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Memorizing Mace (Twist Brothers Book 2)

Page 13

by Bex Dane

  "God, Mace." I wrap my hands around his head and pull him closer as he teases my nipple with his lips and tongue. I want him so badly, my skin sizzles and shakes with thirst for him.

  His massive, rock-hard cock presses urgently between my thighs, demanding entry that is blocked by the clothes we're still wearing.

  His hand grabs my butt cheek and squeezes. "These pants. Off." He maintains the kiss as he fusses with the buttons.

  In his impatience with my leather pants, we topple to the hardwood floor, his arms cushioning my fall as we tumble over and he lands on top of me. He's a man on a mission and attacks the closure to my pants again. I can barely pay attention to the details, but somehow he gets them open and I raise my hips, allowing him to yank them down my legs. They get stuck on my boots, and he leaves them there. He rips my underwear and dives in with his mouth. The hair on his chin tickles my thighs as his curly hair creates a privacy screen like we're under a blanket instead of in the middle of some random living room.

  My fingers twine in his hair as he slowly presses his tongue flat and gentle against my clit, then rolls and flicks. He repeats this motion harder and faster, bringing me higher to the verge of crying. My hips rise up and I realize my legs are strapped together by my pants, preventing me from wrapping them around him. The physical limitation is maddening. I'm aching for him to go deeper, wanting to be consumed by him until neither one of us remains separate, only one body writhing and pulsing as one.

  At the worst possible time, without warning, he pulls away and presses his wet lips to my navel, circling his tongue there in a vicious imitation of what he was doing.

  My voice comes out pleading and strangled. "Mace!"

  "Not yet, babe." Thankfully, he's unzipping my boots and working my pants all the way off.

  Once my legs are free, I kick his hips and force him onto his back. He laughs as I climb on top of him and grab the top button of his jeans.

  "Two can play at that game." I have his pants open and good Lord, he was commando under there. It's like opening a present that keeps on giving. He's all man and fully turned on.

  I drop down and pull the tip of his giant cock between my lips, open, and slip down. I use my hand to crank the bottom of his shaft because it's so big there's no way it will all fit in my mouth.

  He throws his head back and moans. "Fuck, Lola. You suck my cock so goddamn good. Don't stop."

  That reminds me of the trick he pulled on me, so to pay him back, I stop. I sit up and smile at him as I wipe my lower lip. I'm breathing heavy and my lips part.

  His eyes widen and he looks down confused, then his lips spread into a wicked grin. He does a sit up, grabs me by my ass, and we're up and flying around the room again.

  We land back on the armoire with the mirror. He pierces me with his giant cock and I'm transported. This is too good. I'm in a place where he can keep pumping into me forever and I'll never want him to stop.

  I bounce up and down on his dick and he pulls his lips back over his teeth. His frame tightens like he's fighting off a freight train.

  A monumental force pushes through me, stealing my breath and sending me out of my body and straight to heaven. Only Mace. Never has anyone else made me feel like this.

  He stops and pulls out, turns me around so my knees face the mirror, and then he's lifting me up by my waist. He enters me from behind, his hands on my breasts. "God, look at you."

  I'm sitting with my knees spread on an armoire, looking at my naked body getting fucked from behind by Mace and his giant dick. My breasts are red and heaving, and he's biting my shoulder as he watches in the mirror.

  "Watch me ram into you."

  My eyes fall closed as my head lolls back.


  I force my attention back to the mirror. One of his hands moves down to my clit and massages it. The hair from his chest and his rock hard muscles rub against my back, and I'm suspended in Mace. He pinches my nipple. "Come hard for me, Lola. Give it to me." He adds a finger where his dick is thrusting in. His hand is so big, his palm is mashing my clit while his fingers thrust inside, and I'm captive in his arms. I'm helpless to stop him. I'm a writhing, living creature and nothing else matters.

  I'm pulsing around him and he's groaning in my ear. "I could watch you come like that forever. Don't stop."

  And I'm not. It keeps coming and rolling through me in waves and grunts, forcing me to gasp for air. Somehow, I'm spinning again, and he's entering me from the front. His mouth smashes down on mine while his hips ram up into me. I am full of Mace. It feels like this could go on forever as another orgasm builds deep in my core. "Oh my God." I can't believe this is happening.

  "Yes. Yes, babe. I make you come again and again." His voice scratches. "You feel so good. So damn good," he murmurs against my lips. He growls and slams hard into the armoire until the glass is shaking. He's not watching anymore. His eyes are closed, but I can only imagine what we look like in the mirror. "You come alive for me. You fall apart for me. Got it? Only me."

  "Yes, Mace."

  He pulls my hair and my chin juts up. He's sucking and kissing all over it when he rams up and his hips spasm. He grunts and holds his breath, as we fall over the edge together.

  With a final groan, his head collapses on my shoulder. He turns sideways, and his hot breath caresses my neck. "Mmm."

  I'm purring, totally satisfied and stunned by the incredible presence of this man. I've dreamed of being with him like this for so long and now it's here, I can barely wrap my head around it.

  "That was wicked evil, Mace. Why'd you do that?"

  He chuckles. "Did you see the way your lioness came out to fight? That's why I did it. You light up like searchlights shining powerful beams into the night sky. I could watch it forever."

  I laugh too because he's right. It drove me wild and made it all the more earth shattering.

  We stand there wrapped in each other for a long while. The sweat between us cools, and the sticky parts start to dry. He pulls away to kiss my lips. The virulent volcano is finally at rest.

  "I want more." He kisses my neck.

  "Me too, but not here. We don't even know whose house this is."

  We separate and fix our clothes. He picks his jacket up off the floor and grabs my hand. "Let's go home."

  I squeeze his hand back and smile.

  I'm a little nervous about going back to Twist Cabins, but somehow with Mace by my side, I feel invincible. We'll face whatever comes our way together.

  Chapter 16 The Lone Ranger

  When we get to his truck, Mace chuckles when he sees Helix has thrown my bag in the back. I guess Helix saw the writing on the wall.

  On the way home, he reaches across the seat and tugs my shoulder closer until I'm cuddled up next to him. He's smiling with one hand casually draped over the wheel.

  "You look happy." I'm stating the obvious, but it's different too. He's normally easy-going, but he has a joy in his eyes that wasn't there before. He's also noticeably not touching the radio stations.

  "I am." He squeezes my shoulder and glances at me. "Do you know how hard it was to look for you while at the same time not drawing attention to you?"

  "How long were you looking for me?"

  "I knew right after you left I'd screwed it up. Started looking for you a week ago after a few words with my family."

  "I'm still worried about going back. I don't want you to fight with them over me."

  He looks at me and smiles. "They will accept you unconditionally this time. My mom forgave you the second she realized it was you on that helicopter. Most of the others came around when you showed up at dinner with yams. Remy and Sutton held onto that shit for their own twisted reasons. It had nothing to do with you and me. They need to work it out between themselves, and I told Sutton as much."

  "That's awesome, Mace. Thank you. I'm really shocked you'd do all that for me."

  "Nothing I wouldn't do for you. Stop being shocked and start accepting it. We're gonna see where
this thing goes. If it keeps going the way it is, I can see us falling in love, making a life together. Shit. I'm shocked too, but my gut's guiding me on this one. We can't let it slip away over a stupid fight."

  I snuggle into his chest and close my eyes. "All right."

  "We do have a few issues to talk about."

  Uh oh. "Okay."

  "I want you to lay low at Twist Cabins for a while, until I take care of Diablo."

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "You know about the bounty on you?" He pats my shoulder to comfort me, but nothing can soften the blow of those words.

  "There's a bounty on me?"

  He shakes his head. "You didn't know? If you want to be a bounty hunter you gotta keep up on these things. Bounty on Leona Hart, million bucks dead, half a mil alive. I assume it's Diablo, and it's worth more to him to see you dead."

  "Oh my God. Or it could be Giselle."

  "True. So you can see why I wasn't pleased with you running around with Helix. He could turn on you and claim the money. He gets greedy, he'd kill you first and deliver the body."

  An icy chill trickles down my spine. "I had no idea. I really think I can trust Helix. He never tried anything, and I was sleeping in his bed."

  His arm grows stiff around me. "You slept in his bed?"

  "He slept on the couch. Nothing happened. We can trust him."

  "Verdict's out on Helix. I can't read him. He's like a damn robot. Also, Cutter's been in contact with the FBI on Arthur's case. The girl you were looking for, Hannah Clark, they found her body. She's dead."

  My heart sinks and I gasp. "Where?"

  "Little Santa Rosa Island. Three bodies buried out there. You would've been number four."

  "What was going on on that island?"

  "The FBI is chasing down Giselle. They have evidence Diablo shipped drugs through there and used women as mules. Some of them ended up dead, and he'd bury them there. That was the new job they had in store for you."

  "I saw signs of that connection too, but I kept it to myself."

  "You were snooping around asking about the missing girl. You make Diablo nervous anyway because of your dad."

  "What do you mean about my dad?"

  "Your dad bought drugs from him. It's possible your dad wasn't paying up and was threatening to flip on him when he got arrested and ended up dead."

  Okay. This is too much. I sit up and pull away from him. "You think Diablo killed my dad?"

  "It's possible. Or had someone do it. I wouldn't put it past him. He's sadistic and puts drugs and money over everything. You should see how messed up his kids are."

  It's hard to process all the emotions at once. I'm sad, shocked, and angry. Mostly I'm angry. "I want him."

  "Nope. Let the FBI or me and my brothers handle this. You're too close to it. You'll blow it."

  My lips sputter, and I scoot even farther away from him. "Have you ever seen me blow it?"

  "Which one of us refused to go the wrong way down a one-way street?" He gives me the side eye.

  "That was a mental block. The memories." I cross my arms and stare out the window. He's making me angry, and we just got back together. I don't want to fight again.


  He needs to understand what happened. "I would totally go the wrong way now. It was my memories stopping me. My mind didn't want to remember going the wrong way down a one-way street when he kidnapped me."

  He growls. "I'm gonna kill that asshole."

  "Now who's too close to it? You're not thinking rationally either."

  "I never do. Doesn't stop me. It's different."

  "It's not. Let me in on it, or I won't give you the intel I have."

  "What do you have?"

  "I have his entire phone. I conned his service provider to switch his data to another phone."

  "You did?" His lip turns up and he looks impressed.

  "I just needed his security information, and I found it all through research. The phone had passwords and emails I used to access his accounts. I put everything in a database. I can tell you anything you need to know about Marval Diablo Rios, but you have to include me in any plans."

  "I don't make plans."

  "The last time you went in without a plan, you ended up with a fistful of cocaine in your eyes. You could've lost your vision. Include me in this. I've been working this case. I have the intel and the training. The hit is on me. He killed my father, and now he wants me dead. You include me."

  "No." His fingers start tapping on the wheel. We're both getting upset again, but this is important.

  "Fine. I'll go after him myself."

  "You will not."

  "I'll do whatever I need to do. I'm a cop. Even worse, I'm a broke cop out of a job, there's a bounty on my head, and I have nothing to lose."

  He pulls over to the side of the road, and the gravel crunches under the wheels as we roll to a stop. "Some things in your life are gonna change right now, and I'm gonna lay it out for you because you don't seem to be getting it. You're not the Lone Ranger anymore. At the hospital you said you didn't have anybody else. Now you do. You got me, and I come with a whole family. So you're not alone, and I don't want to hear you saying you got nothing to lose because I'm thinking if I lost you I'd lose everything."

  "Okay." Mace keeps blowing me away. I want it to be true so badly. I move closer again and snuggle under his arm. "I don't want to lose you either."

  "But you're right about being a cop and having the skills. We shouldn't exclude you. I know from watching my mom it's hard to keep a woman hell-bent on getting involved out of the way."

  I nod.

  "So we'll do this together. I'll let you plan it because you're right. Diablo is high up on the chain in the drug cartel, and he didn't get there by getting suckered."

  "From what I can see from his phone, he's well-connected and doing high-dollar deals with a lot of famous people."

  He nods and pulls the truck onto the mountain road up to Twist Cabins. After a few minutes he says, "You don't have to worry about money anymore. I'm funding this from here on out."

  Mace keeps hitting me deep in the gut with his proclamations. "That's nice of you, but I support my half-siblings. I need to keep working doing the bounty hunting for them."

  "You can't keep working with the bounty over your head. I'm lucky I got to you before they did. Your siblings will have whatever they need. I'll see to it."

  "I can't ask that of you."

  "It's already done. Accept it."

  I want to fight him, but I know I'll lose. Mace is determined today, and all I can do is go along with it. If he wants to help me, I have to let him. "This is like a dream."

  "This is only the beginning."


  Back at Pleasure Mountain, he parks his truck and comes around to help me out of the passenger seat. "Can we sneak back to your cabin without being seen?"

  "Probably not. Knowing my family they're watching us right now." He bends down to plant a kiss on my lips. "Let's give 'em something to talk about." He grabs my waist and dips me back as he deepens the kiss.

  My body instantly lights up for him, and I don't care who's watching. I kiss him back with the fervor of a thousand giants. He wraps an arm behind my back, lifts me up and over his shoulder, and all I can see is his boots as he carries me up the hill caveman-style. Mace's entire family—if they're watching, which I'm not sure if they are because I can't see because I'm upside down—is now getting a first-person view of my butt in leather pants. This is not the way I wanted to come back to Twist Cabins.

  Inside his cabin, he flips me over and plants me on my feet, but I'm up again in a second with my back against the door and Mace's huge body caging me in.

  He's kissing me and ramming up into my core as I lock my feet together behind his back.

  A knock sounds from outside. "Mace? It's Sutton."

  "Go away."

  "Dad wants me to ask if you can teach the haka tomorrow morning." I'd forgotten Mace somet
imes teaches classes at his family's self-defense studio.

  "You coulda texted me."

  "Is Loralei here?"

  "No," he barks back through the door.

  "Please, I saw her with you. I really need to talk to her."

  He growls and looks to the ceiling as he lowers me to the floor. He's floppy like a stubborn teen as he opens the door. He steps back until I'm face-to-face with Sutton.

  "Loralei. I'm sorry. It wasn't fair what I did. I let my emotions take over, and I wasn't thinking rationally. The past is history. I need to let it go. Can we start again? I'd like us to be friends."

  Okay. This family is too much. Do they talk about everything? So, I guess if I'm going to be part of this, I need to reciprocate. "I'm sorry too, about everything. I'd really like us to be friends too."

  She hugs me. "Awesome." She smiles and looks from me to Mace, who is towering behind me with one hand on the door.

  "We done here?"

  "Oh, yeah, sure. See you tomorrow!" Sutton spins on her heels and walks away. Mace closes the door and scoops me up by my butt again. He carries me to the bedroom then into the bathroom. "Mace, you don't need to carry me. I can walk."

  "But this is more fun."

  After an hour of steamy shower sex, we're lying in bed wearing only towels. Mace rolls on top of me and kisses me.

  "Your lips are swollen and red."

  "Someone's been aggressively kissing me for hours now."

  "Hmm. I wonder who."

  "Could it be the man who rescued me off an island? Saved my life? Forgave me and helped me remember what I'd forgotten?"

  "Sounds like a fantastic guy. A real keeper. Don't let him go."

  I kiss him as I'm laughing. "I should get up and work on a plan to deal with Diablo." I push up on his shoulders but he doesn't budge.

  "Tomorrow. Tonight stay here in my bed." He wiggles his hips and aligns our bodies.

  "I shouldn't."

  "I'll make you."

  "How will you do that?"

  He kisses my neck and I melt again. "Not fair."

  "We have years of lost time to make up for. We've got tonight for that. Tomorrow you plan."


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