Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 31

by Trina Bates

  -Every time we pass a smith’s shop, he eyes the throwing knives they have laid out on the tables.-

  -That’s perfect! There is a shop right there. Could you keep him busy while I grab them? I promise I will be right there at the front.-

  -Do not, under any circumstances, wander off! -

  -I promise.-


  Wrapping my arms around her neck, I squeeze her and rush off, yelling my thanks.

  We haven’t walked passed this tent before, there’s a smith in the back wailing on a piece of metal like the first time I had seen one. Here, the tables are covered in gorgeous swords, knives, and even some armor. There’s a gold set of armor hanging on the wall that I absolutely fall in love with. There’s six pieces to it. A breastplate, helm, two pieces that are for each arm, though they’re longer, the upper part attaching somehow to the shoulders. Attached to the lower part by leather, there’s a piece that covers the forearms, and plates that cover the shins. The detailing on it is impressive, long lines of silver and black trace down the breastplate. Over the actual cups, there’s slightly raised metal that’s black and in the shape of inverted triangles. I wonder if there is any meaning behind that?

  Shifting my attention back to finding Rhett a set of throwing knives, a man with a piece of leather covering most of his face but leaving the eyes exposed walks up to me.

  “Can I help you find something, young Valkyrie?” his voice is deep and gravely but kind at the same time. His eyes are gorgeous, they are red like mine but instead of the silver in the pupils, his are gold.

  “I hope so, I’m looking for a set of throwing knives for my mate. I have a set that attaches to each forearm with a leather sheath, and carries three blades each, do you have anything like that?” I ask him, hopeful he will.

  Rummaging around, he pulls out two simple leather bands about as thick and my wrist. Then he leans down, pulling out a box from underneath his table. He pulls out eight identical knives, they’re about an inch and a half wide and seven inches long. The only detail on them is a stone, as white as Rhett's hair. They’re perfect, I have no idea how, but every gift I was able to find for each of them, has been exactly what I would have wanted. Fate is smiling on me today. It feels good. I can't wait to give them to him!

  “These are stunning! Is there anything you would like in trade, or even in work?”

  “I’ll make you a deal; it has been many years since a new Valkyrie has let me make her a blade. When you ascend, come to me. I am like you and not of this world. I can make you a magical blade. It would give me great honor and put some purpose back into my life.” Pride and sadness make his words so much stronger and give me the resolve I need to accept his gift. I have to say, it’s also an honor to have someone want to make me a handmade blade, and a magical one at that.

  “I will. I can promise you that. It would mean a lot to me as well. Though I don’t know how much battle it will see. I’m not from here, you're right. I don’t know anything really about this world, so after all that, are you sure you want to make me a custom, magical blade?” I ask raising an eyebrow at him in question.

  Nodding his covered head, he puts his hand out in front of him for me to shake. “My name is Gorumund. I will keep my end if you do yours.”

  Taking his hand in mine, I shake it once. “I will take this gift from you now, and when I’m in need of a blade fit for a Valkyrie, I will come back here and ask you to be the one to make it.”

  His eyes crinkle at the edges making me think he was smiling. “These blades will never dull nor can they be broken. Well, unless they come up against another blade that I have made. Other than that, they are indestructible and can slice through pretty much anything you throw them at,” he tells me, prideful.

  “Thank you so much, Gorumund. My name is Mira by the way. I have a feeling I will be back before you know it, asking for that sword.” I smile at him looking at the blades in his hands.

  Taking the blades from him, he offers me a rag to wrap them in, I wave goodbye and rush to Cynide's side, hiding my treasures under the rest.

  We end up finding the guys with arms full of their own new little treasures and offerings for tomorrow. The small protein bars and bits of fruit not really keeping me full anymore, I’m starving and tell them as much. We stop off for some smoked meat, some tart water that tastes like sweet sugar at first but has a tangy aftertaste. I love it. I’m so hungry, I end up eating all of my food and a bite out of each of the guys’. After that, it’s time to head back to the cottage and rest up a bit.

  Finally back in front of our little cottage, I ask Torunn to give me a second with the guys before she leaves. “So, earlier… Cynide decided to let me in on a little secret. Torunn is actually her family name. Like Mira is for me… ugh, that's so weird to think about. Anyway, I have no idea what to get her as a thank you for everything she is doing for me, and us, I know middle names aren't used anymore like they were before the Fall, but I was thinking we could start again? And give Torunn's first name as Alyria’s middle?” I ask sheepishly, knowing I might be overstepping. Hell, I already picked her first name and dropped that on them without their knowledge.

  “That's a very great honor. I think she would appreciate that love,” Merrick agrees while smiling over my head to Torunn.

  “Cool with me, as long as she grows up to be just as scary as Torunn, I'm good with it,” Rhett says laughing.

  “You're an idiot Rhett. Though, I like the way you think. Maybe it will take many years before a boy gets the balls to try and date her. At which time I fully intend to scare the living shit out of him,” Ebbin says, throwing one of his knives I didn’t know he was carrying up in the air and catching it with ease.

  “Oh my god Ebbin, no. Just no,” I tell him rolling my eyes.

  Rhydian hasn't said a word, and it's starting to worry me.

  “Rhydian?” I ask lightly, hoping I haven’t actually pushed him too far. Looking up, he's chewing on the side of his lip and his brows are low over his eyes.

  “After talking last night about names, I was wondering whose last name you would give her?” he asks, looking intently at me, with worry and hope shining in his eyes.

  Shit, I haven't even thought of it! I was going to give her Ebbin's or mine. She isn't just mine and Ebbin’s anymore, she’s all of ours, but she should take his last name. He’s her father.

  “I haven’t honestly gotten that far, but I would love for you to be the one to pick.”

  The biggest smile I’ve ever seen graces his face, his dark eyes lit up and before I know what’s happening, he picks me up and has me in a fierce bear hug.

  “Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me. I would like to give her my family name as well, but not my actual last name. The name my people lived under many years ago,” he explains, sniffing once, and when I pull back, I see he has unshed tears in his eyes.

  -Please don’t be Schuck, please don’t be Schuck!-

  Chuckling in my ear, I feel a little bad he heard that, “It is Breca.”

  My eyes go wide and my heart starts beating faster, -Wow, yes!-

  “It's perfect, Alyria Cedine Breca. Powerful on all accounts,” I say as I press a fierce, passionate kiss to his lips.

  Pulling away when he sets me down, I hug all of my men before trotting back to Torrun, each of them loving her middle name as well as the entire thing.

  “Torunn, you have done so much for all of us while we have been here. I would like to ask one more favor of you, though you're welcome to say no. I hope what I’m about to ask doesn’t offend you.”

  “I don't think you would offend me on purpose, I will tell you if it does offend me. Though I know that is not your intention. Please.” She puts her hand out gesturing for me to continue.

  “I would like to ask if I can name my daughter after you, her middle name. Cedine. I would like her to be called Alyria Cedine Breca.”

  Twisting my hands together, waiting for her to show some em
otion, the one I get is not the one I was expecting. There’s no warning at all. The large tears start pouring from her face, and I know right then I really hurt her.

  Rushing to her side, I don't want to touch her, in case she gets really upset, I don’t know how she’ll react further.

  “Torunn, I’m so sorry, please forgive me,” I plead to her. I’m such and asshole and feel terrible.

  “You don't need forgiveness, nor am I offended...I am honored, deeply. I would love for you to give her my name! Thank you so very much!” She grabs me and, again, I am smashed against someone's chest in a fierce hug.

  Relieved and laughing, she tells us she has to go prepare for tomorrow. Swiftly she turns from us, with tears still in her eyes, and walks to her home. I’ve never seen someone so excited, or wanting to rush away after that kind of statement, but this is Torunn, she’s the best kind of strange I’ve ever come across.

  With the sun still high in the sky, there isn't much of the day left. I’m too excited and nervous about tomorrow to be able to sit still. I need something else to do. There’s no way I want to be stuck in this stuffy little cottage for the remainder of this day.

  “I’m gonna go take a bath, but after that, I hope y'all figure out something to do!” I yell to them, rushing inside.

  Getting all the sweat that’s caked on my skin off feels amazing. I wash my hair twice, shave again, and even find some sweet smelling lotion. I know I will have to do this again in the morning, but a girl can enjoy it for the moment.

  Clean and refreshed, I grab a simple pink wrap and start mummifying myself. I rush into my little room wanting to grab a hair tie since mine snapped earlier. Rhett is waiting here for me.

  “So, you haven't opened it yet?” he asks holding up the still wrapped gift I tucked behind my pack for safe keeping.

  “I wanted to wait. I wanted you here…” I tell him honestly.

  “Well, here I am!” he says as he lifts his arms up and flexes, showing me all of his gloriously well-toned muscles making me giggle.

  “You’re so weird. Okay, hand it over.” I hold my hand out waiting for him to give it to me.

  Unraveling the material, a gorgeous helm is hidden underneath, it doesn't cover the face only the sides and back of the head. It’s silver with a white trim around the face. The most intricate, and gorgeous, part of it is the pattern. It too surrounds only the trim around the face, but is in a deep red and looks like the branches of my marshmallow trees. It’s breathtaking.

  “How, when, I mean, wow! This is so amazing. It almost makes me wish I have a reason to wear it. Thank you so much! It reminds me of Grun! And the red matches my hair,” I throw myself into his arms, knocking him down and we both tumble on the ground in a heap of laughter.

  His jade eyes captivate me, pulling me in. When our lips touch, I can't get enough, the kiss is ravenous. I don’t want it to ever end, but of course, the door swings open and an angry Rhydian is in the doorway holding a mean looking blade in his hands ready to kill something. -What the hell?-

  “Cunts! All that banging around, I thought someone was in here!” He grumbles, glaring at Rhett but giving me a sweet, heated smile when his eyes land on me.

  “There would’ve been ‘banging’ if you hadn't walked in, you fucking twat waffle. How does laughter make you think anyone is in trouble. God, I hate you,” Rhett's glare is adorable and it takes everything in me not to smile.

  “You totally ruined the moment right there you gobshite. Ugh!” I say jumping off of him and pass an annoyed looking Rhydian.

  “What the hell is a ‘gobshite’?” I hear Rhydian say under his breath as I walk down the hall.

  “If she said it to me, it has to be something good. Now, get the hell outta here you dick. You just ruined our moment.”

  Plopping down into a chair, helm still in my hands, I look to Ebbin and Merrick. “Figure anything out? I’m bored now,” the whine in my voice making both big men laugh.

  “I was thinking we could actually go back to the water. Caius apparently wants to see what all the fuss is about,” Ebbin tells me. Perking up immediately, I stand and start to take my wrap off.

  Completely naked in front of them, both are staring at me with lust filled eyes and their hands in fists. I start to put the wrap back on the way Torunn showed me so I could swim in it better. The moment they figure out what I’m doing, their bottom lips pout and their shoulders drop.

  Dejected, they both walk down the hall without a word, coming back out in shorts and sandals. This time, I’m the one to remember the food and water.

  Rhett and Rhydian want to stay behind, though they don't tell me why, but said I would see soon enough.

  Cynide, shifting to her pegasus form, lets me ride on her back. That’s a new experience for sure! I have ridden many horses before, though none bareback, and trying not to hit her wings while I gripped her is a little hard.

  -Stop fussing, it does not hurt when you touch them. We aren't flying, but can you imagine when we do? I personally cannot wait!-

  -How is this going to work though? I mean when your wings are out sure, I could do that, but what about when you need to pull them in?-

  -Let’s see. Pull your legs up, I'll expand my wings and see how it feels.-

  She has to stop for me to be able to do that and not fall. When her wings are out, it’s much more comfortable. She doesn't mind that they’re seated snug against her body and they bend a little to accommodate my legs.

  Once comfortably situated, I’m able to take in the rest of the landscape and not worry about holding on to her. I know she won’t let me fall.

  The lush purple grass is thicker and taller here than closer to the city, below the marshmallow trees there’s a new plant I have yet to see. The base of the plant is white, but going up the stem, the white changes into a teal and the leaves that sprout off are so large on the small base, it almost seems impossible that the stem can hold the top up. The six leaves almost touch the ground they’re so long, it reminds me of a weeping willow back home the way it drapes over the stem. The leaves are black as night and in the center, there are three bright pink balls of fluff. I want to go and explore it, but Cynide quickly tells me those particular ones send out spores that embed into your skin and cause you to hallucinate.

  -Some of the locals come out here to use them for their pleasure, I don’t understand why anyone would want to lay on the ground and hallucinate, but these people are strange in many ways.-

  -People do the same back home, though ours come in many forms. The ones in nature are a certain kind of mushroom and in the desert, I think there is a cactus that will do the same as the plants here.-

  -To lose consciousness and all cognitive thinking? Who in their right minds would want something like that?-

  -I don’t know, Cynide.- I giggle at her.

  -Ahh, we are almost there. I would like to shift back when Caius comes. I would like the chance to run with another beast like myself. I will not go to far from you, if that is acceptable?-

  She’s too considerate. I want her to have as much fun as possible. We’re going to be leaving here tomorrow. When we’re back home, who knows when we’re going to have the downtime to simply enjoy a run or the feel of each other’s bodies?

  -Whenever you find the time, I want you to take it. Don’t ask, I know you will tell me where you are and I don’t worry about you too much. You're amazing in every form. Take it and don’t let go, okay?-

  -I will, if that is what you wish, but in return, you have to promise me the same.-

  -I promise I will try, how about that?-

  -I know you won't give me more, and if you can't give me your word, I respect your word that you will try.-

  -Let me down, goof. Change and go have some fun!-

  Laughing in my head, she does as I ask, lowering her rear end so I can slide easily down her back. It takes Ebbin and Merrick a few minutes to catch up but I’m kept busy with laying out the blanket and setting up the food. I nibble o
n some meat and eat one of the coconut fruits I’m going to miss so much when we leave.

  Watching Caius and Cynide splash at each other in the water, I can’t help but imagine how it will be when Alyria is born. She will have so much fun with all of Ebbin's forms and Cynide's as well. Thinking of a blond haired, chubby legged little munchkin running around trying to chase Enbarr’s tail, or ride on Cynide in either form has me giggling.

  Merrick asks what I think is so funny, and I push the images into his mind. soon enough, he too is laughing and pushing images of her gnawing on Caius’ tail and trying to jump in the air as she reaches for Rigar’s talons.

  The rest of the day flies by with more jokes and all of our little visions Merrick and I were imagining were pushed into Ebbin's head. I wish the others were here with us, but whatever they are doing seems important to them.

  Cynide lets me ride on her again on the way home and soon enough, I’m fast asleep cuddled between Ebbin and this time Merrick. Still no word from the guys, but they’re okay and will be back before I wake.


  Waking early, but leaving Rhett and Rhydian to sleep, Ebbin, Merrick and I start packing everything we brought with us, and the rest of the things we gained while we were here. I leave the gifts I got for each guy in a bag by the door, so I can give them to each guy before we go to the statue of Alyria. We roll the mattress pads up and place them by the front door as well. I’m not sure where they need to go or if it’s okay to leave them in this cottage. We eat a quick breakfast and leave some for the guys that are still sleeping.

  The rest of the meat we aren’t going to need, Cynide is more than happy to eat it all for us. The fruits are sent over to Torunn’s in a basket she gave us when we first came to the market. With a note of thanks and me telling her how excited and nervous I am.

  As tiny as this little place is, I really am going to miss it. Not having any electronics? I thought would’ve been harder, yet there’s so much to do, new things to see and learn, I hardly noticed it. The Spriggans in the backyard, Torunn so close by, the amazing plant life. I’m having a hard time thinking about leaving. This strange world has become my home in a few short days. It holds more meaning than any place back on our world.


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