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New Love

Page 34

by Mj Fields

  “Good job, rockstar,” she whispered.

  “Tessa sorry,” he said looking at her.

  She smiled; “I know” he lifted her up and kissed her.

  She pulled back, “I love you,” and jumped up and kissed him back.

  They waited outside the locker room, and Jenny and her girls waited on the other side of the hall. Ben saw Tessa glaring at her.

  “You have more class than that whole group put together Tess, let it go,” Ben whispered in her ear.

  “Lucas’s girl has a hot friend,” one of them said.

  She looked at Ben, and he smiled, “Well they aren’t blind,” he laughed, and she smacked him.

  “Lucas’ girl, keep that in mind bitches,” Jade yelled.

  “Mrs. Brooks, you be quiet now,” Ryan stood in front of her smiling, she glared at him, “Please.”

  Lucas walked out, and Jenny walked towards him. He brushed past her and walked towards Tessa.

  “Hey baby,” he picked her up and kissed her, “You ready to go to dinner?”

  “Are you?” Tessa smiled seductively at him.

  “Two days at home are going to be nice,” he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her head.

  Landon looked at the group of girls disapprovingly.

  “Daddy is hot too,” one said.

  Landon took Audrianna’s hand, and they walked out.

  “Lucas I have to go to the bathroom,” Tessa walked back towards the locker rooms.

  “Jenny, I want to talk to you,” she said, “without them.”

  The groupies walked away.

  “What is your problem?”

  “I don’t have one,” Jenny answered.

  “Why do you think it’s alright to hug and kiss on him?” she asked.

  “Tessa you really need to grow up, you’re not married and probably holding him back,” Jenny said.

  “Really Jenny, how grown up are you dating Miles and taking every opportunity to grope Lucas, how mature is that?” Tessa asked.

  “We’re in college Tessa-- a real college, we aren’t like you and your little Community friends,” she laughed.

  “Back off him, Jenny,” Tessa warned.

  “Or what Tessa?” she smiled.

  “He loves me; it’s not going to happen. He has dealt with crazy bitches before so whatever your game is he’s already played it and didn’t like it. You’re no different,” Tessa warned her.

  “Game on, Tessa,” she smiled.

  Lucas walked up to Tessa and took her hand.

  “Game over, Jenny,” he said and walked out with Tessa.

  “We okay?” she asked him.

  “Yeah but you need to stop confronting crazies. I don’t like seeing you get beat up,” he frowned.


  They pulled into Jade and Ryan’s house; this was the first time he had been back. He immediately noticed the landscaping improvements.

  “It smells like cookies in here,” Lucas laughed.

  “Yes Jade has been baking, a lot,” Ryan laughed.

  “Tessa you want to help me with my bags?” he smiled.

  “Sure,” grabbed one and ran up.

  Over the next moth, Lucas played a lot more. Miles was taking it easy, he hoped to be looked at by professional leagues and the SU coaching staff understood that. Lucas normally ended the game. Tessa was keeping busy and saw him on Wednesdays and Sundays.

  He left one Sunday and Ben and Alex pulled in.

  “How’s it going Tessa?” Ben asked pulling up a chair next to her as she worked on the computer.

  “Good, how is school Ben?”

  “Great,” he smiled, “You and Lucas doing alright?” Ben asked looking up at her.

  “Yes,” she smacked his hat. “How about your love life?”

  “I am single and enjoying college Tess,” he smiled.

  “Do you run into Lauren?” Tessa asked.

  “No, I avoid that. Your guy avoiding the groupies?” Ben smiled.

  “I think so, he better be,” Tessa said.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  He hugged her, “Good Tess, stay that way.”

  She looked at him and sat back, they looked at each other for a few minutes, and he finally smiled.

  “Whatcha thinking Tess?” Ben asked.

  “I think I would be pissed if Ben… I mean Lucas was hugging someone,” Tessa said turning red.

  “I think you had it right the first time girl,” he stood up, “Besides, I’m not like that, I don’t share,” he messed up her hair. “Come out and shoot girl.”

  She sat and thought how pissed Lucas would be, she called him, and he didn’t answer. She hung up.

  Her phone chimed it was him

  -Sorry baby, just got back didn’t hear the phone, kind of loud in here; I will call you before bed…LL

  -OK why is it loud?...LT

  He didn’t reply. She walked out and grabbed her bow.

  “And she graces us with her presence,” Ben smiled.

  “Ready to get your ass kicked?” Tessa smiled.

  “Bring it girl,” Ben laughed.

  He could tell she was pissed; she was hitting dead center each shot.

  “What’s up Tess?”

  She told him about the text and that she just felt he was distancing himself.

  “Drive up there Tess, take Phoebe with you, you deserve to know,” she looked at him like he was crazy, “Go Tess, get yourself an answer.”


  They drove up and pulled in, there were lights flashing in the windows on Lucas’s floor.

  “Looks like a party Tessa,” Phoebe said.

  They took the stairs and walked into the common area, there was a ton of people dancing, she didn’t see Lucas anywhere, and she felt relieved. She walked to his room, and the door was cracked. She peeked in and saw Jenny pinning him against the wall.

  “No, no naughty girl,” Lucas laughed.

  “They don’t need to know,” she laughed and kissed him, he pulled away and laughed.

  “Not going to happen, Jen.”

  “Fine just stand there,” she grabbed him and went down to her knees, she looked up.

  “Jen, get up.”

  “You already are,” she grabbed him and started going down; he leaned back against the wall.

  “God Jenny, please stop,” he grabbed her hair.

  He was enjoying himself.

  “I love my girl, Jenny,” he moaned as he thrust forward pushing his cock in her mouth further.

  “I love Miles, this is just for fun,” she continued.

  His hips continued to thrust, “You’re going to get me in trouble,” he laughed and stumbled back.,

  “Mmm… you taste so good.”

  “I’m gonna come in your mouth Tessa…I mean Jenny.”

  Phoebe grabbed Tessa who stood shocked.

  “Let’s go, Tessa.”

  They walked down the stairs, and Phoebe drove. Tessa was sick.

  Jose walked in and interrupted, “Links-- did you say hi to your girl?”

  Jenny stood up and smiled at him and left the room.

  “Jose, I’m sorry man,” Lucas said.

  “You owe me nothing man, but your girl stood here two minutes ago with a little blonde chick, you may owe her something,” he walked out and slammed the door.

  “FUCK!” Lucas grabbed his phone.

  She ignored his call

  -Tessa, please call me…LL

  She didn’t respond.

  -fine, I’m on my way to your place we need to talk…LL

  -I’m not home…T

  -I see, well I’ll be there when you get there…LL


  -Jose saw you here, we need to talk..LL

  -We have nothing to talk about ever again!..T

  -Tessa don’t do this…LL


  She went home and went to bed. Ben walked in and looked at her, and she was crying.

��Oh Tess, don’t cry,” he hugged her, “Not good?”

  “No,” she whimpered. Her phone rang again, “Don’t answer it, Ben.”

  “Okay Tess, okay” Ben pulled her into a hug, and she held tightly to him while she cried into is chest. “I’m so sorry, whatever happened, I’m sorry.”

  “He was getting a blow job from Jenny,” Tessa sobbed, and he held her tighter.

  “Tess you are going to be alright girl?” he held her.

  Her phone chimed… it was him

  -Tessa are you home? I need to explain. I tried to stop her, she kissed me, and I told her no, I was in my room baby, she came in, nothing I could do, please call me…LL

  Ben looked at Tessa with deep concern in his eyes.

  -I told you I’m done, and yes you told her no but it was NO NO Naughty girl, encouraging her, you didn’t fight her off very well after that. I watched her go down on you and your hands were wrapped in her hair. You told her you were going to come in her mouth! I wish you the best Lucas, always…T

  She hit send and started crying again, “What the hell was I thinking?”

  Her phone chimed it was him

  -Tessa I love you… please talk to me..LL

  -oh yes I heard you tell Jenny you loved me, and then you let her SUCK YOUR DICK. Again I am done, and if YOU DON’T STOP TEXTING ME I AM CHANGING MY NUMBER!...Tessa

  Minutes later Alex walked into her room, “Tessa Lucas is on the phone.”

  “Tell him I HATE HIM” she yelled and cried.

  “Lucas, she’s not going to talk to you right now, sorry,” Alex said.

  “Yeah I heard she hates me, sorry Alex. Thanks for trying.”

  “Lucas be safe man,” he said.

  Her phone chimed-

  -You don’t hate me Tessa, we love each other, and when you’re ready to talk I’ll be right here, not fucking up, take as long as you need, I love you baby, and I’m so sorry…LL

  Chapter 22

  Tessa and Jade got ready for the Homecoming Dance. It had been two weeks since she had talked to Lucas. She changed her number the day after things had happened. SU was playing an away game, and Tessa felt pretty good about not having to see him. She thought about Toby today, she had gone to the dance last year with him. She wasn’t going to cry, she was going to have fun. Jade and Ryan were waiting for her, she was wearing her favorite color, light blue. Tessa had her hair highlighted and had done her make up perfectly. She stared in the mirror and although she looked goo, she wondered what it was about her that wasn’t enough for him. What could she have done better? What did he see that pushed him into someone else’s arms, or fucking mouth!

  “Ben said he’d come if you want him to, Tessa,” Alex whispered from behind her.

  “No, I’m going to have fun tonight with you guys. I want him to be happy and have dragged him into enough,” she forced herself to walk away from the mirror and the dark road her insecurities were bringing her.

  They walked in, and Tessa saw Cassidy, “Come dance with us.”

  Tessa joined them and danced, laughed and had fun. She slow danced with anyone who asked, there was no one to get mad. She was free to have fun. She and Kendall cut up the place, she loved that she had time to spend time with her.

  Tessa was dancing with Pizza Boy when she saw Jose. She excused herself and walked out of the gym and kicked her shoes off and ran to the bathroom. As she turned the corner and ran right into Lucas.

  “Tessa you look beautiful,” he hugged her.

  She stepped back and looked away from him; she found it hard to breathe. Tessa took a deep breath and walked around him and went into the bathroom. She squatted down and took deep, slow, controlled breaths.

  She was in the bathroom for about twenty minutes when Jade came in, “Tessa they’re announcing King and Queen, you need to come.”

  “What is he doing here?”

  “He was king last year remember?” Jade held her hand.

  Tessa shook her head no.

  “Let’s go do this Tessa and then if you want to leave we can okay?”

  Tessa stood on stage holding the crowns.

  Lucas walked on stage, and she looked quickly away, everyone cheered.

  “Alright let’s do this,” Lucas yelled to the cheering masses and then turned towards Tessa.

  His eyes bore into her, and she wanted to cry.

  Tessa crowned the King and Queen and quickly left the stage.

  She danced with Pizza Boy, “Party at camp after?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” The song ended, and she grabbed Kendall.

  Kendall smiled, “You alright?”

  Tessa rolled her eyes, “Of course!”

  Ryan, Alex, Lucas, and Jose stood on the edge of the dance floor and talked.

  “A few of us are going to camp after this if you guys want to come.”

  “Are you sure Alex?” Lucas said.

  “Yeah she hates you, but would hate me if I wasn’t your friend. I’m not sure what happened, and I don’t want to know, just let her get through whatever this is.”

  “Phoebe didn’t tell you?” Lucas asked.

  “Nope, Tessa is pretty closed mouth about things. Phoebe is her friend, and they are both very loyal,” Alex said.

  Tessa rode with Cassidy and Pizza Boy; she stopped at the house and got changed. They pulled in, and she got out. She walked up to the fire and saw Lucas there, “Perfect,” she whispered to Cassidy rolling her eyes.

  They stood and talked for awhile and Tessa went to camp to grab some chairs. Lucas walked in. She froze.

  “Tessa sorry… I was coming to grab some chairs,” he said and shoved his hands in his pockets. He had changed into jeans, an SU sweatshirt and a white hat.

  “That’s fine Lucas, we’re going to have to deal with each other someday,” she said, as if it were no big deal.

  “I miss you.”

  “No. You don’t get to.”

  “Tessa baby.”

  “Or that,” she closed her eyes, “This is not going to work. More time, that’s what you need,” she said to herself and tried to walk out.

  Lucas grabbed her and hugged her. Tessa started crying immediately. He stroked her hair and rubbed her back as she sobbed. He said nothing. He sat on the couch and held her. She stopped crying, and he looked down at her, she was asleep curled up in a beautiful little ball. He fell asleep wishing he could turn back time. Alex walked in and saw them and shook his head, he walked back out.

  “Is she okay?” Phoebe asked.

  “They’re asleep.”

  “Oh,” Phoebe frowned.

  “You don’t like him, do you?”

  “I don’t hate him, but I love her,” she looked down.


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