. It doesn't make enough sense.-

  I stop and
look down at Cynide, trying to wrap my head around everything she is telling me.

  -All you can do is try. What are the other abilities you know of, for a Death Demon. I watched over the last Death Demon, his name is Alastor. You also must understand, he killed his children. Though the last one you told me about? He killed the wrong child. He has been searching for her since. Only us Agathions know the truth.-

  There’s pride in her small voice as she says those last words.

  -Wait, hold up. So that little girl he killed wasn't his daughter? So his daughter is alive, my age and now I manifest?- Surprise runs rampant through my body. How the hell is all of this possible?

  The dots start to connect.

  -I should have seen this sooner. So she's me? Who’s my mother? Do you know? Is she still alive? Please tell me I'm wrong in my train of thought!-

  I feel bad, bombarding her with so many questions at once, but I have to know. There are too many unknowns and it’s driving me mad.

  -You are correct in your assumptions. This is not a bad thing though, Mira. You are stronger than you think. Though the situation might be ‘fucked’ as you would say, we can use this to our advantage. Your mother? She disappeared. Everyone thought Alastor killed her when he killed the wrong child, but there was no body. He mentioned her a few times, though when he did, it was always in anger and sounded as though she took you and went to another realm. I don’t recall her name and I don't have any more information than that. I am sorry.-


  I shout into everyone's head. Rhett portals in with Ebbin hot on his heels, Merrick and Rhydian are storming down the hallway straight to my room. Everyone’s on high alert thinking there’s a threat. When they see none, the confusion takes over, making me snort and bite my lips trying to suppress my laughter that is coming out anyway, making me sound like a dying donkey.


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