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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 80

by Trina Bates

  Her shoulders rise and fall heavily a few times before she turns to look at me once again. -We’re leaving, with that, I understand you and the others are leaving behind friends as well, the same people I will also miss, but the one that hurts the most is the one that is being so standoffish to me. I don’t know how to take his actions and words. I spent the time with him, it was wonderful. Nothing has been said in a bad way, but I can feel him pulling away. I do not like that at all.-

  Her pain is my own. Vieruz and her have been spending as much time as they can together and now that the inevitable has come, he’s being a jerk. He might not see it, and he might think he’s doing the right thing saving her heart. But he couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s hurting himself and her. When she leaves, he’s going to be stuck with his actions and feelings. If he doesn’t pull his head out of his ass, there’s going to be one giant Sleipnir that’s angry and might go all swarm of locusts, hell hath no fury, on those around him. Gor might be the only one to call forth his locusts, but I know if Vie really tried, and was hurt enough, even in his massive, eight legged horse form, he can do some massive damage.

  -Do you want me to say something? I can’t have you in the fight with me, these are his people too and if he saw that, us together, I’m sure he wouldn’t approve. It’s not how things are done here. But I will kick his big rear end if he’s not acting right. Let me at least say something to him?- I ask her, unsure of what I will actually say, but I have to show her that I’m here with her, and will do anything and everything to keep her heart, and mind happy.

  -No, that’s for me to do. I think I know what I need to say but the courage I seem to have when I’m with you has failed to aid me when I’m around him. Love you,- she finishes and saunters off without letting me respond. I shake my head and get to my feet with ease now that the giant belly is gone and go in search of my men. It’s time and I want to make sure Alyria is safe and happy before I step foot on the battle grounds that will show the rest of the people of this world what more they are capable of.

  * * *

  Standing in the center of the arena, Torunn and the Valkyrie mother stand together just in front of me as they address the heads of the other factions.

  “On this day, we hope to sway the minds of those that have opposed change in our ways for so long. We are learning many new things with the coming of a dual blood into our ranks. Her strengths have shown not only myself, but that of our true mother’s bloodline, what we as a race can truly accomplish if we push ourselves, our bodies, and our minds harder. What you will see today is a show of powers, unity, and magic.” On that last word, the eyes of the seven Valkyrie women on the dais raise. They are covered from head to toe in fine silken looking cloths and only their wise eyes stare at us. They settle on Torunn and then shift to me seeing that I am unlike them in many ways, my wings are tipped with red, as is my hair and my eyes are swirling with the same crimson that shows my Demon half.

  One hand, shaky with age raises from the robes and points to me, the cloth in front of her face blowing gently out as she speaks her words with the voice of a heavily aged woman.

  “You, half breed,” she says and my glare settles before I can remember to reign in my anger. Half breed. I’m nothing more to them than something they can wipe off their shoe. This is really going to be fun, but if I want to change things for the better, I need to show respect and lose the attitude.

  I bow my head to the woman without moving and wait for her to continue.

  “You are the one that has shown our Valkyries something new?” she asks and I lift my head, meeting her gaze.

  “I am only a part of it. They have seen what I can do, and we have trained for days to bring forth what I can only imagine is a small fraction of what else can be achieved, over time,” I say to her, my back straight and head up, proud, ready to take on whatever they bring.

  “Begin.” Is said in unison and the shoulders of Torunn and the Valkyrie mother fall in relief as they turn around to me and the others that are behind me.

  “They will choose who we spar with, keep your head low, they have an anger about them seeing you,” Torunn whispers when she passes me and drags me along with her.

  “Why? I did nothing,” I say with confusion and it takes everything inside of me not to turn around stare at the crones.

  “You are a dual blood. They don’t think you’re pure and if they see anything amiss, they will call everything we have worked so hard for, a falsity. They will not push through to the other factions of what they saw here, but they, I have a strange feeling, will try to tell others that the magic they saw only came from you, that you made us look like we were powerful and not truly so. They will have you go first so be ready. Something strange is in the air. Be on alert,” she finishes right as we get to the wall of the arena.

  The women that I have sparred with, fought with to learn the gifts they all have now, stand at the ready, their numerous weapons heald strongly in their hands as we await the call.

  “We are doing things differently. Each of you will battle another from a different faction. Bring forward whatever you chose, but remember, these are true Valkyries you are going up against, like yourselves, they have seen many years of battle. They know the truth of who we are. Our true mother, Alyria, might have a foothold here, but everywhere else, we’re taught of her and seek to only be as good as she. Let it begin. Half breed, you take on Karsha.” A new woman, crone, states with finality and when the name is said at the end, the hushed, worried whispers from the crowd frighten me. Something about that name instills fear in the others and I can’t seem to find my voice, for even a second to ask who she is.

  “I knew they were doing something, but this is unheard of!” Torunn hisses out but I can’t seem to bring a single thought together as my mind goes into hyperdrive. What if I end up bringing forth my other powers, those that are not Valkyrie? I can’t show what we have done if I use them. They are still volatile and have a mind of their own when my emotions come into play. The name of the woman I am to fight with already bringing my fire to me, but thankfully it stays just below the surface.

  “Dual swords, broadswords. I have never seen her bested. She is a wondrous creature and the size of Gorumund. Do not get within striking distance, she will… take you down,” Torunn informs me, scaring the ever loving ever loving shit out of me. I take my helm from under my arm and put it in place and then try to shake off some of the stress that is filling me.

  I take a hesitant step forward and wait for the doors to open at the other end of the arena. From behind my helm, the woman's towering frame comes into view, she’s not as big as Gor, but bigger. At almost eight feet tall, her arms are the size of my waist and the two giant swords she twirls in her hands are like an extension of her entirely.

  I ease my steps as I get closer to her wondering if she will make the first move or if I should try. Gauge her out. In the back of my mind, the thoughts that are there aren’t comforting. I am not a seasoned warrior like these women are. I am fresh, weeks fresh. I am still a pup compared to the women I have trained with. The only advantage I have is the magic that comes from the weapon that Gor forged for me, with my own blood infused.

  The giant woman, her face hidden behind her own helm cries out and rushes forward with both hands, swords steady in the air pointed directly at me. I barely miss the first swing of her first sword, the second does hit me. Right in the ribs where I have barely any plating to keep me safe. I swing harshly around and before I can ready myself, she’s there again, landing a sweeping kick that knocks me on the ground and right as I'm rolling away, one of her swords drops down, the tip pulling out some of my feathers from my wings. I cry out, the pain from that minimal, but the shock scarring me more than I would like to admit.

  There’s screams coming from everywhere in the arena, but I can’t dwell on them. I have to keep my mind on what’s right in front of me. A woman that is clearly not sparring, but taking me on as a true enemy. If we we
re sparring, she would not have dropped the sword, but held it, asking for my surrender. This is a lesson, what the crones want to see that I learn. Too bad for them, I don’t listen to that kind of teaching.

  Rolling further away, her steps so heavy on the ground below, I barely have the time to call on my powers. The Blade of Oblivion alighting with it’s incandescent blue hues, invigorating me, and sending the strength and courage I need right before Karsha can take my head off of my shoulders. My sword taking over, protecting me from the heavy attack that won't stop. Blow after blow is blocked, but I have yet to get a single hit of my own in. I’m being pushed back from her attacks and soon enough, my ass is hitting the wall and I’m blocked in. With nowhere to go, I look everywhere for an exit but see none that will get me out safely.

  A growl tears from me and I put both hands on my own sword and howl as I rush forward, forgetting all the others have taught me. I rush her and relish the sound of her cries when my blade tears through the metal of her armor, piercing her hip. I immediately draw back and go to the center of the arena once more. It might not be how I was taught, but if she wants to fight me, truly fight me, she will get the same back. Valkyries are beings of honor, integrity, loyalty and this woman has shown none of that. I won't give it to her in return either.

  With my resolve set, the sword in my hands alights with the flames fully showing the true gift that we all wanted to leaders to see, this is nothing more than what I carry from my Valkyrie side and all that I will fight with. I don’t think they could see the way it turned before, but now, the flames arising, gasps and murmurs start do drown out any thoughts within me and when Karsha turns, I can finally see her eyes now that she’s stopped trying to kill me. Wide, filled with fear and never leaving the blade in my hands.

  “Stop!” A screams tears through the arena and when I lower my sword, knowing from the voice it's the crone and she’s not to be trifled with. I stand still at the ready and wait for what she has to say.

  “You are not a true Valkyrie! You are not to use the other half of whatever you are to sway a match in your favor. That is not our way!” she cries out in anger standing and stomping her foot like a child. I roll my eyes and hear the steps of another coming up beside me, right as they reach me that’s when I stop holding back and say what’s really on my mind.

  “I am half Valkyrie, half Death Demon. Those are not Demon powers. Those are why you are here, to see what can truly be done when matched with a powerful weapon, and taught to call to that which you have all let nearly die within you. And if it’s not your way, explain to me why Karsha,” I pause spitting the name as I turn my head away from the crone and glare at the still frightened woman. “Tried to kill me instead of using what we, the head of this faction of Valkyries, agreed on. Even I know that’s not how you practice, it’s not your way, but she did. I have a feeling is was an order… if you want to kill me,” before I can finish that sentence, the sky darkens and rain so hot it’s nearly too hot to stand under pours down on us all and ground beneath us starts to quake. The screams of terror slam into me and I look to where Alyria and my guys are. But they seem fine, confused, but fine. Alyria is in Rhydian arms, safe and obviously still asleep. I turn to see the only places that the rain is hitting is the center of the arena and that of the dais that the crones are sitting it. The onlookers are fine but frightened, trying to leave from the still quaking ground.

  “What kind of magic is this?! You will die a treacherous death for what you are doing!” The crone screams and all I can do is shake my head in annoyance at her.

  “It’s not her!” Torunn shouts for me and the crone sets her eyes on Torunn. “You have let this happen, you will die along side of her! All of you will!” she screams and when rain is too much, soaking her to the bone, she stomps to the center of the arena where I am standing and pulls a small dagger from beneath her robes stalking closer to me with the blade ready to stab me. As if.

  “You are abomination, a stain on what we hold dear. You and those you that chose to side with you will die, along with your welp so your tyranny can no longer go on,” she seethes and that's when everything around me changes.

  The arena goes quiet as I pull my Hellfire to me, my anger rising with each second that she keeps herself within my grasp. My head tilts back and a laugh tears through me. My wings beating hard and taking me a few feet off the ground. Rhydian, Merrick, Ebbin and Rhett are all behind me, I can feel them. I can feel Alyria is safe in Grun’s arms and they are there for protections. Gor is beside Torunn with Vie and Cynide swiftly changes into her gorgeous pegasus form and all around me the world goes silent when the leaders see what they are coming up against. Even their own Valkyries, my friends, come to my aid.

  “So be it! You will all perish for your insolence!” The crone wails in frustration.

  “It’s you that will perish, you fool. You think you have the power to take us all on? You are a stain to your own people. I am not the only dual blood here amongst you, nor will I be the last if you end me. You are so set in your ways, you do not see the potential of your own people. You need to be replaced, death will find your company lovely.” My tone is more calm than I have ever heard it, and the words obviously rile the bitch more. Her black as tar wings shoot from her back and she leaps in the air, dagger in hand. I ready myself for her but she stops mid air, her head twisting around looking for whatever it is that has stopped her ambush. Her wings are still beating with everything she has, but she can’t move.

  “You have broken the laws that my ancestors placed. Giedreal, you are stripped of your wings and damned to the Father for eternity.” An all to familiar voice says from all around us. I know it but I can’t place it. I look around hoping to see who it is that has saved me, and all of the women from this crone’s treachery, but see nothing.

  “Mo, mmm, mother?!” Torunn whispers with twisted agony.

  I whip my head to her, and lower myself back to the ground.

  “Alyria?!” I exclaim and hope upon hope she shows herself, at least for Torunn.

  “Children born of me, hear these words. Our race of being is held to a standard that has no calibre to compare. We are the bringers of death, the soul savers, and the mighty. We are one, from dual bloods to pure breeds. If you hold an ounce of my blood within you, you are of me and of the people. How have you come so far with so much, but so little with others. I have watched for years, saddened by the failing of the leaders that are supposed to be strong, here and never ending in their minds to do what is righteous. You have fallen. This ends now.” Alyria says, leaving no room for rebuttal and then, beneath the still woman in the air, she appears. The most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. My ancestor and all that is good. I can feel it within her.

  Long, billowing, blonde hair reaching far past her waist, with the lightest blue eyes, almost white, seeing everything and filled with the knowledge of numerous lifetimes. Her gorgeous porcelain skin, flawless with a perfect, proud nose and full lips to accentuate her gorgeous features. Her large breasts pushing tightly against the gold clad armor that ornately made with a tree in the center of her breastplate. Her wide hips making me envious of how perfect she is. She’s a goddess.

  With whip of her hand, the crone crumbles into a pile of dust at her feet and we all stand there, mouths gaping, wordless as we try to comprehend what’s happening.

  “Mother, are you truly here?!” Torunn cries out rushing to the woman and throwing her arms around Alyria’s neck.

  “Hush, child of mine. I have returned because one of my own has untied the bonds that kept me and my beloved trapped. My will is my own, though his is tied to another. Though, I don’t think having to follow him will be too terrible,” Alyria says and locks eyes with me, winking and it all dawns on me.

  “Alyria? Love, Life, my Eternity, is it truly you?!” Grun breaths out in barely a whisper parting through us all and gently handing Alyria, my daughter over to Rhydian since he’s the first once he’s closest to.

seems you have aligned yourself with the truest being, dual in nature, dual in life, dual in powers. I did not think this day would come, but it has. You have changed my love, the years in Spriggan form have held you at a different standard than what you will remember now that I have returned. Are your memories coming back to you now?” she asks Grun and without a beat, Torunn moves away with wide befuddled eyes and it starts to dawn on her as well. This is her father, his mind was wiped no doubt by the mother like mine was. This is Alyria’s mate!

  “Wait, wait, wait!” I screech and throw my hands up in the air, calling my Hellfire back within me.

  “So, you had no idea who you were, you’re Alyria’s mate, and now memories are coming back to you? Alyria, you died in battle, or so we were told. How are you here?!” I hiss trying to figure it out not meaning to sound as rude as I’m sure I do.

  “I was, but if you know anything of us, you should know not all is as it seems. My heart is bound to my love, as is yours. My life, my eternity is tied to his own. When an old foe figured out that I could not die, that I would be reborn, he made a deal with the mother and father of this realm. His soul, for mine. It could not be done, but they found a way to keep me away. A curse on Grunwald, at least they let you keep your name,” she says with a sigh turning to kiss Grun on the cheek and then continues on. “They would curse Grun to be a Spriggan. His memories whipped until he found true happiness with another, but the catch, she or he, had to be a dual blood, of light and dark.” She stops and walks to me taking my hands in hers and smiling brightly to me. I can’t move, only stare at her, trying to make sense of all that she’s saying. “When aligned, and set free, that would take away my bonds. The father, being a more mischievous man, filled with a confidence that would be his undoing, accepted too quickly. He did not take into consideration that the mother could forsee certain things. She made her end of the deal knowing the man that wanted this, would stray too far from his own beliefs and hunger for a power greater than what he was given. She saw one, out of thousands of futures, one of which held you, Mira. Your birth was the beginning of his end. The man that poisoned my own Agathion, Alrion, the arrow that turned him against me, his bite taking my life, letting the curse begin. The ability for our kind to be granted Agathions when we reached maturity was also taken. They were now dark due to my death and the way it happened, and thus given to Demons. But that will all change now, because of you, and because of the one future that was seen and made to pass. I could have never ended him, but because of who you are, what you are and who you have also aligned yourself with, he will end, my curse fully broken and my freedom along with my mates, and the Agathions, granted once more. His own child bringing forth his demise that he could have never seen,” she finishes, with a smile so proud it takes me back.


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