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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 79

by Trina Bates

  “I think a good girl punishment is in order, nothing more,” Rhydian quips making my mind start to run wild with his implications.

  Mouth dry and mind full of naughty delicious thoughts, I barely register that Apollyon is standing behind my guys, arms crossed, annoyed, leaning up against the wall.

  “One day you are going to regret being such a shit to me,” he says making us all jump.

  “I think it’s going to be the other way around…” I say standing and mimicking his stance.

  Something flashes behind his cold yellow eyes and before I can say anything about it, he confidently strides over and sits where I just vacated. I can’t place the look, but I know it, all too well. Mischief.

  “What is it you want now?” Apollyon huffs out in annoyance. His bulky arms crossed like a petulant child and his glare set on the stone floor beneath his feet.

  It takes everything in my to not roll my eyes at his behavior.

  “We’re back, Alyria is safe. The Conclave is apparently off our tails, though when we came back to this realm, where we went had already been ransacked and then there was a team coming onto the property. I can only assume that was my father’s doing. We aren’t safe, I highly doubt even here with the wards that are still in place. We want to come home, Polly. Has anything been done about Alastor?” I ask, my own anger at having to say the man's name and title grating through my clenched teeth as I stand strong in front of him.

  “So you have!” Apollyon shouts jumping to his feet making me and my guys all take a few steps back.

  Apollyon stares at me now, flatter stomach, though not what it once was I’m happy to be able to sit down without feeling like I’m going to tear through my own skin from the awkward position.

  “Where is the little darling?” He gleams, the smirk and inquisition on his face once again reminding just who exactly it is we’re dealing with. My blood runs cold thinking he might want to see her. There’s no fucking way and from the anger and downright growls that are sounding behind me, I know her daddies are thinking the same thing as I am and agree.

  “Not. Here.” Rhydian barely lets own in a human voice, Kigiree is so close to the surface, if I turned my head, I would no doubt see fur sprouting like he’s about to turn.

  “Hush pup, you come from the best parts of me. You couldn't hurt me if you tried. You can feel what I am, what is inside of me. Tell me, am I a threat to anyone? Especially a woman, or a child?” Apollyon grits out bowing up to Rhydian.

  What the fuck is he talking about? Comes from the best part of me. Oh, hell no! I can be part Demon, but I know for a fact, there’s nothing dark about the man that fathered my daughter. He might think he is, but he isn’t. There’s no way a being such as the one he carries within is evil. He takes the evil out of the realms and makes them better!

  To my surprise Rhydian takes another step back, turns his head to the side showing more of his neck than I would ever like. A sign of submission. His head jerks quickly once to the left and his eyes never leave the floor.

  “What the hell are you doing?!” I scream storming over to where Rhydian is standing and place myself in front of him, staring down the Devil with an immeasurable amount of rage burning within. My flames come out, and I know full well they won't harm him, but I feel a threat, whether it’s to me or any of my men, a threat is a threat and I will do whatever I can do match the maker.

  “You truly are something. One not to be trifled with. There is no threat here, not by me. Your emotions are so…” he trails off turning away from me, not knowing he just gave me exactly what I wanted. His submission. He licks his lips, snaps his fingers and turns back to me with a grin so wide, I almost want to join in on his apparent happiness. “Pure,” he finishes inhaling deeply and looking over my shoulder to where Rhydian stands, rigid and angry.

  “Don’t fucking look at him. He’s not yours to play with and if you try, I will find what it is you really seek from me and do everything in my power to make sure you never get it!” I seethe my jaw hurting with how tightly I’m clenching it.

  Polly’s eyes snap to my own and the loathsome spite-filled sneer on his face makes me take another step back knowing I need to shut up, but I just don’t seem to have that in me when he’s around.

  “Fine, but, child, be careful the things you say to those that are more powerful than you. You might be dominant to those around you, but there is always someone bigger, and badder than you. No, your father has not met my punishment. I have something planned for him. He does not yet know I have still returned. His Agathion has informed me he will be returning to my castle within the hour. You pulled me from some delicious planning so, if you will… Kindly fuck off and I will have his head, on a silver platter for you before the night’s end.” Without another word, or the chance to let us reply, he disappears from us and we all sigh loudly in relief.

  “You really know how to piss off the fucking Devil himself don’t you?” Rhett says with a laugh tinged with unease.

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t hear a single one of you saying shit. Well, Rhydian, but then nothing after that.” I turn and glare at each of them putting my hands on my hips, almost daring for them to try and deny a single thing. They can’t and don’t.

  “He knows every button to push and his bullshit is getting on my nerves. He won’t do anything, he knows that. He can’t, there’s still something he wants from us and he’s willing to play nice, until he gets it. Fuck him,” I grind out and start to rub my now freezing arms.

  With the threat of Polly gone, the cold is setting in, on all of us it looks like. Ebbin is bouncing on the balls of his feet. His hands jammed into the thin pockets of his gym shorts. Merrick, ever the stoic angry brute I can’t help but love, is rolling his shoulders and when he catches my gaze, he stops suddenly and winks making my cheeks heat. Rhett is walking in circles trying to get the blood flowing and Rhydian is still behind me, silent and fuming with untaped rage at what transpired between him and Polly.

  “What the fuck did he mean, I come from a part of him?” Rhydian whispers and I sense the change in him as soon as the words leave his lips. Revulsion and panic. I turn my entire body quickly and pull his face close to mine.

  Staring deep into his eyes, I tell him what I told myself earlier.

  “There isn’t a place inside of you that comes from him. Kigiree, you, you both save people in need, keep harm from happening. He’s trying to rile you, he did. Don’t think too much on it. He’s a dick, the Devil. You can’t expect much from someone like him,” I whisper carefully, making sure to enunciate each word clearly so he understand how serious I am.

  He nods once and leans into me, his forehead on mine as he calms his heavy breathing and racing heart.

  “Thanks, babe. I can’t think of anything worse than being tied to him. I don’t mean that in the way you are.” Before he can continue on, I lean back and smile, knowing exactly what he means.

  “You still think you’re evil, and that somehow, being tied to him will confirm it. Well, again… you’re wrong. Get it out of your head. Now lets fucking go. My feet are frozen and I really want to hold my cheeky little girl.

  “Agreed!” Four loud voices say in unison making me laugh.

  I take everyone’s hand and think of my second home. I think of my sweet, bright eyed baby girl and the family that’s still back in Yggdrasil and pull us all back to the training ground where I know Torunn, Gor, and Grun have taken Alyria.

  * * *


  The sand beneath our feet, the smells of sweat and the faint scent of lilacs that seems odd in this place hit me all at once. The harsh clang of metal against metal, sword or armor, and the whir of arrows makes my eyes flash open. Before I can move, we’re all bum rushed by more Valkyries than I can count. Weapons drawn and iron clad, masked faces, filled with anger, confusion and then knowing.

  “Mira, you must not surprise us in such a way!”

  “We were seconds away from annihilating you.”
/>   “Daft young one.”

  The shouts of some anger, some relief and those of the other Valkyrie women that I’ve come to really know ring around us. I let go of the two hands I’m holding and smile brightly at Brijeet, the one that tried to insult me calling me a daft young one.

  “I might be daft in tethering here. I might be young, but I will still best you any day, you cranky hag!” I shout at her and leave behind my confused men without a second glance as another Valkyrie, Junithea, thrusts her sword into the air and I catch it before it can hit me, or the ground. I round on Brijeet with a bright smile and ready the weapon knowing full way that the Blade of Oblivion will get jealous and replace the weapon I currently hold.

  With the thought barely out, my sword shoots out of nowhere, taking its rightful place in my other hand and I hold each sword with a practiced ease that calms me in some strange way. Spinning the weapons around, I wait for the battle cry that I know is surely about to erupt from my opponent and when it does, I change my stance drilling my feet harshly into the sand and clenching my muscles. Her first hit lands an impressive blow to one of my weapons, but I’m ready for her with my other and take the chance to slice at her armored bicep. Brijeet’s wide azure eyes stare down at the dented metal and then to me. The devilish smirk making her scared face even more sinister.

  She told me once it was some nasty beast from another realm that raked it’s massive paw down her face, leaving her marred and self conscious, but now she sees it for what it is. Her life. She’s a warrior and has the battle scars to prove it. She crops her hair so close to her scalp that I can’t tell what color her hair might be if she ever did decide to grow it. She two inches taller than I am and packed with so much muscle I don’t understand how she can fit into her armor without popping the leather ties. But she’s amazing. A fierce woman with a love of life and adventure that rivals my own. She’s willing to be open to any and all suggestions and loves that I’m one of the few willing to spar with her while the others run for the hills when she comes out and into the arena.

  “That’s going to cost you,” she spits in her gleaming attitude.

  I know she’s telling the truth and I’m ready. I love that I have learned so much, mostly from her. Before I came here, I knew so little about weapons and had begged Ebbin to teach me and he was always able to push it off for some reason, but now, I bet if I sparred with him, I would give him a run for his money. This is also the first time any of them are seeing my skill in action with someone other than Torunn. I know it’s going to scare them just a bit, but it’s worth every cut, every bruise, and every pout that I’ve gotten. I'm proud of myself and I want them to see that.

  I pucker my lips and send a kiss her way hoping to rile her, her anger always gives way to the tells of what she’s about to do next and with the slight twist of her ankle and the grip of her right hand on her own sword I know she’s going to swing low and come up high, like if she was trying to gut a real enemy. She can’ hurt me with my spells around me, but only her and I know that right now. She takes her chance going in for the strike, but I twist away right in time with audible gasps echoing in the air. “Mira! Get out of her reach!” Merrick shouts with worry.

  I take the chance to turn my head slightly, without taking my eyes off of Brijeet until I see her ready myself. I look quickly to Merrick and wink, giving my attention back to the warrior waiting for me.

  “You’re too predictable!” I laugh angering her more and watch gleefully as her face turns a bright shade of red. Stepping forward with her left foot, raising her sword high and to the side, she’s going to wait for me to make the move and then when I do get within her reach, she will swing low again, trying to slice sideways at my stomach.

  I give her what she wants but instead of coming at her with my swords at the ready, I swing them behind me and call my wings, loving how well they obey my commands and right as I reach Brijeet, I shoot up in the air and land silently behind her take the Blade of Oblivion and putting it to her throat as the other blade rest with the point steady at her lower back.

  “Yield,” she screams so grating that I can barely understand the word.

  “You are going to be a fine instructor,” she grumbles and turns pulling me into her arms.

  Confused I pull away staring at her like she’s grown a second head.

  “Instructor? What the hell do you mean?” I ask incredulously and about run her through when she shrugs her shoulders and turns away from me.

  “Brijeet! What are you talking about?!” I scream after her, but she keeps walking, leaving me standing speechless in the middle of the arena with my mouth hanging open.

  Torunn and Corinthea choose that moment to stride confidently through the gates, Gor and Grun dutifully in toe. I rush up to them with shifty eyes, galring them both down, waiting for the explanation that Brijeet left them to deal with.

  “She has been petitioning the Valkyrie mother to keep you on. You are after all, one of us. You may not choose to stay and live here but you have agreed to heed the call,” Torunn says with a proud smile that warms my heart but also raises some flags for me as well. I shake my head slightly to each side, staring at the ground unable to say the words I know they don’t want to hear.

  “Showing us the gifts that we already carried inside of us only makes the hunger inside grow, eagerly wanting more. We all know you are the one to bring out more if, there is more to be found. Though we understand you won’t live here, we were hoping for one month out of each of your Earth years. She should not have told you that, not yet. We were hoping to tell you in a much different fashion.” Corinthea’s tone is pleading, excited and rimmed with a tinge of annoyance. I look up and look between them, thankful she said what I couldn’t. I don’t live here, as much as I love it here, we have lives back in our own realm and I can’t leave the connections I have there, the family and friends, behind.

  Hearing the scrapes of feet behind me, I twist on my heels and see the faces of my men. “What do you all think? I know you heard every word so don’t make me repeat it,” I tell them with a knowing smile, they try to hide that they can hear to be, nice. But we all know different.

  “Too much is still up in the air. We need to get back home, get things settled and figure out what life holds for us there. Give it time and I think we can go back to that, later,” Ebbin explains perfectly to all of us, and I can’t agree more with him.

  “He’s right. Not only is Alastor still out there, but we have Apollyon, that I have no doubt is going to be interrupting our lives for many years to come, and also, the Conclave. Something is going to have to be done about them, and how they are defying orders to the Puissant. Plus,” Merrick says striding past me making a beeline for Alyria, he takes her out of the stroller with a gentle ease and kisses the tip of her nose and continues on. “We have this little spitfire to worry about. We need some time, as a family. That doesn’t mean we won't ever be coming back, it means, like Ebbin said, let us get our lives in order and see where we are.”

  I smile at him, all of us coming around her in a big circle, laughing at her angry expression for being woken up so suddenly and then we all start drifting away back to Corinthea’s.


  Securing my armor and sheathing the Blade of Oblivion at my side, I walk over to Cynide and sit down with her, in her small lynx form. I start to pet her behind the ears, enjoying the softness of her fur and wait to tell me why she’s been so quiet these last few hours while I prepare with the others for the spectacle. That’s all I can think to call it. We are going to be put on display in front of the heads of the Valkyries from other factions, as well as the people that reside here, count on the women that so proudly go to war for their realm whenever the call is sent out.

  “What’s wrong, little beasty?” I ask her aloud, and hold back the smile when her strange little purring, bark comes from her before she can think her thoughts to me.

  -You won’t let me fight by you,- she whines and I have to roll
my eyes.

  “Cynide, you are never this mad about something like that. I, we, have to show the others what can be done without things they don’t have. Valkyrie’s don’t have Agathions, only Demons. You know that. For them to see the entirety of what the women of this realm can do, it has to be the proper way. With swords, magic and strength,” I tell her and lean down into her hugging her small frame in my arms.

  -It’s battle, whether it is real, or a show, I am to be by your side in these things,- she retorts with frustration.

  I can tell there’s more she isn’t telling me so I poke a little deeper, hoping she comes out with whatever is on her mind.

  “That’s never been an issue with us, I always ask you what you want. I’m sorry this is one thing I can’t make happen, but it’s never been a big deal before. You can always, always, mist to me and you will be right there with the guys if anything happens. I need you, forever Cynide, I can promise you though, I want you too. You are mine, and I am yours, nothing can change that. Is this maybe because you want to show your own greatness, by my side for someone else to see?” The last question was said with an undercurrent of knowing and she senses it right off the bat.

  Her little head whips up and her small canines are on full display while she tries to look fierce and angry at me.

  -No,- is all she says and I immediately feel bad for pushing her.

  -I’m sorry, I didn’t think. Don’t be angry with me. I’m only trying to make things right, it sucks knowing you’re mad at me. Come one, please tell me what’s really wrong. There’s no way you can say nothing now, it’s all right there in the frustration you carry and the way you’re glaring at me,- I say into her mind, not wanting to involve anyone else that might be in earshot.


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