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Page 13

by Penny Hawking

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked in disbelief. “Do you not have a weakness?” I had a weakness and it had to do with flat abs underneath my fingertips and how his body heat was warming up my fingers.

  “Are you ticklish?” He asked ignoring my question.

  “No!” I said quickly as I took a step back. Andy stared at me for a minute. I stood there, wondering if he was going to try it out but he didn’t. Slightly disappointed I turned around. I knew other guys would have jumped at the opportunity to find out whether or not I was ticklish. In all honesty I would have let him find out.

  I walked over to his bed and hopped on. “We can leave when I’m done with these last few pictures if you want.” I said. “It’s almost 7.” I looked to see his reaction but I just watched him finish his second bottle.

  “I’m gonna go get another drink.” He said.

  I nodded and returned to my work. Andy came down with another beer and began cleaning his room. I couldn’t understand this kid, his room was already spotless but he managed to find a clutter of papers somewhere and was filing it. A couple minutes later I felt the bed sink as Andy sat next to me. I briefly looked up and then back to my laptop. Katherine and Karen’s hair was gorgeous in this picture. It looked like I’d used a fan to have their hair blow like that.

  I felt a tingling sensation on my knee and a smile immediately crept to my face as my leg jerked. “What are you doing?” I asked resisting the urge to laugh. Shit that felt amazing.

  Andy didn’t look at me as he brought the bottle to his lips. He brought his fingers pinched together on top of my knee and slowly spread them.

  I laughed as my knee jerked. “What is that?” I asked. “That feels so weird.”

  “You’re ticklish.” Andy said casually.

  “Do it again.” I said. Andy did it again and I had the same reaction but lasted a little longer since he didn’t immediately take his hands off my knee. “Let me try you.” I said. I leaned forward and did the same procedure as he did but with no results. He didn’t even crack a smile.

  I laughed as I discovered something new. All my life I’d never known my knee was ticklish, it would seem like such an insignificant part of the body. “That is so cool.” I said. I went back to my laptop and Andy sat staring at the wall as he drank his beer.


  Half an hour later. I slammed the laptop down and moaned. “Finished…just one more shoot tomorrow and we’re done!” I said.

  Andy got up. I grabbed my laptop and scurried off the bed. “Ready to go have a movie marathon?” I asked.

  “Not really.” He admitted.

  I grinned as I packed my stuff. I looked at him and smiled at the khaki cargo shorts. I won’t tell him I love seeing boys in those shorts, I just thought it was so cute.

  “What?” He asked.

  “Oh nothing.” I said innocently as I grabbed my stuff and headed upstairs. Susie had come and gone with a simple hello and good bye. Andy said he suspected she was seeing someone. I wonder what kind of guy was her type. He would definitely have to be somebody that could handle her sarcasm. I laughed inwardly. I put my stuff down on the kitchen counter and tied my shoe.

  Andy came up in a black ACDC hoodie and his car keys. “You sure you don’t want a drink?” He asked as he went to the kitchen. I followed him in the kitchen and opened the fridge. Andy stood right behind me. I could feel his presence. It felt as if I were to take a step back I would bump into him. I stared at the fridge for a minute.

  “You’re taking forever.” He said. Andy placed his right hand on my hip as he leaned forward and grabbed himself another beer. His touch felt warm so I stepped back. Sure enough I felt a warm body right there against me. Andy didn’t budge, so I didn’t move. I ain’t gonna lie he felt good. My ass was right up in his groin area. My back against his chest and my head just a little higher than his chin. I felt Andy’s hand move from my back down to my hip. I smiled. If this was how Andy was loosened up, then I could dig this. Besides I was starting to feel a little horny now.

  “On second thought.” I said as I turned around swiftly. I put my arm around his shoulder as I pressed the front of me against him. Now chest to chest, groin to groin. Ten times more tantalizing. “Let me taste that.” I said. Andy uncapped the bottle with his teeth and handed it to me. I took a large gulp and felt the bitter liquid slid down my throat. I was surprised the aftertaste was slightly vanilla like.

  “Nope still don’t like it, not as bad as the others.” I said handing him his bottle. I let go of him and walked to the counter. I bent over and picked up my bags and turned around just in time to see Andy checking out my ass.

  “We’re you just checking me out?” I asked surprised. That was a slight turn on.

  Andy looked away. “No.”

  “Yes you were.”

  “No I wasn’t.”

  “Oh come on Andy, yes you were…I don’t mind.” I said jokingly. I went to him and turned around as I pressed my butt against his crotch. “I never took you for an ass man.” I said as I did a slight grind.

  “You have no ass.” Andy said.

  “Ass enough for you to look at.” I said laughing as I did another grind. I was done teasing him and was about to walk away when I felt his hand on my hip again. I stopped. Well this is unexpected. Andy leaned forward and pressed me further against him. My heart skipped a beat as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I was too much in a trance to move even though I was dying to see his expression or to feel if he had a boner. All I had to do was a slight move, nope slight move not needed. I felt something twitching against my ass.

  “We should go.” Andy said nonchalantly as he stepped away from me.


  He took another big gulp as he left the kitchen.

  “Wait.” I said after him as I grabbed my stuff off the counter. Andy was already out the front door as I followed him. “Does drinking make you horny?” I asked him.

  Andy locked the front door and ignored my question.

  I grinned. “You little naughty boy, well you’re about to find out later what makes me horny.” I said happily as I marched to my car.


  I was so proud of my friends. They could be rude when they wanted to, but they could also be really nice. I wanted to ask him if he felt awkward that he was the only white guy at the house but it slipped my mind. After a few stares and awkward greetings, Jaz, Nico and Bri went back to their normal self like nothing happened. I was so happy, I was grinning. Now my friends could be his friends. Even though he barely talked or said anything. He just stood there as everybody else moved around him. But for some reason it kind of worked for him. Nico patted his back and gave him a beer. That’s how you knew Nico was at the house, when there was random beer in the fridge. I smiled and counted. That’s numero cinqo Mr. Perth. Halfway there to being a little tipsy. I wonder how Andy acts when he’s drunk, probably the same way he does when he’s not. I thought amused.

  Right now, Jaz and Bri had him cornered by the window asking him a million and one questions. By now he should realize that his one word answers didn’t deter them from anything.

  Nico came behind me and picked me up. I laughed as I slapped his arm. “Put me down you dummy!” He grinned and kissed my neck as he pressed my butt against him. I laughed. I caught Andy’s eye from across the room, my laugh subsided a little. He looked back at the girls.

  “Maybe I should go rescue him.” I said to Nico.

  Nico wrapped his arms around my hips and looked at Andy. “He’ll be alright.” He said munching on my neck. I laughed as I playfully shoved him away. I grabbed my homemade mojito that Jaz made and took a big gulp. The buzzer went off and I jumped.

  “The cookies are ready!” I said excitedly.

  “Only you.” Nico said teasingly. “Others have popcorn when they watch movies but you insist on cookies.”

  “Shut-up.” I said. Nico grabbed his beer off the counter and leaned over and gave me a quick peck on
the lips. “I’ll go put Sweeny Todd in.”

  I nodded and waved him away as I took out the cookies. There were chocolate chips, white chocolate macadamia nuts and my favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. My mouth basically watered as I took an oatmeal one and jammed it in my mouth.

  I moaned loudly.

  “Stop getting an orgasm from the cookies and come here.” Jazmine joked.

  “It’s better than sex.” I joked. I took another cookie and transferred the ones from the tray unto a plate. I brought it to the living room where everybody was already settled. Andy was sitting at the edge of the couch. Nico was on the opposite end of the same couch. Bri and Jaz were sharing the other couch. I put the cookies on the table and sat on the arm of the couch right next to Andy.

  “Okay seriously guys if this movie is scary---”

  “It’s not scary.” Nico said cutting me off.

  “Oh yeah like Psych9 wasn’t scary?” I asked.

  “Man that wasn’t scary.” Jaz said. “Besides this is just gory, not scary.”

  I looked down at Andy who was looking up at me. “They always try to play me.” I said.

  “Nobody’s trying to play you.” Bri said hitting me with a little pillow. I laughed as I threw it back at her

  “Aight quiet we’re playing the movie.” Nico said pressing the button on the remote. Everybody settled down. I got up and dimmed the lights way low. Not all the way, just in case it got scary. I sat back down on the arm of the couch next to Andy. I lifted my leg and placed it on the couch. Conveniently snuggled between the couch and Andy’s thigh.

  “Andy do you like Johnny Depp?” Bri asked.

  Andy shrugged. “He’s okay I guess.” I brought the beer to his lips and he drank. He looked up at me and I smiled. I placed my arm around the back of the couch and turned my attention to the screen. I loved Johnny Depp, he was a cutie.

  Everybody was quiet as the movie played before us. Restless I softly ran my fingers across the nape of his hair. It was so soft. I smiled to myself. Andy finished his beer in one gulp. Nico got up.

  “Hey man, you want another one?” He asked.

  “Sure, thanks.” Andy said nodding as he put down his empty beer bottle. Nico went to the kitchen and got out two beers. He opened them and came back. He annoyingly planted a sloppy kiss on my ear and handed Andy his beer. I pushed Nico away and laughed.

  Andy leaned back in the couch, slouching a little more. I could see he was visibly more relaxed. 15 minutes later, my eyes were transfixed on the scene. It was really interesting, I loved this movie. Now the lover boy was singing a song to Joanna outside her window, when I felt a hand on my calf. Andy drank his beer and rested it in between his legs. With his other hand he slowly ran his hand up and down my calf as he stared at the screen. I smiled and rubbed his back. Andy was playing with fire.

  I’m a total sucker for cuddling during movies, I just completely go gaga for it. I can’t explain, it turns me on more than some other foreplay. And now Andy was initiating something? He shouldn’t start what he couldn’t finish. I thought roguishly.

  Andy did nothing more than gently hold my calf and occasionally rub it, but he might as well have been about to go down on me. I was so anxious for something, anything. Yes I love to be pleasured, shit…shoot me. I could see he was working me up and nothing was about to go down. Had it been any other boy, I’m pretty sure I would have been half straddled on his lap already, like Zeus. I should have invited Zeus, I bet he would like to cuddle.

  “Sorry, where’s the bathroom?” Andy asked standing up.

  I pointed behind me. “Second door on your left.”

  Andy put his beer down and left.

  “Come sit over here man.” Nico said patting the couch. “You ain’t gotta guard him, he’s a big boy.” He joked.

  I rolled my eyes but got up. I grabbed my favorite blanket off the stool and snuggled up to Nico as he put his arm around me. Nico was my cuddle partner, he understood me. I covered us with the blanket and laid my head on his shoulder and resumed watching the movie.

  Andy came back and sat back in his same spot.

  “You should try the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, they’re my favorite.” I said, not lifting my head from Nico’s shoulder.

  “I’m okay.” Andy said.

  “No really---”

  “O.J. stop harassing the kid, let him live.” Nico said pinching my side.

  “Oh my God, that’s so disgusting.” I said as I watched the people eat the pies made of people’s body parts. Nico rubbed my side softly as he rested his cheek against my head.

  “NO way that’s the mom?” I said shooting up. “That’s crazy.”

  Nico reached for my thigh and brought me back against him. He rubbed my thigh. I felt his warm hands and relaxed. Nico shifted towards me as he slipped a hand up my shirt. He trailed his hand further up. It felt good, but I knew I had to stop it.

  “Nico.” I whispered very low so only he could hear. I thanked God for the covers so nobody saw. I removed his hand.

  “Relax.” He whispered. I know that tone of voice and I knew where this was headed. Nico was horny. He slipped his other hand in between my thighs and licked his lips. I pinched his sides and got up.

  “Anybody want anything to drink?” I asked. As I made my way to the kitchen. Nico sighed and slouched back in the chair. He grabbed his beer and took a big gulp.

  I got a glass of water and sighed. Now I was antsy with no one to release to. I couldn’t go to Nico because he wanted it too much, and as my best friend that was just awkwardness waiting to happen. Not that we hadn’t made out before…but I wasn’t in the mood for it this time….well not with him, plus that had been months ago. I took a big gulp of my water. This is what happens when you decide to be single for a couple months with no boyfriend to let loose with. I could always call Zeus.

  “O.J. you’re missing the movie, it’s almost done.” Jazmine said.

  I rolled my eyes, I’d seen enough thick fake blood to last me a lifetime.

  I sat on the stool as I watched the end of the movie, not really thinking about anything as my mind went blank.

  “Well that was a good movie.” Bri said.

  “Let’s watch the proposal!” I said happily as I got up to grab the DVD.

  Jazmine, Bri and Nico groaned. “You always wanna watch the proposal.” They said simultaneously.

  I turned to Andy. “You want to watch the proposal don’t you?” I didn’t wait for him to respond. “See.”

  “No he doesn’t.” Bri said.

  I ignored them as I took off Sweeny Todd and replaced it with the proposal. I knew they would grumble but in the end they’ll end up watching it. Because I knew deep inside they all secretly loved the movie, even Nico. I grabbed my cover off the couch and went to sit on the lazy boy chair my mom had gotten me last Christmas. It was pretty big and I absolutely loved it.

  “Wanna sit in the chair with me Andy?” I asked innocently as I looked up at him.

  Nico, Jaz and Bri turned to Andy expectantly.

  “Don’t it’s a trap.” Jaz said teasingly. I threw a pillow at her as I patted my chair.

  “Come- on.”

  Andy got up and made his way over. I got up and let him sit.

  Bri and Jaz whistled as I climbed on the chair half sitting on his lap. Nico didn’t say anything. I covered us with the blanket as Jaz pressed play on the remote.

  “I left my beer.” Andy said moving.

  “Sit.” I said. I got up and brought his beer and placed it on the side table next to us. I climbed back on his lap and covered us. I settled in, my back to his chest as I stared at the movie. My absolute favorite.

  30 minutes later my head rested on his shoulder as I snuggled against him. Andy’s one hand was over the chair and the other was resting lazily on his lap. I wanted him to put his arm around me, but I guess that would be doing too much. I looked up at him. His face straight as he stared at the screen. I smiled at his chin, I wanted to
bite it. He also had a nice neck. And those lips…man, those pink lips…his silver lip ring hoop shown bright from the reflection of the T.V. I knew Andy knew I was staring at him but he didn’t look my way. I sighed as I nestled my nose into his neck. I placed my hand lazily over his stomach and the other one behind his lower back. I knew it was dark enough in the corner that people wouldn’t notice what I was doing. I puckered my lips and pressed them against his hot neck gently. Andy held himself still as I did it again. I ran my nose against his neck as my hand on his stomach began to take a mind of his own. It gently rubbed his shirt back and forth against his stomach. Andy didn’t seem to be affected. But I sure was turning myself on. I let out a small breath of warm air on his neck. I slid my hand slowly under his shirt and made contact with skin. I ran my index finger absently over his stomach. Oh he felt good. I shifted my hips. Andy bent his head and placed his hand on top of his belt buckle. I grazed his stomach softly over and over again. His head lowered so his lips were close to my ear. That’s when I finally noticed how much trouble he had breathing. Andy licked his bottom lip as I ran my hand down his perfectly defined v-cut. He didn’t say anything but he leaned his head back on the couch and put his hand over mine. His hand was warm and he took a couple heavy breaths. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze but he didn’t let it go down any further. What kind of guy was he? I looked up and he looked down at me. I paused as I saw slight sadness in his eyes. What was wrong? Andy looked down at our hands blinked several times then leaned his head back against the chair. I was about to let go of him so as not to invade any more than I already had when his thumb gently rubbed my hand. And for the rest of the movie all he did was hold my hand, nothing more.


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