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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 66

by Trina Bates

  Alyria starts to go nuts inside of me, kicking me hard as I jump from the pain, right into Blue’s arms.

  “I think she forgives you.” I laugh when she looks down, her hands laying protectively on my belly as she stares at it in wonder, feeling the strong kicks coming from Alyria.

  She smiles proudly, rubbing little lines across my stomach with her thumb and I feel something warm, flow into me right to Alyria. A spell, protection, and love.

  “Thank you,” I say and turn back to Brad.

  He deflates and looks away, I’m glad that’s over with now, but there’s still more shit we have to go through.

  “You can’t be serious in wanting to make a deal with the Devil. You don’t know what he will do to trick you, lie to you and fuck you over. We should just go find Alastor now and bring the fight to him before he figures out that we’re all fine and he did nothing but piss us all off more,” Adam says from the side. He’s hungry for a fight, and more so than the rest. He lost a brother, thankfully he was brought back, but the fight is now personal for him and he wants retribution.

  “I know you want to fight him, but sometimes, fighting isn’t the answer or the right way to go. Instead, if I can make a deal, we all get what we want, but without the threat of more casualties...If we fight him again, are you willing to risk anyone's life in this room? I already did that and I can tell you right now, you have no idea what that’s doing to me inside. The turmoil, pain, and rage that is coursing through me. I don’t know how I’m even still standing. I wouldn’t want this for anyone. Don’t go into this, thinking thoughts that are half cocked and going to get us nowhere. Think…” I plead to him, hoping he can hear the pain in my voice.

  He does. His shoulders drop and he nods once to me and looks back to Brad. “I can’t and won't lose anyone, again. If you truly think you can make it through this, unscathed, try. But we will stay and wait for that. Everyone, in all of the realms, and worlds, are counting on us. Whether they know it or not, it’s personal now. I think I speak for everyone in my family when I say, we aren't leaving until this is finished.”

  I dip my head to him and look to my mates. This isn’t about me, it’s about all of us. I need to see their support before I make a decision. I still want the others to have a chance to be free of this as well, so when my mates all look at me with somber, yet set expressions, I know we all agree. I turn to Siv and Rial, then Torunn and my brother, Gor, and then lastly to Blue.

  “I don’t want to risk anyone. Lyanna and her mates have chosen, what about you all? Do you want to stay and risk the Devil getting wind that you’re here, or do you want to stay safe and far from this? I vote for the second half of that. You all mean so much to me. You know the risks, and I won’t make this decision for you.” My voice is a mere whisper as I await their responses. I hope they go and get as far away from here as possible. There’s too much risk in staying.

  “I was trying to tell you previously, there is no way I will be leaving your side,” Torunn states so matter of fact I can’t help but smirk at her.

  “Where she ventures, as do I,” Gor replies making me laugh. I knew there was going to be no other answer from him, than that.

  “I will not rest until your father is locked up, or dead. Either way suits me just fine. This is not your fight alone, daughter.” Siv’s words ease some of the angst I held for her from our fight before.

  “Bitch, you know you’re not getting rid of us that easy. Plus, now that these fools got a taste of battle, their too riled up to calm down until the threat is gone.” Behind Blue, her men smirk and nod their agreement.

  Rial is the last, and when I look to him, I can’t help but shiver. He gives me the creeps. Not for what he did to Rhett, but for what he continued to do to him. And now, poof, like magic, he’s back in his life like nothing happened. Getting cozy with my mother at the same time. It rubs me the wrong way and I think he knows it. He looks back at me intently and bows deeply, “I am needed here, for many reasons, but the reason I will stay is to mend the bond that I broke, or try to, with my son. I will stay out of your way and be there when you need. All you have to do is ask, but I will stay if you will have me.”

  I want to hiss and scratch, and run him through with my sword, but of course… I hold back. I don’t answer him, instead, I turn to Rhett. This is his choice if he wants to make amends with dear ole daddy, so be it. I will never deny any family, as much as they might irk me, that’s what they are. Family.

  He looks to me, his jade eyes holding the weight of the world behind them as he tries to figure out what’s in my head.

  -La la la la, you have the most gorgeous hair, and tightest ass, la la la.- I sing in my head. I didn’t mean for it to be sent out to all those that can hear me, but laughter and snorts sound all around us as both Rhett and I turn a bright shade of crimson at our little secret joke and laugh silently together.

  “Yes, please stay,” he says still laughing.

  With that, I yell, “Let’s eat, fuck, sleep, and get this asshole tomorrow. I’m tired and need a foot rub!” More laughter sounds and we all get up from our seats or start to walk already standing, to the kitchen.


  Full belly, my mind calm and my feet in heaven, our huge living room is being put to good use as the nineteen of us, and our two Agathions, all take up every seat and inch of floor space as we watch a movie. I don’t do much watching since the foot rub Merrick is giving me keeps making me nod off. Ebbin curls up at my side as I play with his growing hair and listen to his soft snores.

  “I think it’s time for us all to migrate upstairs. It’s going to be yet another busy day tomorrow and this pregnant goddess is in need of rest,” Rhett whispers, picking me up off the couch gently as Ebbin rolls into the empty spot I was just in. He wakes up with wide eyes and looks wildly around.

  “Shhh, you’re fine. We’re going to bed. Come on beefcake. Come cuddle me and rub my butt.” I giggle out trying to be as quiet as I can as I look over all of our friends and see most are sleeping. Some much louder than others. Brandt… I don’t know how Blue can do it. That man sounds like a freight train, crashing into the side of a metal building, at full speed!

  Ebbin stands and follows us up to bed. Rhett places me gently on the giant bed that I think is now all of our rooms and leaves me cold and alone. Merrick, Rhydian, and Rhett all go change and Ebbin rushes into the bathroom to do the same. I get under the blankets and hide, only my eyes and top of my head peeking out as I lay here with a scowl on my face. -Fuckers, I’m cold. Hurry up!- I yell into their minds.

  Merrick, ever the ass sends an image of him naked, flipping me off. Rhett, doing the helicopter in the mirror, naked and blowing air kisses. Rhydian, smug and sexy, wearing short, but topless as he flexes every muscle in his hard delectable body. Ebbin, he is silent but when I look up, he’s standing at the now open bathroom door in only a pair of boxers. He smirks mischievously and then runs, and jumps onto the bed, this time, making me bounce a little as I laugh at him.

  “How old are you and you still act like a big man child?” I quip making him cock a brow at me. He taunts further when he tickles me. I can’t hold myself back as I kick and thrash around wildly trying to get away from his torturous hands.

  “I will be this sexy forever… My childish antics will never cease. Letting loose and acting fun every once in a while is needed to keep the fun alive. Don’t you think?” he asks as he grabs my foot at starts going to town with more tickles. “Don’t you agree?!” he asks again. I can’t answer while I laugh hysterically.

  Out of breath and unable to defend myself I use the only thing I have left… “I have to pee!” I scream halting his tirade immediately.

  “Fun. Sucker,” Ebbin says with a pout, flouncing on the bed dramatically with a sighing heavily as he wraps his arm over his eyes.

  I roll my eyes and get out of bed, I really do have to go to the bathroom after what he just put me through. Dick.

  Freezing and feeling bett
er, I come out of the bathroom to four delectable men, all shirtless and laying in my bed. Rhett and Ebbin on one side, Merrick and Rhydian on the other. Ebbin and Rhydian move over and let me take the middle. I still can’t get over how comfortable they all are. Sharing me, sleeping next to one another, their camaraderie and simple friendship. It warms my heart as I fall asleep to the knowledge that this will be my life. For as long or short as it may be, this is it and I’m perfectly content with that.

  * * *

  “You know what, I can’t take it anymore. The smell alone is enough to make a grown man cry. Alyria can’t get here soon enough. Dealing with Mira’s gas is going to kill me before anything else has the chance!” Rhett hisses from far away as I lay in bed mortified.

  What the hell is he talking about, Mira’s gas?! Oh my gawd, please tell me I’m hearing them wrong!

  I cringe and pull the covers above my head and instantly regret.

  Okay, they have a point. Sleeping alone, for the rest of my life it is.

  I hear the distinct noise of a punch and then Rhett crying out in pain. I smirk, knowing without a doubt Merrick came to my defense.

  “Yeah, I’m up, sorry for gassing you out. Don’t worry, I think I’m embarrassed enough and will be sleeping in one of the other rooms from now on.” Groaning, I roll out of bed and take the walk of shame to the bathroom, grabbing a fresh set of clothes on my way and smiling sheepishly and red-faced all the way to the closed door.

  Locked. Of course. I turn around and walk back the other way, knowing Rhett has a giant bathroom in his weird room. I shut and lock his door behind me and take my time, waiting out the storm, hoping the embarrassment will die away with a few minutes of time.

  Jumping down the stairs, my hair high in a ponytail atop my head I round the corner to see all of my men, working around each other like pro’s as they each get something else ready for breakfast. Torunn and Blue are sitting at the island so I take my chance while everyone's backs are turned and dash over to the other side of the room where the link chairs are sitting. It feels like another lifetime when Ebbin and I use to link up for some fun. It’s been a while since I checked in with my online friends, and I really want to tell my young friend Jeremy from the ice cream shop about everything that’s been going on.

  Sitting down and placing the wire at the base of my skull, I close my eyes and wait to be opened up to the cloud. Finding that I’m wearing my desert camo gear and already suited with my weapons I smile knowing Jeremy pulled me into his games.

  “Where are you my giant pard?!” I call out in a singsong voice, waiting for him to appear before me.

  “Boo” comes from behind me and my avatar that I control jumps with the sudden voice from him. His voice is deeper than I remember and when I turn around I smile brightly at him.

  His hair is so much longer than before. A long mohawk that falls to the side and in his eyes. His deep brown eyes hiding some new secrets I can’t wait to uncover. His giant frame takes up a good amount of space. He’s filled out and all muscle. His gorgeous tan skin painted with camo paint.

  “Where have you been?! You haven't logged on in so long. I’ve been worried. Even went by the house.” With the way he says the last part, I get worried. He sounds fearful, filled with concern as he stares at me. I know he saw something and I need to find out what it was.

  “What, tell me, Jeremy,” I say a little too forcefully. My red eyes must have just changed and the hair as well. It takes a moment for features to align with what the cloud has on file and when it does, the look in his eyes, he knows I’m not a Hollow anymore.

  “No way, you first. What the hell has been going on? Are you, are you a demon?!” His voice goes up a few octaves his dread seeping through.

  “No, no, listen, it’s a long story, one that I will tell you, but only after you tell me what had you acting so off when you said you went by the house. Please.” My pleading tone softens him. His shoulders drop and he starts to relax. Before he begins, he rubs his hands together nervously and blows out a breath.

  “Okay, so… The door to the house was wide open. Conclave cars were parked out front. I went around the side where you showed me the entrance to the basement?” he stops, and I have no idea why he stares at me like there’s a secret we share but I’m at a complete loss.

  “Yeah, keep going.” I wave my hand wishing he would hurry. My heart is already beating a million miles a minute and I’m jumping to too many conclusions without all the information.

  “So, I turned on the monitors and there were like three actual members and countless lackies with them, pilfering through the house. They left nothing unturned or ransacked. They even went through your bathroom garbage and put something in a little baggy. It looked like a pen or something.”

  Fuck. My pregnancy test.

  “Anyway, so they took that, they took your link systems and then a fucking Hellhound came in and sniffed the place out. They said something about Breca? I think it’s a city or something. Is that where you are?” Rhydian. I wish I could answer his question, but I can’t if they took my link systems, they can trace me when I log on.

  “It’s not, but I have to go. Listen, I’ll find a way to get ahold of you, just stay quiet okay?” I rush out, already trying to log off but he stops me before I can.

  “If you’re in trouble, let me help. You should see what I can do now. They can’t trace me at all either. When I sleep I can dream walk, buI can pull myself to a person, where they are as long as it’s somewhere real, or the connection to the person is strong enough. Mira, I know you’re in some shit, let me help you and Ebbin.” Before I can answer, the cloud refreshes once again and my belly appears before us both. His eyes go wide and without a word, he nods to me reverently and kicks me from his party.

  “Thank you, Jeremy,” I whisper into the nothing and pull myself out.

  “Problem!” My scream rushes through the hose and within seconds I’m bombarded with angry alpha males and even scarier battle ready females all looking around wildly trying to find the threat.

  “What is it, love?” Merrick growls. His nickname for me said in such a way it sends heat straight to my core. I try to hold back my flip of a switch horniness and grow crimson when I see a few different sets of nostrils flaring, scenting me.

  Ewe, it’s hot when my guys do it, but not when other women's mates do it. Back off, nasties!

  Okay, if everyone could stop sniffing and give me some space, I can explain. Huffing out my frustrations I stand up and walk to the island where there’s a full plate of food. I don’t care who’s it is, I’m starving. I sit down and start munching on a piece of toast while everyone stares at me with numerous worried looks and annoyance.

  “I’m patient with a lot of things, but when you scream, literally, ‘problem’… I want to know what it is. I need to. Spit it out sweet tits,” Rhett says coming to sit at my side and staring at me intently.

  I roll my eyes and swallow the bite I have. I don’t know what to make of the strange events that Jeremy let me in on, but I know I have to get it out.

  “I linked up and Jeremy pulled me into a lobby. He said that he was worried and when he went to come check up on us, the Conclave was at our house. They went through everything. They took my test and had a hellhound come in and sniffed out the place. One of the guys said Breca. After that, they left and now Jeremy is more worried than ever. Oh, and they took our link systems. We can’t log on again or they can trace us.” Rushing everything out, I’m out of breath and thirsty.


  “This is only going to get worse.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me!”

  Numerous other outburst sounds behind me, but my guys are all that matter. They know what the Conclave can and will do if they find us up here, and me in this state and changed.

  I was only looking to Rhett as I said everything and after a drink of the orange juice that’s sitting in front of me, I look to Rhydian. It’s his last name and I know he has t
o be worried.

  His face is drawn and white as a ghost. Are ghosts real? Back to the point Mira! I reprimand myself, and shake the thoughts away. The hounds scented him from how long ago. They are going to start searching for him now to find me. I don’t know what they could find on the pee stick, but if the hound was good enough to scent out something that he shouldn’t from that long ago… I wonder if he can scent the child I carry within me is his too.

  “We need to get off this world, out of this realm, until Alyria is born. If the Conclave can find us, on the off chance that they can, not saying it for sure!” He hurries the last words seeing the shake of heads from Merrick and Rhett, “We can’t chance it and everyone knows it. They might not know about this place, but if they have the hellhounds on this, something’s up and I think we all know who enlisted their aid for something like that. Alastor knows we’re in the mountains, not which ones or where, he went to them and gave up some of his pets to make sure we’re found. Yggdrasil isn’t safe and I don’t think the Fae would take us.” Before he can go on, Lyanna interrupts him.

  “We can go to the castle! Casey’s family would love to have us! I miss Valor and Gregor and I need to have another race… there’s a few things about me that you all haven’t gotten to see…” Her cryptic response making me smile and then quirk a brow to her. She returns my grin and rubs her hands together. Seeing her so happy, I don’t want to say no, but there’s just one problem.

  “I have to give birth on Yggdrasil. Alyria has to be born there so she can cross over anytime. I don’t want her to have to wait until she Ascends to go back, even if I can get her there later, she needs this, and it’s what we all agreed on. We have a week… maybe. I want to go home.” I knew my answer would bring a fight, but to this extent? I had no idea.

  Rhett roars his anger, “There’s no way! If Rhydian is right, we can’t risk it. Alastor knows you’re there!”


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