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Page 15

by Penny Hawking

  “What?” He asked.

  “Oh nothing.” I said happily. I will keep his laugh to myself. I had a feeling if I told him, he would try to control himself next time. I looked out the window. Fleur would love his laugh. “You should come home with me.” I said suddenly. Why didn’t I think of that earlier?


  “You should come to my house for Thanksgiving.” I said happily. I turned to him. “It’s perfect. This is the first time, none of my other friends are able to make it and I always bring somebody just to make sure I don’t kill Celine while I’m home.” I said at my genius idea.

  “I don’t thi---”

  “Oh my gosh please please please!” I said happily as I grabbed his hand that was resting on his thigh. “My mom cooks to feed an army, there’s gonna be so much food. When’s the last time you had a home cooked meal huh? Come on I want you to meet Fleur, she’ll love you, and your hair. Please, Please! I need a companion. We became friends at the perfect time.” I said.

  Andy didn’t say anything.

  “Come on, what else are you gonna do?” I asked. “A home cooked meal is ten times better than ordering pizza.” I said.

  Andy looked so uncomfortable but I didn’t care. I made up my mind. He was going to come.

  “I just don’t think---”

  “Oh come on, you’ll fit right in.” I said squeezing his arm excitingly.

  “I’m not much of a social person.” He said.

  “That doesn’t matter. Andy please, for me, please please please with a cherry on top.” I begged.

  Andy didn’t say anything. But not saying anything was better than saying no. “Besides I won’t stop nagging you until you say yes, so you might as well say yes. Because day and night I will be calling you nonstop, knocking at your door and everything, until you say yes.” I said. “I’ll warn you, it’ll get really annoying, really fast…but I won’t stop.” I said shrugging.

  “We can’t have that.” Andy said softly.

  I sat up straighter. “No we can’t.” I said excitedly. Was that a sign of surrender?

  Andy drove for a while. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to come to a decision. I smiled broadly. I knew he was leaning towards a no.

  “Come on surprise me and say yes, who knows, it might be the best break of your life.” I said joyfully.

  Andy sighed and rubbed his nose.

  “Please.” I said sweetly.

  “I’ll go under one condition.” He said.

  “What?” I said happily.

  Andy winced. “You stop squeezing the life out of my arm.” He said. I looked down, not realizing I had been gripping his arm the whole time. I now saw hints of red prints were my fingers were regardless of the tattoos. I smiled.

  “Loops sorry.” I said. I lunged towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “You’re the best.” I kissed his cheek. I looked at his lip and was tempted to kiss him again just to be able to feel the lip ring this time, but I refrained. It was hard but I refrained. “You’re the best friend a girl can have.” I said happily. I kissed his cheek again and went back in my seat.

  “You’re not inviting me out of pity are you?” He asked staring at the road.

  I laughed. “No. Believe me, you’d be doing me a favor.” I said. Now I had a chance of actually surviving break. “You’re so amazing Andy.” I said happily.


  The rest of the week went by in a blur. I was too excited for break. I was in need of a break or I would drive my teachers insane. We finished our project without Renee. Who come to find out had been in a car accident and her phone had gotten smashed when it flew out the window. Poor thing got hit from behind. Nobody was hurt but it was unnecessary damage. I apologized to her for calling her an unreliable bitch. She said I never had, but I told her I had thought it. She’d rolled her eyes and hugged me. It wasn’t a complete disaster because I had one of the best rides of my life with Andy. Okay, okay you freaks, get your minds out the gutter. I obviously meant car ride. Though Claire did mention she thought he’d be a good lay. Just kidding! Anyways Andy was right. We did get an A on the project among other things. Dr. Mauzzio was pleasantly surprised that it was my idea. He even congratulated me when we went to his office. I faked a faint and Andy caught me. Dr. Mauzzio shook his head as though he regretted the compliment. He said Andy and I were a good team. I hugged Andy, who was still uncomfortable with showing affection I guess, but he didn’t push me away. Dr. Mauzzio on the other hand raised his eyebrow at us. But we didn’t need to explain anything to him. We walked out his office when he called me back in. I was surprised when he said that if anybody could be of help to Andy it would be me, and he was happy of the direction this relationship was taking. I walked out his office more confused than when I’d gotten there. As soon as I got out, I forgot everything he said because for the first time Andy was waiting for me. I was so happy. Andy never waited for me. Ever. No matter how many times I begged. I grabbed his arm but he moved it out of my reach. Not easily deterred I grabbed it again and clung to him as I laughed. Andy didn’t laugh but his eyes were shining. He kept trying to pull his arm away from my hold but I held on tightly as we walked down the hallway. I looked like an obsessive fan of some sort, but I knew he didn’t mind because if he really wanted to, he would have gotten his arm away from me already. And knowing that, made me really happy.

  I walked backwards and bumped into somebody.

  “I’m sorry.” I said turning around quickly.

  “Watch where you’re going.” The person snapped and turned around. Fuck Jeanie.

  “Hey.” I said brightly.

  She narrowed her eyes at me, I swear I could hear her cussing me out in 40 different languages. She stepped up to me as she flung her long blond hair back. I took a step back and bumped into Andy’s chest.

  Jeanie looked from me to Andy, her eyes widening as she halted. “An-Andrew.” She stuttered.

  What? I thought as I saw her surprised expression.

  “Hey Jeanie.” Andy said casually.

  Double what??? I stepped away from Andy and looked at him and then at Jeanie…they know each other?

  “How’ve you been?” She asked somewhat shyly as she spoke in that quiet low raspy voice that boys seemed to go gaga for.

  Andy shrugged. “Fine I guess.” He rubbed his neck and looked away from her. My eyes widened. Jeanie looked mesmerized by him while Andy looked a little guilty.

  What the what?

  “You look better.” Jeanie said softly. She gave a small smile. “Do you wanna maybe go---”

  “I’ll see you around.” Andy said cutting her off. My mouth dropped open and hit the floor. Well it would have if I was a cartoon character. Without hesitation, Andy walked past her.

  “Okay.” Jeanie said sadly.

  I took a step and Jeanie grabbed my arm. “Leave him alone, he doesn’t need somebody like you to come fuck up his life again.” She snarled. Her fingernails digging into my arm.

  I pulled my arm away. “What the fuck Jeanie?” I said annoyed. “He’s just a friend.” I gave her a confused look. That bitch is crazy. I turned and jogged after Andy.

  “Hey.” I said grabbing his shirt to stop him. “What was that all about? You know Jeanie?” I asked.

  Andy shrugged. “We went to high school together.” He said uncomfortably.

  “What?” I asked in shock. Andy and Jeanie went to the same high school? “You guys were friends?” I asked as we started walking again.

  Andy rubbed his neck. “Uh…yeah, something like that.” He said slowly.

  “But she’s like this bitchy popular brat, and you’re…you’re….um…you’re you.” I said pointing at him.

  Andy sighed. “She’s not that bad.” He said softly. “She’s a nice girl, I was the douchebag.”

  That could only mean one thing…

  My mouth dropped open. “You fucked her?” I whispered.

  “This is on that list
of those things we don’t talk about.” Any said referring to our drive on Sunday.

  I stood in the middle of the hallway in shock as he kept walking. “Andy I feel as if I don’t even know you.” I said loudly as I jogged to catch up with him.

  “Still want me to come to your house for Thanksgiving?” He asked raising his eyebrow.

  I smirked. “Oh you’re not getting out of it that easy buddy.” I said.

  Andy shrugged. I followed him. “So you fucked Jeanie Wright?” I asked in awe.


  “Okay, okay.” I said chuckling. “She looked like she still wanted you though.” I said shrugging mischievously. To get Jeanie maybe Andy did have some game that I wasn’t aware of. He ignored me as we stepped out the school.

  “Where are you going?” Andy asked as we got to the parking lot.

  I smiled sheepishly. “Come on, let me hang out with you.” I said.

  “You’re annoying.” Andy said.

  I grabbed his hand. “Oh come on, don’t act like I don’t make your day.” I said pouting.

  “You don’t.” He said with a straight face.

  “Nope, don’t believe it.” I said reaching up to pinch his cheek.

  “Hey O.J...” Zeus called from somewhere behind us. I turned and saw him jogging towards us.

  “Zeusy…” I said as I went into his arms for a big hug. He lifted me off the ground and I giggled.

  Zeus’ body tensed as he stared at Andy and put his arms around my shoulders. “What are you up to?” He asked. I smiled.

  “What do you want me to be up to?” I asked slyly.

  Zeus smiled as his eyes grazed my lips. “Lunch?” he asked.

  I put my hands around his waist and turned to Andy. “Hey you want to get some lunch?” I asked. I didn’t notice the look exchanged between the two tall guys.

  “No, I’m good.” Andy said.

  “But you didn’t eat yet.” I said.

  “He said he’s good.” Zeus said bringing me closer. “Let him go play with his twins.”

  I jabbed Zeus in the ribs. “That’s nasty.” I said. For some reason I couldn’t imagine Andy touching himself. I thought I saw Andy take a step towards Zeus but it must have been my imagination because Andy wasn’t a confrontational person.

  “Well, I’ll see you later…I’ll call you to talk about Thursday.” I said quickly to Andy as Zeus pulled me away.

  Andy nodded with the most bored expression on his face. I turned to Zeus and giggled when he nibbled my neck.


  Lunch easily turned into a make-out session out by the side of the school. I smiled and gave his bottom lip one good suck before pulling away. Zeus lowered his head. I rested my chin on top of his dark Argentinian curls

  “You’re driving me crazy.” Zeus whispered against my neck as his hand came out of my shorts. I sighed contently as he kissed my neck. His warm wet hand now sliding up my side. I wiggled in his lap playfully and he groaned. Even through his jeans, I could feel his erection throbbing. I spread my thighs more and slowly rotated my hips upwards. Zeus’s big hand grabbed my butt and I lowered my head to capture another one of his tantalizing kisses. Zeus was a good kisser. He wasn’t great but he knew how to use his tongue. He wasn’t sloppy with it, slobbering me all over the place. But I prided myself in being a good teacher because in the past 20 minutes he improved significantly more. His future girlfriends would have to thank me later. I leaned more into his mouth and captured his tongue between my lips and sucked it. As expected he held my hips and grinded hard against me. I broke the kiss and smiled against his nose. I brought my hands down his sculpted abs and rested it on his zipper.

  “Don’t you have practice in 3 minutes?” I whispered as I pulled down the zipper.

  Zeus looked down excitedly. “Practice? Huh….what?” He asked. He was obviously using his other head to think with.

  “I wouldn’t want to be a distraction.” I whispered as I ran my index finger over his boxers. I already felt a wet spot. Zeus wanted it bad.

  “No distractions you’re not a distraction.” Zeus said quickly. He brought his hand behind my neck and lowered me down for a hungry kiss. With his other hand he pressed my hand down on his bulge. I kissed him eagerly as I slipped my hand through the peephole of his boxers and latched on to his dick. It was warm and pulsating under my touch. I kissed his cheek as he lowered his head to my chest, groaning as I started stroking him. I lathered him with his own precum as his mouth landed on the side of my breast. He unbuttoned another button and pushed my bra aside as he eagerly sucked on my hardened brown nipple. Guys and breasts seriously, like I said earlier… I can’t and probably never will understand. I was in a good mood so I was going to make him come quick. I reached down and juggled his balls in my hand.

  “Oh shit.” He murmured against my breast. I brought my other hand inside his boxers as I worked him. Zeus closed his eyes and moaned as his hips bucked. I smiled and kissed his forehead as I felt thick warmness creeping on my hand. Zeus’ breathing was still labored as he sat up straight and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Fuck O.J.” he moaned in awe.

  “You’re welcome.” I said getting off his lap. I grabbed the napkins off the table and wiped my hands. I fixed my bra and shirt. I grabbed a water bottle and poured it on my hands and wiped again. I turned to find Zeus up and buttoning his jeans. I smiled as he came and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “When are you going to let me take you to the movies?” He asked as he nibbled my neck.

  “When I feel like watching a movie.” I said reaching over and running my hands through his curls.

  “Be my girlfriend.” He whispered in my ear.

  I laughed. Is this kid serious? “Zeus, it was just a hand job, no need to start saying unnecessary bull.” I said. I turned and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

  “I’m serious.” He said. And there he goes with that serious expression.

  I playfully pushed him away. “Come on Zeus, usually it’s after about the 4th date that you ask.”

  “You won’t even let me take you out on one date.” Zeus pointed out.

  I laughed but Zeus was serious. I jumped on him and moved his head and kissed him deeply. He held my waist and kissed my back. I let go of him and patted his head. “Relax…we’re having fun, besides I’m here aren’t I?” I asked.

  “Yeah but---”

  I kissed him and cut him off. “You’re late.” I said calmly.

  “Fuck.” Zeus said as he scrambled to grab his gym bag. He lifted it and gave me a quick kiss as he sprinted towards the soccer field. I shook my head and put my hands on my hips. At least I wasn’t sexually deprived anymore.

  “I wonder what Andy’s doing?” I said out loud.

  “Orange juice, you can’t pick up your phone?” Nico asked jogging towards me.

  I shrugged. “Sorry babes, I was a little caught up…wassup?”

  “Wanna grab some lunch?” He asked as he kissed my forehead.

  “I already had lunch with Zeus.” I said wiping my hands again unconsciously.

  “Oh.” Nico said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “I guess…uh…”

  “But I’ll sit and watch you eat, as I get an ice-cream.” I said grinning at him.

  His face lit up. “Good.”

  I laughed and grabbed his hand as we walked to the Shack.


  I banged on Andy’s front door again. I’ve been outside for practically 5 minutes. Susie’s car wasn’t here but Andy’s red truck was, and I was pretty sure he was home. I lifted my hand to knock again when the door swung open.

  “Jesus.” Andy said breathing hard. “You ever heard of civilized knocking?” He asked.

  “Well hello there?” I said and whistled. I took in his damp hair away from his face. For the first time I saw all of his face without the heavy bangs shielding him. He was beautiful. I looked down and took in his slim bare chest and abs. This ki
d really needed to eat more. My mom will make sure of that. I finished looking him over as his v-cut disappeared into some blue sweatpants. He even had nice feet.

  I held up the Chinese food. “I got dinner.” I said. “But after seeing you like this…maybe dinner plans can change.” I winked teasingly and laughed. I brushed past him and entered his house without his permission.


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