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Memorizing Mace (Twist Brothers Book 2)

Page 14

by Bex Dane


  Chapter 17 The Haka


  I'm powering into her and losing my mind as I finally bring her home. My hand is on her neck as she arches back, parts her lips, and struggles through desperate gasps before she moans, long and deep through her orgasm. The pulsing of her sweet pussy squeezing my dick sends me flying, and I'm incoherent, seeing stars, trying to savor it, but unable to focus on all of it at once.

  I collapse on top of her in a sweaty, panting, sticky heap of flesh and hair. Best sex ever. Making love to this woman is absolute nirvana.

  We're both smiling as the adrenaline zings unfettered, our hearts and bodies still shake with aftershocks.

  "God, Mace. What are we doing?"

  "We're fucking like monkeys." We've been up most of the night testing limits, exploring bodies, and rolling around on the floor like teenagers. "I'll let you rest five minutes then I got something else that'll rock your world."

  She shakes her head from side to side. "No." She drags out the word. "I can't take any more."

  "Okay. I'll give you ten minutes."

  "Don't you have to teach a class or something? What did Sutton call it?"

  "The Haka," I say quietly.

  "Is it some kind of war dance?"

  I roll off her and look up at the ceiling. "No. Common misconception. It's used less rarely for war prep, more often for momentous events. It's a celebration of life."

  She turns and rests her torso on top of mine, her hand under her chin.

  "Have you ever been back to Hawaii? What island are you from?"

  "Oahu. No. I haven't been back."

  "Why not?"

  "Haka is about family. My bio family in Hawaii left me homeless and hungry on the street. They abandoned me. I gave them up when I came here."

  "How old were you?"

  "Only two. I don't even remember my mom or dad. They signed away custody and never contacted me."

  "Have you thought about contacting them?"

  I sigh a long, heavy sigh and pull her closer. Lola asks all the hard questions. "I don't usually talk about it."

  "I want to know."

  "I thought about it when I was younger. I had this fantasy I'd go back to Oahu and become a surf legend. Now that I'm the big brother to so many other adopted kids, I don't want it. This is my family. I don't want to go pretend to love a stranger. I feel like it would disrespect my parents and dredge up a lot of old shit that can't be healed with words. I'm sure my bio parents just wanted what's best for me. I don't need to hear them say it or make them feel guilty for their decision. Does it matter if they know I'm happy now? Some of the kids have done it. It's not for me."

  She stares up at me, waiting for me to continue, but I always land here whenever I get the idea of contacting my birth parents.

  "Knowing you the way I do now, that makes sense to me. The past is inconsequential. We can't change it or talk it away. We move forward and enjoy today."

  One more thing I like about Lola. She's a good listener. She's compassionate and caring.

  "My grandfather was a true surfing legend. Can't top that. California waves are some of the best in the world. Now I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to surf in Hawaii, but I wouldn't want to go looking for my bio parents."

  "I saw Henry's tree. I didn't know he was a surf legend."

  "Yeah. There's a book about him and his wife. My dad has Henry's original copy of it. It's worn on the pages because it's been read so much."

  "I'd love to see it."

  I kiss her hard and pat her ass. "Later today I'll show it to you. We should probably get up for the haka practice now.”


  "Bar-b-que catered by Blackie's after, so you don't have to bring the fucking yams."

  She slaps my chest. "Ha! Mila's face when her sweet little daughter blurted that out. I had to hold back from cracking up. So cute."

  "She is cute. And she's probably waiting for us. We're ten minutes late already."

  "We are?" She hops out of bed and starts looking for her clothes. I sit back and watch the show. She looks gorgeous naked. "Mace! I'm nervous enough about seeing your family again. I don't want to be late too. Let's go!"

  I chuckle and haul my ass out of the bed to get dressed. "You're good for me, Lola."

  "I am? How's that?"

  "You wanna be on time for something, just get out of bed naked and run around. You'll have my full attention."

  She chuckles and slips her bra on. "One thing."


  "If you ever wanted to go back to Hawaii, I'd like to be there with you."

  Her words punch me in the gut. She wants to be by my side if I face down those memories. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

  She blushes and looks away as she finishes getting dressed. I put on my karate uniform, and her eyes bug out when she sees me. She licks her lips and grins in a wicked way that makes me want to take my lioness back to bed right now.

  We're both smiling as we make our way out the door to practice the haka with my family. Somehow, with just a few words, she made it mean so much more to me than it did before, and it was pretty damn important before.

  I take her hand and squeeze it. "Glad you're here with me, Lola."

  "I bet you are. You haven't had monkey sex like that ever before. Have you?"

  My bark of laughter echoes out over the treetops into the night sky. "No, I haven't. I've never met anyone like you."

  Chapter 18 Hit Me


  Everyone is waiting for us by the boxing ring when we wander up. I'm struggling to hide my mortification at being late, but Mace's casual gait and easy-going smile make it seem like it's totally acceptable to walk up twenty minutes late to a class he's supposed to be teaching.

  He keeps hold of my hand while he greets his dad with the Twist handshake, skipping the shoulder grab because his left hand is firm in mine. His dad doesn't say anything about us being late. He's probably used to it and too kind to nag Mace over it.

  He gives his mom a more traditional hug and still keeps my hand tight in his. It's awkward but comforting that he wants to reassure me like he is. "Hi, Loralei. Glad you could make it." Mila has to be one of the nicest, prettiest moms I've ever met. How could I have hated this family so much before now? I know. It was jealousy. I'm lucky these people are so kind and forgiving they'd accept me here today.

  "You're late, douchenozzle."

  Clearly Cutter has no issues calling Mace out for who he is as he approaches us from the direction of the cabins. His arm is draped over Cass's shoulder, and I'm struck by what a handsome couple they make. She's petite and blonde. He has darker hair and is a lot taller, but they seem perfectly matched for each other.

  "You're ugly. Just be glad I showed up at all. I coulda flaked on your ass leaving you all standing here waiting for me to arrive and save the day. Here I am." He finally lets go of my hand to raise up his arms and spin in a circle.

  It makes me laugh, and Cass is smiling when she leaves Cutter's side to step over and greet me. "Hi, Loralei. How're you doing?" She seems genuinely concerned for me and touches my arm just above my elbow.

  "Good. Excellent." I'm looking around the space for Sutton and Remy, but I don't see them. Maybe they decided not to come. I'd be so relieved to avoid that confrontation. It's selfish of me to feel that way though. I shouldn't wish for members of Mace's family to avoid coming home.

  There was a time I would've loved to sow chaos for the Twists like that, but not now. Not anymore. These people are being so nice to me. I really don't deserve it.

  Mace takes my hand again and leans down to whisper in my ear. "Relax. It's okay, my lioness. This is a safe place. Just be yourself."

  I smile up at him, but I'm sure he sees the doubt all over my face.

  "You are welcome here. Forget the past. The future has lots of monkey sex in it."

  I'm blushing and laughing when he works his lips into the side of my neck and takes a
playful bite. It's a simple thing but also a huge show of affection in front of his family. The tingling between my legs reminds me of how far Mace and I have come in a short time. It makes me feel like I can heal the wounds with his family too.

  "Let's get started." Mace claps his hands behind me and everyone snaps into motion, jumping through the ropes, up into the square ring they use like a stage.

  "C'mon. You can sit with me. We get front row seats." Cass takes my arm and guides us over to some chairs.

  There's some confusion as they line up. "Should I save a spot for Remy?" Blaine asks.

  "No. If he's late, he stands in the back," Mace replies.

  This seems to answer a lot of questions because they fall into line quickly after that. Mace stands at the front facing them. He starts to talk about the haka and how they should put all their passion into every move. Cass leans over to whisper in my ear, "I remember meeting you here the night Jareth Quicksilver came up to cause trouble. We talked and you said Mace was more than nice, he was like a Hawaiian Jesus." She smiles like it was a fond memory.

  "I said that?" Another wave of guilt crashes over me. I caused that fight. Nope. I'm forgiven. Not letting it get me down anymore.

  "Yes. I remember laughing and thinking you pegged him exactly, and he's hard to describe in so few words. It was obvious you were crazy about him then."

  "Was it?"

  She nods. "Anyway, I'm happy for you it's working out with Mace."

  "Thanks." Okay. These people need to stop being so nice to me, or I'm going to cry.

  Luckily Mace is done talking to them, and he's turning around to face me. He grins like a naughty boy and winks as he strips off his shirt, flashing me with his gorgeous abs I've been worshipping for what feels like forever. My stomach flips. With his wink and partial striptease, a wave of renewed confidence washes over me. If he's brave enough to strip in front of his family, I should be strong enough to withstand a little humiliation, eat a little crow, and accept their forgiveness. He's right. I am welcome here. These are nice people, and they aren't holding grudges, so I should let go of the guilt. I have lots of wild monkey sex to look forward to. No need to sulk.

  Mace barks out something tribal and savage. His family answers back with foot stomping and slapping their own bodies to make sounds.

  Mace chants out a cry like an injured animal. They respond with a guttural grunt of affirmation. It's like he's calling out for help and they are saying, we are here for you. Mace's face grows dark and serious as the dance progresses, and his calls become more tortured.

  Out of nowhere, someone charges the stage. My first instinct is to protect Mace, and I stand up. Then I realize the person is Remy. He barrels into Mace and knocks him down. We all watch in shocked horror as Mace and Remy wrestle on the mat.

  Foster takes a step to intervene then stops himself. His face is tight with the effort. Mace throws Remy off and stands up. "You want a piece of this? Come get it." Mace challenges Remy with his arms out, chest heaving, eyes intense, and fingers curling inward. The Volcano has been activated, and he's beautifully terrifying.

  Remy shakes his head imperceptibly. Not enough to be a firm no. He's breathing heavily too and staring at Mace like he's shocked at himself for rushing him. My heart thumps a frantic beat against my ribcage.

  "C'mon. Hit me." Mace throws his arms back and puffs out his chest. "Hit me and let's be done with this."

  Remy looks down at Sutton who also arrived as the haka started. She's standing on the ground at the side of the ring. She shakes her head no and trembles, but Remy turns his gaze back to Mace.

  "Go ahead. Hit me. Then it's over. We never speak of it. Hard as you can. Right here." He smacks his abs with his palm flat.

  Remy snarls and takes three short steps before punching Mace in the stomach. Mace heaves like he's about to vomit, his lips pressed tight together. Mila covers her mouth with her hands. Cass and Sutton look away. The guys are… laughing? I can't believe Remy just punched Mace in the stomach, and his brothers and his father think it's funny.

  Remy opens his arms and offers his torso to Mace. Mace doesn't hesitate and socks him lower in the gut, where it has to hurt more. Remy doubles over and grips his stomach, but he's also gritting his teeth through a smile. "Ow, fucker."

  Mace struggles to stand straight. "We good?"

  Cass, Sutton, and Mila are giving in to the laughter too.

  Is this a normal thing at the Twist residence? This is how they solve problems? By taking free shots at each other?

  "We're good now." Remy hugs Mace, both of them chuckling and happy, patting each other on the back. I think I even hear a "Love ya, man" from Mace.

  As weird as it seems to me, they obviously love each other, and the fight was their twisted way of showing it.

  Sutton hops on the stage and wraps her arms around both of them. Something big has happened here, and I hope it means Mace and Remy can be brothers again like they were before I came into the picture. It looks like there's been some healing. I'm hopeful!

  They break from their hug, and Mace motions with his hand for me to come up on the stage. I shake my head no.

  He jumps over the rail, grabs my hand and awkwardly pulls me up onto the stage. His brilliant smile blinds me, and I'm still in shock when he plants a hot wet kiss on my lips that sends a surge of desire bounding up from my core. He dives into the kiss, tangling our tongues and releasing the horses from the gate. I have to stop him, or we'll end up doing the horizontal mambo right here in his family's boxing ring.

  He grins and wipes his lip as he tugs my hips up against his body. "I told you everything would work out."

  "I shouldn't have doubted the ways of Mace," I say somewhat jokingly. I didn't think fighting with Remy would solve anything, but apparently it has.

  "Your face was so funny. You were truly scared."

  "I was not."

  "You worried I'd get hurt?"

  No point in lying to him, he read it all on my face. "I was terrified. I felt like he was punching me in the gut."

  He rubs his stomach in a circle. "No. That was definitely me."

  "Are you okay?" I place my hand on his naked abs, and once again we're fighting off the sexual electricity between us. Can I touch this man anywhere and not get turned on?

  "I'm fine. Gotta go finish the practice." He angles his head back toward the other members.


  He kisses me one last time and releases me. My body cools as he puts some distance between us. I walk back to my chair and take a seat. Cass returns to sit next to me. "That was exciting."

  I just laugh because it doesn't need to be said out loud.

  My breathing returns to normal, and the adrenaline from the fight starts to wane in my system as the Twist Family returns to the haka formation. This time Remy and Sutton join the front row even though they are wearing street clothes and not a karate uniform. I have to smile seeing Mace and Remy chanting together, stomping their feet, and screaming loudly. A celebration of life and family, and I'm so lucky to be here to watch it.


  After the practice, Mace held my hand and grinned as we waited in line for food from Blackie's. I received a delectable plate of bar-b-qued salmon, grilled veggies, and kale slaw and sat down next to Mace around the big stone fire pit near Mila and Foster's cabin. It was hard to focus on my food with a shirtless Mace glowing in the firelight and shedding his warmth all around. The man is truly comfortable in his own skin, and his joy is contagious. I found myself smiling too for no reason. It's just fun to be in his presence.

  We clear our plates, and Mace takes my hand and guides me off into a shady corner behind his parents' cabin. I only catch a glimpse of the lake because he pins me against the wall and starts kissing me. His hands grip my hips and squeeze. "Let's resume the monkey sex."

  "Everyone is here. We shouldn't leave."

  "We made an appearance. No one will miss us. And if they do, screw 'em."

  "You said you
'd show me Henry's book."

  Mace's attention is pulled back toward the bar-b-que. Cutter and Cass walk through the trees and stop next to us. Cutter's face is drawn, eyebrows pinched. The exact opposite of Mace's easy-going demeanor.

  "We need to have a chat." Cutter levels his gaze on Mace.

  "I was about to take Lola back to my cabin." Mace seems irritated.

  "Don't brush this one off, Mace. We have to deal with it."

  "Deal with what?" I ask.

  "Does anyone else know you're here?" Cutter asks me instead of answering my question.

  "No. I mean, except maybe Helix."

  Cutter looks to Mace again. "You trust that guy?"

  Mace shakes his head. "I have no idea. He hasn't done me wrong so far, but that doesn't mean the first time isn't waiting around the corner."

  "We need to deal with the bounty on Loralei." Cutter wraps his arm around Cass and pulls her close. She looks worried and nods her head.

  "I'm analyzing the data I collected on Diablo," I say, thinking this will appease Cutter. The more we know, the better. "I have a database."

  Mace's arm around me tightens.

  Cutter narrows his brow and squints at me. "A database won't keep you safe. There's a hit on you. If Helix gives away your location, we could be looking at an army of hitmen snooping around up here looking to take you out. Shit. There could be snipers watching us right now."

  "I trust Helix and no one else knows I'm here."

  "Diablo is not small-time and Giselle is running scared." Cutter's voice is bleak and alarming. "They both know you could provide the evidence that ties them to the murders."

  "Shut up, Cut. Why don't you scream it a little louder? The squirrels on the other side of the lake didn't hear you." Mace's happy aura is gone, and he's tense again.

  Foster and Mila walk around the corner and suddenly our little makeout spot in a shady spot is filled with big men and their women and they're all staring at me.

  "What'd we miss?" Foster asks.

  Cutter pops out one knee and turns toward Foster. "Mace isn't taking the bounty on Loralei seriously. She has some plan that involves data analysis, and an unreliable source possibly knows her location. So, not good."


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