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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 67

by Trina Bates

  “He’s right. Think about this, please love,” Merrick whispers, hating that he knows he’s hurting me, which he is.

  “No, we all made a promise, we won’t let that go. Mira, would you give us a few days to spend with Lyanna and her family before we go to Yggdrasil, I want to keep you as safe as possible.” Ebbin comes to my rescue, knowing how important it is for me to be home when our little girl comes into the realms. Rhydian dips his head, Rhett rolls his eyes and Merrick crosses his big arms over his chest. He hates these ideas, but to keep me happy, and give me and Alyria what we need, he’ll stop at nothing to make it happen, and we both know it.

  “Yes, if you go into labor, I will tether us all home. I guarantee you, my niece... “ Torunn pauses and gets a single tear in her eye and looks to Gor and then my stomach with an adoring smile, “will always be able to go home, to her ancestors,” she finishes, turning abruptly and walking away.

  She’s not one for emotions and I understand. I smile at her retreating form and then look back to Ebbin.

  “Deal. Lyanna, I can’t take everyone there, but you have to have it set in your heart of where you wish to be. I’ve never been so it will be a bit harder for me to find my place within the realms, and get us all there, safely.” I peer over to her and mock glare, “I don’t want to end up in some fucked up place. So you better be sure.” I end with a laugh and turn away when I get a few chuckles from everyone else.

  Taking another bite of my food, drowning out the talk that’s going on around me, I stare around the kitchen and living room. This is home here and I hate to leave it once more. The snow covered landscape, lush with evergreens and oak trees, the jasmine scent that wafts through the air from the giant plant when you walk outside. My bedroom with all the green and lavender colors. Alyria’s nursery that I wasn’t expecting but I couldn’t be more thankful for. We can’t come back here until my father is dealt with and who knows when that will be. Once we get to Yggdrasil, I’m scared I won’t be able to contact Lucifer.

  “Can you four get everything ready for me? My weapons, armor and… what’s the weather like in your realm, Lyanna?” I ask, wondering what my guys are going to need to pack for me. I want to stay in the comfy big t-shirts and sweatpants, but that’s not appropriate if we’re going to stay with her mates and their family. I hate to drag in more people but I know she has a reason for suggesting that particular place.

  “Warm, lighter clothes would be best. And don’t worry about anything, we will have three wings to ourselves and barely be bothered. Bring whatever is the most comfortable.” She saves the day and makes me like her that much more with those few words. Comfort is my middle name and I am ready to do a little exploring while I stick to light, airy clothes

  “Okay, can you guys pack me that? Cynide, Vie, Rhett, can you come with me?” My other three sexy men all look inquisitively at me. I don’t want an entire entourage when I meet Lucifer. Keeping them safe is what’s important right now.

  “I want to contact Lucifer before we do anything. I need to see what he can do and I’m not sure we can contact him in their realm,” I say gesturing to Lyanna and her mates without even looking at her.

  Merrick’s anger flows into me with such vigor I have to take a step back. He looks directly into my eyes and one of them twitches. He doesn’t say anything, instead, throwing me off, he closes his eyes, turns calmly and then walks away. I know he’s furious, and I want to go after him, but there’s two other men standing in front of me. Their emotions also invading me.

  Ebbin is hurt and his eyes show it, as does does his body. His shoulders that are low and his back is bowing forward. Rhydian is shaking his head over and over like he can’t believe what I just said. The rest of our group all take hesitant steps away and disperse through the house, knowing there’s about to be a fight that they don’t need to be involved in.

  “Merrick! Get your sexy, muscled ass back here! I hate to see you go, even if you are mad, but damn if I don’t love to watch you walk away.” With my cheesy line said, I hear a slap on the wall and a growl coming from the area he walked in. I hold back a laugh knowing he can’t deny the funny parts of me even in a serious situation and cross my arms, mocking how he was standing moments ago, tapping a foot on the ground and trying to look as annoyed as possible when he walks back, still glaring at me.

  “The things you do to annoy me and intrigue me. You drive me absolutely fucking mad, woman!” he grinds out behind a poorly hidden smirk.

  I roll my eyes and take a deep breath.

  “Fine, all of you with me, but after that, I need to eat more and then we can get ready. I’m tired of rushing away. We have a few hours and I need at least that. It’s hard leaving your home, new ones and old so many times in such a short period of time. For now, let’s get to the barn. I don’t want to do this with everyone here,” I tell them, already walking away and zipping up the coat that I left hanging by the back door.

  Cynide and Vie appear at my side, and my men traipse behind me as we make our way to the barn.


  Wrapping my arms around myself to keep the little chill I feel in the air from seeing into my bones, I look around at all of the equipment, wishing I had more time. Time to train like we all wanted, not only physically, but mentally and learn to properly wield my powers with time. So far, everything I have accomplished has been by accident or sheer luck; that needs to change. I can feel something buries inside me, more of something that is just waiting to be explored. Sighing, I shake my head. When will I be able to fully understand everything when we barely have five minutes to ourselves before the next crisis?

  “What are you going to have to do to call him?” Ebbin asks as he wraps his thick jacket tighter around his chest.

  “That’s the real question. I have no idea. I think I’m going to try and concentrate on him, and see if that will work. Ask for him to show up and see where it gets us…” I surmise embarrassed that I don’t have a plan in place, yet again.

  Merrick rolls his eyes at me which I stick my tongue out at and I don’t look to the others to see what they’re doing. I move a few steps away and close my eyes, already trying to concentrate on the cloaked figure I saw in the woods yesterday.

  Taking a calming breath, I call to him, -Lucifer, this goes against everything I have ever known. There’s a reason you came here before and now, there’s a reason I am asking you back. Please show yourself.-

  My eyes jolt open and I shiver. The air turns thick, the once light sky flowing in from the windows dims and the lights in the barn start to flicker. The ominous feel of everything from the change in the air to the strange creepy feeling that is slowly climbing up my spine worries me. I pull my Hellfire to me, and ask the light inside to accompany it as well. To keep us all safe and protected from what’s to come.

  -He is near, Vie can feel his presence. I feel something, but I am not well versed in the actual presence of Lucifer,- Cynide says in my mind. Her tone is filled with angst and concern as she steps up to my side. Vie, after taking a moment to talk to Gor, making sure this is what they both want and is acceptable, takes my other and all of my guys stand ready, surrounding me.

  “It’s unusual that I am the one to be summoned. Usually it is a Deal Demon sometimes a Hound to deal with the Unwanteds. Though I must admit, I haven’t been… how shall I say it? Available. For you to request me, after such an abrupt meeting yesterday, I am surprised at you little halfling. What is it I can do for you? I am chomping at the bit to know,” a strong, deep voice says from within the shadows.

  We all turn in every direction trying to locate the voice’s master, but we see nothing. The lights continue to flicker and the air inside of the barn grows heavier with each passing moment. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up and with the added fear, my Hellfire rises from my hands up my arms. My hair starts to dance and the light inside of me makes its presence known by changing my flames from a blue green to an iridescent purple and yellow.
  “Put your toys away. They can do nothing to me and I mean you no harm...yet,” the voice whispers from right behind me. I turn once again in fear with wide eyes and find nothing. Sick of the games I throw a protective barrier around the Agathions and my men and push my flames out, willing for them to only harm what we cannot see.

  Screams from us all ring through the dense air as a spot before us is covered in flames, the lining of a man starts to appear beneath them and soon the green flames that I saw from my dreams start to take over my own Hellfire and before me stands a man from myth and legend. Said to be one of the most hideous beings, evil to his core and undoubtedly the most powerful. Lucifer stands before us in a tailored white suit. Standing at almost seven feet tall, he puts Rhydian and Merrick to shame, even Gor with the amount of corded muscle that lays beneath his white pinstripe suit. Long ebony hair with purple and blue eyes that look human, and then change to the reptilian yellow that has haunted me for days.

  The top of his suit is open and a single silver pendant rests on his hard chest. A wicked looking dagger around three inches long, the tip disappearing beneath his shirt. There’s something about it that calls to me and without thinking, I find myself standing right before the man. He peers down at me with his eerie eyes and his hair, longer than I first thought, falls and tickles the side of my cheeks. I swipe it away and he smiles so brilliantly, I have to look away. His squared jaw and strong, prominent nose give way to his full lips and it’s hard to keep myself from imaging kissing them. I take a step back and before I can place my foot down, I hit Merrick’s imposing chest, my hands swinging back and touching two other men. I look behind me and nod thankful for their protection and turn back to the Devil.

  “You called me, but have said nothing. I’m starting to believe this was all a rouse. I’m getting quite bored of this. Speak or I leave,” he seethes. His tone is slimy and laced with hate. Taunting the Devil is the last thing I want to do, so I find my words and rush them out.

  “I want to make a deal.”

  His eyebrows rise and his eyes alight with mischief at my words. Lucifer rubs his hands together in front of his face and I grasp on to the two hands that I touched before.

  “A deal. I like this. What deal, little one? And what’s in it for me?” He asks, coming closer with each whispered question and a ghost of a smile on his lips.

  I can hear Caius’ growl sound from deep within Ebbin’s chest and then a snarl bursts from Cynide at my side and the smell of Kigiree permeates the air. They can’t change or pose a challenge. I have to get them to calm down.

  “Do I have your word that no one here will be harmed by you, anyone and any being on the grounds of this property. Ever. And that means by extension as well. No putting thoughts into someone else’s mind to harm them or giving orders. Do I have your word on that?” I query knowing full well he can do what he likes and there have been no terms laid forth for him to agree.

  He cocks his head to the side with intrigue on his face and squints his eyes at me.

  “Why would I agree to that? Is this the deal you are asking?” he wonders allowed making the protectiveness of my group rise another notch.

  “No, it’s not the deal. You came here of your own free will yesterday after how many years of being… gone, and you were interested in me. I want to know why, and if you agree to leave my family out of this, it will be much easier to talk when we are all settled.”

  “You say family, but not yourself. Why is that. You must know, if you come from my realm, you can die by my hands. Your flesh is my flesh; your blood, my blood. I created all of my demons, and you are no different.” His cocky tone grates on my nerves so I push back, gently.

  “You don’t want to harm me, there’s something about me that you want, something that you need. I won’t let you take it, but if a deal is made, we will both find out what we want. Plus, I have an entire realm of Valkyries that would pull me back.” Before I can continue on, his eyes squint and his face purses like that of a petulant child, but there’s something else, something he’s not telling me, and the way he said I can die by his hands, rubs me the wrong way. Like I would have to yield to him for it to be so. “If you kill me, a part of you dies along with it, you can kill me but you won’t because I’m more powerful than what you imagined, that’s what you said yesterday. Somehow, that bothers you and if I perish, so too does a big part of you…”

  My assumptions are validated when I see the anger flair within his eyes and he turns away, stomping across the floor and he starts to pace.

  “Lucifer, there’s nothing wrong with that. All I want is your help,” I calmly state, hoping he can hear the hope and pain in my voice. He might be the Devil, but so far, I can tell he’s not what the books say. Evil, sure, but he does have a heart.

  “If you are going to make a deal with the Devil, at least call me by my name. It is Lucifer to some, but to those that are going to be dealt with many times… as I suspect we are, the name is Apollyon.” He stops pacing and raises his hand. I look back at my guys and shrug my shoulders.

  “Please calm down. Nothing is going to happen,” I whisper, knowing full well they won’t. Saying the words only seems to bring me comfort. As I turn back to, Apollyon, Cynide rushes to my side and rubs up against me and starts forward with me when I take my first step.

  Apollyon looks to my Agathion and smiles a secret smile to her which makes my blood boil. I let it go for now loving the glare that takes over when she starts to hiss and growl at him. I take his hand in mine and say, “Pleasure, Polly. Now, can we all calm down and put the testosterone away and get to it?”

  His hand grips mine tightly when I call him Polly, and his eye starts to twitch which only makes me bite my lips as I hold back the laugh that is trying to burst out. I’m on thin ground, but there’s no way that can be taken back, not now, and I will never be able to call him anything but.

  “There’s other things I can do to you than simply taking your life, halfling. Careful with your words,” he growls back at me in turn.

  I wave him away which makes his eyes damn near fall out of his head, I pat his chest and he starts to slowly shake his head, incredulous that a being like me would deign to act in such a manner towards someone of his stature.

  I walk to one of the weight lifting benches and sit down. My feet hurt and all of this, brooding is wearing me out, and fast. Of course, my mates follow, as do the two Agathions. I don’t think Vie needs to be here any longer, I don’t feel as frightened or like there’s much of a threat. Cynide would never leave my side, so I don’t even ask her to go, but Vieruz, I’m sure will want to go and tell my brother everything that’s going on.

  -Vie, you’re welcome to go back and inform Gor of everything that’s gone on. Cynide will keep you up to date as things progress. Thank you so much for coming with. You don’t have to go, I’m not trying to send you away, please don’t think that, I only say it because I feel like things are going to work out for us today.-

  -My master has been incessant with his questions and now that I am able to answer, I will go back, but only if you are sure you are safe.-

  His worry lightens my heart and with that, my flames finally die down. It’s not only for him, but everyone else. My guard isn’t down, but I’m comfortable enough that I don’t need them right now.

  -I’m sure, and thank you again. It means everything to me that you came here today,- I tell him sincerely, and smile when he dips his big Sleipnir head to me and then walks out. His eight legs loud on the stone floor as he trots away.

  Merrick and Rhydian watch him go with confused looks on their faces and when thy look to me, their befuddlement only grows.

  -Gor is worried, and to be honest, I don’t think he needs to be here any longer, you all heard what he said, and for me, that’s enough. He’s hiding something, yes, but that will come out sooner or later.-

  With that, I turn from them and watch as Polly takes a seat across from me and looks to my mates, annoyed.
br />   “They aren’t going anywhere. We don’t trust you and you don’t trust us. Now, can we get back on track?” Annoyed and ready to go sit down somewhere comfortable, I lean as far forward as my belly allows and stare at him directly in his eyes.

  He shrugs nonchalantly and looks at his well manicured hands. How the hell does the Devil have such nice hands, wonder if has one of his minions soak his hands and file his nails? The thought alone and imagery of the hilarious visions running through my head bring a bubble of laughter from me and everyone in the room stares at me like I’m nuts, minus Rhett who rolls his eyes, knowing already the shit that goes through my head is strange.

  “I want my father dead,” I state so bluntly, it takes a moment for Polly to react.

  He places one leg over the other and then rests his elbow on his knee and rubs his chin. He stares so intently at me, I start to shrink into myself under his knowing gaze.

  “What do I get out of it?” His question throws me. I figured he would want information, reasons, or maybe even stand in outrage and tell me how disgusted he is. But for him to be so… okay with what I ask, and even seemingly willing, I’m lost for words.

  “Uhh, well, I mean,” I blow out a breath trying to figure out my next course of action, what I need to say to him. I figured he would know what he wanted and if he thinks I’m going to say, I’ll give you anything, he’s sorely mistaken. That can have more consequences than I could ever imagine.

  “What do you want, you know my side, what’s yours?” I ask. Blunt and upfront. Let’s see if this can go quicker than we all thought and get to a deal before lunch is ready.

  “One year,” he states so simply I rear back and look from him to my guys a few times before I say a word.

  “What the hell do you mean, ‘one year’?” Merrick grinds out, asking the question that’s on the tip of my tongue for me.

  “I want her to give me one year. If the Demon of Death is no longer ruling in hell, doing his duties, I need one year, whenever I call. It could be tomorrow, one week or eighteen years from now. But I want her in hell, for one year. I made Death Demons so I did not have to take on that job title. If I take my loving child, Alastor, out of the picture, I have to make a new one to take over. So, since I don’t know when that will be, I will do his duties, and when I tire of them, I will call on her to take over until I find the right… being to change over,” Polly says. He acts like my father is his pride and joy. The look he had on his face when he said, his loving child, makes me want to throw up. His bottom lip is still pushed out and his eyes are filled with sadness, though I doubt it’s real.


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