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Page 25

by Penny Hawking

  “I…I think I can do this.” Andy finally answered. He looked at me.

  “Yeah?” I asked as I moved my hand slightly over. He didn’t need to explain what ‘this’ meant.

  “But.” Andy said grabbing my hand before it could touch his dick. He locked eyes with me. “Purely friendship right?” He asked.

  I grinned. “Exactamundo.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  “Why am I ignoring all the warning bells in my head?” He asked.

  “Because.” I said removing my hand from his boxers. I had time to go in there later. I peeled the covers back and got on top of him. “You’re really horny.” I answered as I sat up and straddled him. “So you’re ignoring all your logic.” I grinned as I felt his very had erection on my inner thigh.

  “But.” I said leaning down and placing my hands on each side of his head. Andy’s hand went up to slowly grab my butt. “You have to learn to live a little and just have fun.” I whispered as I bent down and kissed his neck.

  Andy held me tighter as he kissed my neck too and rotated my hips.

  “Yep, just like that.” I said as I sucked on the sensitive part of his neck.

  Chapter thirteen

  “Okay now go to sleep.” Andy whispered. His teeth grazed my collarbone and I giggled. I could get used to these makeout sessions. Andy cupped my left breast and kneaded it softly. I looked up at him, the moon barely illuminating his face. I reached up and brushed his hair out of his face.

  “When was the last time you were with a girl?” I asked softly as I ran my fingers through his hair. Andy turned and pressed his lips against my wrists.

  “Senior year high school.” He whispered. He kissed my neck and fell back on the bed with a sigh.

  “That’s a long time…she break your heart that badly?” I asked sitting up on my elbow. I ran my finger up his arm and he looked up at me.

  “I don’t really wanna talk about that.” Andy said moving his hair out of his face. He gave a blank stare at the ceiling.

  I shrugged. “Okay…understood.” I pressed my face against the pillow. “Are you gonna tell me sometime in the future?” I asked.

  Andy took a long time to answer. “Probably not.” He answered truthfully.

  I chuckled and turned to face him. I kissed him on the cheek. “Fair enough.” I brushed his hair out his face again. “Night handsome.” I said softly.


  “Why are you so quiet?” I asked biting into the white chocolate raisin scone my mom made for our ride back.

  “Huh?” Andy said snapping out of whatever trance he was in. He turned his gaze from the road and unto me.

  I rolled my eyes. “I said why are you so quiet?” I asked again.

  Andy shook his head and smiled. “Nothing.” He said turning his gorgeous blue eyes on me again. “I’m just driving.” He shrugged as he tightened his hold on the steering wheel. “I’m happy.” He added softly as if that was something that didn’t occur often.

  I grinned and leaned over the seat to plant a kiss on the side of his mouth. My favorite side, the one with the lip ring. That ring and I can become the best of friends.

  Andy looked down at me with a small smile on his face. I made an ugly face and stuck my tongue out at him. He chuckled and shook his head. He turned his head back to the road as I kept staring at him. In all honesty, this boy was gorgeous, especially when he smiled. There was something different about him, and I had a feeling I was going to find out soon enough. I laid my head on his shoulder as he drove. I like this…this peacefulness…this weird contentment.

  Because of him the rest of the stay had been more than enjoyable. It was fun being able to touch him without him denying me. It was even more fun sneaking kisses around the house. I smiled to myself. Celine had walked in right when I’d surprised Andy by straddling him on the couch. It was kind of annoying to see that she wasn’t at all surprised, she’d assumed we been together for quite some time already. Speaking of Celine, she became as she always did when her dad appeared. Quieter, nicer, more compromising as though to apologize for her dad’s behavior. I hated it, I hated pity…Andy made things more tolerable. Well something’s more tolerable…for one he refused completely to have sex under my mom’s roof, saying it was disrespectful to her. He didn’t know it but I was impressed, I honestly was. I respected him for that. Not a lot of guys would say that…or it could be he just didn’t want to sleep with me…but it was all good it was just one more reason to add to the list why this guy wasn’t like the others.

  I yawned as my phone rang. I reached on my seat and grabbed the phone. “Hello.” I said tiredly.

  “Hey sweetheart.” Zeus said on the other line.

  I grinned. “Zeusy!” I said. I’d forgotten to call him back last night. “Sorry I fell asleep.” Actually Andy and I fell asleep watching some old western movie, that was surprisingly interesting but after 3 hours, it was way too long.

  “No problem hun…what time you getting in?”

  “Uh…” I looked up at Andy. I met his gaze quickly which meant he’d been watching me. “What time will we be back?”

  “Like 7.” He said calmly.

  “Like 7.” I repeated into the phone.

  “Great…I wanna see you, wanna grab a dinner and a movie?” He asked.

  “Uh….” I stretched. “I still have some of my mom’s leftovers so dinner is a no….but we can go to the movies.” I said looking up at Andy. He was concentrated on the road. I poked his side and he gave a small smile.

  “Good, I missed you.” Zeus said.

  “I missed you too Zeusy! Can’t wait to see you.” I said.

  Andy moved a bit and rubbed his neck.

  “How’s Perth? Freaked out your family?” Zeus asked.

  “He’s fine, thanks for asking…he’s driving.” I said annoyed. Andy gave me a quick look and I just shrugged.

  Zeus chuckled. “You’re like a mother hen with him babe, I’m joking chill.”

  “Whatever.” I said checking my nails.

  Zeus laughed again. “Hey, Coach is calling me, so I’ll call you back.”

  “No prob….have fun at practice.” I said. I straightened up in my seat and hung up. I turned to Andy and watched him till he turned to me.

  “What?” He asked.

  “This doesn’t bother you right?” I asked lifting up my phone. “Because we talked ab---”

  “No.” Andy said. “It’s fine.” He shrugged. “We’re friends…he’s your….friend…we’re all friends.”

  I laughed. “Stop mocking me.” I leaned over and kissed him softly. “This is totally casual, feel free to stop at any time…no hard feeling I swear.” I whispered.

  Andy nodded. “I’m not a baby.” He said.

  I laughed. “I know I’m just warning you now…you’re different than I am….you’re actually capable of loving.” I said pinching his cheek.

  “That doesn’t make it a good thing.” He answered.

  I laughed again. “You see conversations like this is a no…it’s too deep for what we are….which is.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Just friends.” I whispered as I covered my mouth with his. Andy swerved the car a little because I blocked his view. He kissed me back quickly.

  “Can’t see… move.” He said pushing me away. He grabbed me again and kissed me quickly before pushing me back in my seat.

  I laughed. “Okay so a blowjob then?” I said excitedly as I let go of his neck. I loved when guys just grabbed and kissed. There was something undeniable masculine and sexy about it.

  The expression on his face was priceless and it took a while for me to control my laughter. I gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “I love teasing you.”

  I settled back in my seat and propped my legs up and took out my magazine. “Unless you really did want that blowjob….” I said slowly

  “Shut-up.” He said pushing my head to the side. I giggled as I flipped through the pages. This kid was gonna make my life ten times mor
e interesting.


  “Thanks for dumping him on me for the week.” I said happily to Susan as I waved eagerly to Andy.

  Andy rolled his eyes and walked in the house with his bags and I grinned. I absolutely loved his reactions to anything I said. Susan came to the car with a small smile.

  “Thanks for getting him out the house.” She said crossing her arms across her chest. “Was it okay? Not too weird…awkward….” She looked a little concerned

  I shook my head. “Nope it was great.” I leaned over the door of my car. “My family loved him, he was charming and he fit right in.”

  Susan couldn’t hide the skepticism on her face. I laughed. “No really it was.”

  She nodded. “Well that’s good then…he can be a real asshole when he puts his mind to it.” She said. I giggled.

  My phone rang on the passenger seat. I reached over and looked at the number. Throwing the phone back down I turned to Susan and shrugged. “I have a hot movie date waiting for me.” I said cheesing. I was in a really good mood and I didn’t even know why. “So I’ll see you guys later.”

  Susan backed up. “Yep, have fun.”

  I waved to her happily as I reversed out her driveway to get ready for my date with Zeus.

  Susan watched my car until it disappeared out of sight. She took a deep breath and headed back inside the house. Andy was leaning against the counter eating an apple when he looked up at his older sister. Susan crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

  “Had fun?” she asked.

  Andy shrugged. “It was fine.” He bite into his apple and chewed slowly. He watched Susan cross on over to the kitchen and lean against the counter like him.

  “Ornelia said you were the perfect guest. I’m shocked…sounds like it was more than fine to me.” She said shrugging with a small smile on her face.

  “It was okay.” Andy said annoyed.

  “You like her.” Susan asked directly jumping to the most important question on her mind.

  “No.” Andy said crossing his arms like his sister had previously. He met her gaze.

  Susan raised her eyebrow at him.

  “I don’t hate her.” He said defensively.

  “Coming from you, that’s saying a lot.” Susan said grinning.

  Andy rolled his eyes. “She’s okay…she’s cool okay…what do you want me to say?” he asked his older sister. Susan shrugged. Andy threw his arms up. “She has this thing about her…you can’t help but…get sucked in...and like her a little.” He trailed off.

  “Good…maybe she can get your mind off that little hussy Christina.” Susan said checking her nails.

  Andy groaned. “Seriously Susie?” he asked. He threw the rest of the apple in the trash. “What the fuck, this has nothing to do with Christina…I haven’t seen her in months...we’re not even together anymore.” He turned and headed for the basement door, angrily hitting the wall on his way

  “She called while you were gone.” Susan said watching her younger brother closely.

  Andy froze with his hand on the door handle.

  Susan crossed her arms as she sat up straight. Angrily staring daggers into her brother’s back. “I thought you said you were done with her. Haven’t seen each other in months? That’s a fucking lie. What the hell are you doing? This is the same girl that had you all fucked up senior year, that completely changed you----”

  “I am done with her!” Andy yelled back cutting her off. He turned to his sister taking deep breaths. “I’m done with her…” he repeated in a calmer tone

  “Then why is she calling saying she lost your cellphone number and you guys are supposed to be having lunch dates and---”

  “I signed a contract with her band!” Andy said cutting Susan off again. “Okay, shit…I’m their new writer...when I was meeting with them, she was never there…so”

  Susan gasped and covered her mouth. She shook her head. “Andy no…..” she trailed off.

  “I’m fine.” Andy said calmly. He looked around the house to avoid seeing the despair in his sister’s eyes. “I’m fine…I know what I’m doing.” He opened the door to the basement. “Just leave me alone okay.”

  “Leave you alone?” Susan said in disbelief.

  “Yeah leave me alone!” Andy yelled.

  “Yeah I’ll leave you alone!” Susan shrieked. Andy slammed the door. “And I will not be the concerned sister that takes you to the hospital at 3 in the fucking morning cause you cut a vein!” she yelled emotionally at the closed basement door. Susan took deep heaving breaths and slammed her hand against the counter. She ran her fingers through her hair.

  “He was doing so fucking good.” She muttered. She opened the cabinet and grabbed her pack of cigarettes behind all the seasoning they never used since neither of them could cook. She took the lighter out her pockets and with shaky hands managed to light her cigarette. She inhaled deeply as she stared out the kitchen window. She dropped her head as a tear fell. She couldn’t understand how this bitch had such a strong hold on her little brother after 3 years.


  I held Zeus’ hand as I walked contently through the brisk November wind. The movie had been light and funny, much more of a girls flick than I would have expected Zeus to want to see. But it was refreshing.

  “You seem happier than usual today.” Zeus said giving my hand a light squeeze.

  I stopped walking and turned towards my handsome Argentinian. I shrugged. “Really?” I asked confused. I didn’t realize I was giving off happy vibes.

  Zeus laughed as he pulled me against him. “That’s not a bad thing.”

  I inhaled his light cologne and grinned. “You smell good.” I said. I looked up into his deep green eyes. Come on an Argentinian with curly black hair and green eyes. What more could I want? I smiled at him as I tilted my head up. Without hesitation Zeus bent down and pressed his lips against mine. Firm and confidant. I held his head as I moved my lips against his. Very different from Andy that was for sure. Andy’s lips were softer and a tad bit fuller, and yes for some odd reason it even tasted slightly different if that makes sense to you guys. But I smiled against Zeus’ lips because I still greatly enjoyed the kiss. I playfully nibbled his bottom lip as I moved away.

  “Guess I should wear this scent more often huh?” he murmured as his cold nose nuzzled my warm neck.

  I closed my eyes and grinned. “I guess you should.” I ran my hand up his strong biceps as he planted soft kisses up my neck and over my jawline. I giggled and moved away. “Come on lover boy.” I said grabbing his arm and laying my head on his shoulder. We resumed walking towards his car.

  “May I ask for another date on Friday?” Zeus asked softly.

  I laughed as I let go of him. I jumped on the random big rock on the sidewalk. I balanced on it and turned to him. “I don’t know.”

  Zeus put his hands in his pockets as he watched me carefully.

  “I might be busy on Friday.” I said shrugging as I put my hands out to regain balance. “I can’t plan so far in advance.”

  Zeus reached his hand out just in case I fell. I coughed and almost fall. I laughed at the worried look on Zeus’ face. “I’m fine.” I said sitting down. I patted the rock and Zeus planted his fine ass next to mine. “Let’s just chill and relax.” I said softly as I took his hand. “We don’t have to rush into anything as concrete as planning dates in advance…we’ll go wherever the wind blows.” I said kissing his cheek. It was so warm, so I rewarded him with another kiss.

  “Or until you get tired of me.” Zeus said lightly. I laughed. This kid was good. “I know your reputation O.J.” he said playfully tugging my nose. “But I want to be in this for the long run.” He whispered. Zeus tucked a few strand of hair behind my ear. He smiled at me warmly as his thumb brushed my cheek. My heart skipped a beat as I looked up at him.

  “We’ll just have to see.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist. “So far it’s looking pretty good.” I whispered as I licked my bott
om lip and stared at his mouth. His lips looked pretty inviting right about now.


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