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Page 14

by Penny Hawking

  As I got in bed that night, it had me thinking. What was that sadness I saw in his eyes? This was the first time Andy had acted any sort of way around me. I smiled, if that’s the case then I’ll be supplying the beer. My mind went back to the events of the day, not allowing me to go to sleep. I can honestly say he’d initiated, was he flirting? I don’t even know. This kid had me so confused. With other guys I can tell right off the bat when they’re flirting with me or just being nice but Andy, Andy I had no clue. I don’t even know why I thought about that. I wasn’t attracted to him or anything, I was just a sexual human being. Had it been any other guy, I would have reacted the same or maybe done more. I sighed as I pulled the covers over my head. Right now I just really needed a good mind-blowing fuck, so I didn’t get my hormones all wrapped up. O.J. get your priorities right. What the fuck are you doing lately? Nico is BFF, stop turning him on, Andy is solely just a friend whom you need to help. Zeus, okay I can definitely mess with Zeus, he’s been throwing hints right and left for months.

  Chapter nine

  I was sorely mistaken if I had thought that last night’s endeavors was going to transform Andy into this free spirit more outspoken person. Truth be told, he seemed even more of a recluse than before and my brain was a nervous wreck trying to figure it out. We didn’t even do anything, nada, zilch…what could possibly be the problem?

  I looked through my camera as I swung my legs across the seat. Renee was 30 minutes late and if Andy and I sat here for another 5 minutes acting as though no progress had been made, I was tempted to stab him in the neck. I sighed heavily and put my camera down. Just like the past 30 minutes Andy did not look up from the ground. I moved over to try to find what mysteries laid underneath his feet. Seriously the way he was staring at the grass made it seem as if he’d discovered some ancient speaking colony of ants or something.

  “What are you staring at?” I asked sitting straight up.

  Andy shook his head. “Nothing.” He said softly.

  I sighed and leaned back on the bench. I watched Andy blink several times and run his hands through his hair. He quickly shoved his hands back in his leather jacket pockets. But I noticed…yes I did. I noticed the black bracelet I had gotten him as a replacement. He hadn’t worn a bracelet in a week or so, but now it was back on. I had assumed he didn’t like it but I guess he did now.

  Being the curious little fiend that I am, I sat up and reached for his hand. Since he wasn’t looking at me, he didn’t know what I was doing. I wanted to take the bracelet and try it on for myself. What kind of special fashion appeal did Andy see in this? But as soon as my fingers grazed the bracelet on his right wrist, Andy immediately flung his arm out knocking my camera out of my hand.

  Without hesitation I grabbed the neck strap right before my most prized possession could shatter to the ground. I gasped. I basically saw my life flash before my eyes. The panic set in and now I could finally feel the exaggerated thumping of my heart. “What the fuck Andy? You almost broke my camera.” I snapped bringing Lucy up to my chest. I took a couple breaths and glared at him.

  Andy looked at my camera and shifted his gaze. “Sorry.” He said softly.

  Sorry? Sorry! All you can say is sorry? Do you know how much this cost? This is my whole fucking life right here.

  “Don’t reach for me like that.” He added softly.

  “Don’t---don’t, don’t reach for you like that?” I sputtered angrily. “I just wanted to see the bracelet I got you, what the fuck, it doesn’t mean you have to go and destroy my camera.” I rolled my eyes at him. You might think I overreacted, but I could have done more. Also waiting for Renee and the frustration of how he was acting wasn’t making things flow any smoother.

  “Asshole.” I muttered. I don’t even want to see the ugly bracelet anyways.

  Andy got up and shoved his hands further into his pockets. He took a deep breath. “Can you call Renee and see if she’s still coming?” He asked.

  I ignored him as I looked over my camera. It hadn’t fallen but it had almost died.

  Andy shifted uncomfortably. He seemed so uneasy, in any other circumstances I would have asked him what was wrong, but today I didn’t care. I didn’t care that he looked a little pale. Neither did I care that he was now rubbing his neck, his obvious sign of nervousness. He called my name and I ignored him again.

  Andy looked around and sighed. “Ornelia?”

  “What?” I snapped looking up at him.

  He looked annoyed and miserable at the same time. “Can you please…just…please call Renee?” He asked politely.

  “Whatever.” I said taking out my phone. He didn’t say anything as he watched me.

  “Hey this is Renee, Sorry I can’t pick up the phone, but why don’t you be a sweetheart and leave me a message.” Her answering machine said.

  Unreliable bitch. I hung up and looked up at him. “She’s still not answering.” I said no longer annoyed at Andy, but now at Renee. Our English grade was on the line here.

  Andy looked confused as he scratched his head. He played with his lip ring as he looked away from me.

  I put my camera strap around my neck, feeling guilty. “Sorry for yelling at you.” I said putting on the lenses cap.

  Andy shrugged.

  “Are you mad at me?” I asked.

  Andy snapped his attention back to me and took a small step back as I stood up. “For what?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, for almost taking advantage of you yesterday…I was just playing.”

  “You didn’t take advanta---”

  “So why are you acting like this?” I asked cutting him off as I crossed my arms across my chest.

  I swear if Andy could have stuck his hands further in his pockets, he would have. “Like what?” He asked sadly. He looked uncomfortable as he blinked several times.

  “Like…” I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I said. I didn’t know how to explain it, he wasn’t really acting that different from the way he normally acted, but I could just sense something not right…or bad. “Like I have the cooties.” I said lightly trying to put some humor in our conversation.

  Andy seemed ashamed to look at me as he stared at the ground. My smile never made it to my face. “I don’t have the cooties.” I said sadly attempting another joke.

  Andy cracked a small smile. “I’m just not feeling that good today.” He said attempting to smile again. He quickly looked down and shrugged. He turned around to stare at the road as I stared at him.

  He was hiding something. I just knew it.

  “If she doesn’t come, I think we’re good with what we do have…we’ve done more than he expected I bet.” Andy said encouragingly.

  I wanted to press the situation but didn’t want to be a nuisance. “Okay.” I said softly as I shrugged. I sat back down on the bench. “If she’s not here in 15 we can just….you know, just go wrap things up.” I said throwing my hands in the air as a sign of surrender.

  “I’m sure we’ll get an A on it.” Andy said as he swayed a little.

  “Okay.” I said softly.

  “I’m sure he’ll be blown away by your project idea.” Andy added.

  I shrugged again.

  We were silent for a while. I pondered on what Andy was hiding as he stared at the ground.

  “You’re pictures are really good. You’re an amazing photographer.” Andy spoke up suddenly.

  My head shot up in shock. “What?” I gave a small chuckle. “Why are you giving me all these compliments?”

  “You uh---um…you got, you got sad.” He stuttered.

  I blinked several times. Fuck he was cute. “Andy….” I started slowly. “You are so fucking cute.” I said in amazement. Andy looked taken aback by my reaction. He seemed to blush and bowed his head. He took his hand out of his pocket and brushed his bang out of his face. With his head still bowed he looked up at me as he played with his lip ring. My heart fluttered. Did this kid not realize how sexy he looked? Fuck what’s wrong wit
h me?

  Andy held my gaze for a minute, just staring straight into my face.

  I don’t know what possessed me. But I was possessed. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I got up and smiled. Making my way to Andy I brought my hands up and gently cupped his face. His cheeks were warm under my cold palms. Andy’s eyes weren’t meeting mine but I didn’t care. I leaned up and gently placed a soft kiss on his pale pink lips. I didn’t linger and I didn’t prolong it. Neither did Andy kiss me back. There were no sparks, there were no passion but I was strangely content.

  “Thanks.” I said softly as I smiled up at him. I saw Andy’s Adam’s apple move up and down as he swallowed hard. His gaze went from my lips, to my nose and then finally rested on my eyes.

  “I wasn’t doing so good yesterday night…I couldn’t sleep and I uh---I…” Andy looked around. He looked like he’d rather be anywhere but here. He took his hands out his pockets. I watched as he rubbed his right wrist where the bracelet was. “Do you wanna get out of here?” He asked. Actually he more like pleaded.

  “Uh…sure.” I said, not at all sure. Andy looked relieved.

  “We can just take my truck.” He said heading towards his truck.

  I nodded and followed him. What was this kid up to? Why was he on edge? I thought we’d gotten past the whole uncomfortable aspect of this relationship. I opened his truck and had to sort of hop to get in. It smelled nice, and of course as I looked around his truck was clean, just like his room. Absolutely spotless.

  “So where are we going?” I asked putting on my seatbelt.

  Andy shrugged and revved his engine. Putting his hand behind my seat he turned his body towards me and looked out his back mirror and reversed his truck out. I refrained from smiling. I adored when guys drove and put their hand either on me or on my seat. It was a weird fascination but it drove me absolutely mad. Of course Andy couldn’t have possibly known that. I smiled contently as I watched him drive onto the main road. As he shifted gears I learned quickly that his truck was stick shift. Shit how sexy was that? A guy that could actually drive. I really needed him to show me later.

  Andy’s left hand was gripping his steering wheel tightly while his other hand was on the clutch. I looked back down at the black bracelet on his hand. Being the dumbass that I am, I didn’t learn my lesson from earlier. I reached down and touched the bracelet. I felt Andy tense under my fingertips. I rested my hand on his wrist and looked out my window. I could start a conversation right now, but I’m guessing he’s not in the talking mood. Not that he’s ever in the talking mood.

  After about two minutes I felt Andy relax under my touch. I watched him sit back lazily, his shoulders no longer tensed and his hand no longer holding the steering wheel in a death grip.

  “You have no idea where we’re going do you?” I asked as we passed the exit for the school and just passed the one for my house. It couldn’t have been his house either because it was in the opposite direction.

  “Nope.” Andy said with a slight smile.

  I chuckled and shook my head. I’m all for adventures. I just never figured that Andy would be one for it either. Without asking, I reached over and turned on his stereo and was rewarded with a loud screech and heavy banging instruments in my ear drums.

  I screamed. “Oh my….” I turned down the volume quickly and turned to find Andy smiling casually. “You’re gonna go deaf.” I said lowering it even more.

  “What? Did you say something?” He asked confused.

  I smiled and punched his arm. “You’re not funny.” I said as I switched the station. I didn’t think I was mentally ready to listen to his CD.

  I left the station as soon as Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri started playing.

  I leaned back in my seat. “This song kind of reminds me of you.” I joked.

  “It kind of reminds me of you.” Andy said after a moment’s pause.

  I laughed. “Oh touché. Haven’t heard that one.” I said amused.

  We fell in silence again, but it was comfortable. It felt weird not having the urge to talk or make conversation…but I could get used to it. For some odd reason he made things peaceful.

  “What are you doing for Thanksgiving break?” I asked. Yeah I know, I said I didn’t need to start a conversation but hey…I talked a lot, and plus I loved hearing his voice.

  “I don’t know. Susie and I will probably go to some restaurant or order pizza.” He said casually.

  I sat up in shock. “For your Thanksgiving meal?” I asked.

  He glanced quickly at me and then back at the road and smiled. “None of us can cook for shit.”

  “That’s why you go to your parents’ house.” I said. “Where do they live?” I asked.

  Andy gripped his steering wheel. “Our parents are dead.” He said calmly.

  I put my hand over my mouth. Fuck. Shit. Did I just really--- “Oh my God, I am so sorry…I didn’t know.” I said remorsefully. Great Ornelia, you always find some way to stick your nose into something that’s not your business.

  “I’m sorry.” I said again.

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Andy said. “It’s been a couple years anyways.”

  I rubbed his hand. “Do you miss them?” I asked.

  Andy removed his hand from my touch and shrugged. “What’s the point in missing them? They’re never coming back.”

  My mouth almost dropped. That wasn’t the response I was expecting.

  Andy shifted a little. “I regret… not loving them more when they were here.” He said sadly after a couple minutes of silence. This time he placed his right hand hesitantly over my left hand.

  “How did they di---”

  “Can we not talk about that?” Andy asked cutting me off. He once again removed his hand from mine “I mean...I think most girls would have dropped the subject a while ago.”

  “Well I’m not most girls.” I said.

  Andy swerved the car. I held on to my seat. “What was that?” I asked holding the door handle too.

  Andy shook his head and rubbed his face quickly. “Sorry.” He gave me a quick look and then looked back out his window. He seemed very pale and confused.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  He nodded and took a deep breath. “What are you doing for break?” He asked quickly, as though trying to stop me from asking other questions.

  “Going home.” I said smiling. “It’s sort of bittersweet, I miss it…but then when I get there, it’s probably gonna be hell.” I said.

  “Why?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Oh nothing, my older sister Celine is just better than me at everything and my mom and her just love pointing it out.” I said with a small smile, trying to hide the hurt. I didn’t care. Seriously I didn’t care.

  Andy looked at me quickly and then looked away. “Is she a bitch?” He asked softly.

  I shrugged. “Sometimes.” I said laughing. “But she really is better, she’s prettier too. Yeah she’s a bitch.” I said.

  Andy gave a small chuckle and I laughed. “But, my little sister Fleur is the most amazing little sister in the history of little sisters. You’ll love her, she’s like a miniature me.” I said happily.

  “You’re the middle child.” Andy stated.


  There was a pause. “That explains a lot.” He said rubbing his neck.

  “Hey.” I said hitting his arm. “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked feigning hurt. I was okay, I heard that line so many times it just brushed right off me.

  Andy laughed. “It just means you’re special.” He said.

  “You mean special ed.” I said hitting him again. He laughed and I realized this was the first time I’d heard him laugh. I watched him for a while. He had a nice low laugh, and his whole face kind of lit up. His blue eyes got brighter. He licked his lip and played with his lip ring. Andy turned to see me staring at him.


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