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Page 26

by Penny Hawking

“Sounds like a plan.” Zeus lifted up my chin and his mouth descended on top of mine again. I parted my lips because this time I wanted more than just meeting of the lips. I wanted a full fledge kiss. He captured my top lip in his mouth as his hand grabbed my hip. I scooted closer to him as I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss as my tongue entered his mouth.


  I playfully wiggled my toes in the air as I flipped through the photography journal Mrs. Casey had given each of us as a going away present. She decided giving birth and spending time with her baby was more important than teaching young hungry photographers…but its okay, I forgive her. Our replacement in a week or so was going to be Dr. Guy Honsu and he was brilliant. I mean like his photography was extraordinary. How our university managed to catch him was beyond my knowledge.

  “I swear you’ve looked at the thing front and back 50 times already.” Jazmine said plopping down on the couch across from me with her bowl of popcorn.

  “51 times thank you.” I corrected her as I flipped another page.

  “Okay bye guys.” Frauline said closing the door and walking out the house. I looked up at Jasmine and she shrugged. Frauline was the roommate we never saw…ever, it’s like we’d be lying if we said we had a fourth roommate. But I guess that meant less drama, plus she always paid on time so I guess it didn’t really matter if she was there or not.

  I stretched my hand towards Jazmine. She stretched out her bowl of popcorn so I could take a big handful. “Where’s Brittany?” I asked.

  “At school studying…you know how those bio students are.” Jasmine said popping more popcorn in her mouth.

  I laughed as I picked up my journal. “Nerds!” I teased.

  Jazmine giggled as she turned on the T.V. she flipped through several channels with a bored expression on her face. She groaned and put down the remote control. “Fine I’ll tell you.” She said.

  “Uh…” I put my journal down and sat right back up. “Thanks cause I was dying to know…” I said confused. I reached for more of her popcorn.

  Jazmine sighed and pouted. “I know…but I have to tell you now…it’s like eating me alive.” She said in a whining tone.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I don’t know.” She said softly. She stuffed her mouth again.

  “Uh-uh.” I said putting my hand up. “You just tore me away from my most prized possession so you’re talking. Speak woman.” I ordered. I could see in her face she really wanted to talk.

  “Okay.” She said sitting up straighter. “There’s this guy.”

  “Oh Lord.” I said exaggerated as I threw myself on the couch.

  Jazmine giggled. “Stop it…this one is serious.” She said throwing a pillow at me.

  It hit my head and I grabbed it and sat up. “Wait please tell me it’s not your math teacher.” I said.

  “What!” Jazmine said shocked. “I was joking about that.”

  I raised my eyebrow at her. “You got a B on your test yesterday….” I said suspiciously. I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

  “That’s cause Nico helped me study!” Jazmine said throwing another pillow at me. “Oh my gosh you’re such a horrible friend.”

  I laughed and jumped on her couch causing her to shriek. “Okay, who is he? What his name? Is he cute?” I asked rapidly.

  Jazmine blushed. “I’m not telling you….”

  “Why?” I asked surprised. Jazmine was never one to withhold juicy boy information from me.

  Jazmine hesitated. “…you might judge me…” she said softly.

  I gasped and crossed my arms. “I’m hurt.”

  “No I don’t mean like that.” She said quickly. “I mean…you might….I don’t know if you’ll approve...or accept or…”

  “Does he stink?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Have bad teeth?”

  Another shake of the head.

  “A murderer?”

  Jazmine rolled her eyes and shook her head again.

  “Is he cute?”

  She nodded.

  “So why won’t I approve?” I asked.

  Jazmine stared at me but didn’t answer. She bit her bottom lip.

  I put my hand over my mouth as my eyes widened. “Oh my gosh it’s Zeus!” I said.

  “What?” Jazmine said surprised. “He’s so not my type.” She said scoffing. “He’s so cocky.”


  Jazmine groaned. “You’re the only one that’s on Andy’s nuts.”


  “Look we’re not playing this okay.” Jazmine said. “I’m not telling you who it is…just be a bestie and listen to me.”

  “Okay, okay.” I said sitting next to her. “And I’m not on Andy’s nuts.” Which reminds me, I haven’t talked to the kid in like 2 days…whoa time flies.

  “Okay whatever.” Jazmine said. She put the bowl of popcorn on the table and turned to me. She took a deep breath. “There’s this guy okay…”

  I nodded.

  “I’ve always kinda had like a little crush on him….”

  “Do I know him?” I asked.

  Jazmine threw her hands down.

  “Sorry! Sorry! Continue.” I said

  “I think I really um…I really like him…but um…he um…he likes somebody else and I think he thinks I’m a whore.” She said nervously.

  “Now why would he think that?” I said sarcastically. I was teasing of course. Jazmine wasn’t the big whore everybody thought she was.

  “Ornelia…” she whined.

  “I’m kidding…okay um…have you told him?” I asked.

  She sighed and looked down at her hands and then back up at me. I saw such sadness in her brown eyes. She shrugged and her eyes watered. “We hooked up once and he said it was a mistake because he really liked somebody else…and….but…once we were at a party he made out with this other girl right in front of me….and she likes him….and….” Jazmine trailed off.

  “Wait.” I said putting my hand up. “So how many girls are there?” I asked.

  “Three….” Jazmine said. “Well the girl he likes doesn’t like him like that, I know that for a fact…but me and the other girl….we um kinda do…and he’s like waiting for the impossible…and…” Jazmine groaned. “O.J. you’re so oblivious.” She said throwing her head in my lap helplessly.

  “Hey I’m trying to help you.” I said defensively.

  Jazmine shrugged and sat up. She gave me a weak smile and laid her head on my shoulder. “It’s okay.” She said softly. “It’s only been going on for like forever…”

  I patted her long beautiful curls and ran my fingers through them. “I’m not as dumb as I pretend to be sometimes.” I whispered to her. “I just don’t know how to handle it, so I pretend it doesn’t exist.” I admitted.

  Jazmine looked up at me and smiled. “I know…that’s what’s killing me.”

  We both giggled and I hugged her tightly. “I’ll talk to him again.”

  “Don’t!” Jazmine said loudly as she sat up knocking my chin with her head. “O.J. if you say anything I’m gonna kill you!” she threatened.

  “That’s what you guys get for hiding this from me!” I yelled standing up. “I knew it! Ever since we came back from spring brink last semester you three have been so secretive and moody and shit” I pointed my finger at her. “I knew I should have went on that cruise.”

  Ornelia!” Jazmine whined her bottom lip quivering. I could tell she was almost on the verge of tears.

  “Oh shut-up you big baby.” I said nudging her away. “I’m just gonna confirm to Nico that we’re just friends and that’s all we’ll ever be.”

  Jazmine groaned. “You use the term friends so lightly with boys it could mean anything from brother to lover.” She said.

  “Jazmine.” I said putting my hand on my hips.

  “Hey guys.” Brittany said opening the door. We both turned quickly. Brittany struggled with her big handbag and two heavy bio books.r />
  “Hey nerd.” I said teasingly.

  I looked at Jazmine and she shook her head. Her eyes pleading with mine. I rolled my eyes.

  “Hi trick.” She said dumping her bag on me. “Hey Jaz.” She said heading to the kitchen. “I’m starving.”

  “Studying anatomy all day can do that to you.” I joked.

  “Not every bio class is anatomy Ornelia.” Brittany said chuckling.

  “Well that’s the only one I’m interested in.” I said shaking my body.

  Both girls groaned as they tried to hold back their smile.

  “You’re so dumb.” Jazmine said jumping off the couch. “Bri cook something.” She said joining her in the kitchen.

  “I’m too pooped.” Bri said. “O.J., cook something…you have nothing to do.”

  “Hey!” I said defensively. “For your information I have a lot to do.” I said picking up my photography journal.

  Bri rushed over and snatched my journal. “Look at pictures?” she asked.

  “Look at pretty pictures.” I corrected.

  “Ornelia!” Both girls groaned as they jumped on my couch and tackled me.

  “Help!” I yelled aimlessly. There was nobody there to protect me from my savage friends, nor from preventing them from commencing a tickling fest. I was on the verge of tears and practically peed my pants. It was either surrender or risk a lifetime of embarrassment. “Fine!” I yelled shoving them off me like a maniac. I was gasping for air. My hair was a mess and my shirt was hanging down revealing my pink bra. “You guys are savages.” I said in shock.

  I was rewarded with a round of giggles as I entered the kitchen. I opened the cupboard. They were lucky that I actually liked cooking and they knew it. “What do you want?”

  “Steak!” Jazmine shouted.

  “Pork chops!” Brittany shouted

  I rolled my eyes. “Spam!” I said excitedly as I took out a can of spam.

  “You don’t even like spam.” Bri said.

  “I know.” I said. “The spam is for my savage friends….I’ll have some pork chops.”



  Zeus ran an index finger over my thigh. I smiled faintly at the light feel of his touch. I knew if I looked up he would be smiling at me warmly. Why did that bother me? Why couldn’t I appreciate the fact that he liked me? Or was he just courting me for the sex….was this what it was, pampering and seducing me, just to fuck me? I bit my bottom lip. He really didn’t have to do all that…when I am in the mood to fuck, I’ll let him know. What’s wrong with me? Why do I think like that?

  “You okay?” Zeus asked, concerned lining the edge of his voice.

  I looked up into his worried green eyes and smiled. “Peachy.” I answered sarcastically but he didn’t catch it. I put on an extra big smile to make him happy. Actually at the moment, I was in a bitchy mood. I was debating whether to let it show or to shut it down deep inside.

  “Don’t put a frown on that pretty face of yours.” Zeus said running his thumb over my brow.

  No he did not just say that. I stared at him in disbelief and then covered my mouth to unsuccessfully stop the giggles from escaping.

  “What?” he asked leaning forward.

  “That’s so gay.” I said shaking my head and laughing.

  Zeus smiled and I pushed him. “You’re so corny.” I said shaking my head at the line.

  “But it made you laugh.” He said smirking. He took my hand in his and gently ran his thumb over the inside of my palm.

  I smiled warmly. I guess I can put the bitchiness away. “Yes it did.” I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  Jazmine snickered as she lifted her history book to her face.

  “Yes Jaz.” I said smiling at her. I looked past her shoulder at a figure that caught my attention. “Andy!” I yelled excitedly. I stood up and waved. I looked around to the stares that from the surrounding people in the Clab. “Ooops sorry.” I apologized meekly.

  “God, you’re so ghetto.” Jazmine said. “So embarrassing.”

  “Andy!” I shouted again just for her comfort.

  The people looked back at me again. “Sorry forget again.” I said innocently. The other people shrugged it off except a girl that rudely looked me up and down. I stuck my middle finger up at her. She scoffed and returned to her book.

  “Yeah keep reading bitch.” Jazmine said to the girl that was eyeing me.

  I put my hand on my hips because Andy kept walking. “Did he not hear me?” I asked. Zeus looked back at Andy walking away.

  “What are you two best friends now?” Zeus asked bitterly.

  “If you only knew.” Jazmine muttered.

  “Jealous?” I said teasingly.

  “Naw…Perth ain’t got nothing on me.” Zeus said confidently.

  I raised my eyebrow at him and Jazmine snickered. “Well aren’t you Mr. confident.”

  “Ignore Jazmine.” I told Zeus. “I’ll be back, I haven’t seen him in a couple days.”

  “You should ask Perth to come sit with us.” Zeus said with a tone in his voice I couldn’t quite understand.

  “That’ll be interesting.” Jazmine said sitting up straighter.

  “I will.” I said smiling at her.

  Jazmine grinned. “You’re bad.” She said shaking her head.

  “I learned from the best.” I answered. I nudged her head as I walked past her. Now the issue was to catch up with Andy. I turned the corner and grinned. I guess today was my lucky day. I jogged up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and took off his headphones and I grinned at him.

  “For a minute there I thought you were ignoring me…but now that I see you had the headphones on, I’m a little more assured.” I said

  Andy smirked as he moved his hair out his face. “Don’t be…I heard you calling me in the clab.” He said calmly.

  My mouth dropped open as I playfully punched his arm. “And why didn’t you stop?”

  Andy shrugged.

  “You’re evil.” I said feigning hurt. “But.” I said lunging myself at him and hugging him tightly. “I forgive you because I missed looking into those gorgeous blue eyes.” I said loudly as I laid my head on his chest. I noticed a couple people walking by giving us second glances. “What?” I said shrugging at them.

  “You always have to make a scene?” he asked backing away from my hold.

  “Did you miss me?” I asked.

  “Not really.” He said putting his hands in his pockets after having fixed his headphones over his neck. He looked me over. “I finally got some peace and quiet.” He added.

  I put my hand on my hips. “The sad thing about this is you’re being totally honest.” I said in awe. I put my hand over my left breast. “You hurt me deep Andy…real deep.”

  Andy looked around him and down at the floor. He leaned on his tiptoe and back down. I looked him over in his grey sweater and tight black skinnies. He looked really adorable. “I like your sweater.” I said. Andy looked down as though unsure of what he was wearing today.

  “Thanks…Susie got it for me.” He said still staring at the sweater. I observed him and as he played with his lip ring, his hands still in his pockets.

  “Thank God we didn’t have sex or this little exchange would be more awkward than it is,” I said leaning against the wall.

  Andy rubbed his nose and smiled. He shrugged. “I guess so.”

  I sat up straight. “I’m annoying you.” I concluded.

  Andy looked me over.

  I put my hand to my mouth and whispered as I leaned towards his face. “This is the part where you tell me I’m not.”

  Andy didn’t respond.

  I threw my hands up. “Fine I can take a hint.” I said shrugging. “But for the record, I did miss you.” I said giving him a small smile. Why did I let his simple actions affect me so? I told him to keep it casual and I seemed to be the one overreacting over a simple greeting. But damn, he couldn’t have pretended to miss me just a
little bit. I turned to leave him when Mr. Perth finally decided to speak up.

  “I got the job I’ve been wanting for a while…with the band I told you about over break.” He said. I stopped and turned back around to stare at him. Andy pointed behind him. “I actually have a meeting with them…so…I’m kinda….rushing.” He took a deep breath. He rubbed his palms against his thighs. “You talk a lot so I didn’t want to stop.”


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