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Page 12

by Penny Hawking

  “I’m not.” He said calmly.

  “Bleehhh.” I said rolling my eyes and sticking my tongue out at him. “I have to get my laptop.” I turned to head back to the basement.

  “I’ll get it.” He said quickly as he went for the door.

  I moved quickly to the basement door and got there before him. “I’ll get it.” I said. I think he was surprised that I got there before him. I took hold of the door knob. “Don’t worry, I won’t mess anything up in your dark lair.” I said sneakily.

  Andy rubbed his right arm. “I just didn’t want you to have to go up and then down.” He said lying.

  “Oh don’t worry about that I love going up and down.” I said. I posted myself against his door and made a sexy pose giving him the sultry look.

  Another blank Andy stare.

  “No…well okay then.” I said getting out of the pose and opening the door. Without waiting for him to react I walked down. “Don’t worry I won’t go through your box of gay porn under the bed.” I joked. I had no idea whether he had porn or not but when guys were always jumpy about stuff in their room. 9 times out of 10 I found out it was porn related.

  I grabbed my laptop off the bed along with the charger and headed back upstairs. Andy wasn’t at the door anymore so I closed it behind me and walked towards the living room. I slowed down a bit when I heard voices. Yes I’m nosey I know.

  “You can be a little more hospitable to guests.” Susan said.

  I didn’t hear Andy’s response and I was sure he didn’t say anything.

  “Stop sulking.”

  “I’m not sulking.”

  “I thought you stopped biting your nails.” Susan said.

  “I thought you stopped nagging me.” Andy said in a low irritated voice.

  “Why the hell are you acting like this?” Susan’s voice got lower but I could still pick up what she was saying. I walked even slower as I crept towards the wall.

  “I’m not acting like anythi—”

  “I thought we were doing better.”

  “Susie what the fuck?” Andy said annoyed I heard him get up from wherever he was.

  “She’s a nice girl.” Susan hissed. “You’re shutting her out before you even get to know her. Andy, shit, it doesn’t hurt to like people. You need to enjoy your youth. She’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s beautiful….come on.”

  “I’m fine.” He said.

  Susan sighed. “That’s all you ever say…even when you’re not…fuck I’m going to bed.”

  I blinked several times. I felt guilty now. I was definitely intruding. But what did she mean, that’s all he ever says?

  “Hey come on Susie.” I heard Andy say in a softer voice. “Okay fine she’s pretty. But we’re just friends. Happy? Can you just stop looking at me like that?”

  “Sorry…I forgot….no forcing you to interact----“

  My phone vibrated, startling me as I bumped into the wall. The voices stopped. I entered the room and smiled. “Got my laptop.” I said happily.

  Andy looked away from me and Susan smiled.

  “I’ll catch you kids tomorrow, drive safe okay.” She said.

  I nodded. Susan gave Andy a final look and left the living room.

  I grabbed my keys off the key post and headed to the door. I didn’t want to stay long enough to spill that I was eavesdropping, knowing me I would do something like that. I had to hold back even though I was curious as to what they were talking about. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said opening the front door.

  Andy grabbed it and held it open for me. “I uh….um…I could come for S’mores if you want me to.” He said uncomfortably.

  I smiled. “You don’t have too.”

  I saw the relief pass over his face.

  “But I’ll make sure that next time I’ll invite you for something not sweet related and you better come.” I said warningly.

  Andy hesitated a bit.

  “Actually.” I said snapping my fingers as I remembered something. “We’re watching that Johnny Depp movie…um….uh….something demon barber or whatever… you’re coming.”


  “Good!” I said excitedly. I put one arm around his waist and hugged him. As usual he stood stiff and didn’t reciprocate the movement. “I told you if you keep this up we’ll be virtually inseparable.” I joked as I looked up at him. “This is called a hug by the way, which means when I put my arms around you, you do the same to me.” I said slowly as though speaking to a three year old.

  “I’m not dumb.” Andy said annoyed.

  “Good….well I’m waiting.” I cheesed extra hard as I looked up at him expectantly.

  “You’re so annoying.” He mumbled, but for the first time I felt his arms go around me loosely, give a small squeeze and then let go.

  I fluttered my eyelashes at him.

  “Do you have something in your eye again?” He asked.

  “Hahahaha, not funny.” I said. Before he could react I tiptoed up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Good job today, you were awesome as usual.” I gave him another small hug and left his house with him still standing at the door. I climbed into my car smiling for no reason. I started my engine and drove off.

  That’s it. I made up my mind that I was going to be his best friend if it killed me. He needed somebody like me in his life. Susan said he needed to enjoy life and live a little, I could show him that. I don’t know why it was burning in my heart to make this kid happy but it was and I was not going to rest until something was done. I saw a long future ahead, he was stubborn but I was persistent. I could break him down. Even now I would like to say I made headway. Today looked like amazing progress to me, he admitted we were friends. I smiled as I bobbed my head to the music totally unaware that my life was going to change significantly more than I could ever have imagined.

  Chapter eight

  Saturday was starting out to be a real drag. I woke up with a cramp in my neck and pain in my arm. I had to kick Nico to get him to wake up so I could move his body off my leg and arm. How does such a skinny person weigh so much? We ended up watching Psych9 yesterday and instead of going to our rooms afterward we just camped out in the living room and now I regretted it.

  “Where are you going?” He moaned, shutting his eyes as his arm reached for my waist.

  “Nico, I gotta go to the shoot.” I said slapping his hand away. He squinted up at me. I pulled the covers down making sure not to disturb Bri sleeping next to me.

  Nico groaned and closed his eyes. I grumbled as I got up. I blinked as I took in Jazmine’s arm wrapped around Nico’s waist. Her soft snoring indicating she was in deep sleep. I smiled a little. That’s weird. I shrugged it off as I ran to get ready.


  “Okay so Andy’s coming here tonight and I need for all of you guys to be on your best behavior.” I said as I grabbed a sausage off the plate. Please don’t embarrass me or say anything embarrassing, the kid is already scared of me.

  Jazmine turned around and rolled her eyes. I rolled my eyes back at her. “Your obsession with this dude needs to stop.” She said as she flipped a pancake.

  “It’s not an obsession.” I said. I grabbed a pancake off the plate as Nico scraped eggs unto another plate. I looked at Jazmine’s tank top and booty shorts. “Well those shorts look awfully familiar.” I teased.

  Jazmine grinned. “I got the ass for it babes.”

  I stuck my middle finger up at her playfully and Nico chuckled. I noticed Jazmine turn her head and shyly smile at him even though he wasn’t looking. I turned my head back and forth and then caught Jazmine’s eyes. “What was that?” I asked her.

  Jazmine jumped a little. “What was what?” She asked quickly.

  Nico turned around. “What happened?” He asked.

  “I don’t know but somebody’s gonna be late for their shoot.” Jazmine said flipping another pancake.

  I narrowed my eyes at her teasingly. I wiggled my index finger at her. “I see you…we
gotta talk.” I said trying to resist the urge to smile. Was there something going on between them?

  “Do you guys need me to do anything?” Brittany asked walking in. She wore a similar tank top and booty shorts that Jazmine had on.

  Jazmine smiled politely and looked back down at her pan.

  “Can you put the stuff on the table and get the orange juice.” Nico asked. Bri looked at him and smiled as she entered the kitchen.

  “Okay, I’m gonna go.” I said not wanting to stay and ponder on the scene about to unfold in front of me Even though I felt like I was going to miss something. I grabbed my bag and camera and headed out the door.

  I grinned as I got into the car. Andy had texted me earlier wondering if we were on for the shoot today since I was late. That poor boy. I laughed as I backed out my driveway.

  I would explain how the shoot went, but it would be dull. The whole 4 hours was filled with perfection. Absolute perfection. I had a feeling there was nothing those girls could not do. I was so in love with them. It was beautiful, the shots were beautiful and my models were dropped dead gorgeous. Even Andy….wow let me tell you about Andy. He surprised the shit out of me. He came with some rather loose cargo shorts and I almost fell over. He had a black shirt on and dirty black vans. But the fact that he wasn’t wearing skinnies really did it for me. He rudely asked me what I was staring at cause I’d just stared at him for so long. I told him I liked his shorts and he’d stared at me like I was an alien and walked away. I held back a smile, he was so skinny, his legs were skinny too but not chicken legs oddly enough. Even though they were small you could see some muscles in his calves and stuff. Maybe he used to run track or something. When Andy met Katherine and Karen for the first time, it must have been love. He was much more relaxed around them then he had been even for Claire. They totally adored him. And for the first time I saw a smile on Andy’s face. I mean a genuine smile. One of those smiles where you’re like shit, this person’s beautiful. He had caught me staring at him again. He held my gaze for a while and then looked down at the ground. I admit I felt an emptiness. What did I have to do to get him to smile like that? It was such a rare occurrence that I needed to see it more. Like a shooting stare or a solar eclipse.

  “So we’re done?” Andy asked coming to sit on the grass next to me.

  I didn’t look up as I nodded. “Great job Andy.” I said barely above a whisper. I don’t know why it was bothering me but it was. Why did he not smile around me, why didn’t he laugh? I packed up the rest of my equipment’s as Andy sat silently next to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him rub his right wrists. I must really annoy him.

  “Um….uh…are you okay?” Andy asked leaning a little to look at my face.

  “Yeah.” I said looking up and smiling at him brightly. “I’m fine.” I was a pro at doing that. If I wanted people to believe I was fine, I convinced them to a tee. No biggie, put a smile on, have a little twinkle in your eye and they fall for it instantly.

  Andy nodded and got up. If I wasn’t mistaken I sensed an annoyed atmosphere around him. What the hell was he annoyed about? He was having fun just moments before the twins left. I got up and dragged my stuff with me to the car. I was kind of surprised that he didn’t offer to help this time. I popped my trunk and struggled to put my stuff in. I looked up to see Andy leaning against his truck staring at me. That’s all he was doing staring, he didn’t offer to help, he didn’t shrug, he just stared. I slammed my trunk.

  “What?” I asked.

  He simply looked away. I wanted to roll my eyes. Seriously I thought we were past this. “My house or yours?” I asked leaning against my car.

  Andy shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pocket as he looked at the ground.

  “Let’s do yours.” I said. Nico and them would be at my place, we would get no work done.

  He shrugged again as he got into his truck and slammed the door.

  What the fuck is his problem?


  Andy twirled his chair around as he took a gulp of his beer. Yes he twirled, pretty girly huh? Actually it was kind of cute to see him turn around in that chair like a little girl. He looked at the ground and looked up at me as I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “Having fun?” I asked.

  He shrugged and brought the bottle to his lips but not before I saw a slight smile. I looked up from my laptop. “You’re not by any chance trying to get drunk so you won’t come to my house today are you?” I asked teasingly. “Because that’s not gonna work, you’re coming.”

  “This is my second bottle.” Andy said.

  “So?” I asked.

  “I need about ten to remotely start feeling a little tipsy.” He said looking up at me. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Pretty sexy. I thought as I paused for a moment.

  “Okay my bad, I drink beer like water.” I said jokingly.

  “Want one?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “I only drink blue moon, the other beers are so bleeehhhh.” I said sticking my tongue out. Beer always has a bitter taste to it in my opinion but I can get down with the fruity blue moon.

  Andy nodded. I resumed editing my pictures when I felt him staring at me again. I looked up. His blue eyes held mine and I was stuck. Okay what the hell was going on here? I blinked and sat up. “Why do you like beer? God know it isn’t for the taste.” I said scooting towards the edge of the bed with my laptop.

  I swear Andy looked me over. I know I hallucinate a little sometimes but his eyes roamed. Strange.

  “It helps me loosen up.” He said sitting back in his chair.

  “Oh you poor thing.” I said getting up. I went to his chair, stood in front of him and placed my hands on his shoulders. “Are you nervous about tonight?” I asked as I commenced to rub his shoulders. “Seriously we’re just watching a movie….we’re not out to jump you or anything.” I said laughing.

  Andy wasn’t looking at my face. He was staring at my stomach since it was eye level with him. I almost asked him what was wrong when I felt his hands gently grab my waist and just as quickly his hands dropped back down to his sides. I pretended I didn’t notice what he just did because I had no idea how to address it. I had no joke or comment lined up for it.

  I smiled down at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Lacing my fingers in his hair I brought his head against my stomach. “You poor child, I’ll protect you from my big bad friends.”

  Andy chuckled against my stomach and that vibration felt good. His hands came up again and wrapped around my waist this time. I held him against my stomach not wanting to ruin this rare moment. I prayed that my stomach didn’t start growling or something. The hug was longer than necessary by all means. I would have let go but he slipped his hands down barely brushing my ass. He smiled softly and shook his head as he moved out of my embrace. I stood there in semi confusion as he grabbed his bottle and got off the chair. I thought he was going upstairs when he just turned and leaned against one of the poles in his bedroom and took a swig of his beer. He put one hand in his pocket as he looked at me.

  I smiled briefly as I replaced him in the chair.

  “What were you mad about this afternoon?” He asked quietly as he took another drink.

  I smiled. “I really wasn’t mad, I was just pondering something.” I said shrugging.

  “What?” He asked.

  “Well aren’t you full of questions today?” I said grinning.

  He paused with his bottle halfway to his mouth and a guilty look on his face. “Sorry.”

  “I’m joking.” I said laughing. “It’s good you’re talking! I like it. Now if you’ll only smile more.” I said.

  He looked confused.

  “That’s what I was thinking about. I was wondering why you don’t smile more, I mean like really smile you know, especially around me or something.” I said shyly looking down at my nails.

  “I really don’t have much to smile about.” I heard him say.

  “Well keep hanging aro
und me and you will!” I said excitedly. “Mission one, make Andy smile.” I got up. “Are you ticklish?” I asked mischievously.

  And shook his head. “No.” He said calmly.

  “Liar.” I said. I ran to him and pushed him against the pole and proceeded to tickle him. I ignored that everywhere my fingers went it fell on something solid. Andy looked at me slightly amused. I could tell he wasn’t ticklish at all but was letting me have my way. He brought his bottle up to his mouth and drank as he watched me. I rested my hands on his flat stomach.


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