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Page 46

by Penny Hawking

  “Not so fast.” He said restraining him. “Fleur the water.” He motioned with his hand, completely forgetting she couldn’t see him. I gasped as Fleur took the bucket and completely missed Bubbles and poured it over Andy’s head.

  “Did I get him?” she asked excitedly.

  I burst out laughing unable to control myself.

  Andy and Bubbles both shook themselves. He pushed his wet hair back out of his face as he grinned up at Fleur. “You completely missed the dog.” He said. “A little over to your right would have been perfect.”

  Fleur gasped and doubled over in a fit of giggles. “I’m sorry.” She said between laughter. She rushed over to the hose and turned it on. It sprayed her and she jumped and dropped it. She fell to the ground searching for it as Bubbles and Andy watched her. “I got it.” She said lifting it and pointing it directly at Andy. He just closed his eyes as he was hit with continuous spray of water.

  “Fleur aim further down, lower…lower…to the right, nope to far…come back …wait that’s okay, stay….there that’s Bubbles, that’s Bubbles, don’t move.” Andy instructed as Fleur sprayed her dog and he attempted to get the rest of the soap suds off.

  Sitting there watching a drenched Andy washing a dog was a sight to see. It was also mildly arousing, but I would blame that on the fact that I had barely been able to get him alone ever since he got here. If he wasn’t playing with Fleur and Bubbles, he was in a random conversation with my mom that stopped immediately as I entered the room. Or he was pouring over embarrassing albums with her, and helping her move different stuff. And when I finally thought I had him to myself here was Cece getting into random debates with him, laughing with him as though he was the funniest guy in the world. It was never as if Andy laughed, I concluded, this kid never laughed. A smile here, a chuckle here, a smirk…but never a gut wrenching laugh. I’ve only been able to sneak in a couple kisses, whether it had been at home or at the church as we finished the rest of the children’s place. Now he was leaving tomorrow and I was still the horniest person on the planet regardless of the fact that Andy was under the same roof as me.

  I looked up as Bubbles ran around happily barking as he tried to dry himself off. Andy and Fleur had managed to dry themselves a little with the towel. It was pretty warm outside for the last day of December but chilly enough for Fleur to quickly get inside to dry off.

  “Fleur honey, run inside and get some dry clothes before you get sick.” I said standing up as I made my way to them with the towel I had in hand.

  “Okay.” Fleur said running to the house. Bubbles immediately followed her inside. I walked up to Andy and handed him the towel I was holding. I heard screaming from my mom as she pushed Bubbles out the house.

  “Dry off out here.” She scolded. She turned to Andy and me. “Andy you should get out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold.” She said.

  “Yes ma’am.” Andy said nodding at her.

  “Hurry dinner is almost ready.” My mom said as she closed the door to the backyard.

  I turned to Andy and smiled. “Yeah you should definitely get out of those wet clothes.” I said.

  Andy nodded and headed towards the house. I grabbed his arm before he could walk pass me. He looked back at me in surprise. I smiled as I tugged him over to the side of the house. “Let’s go this way.” I whispered. Andy looked at the back door in confusion.

  “Uh…why?” he asked letting me pull him.

  Because it’s the only place that doesn’t have windows facing it and we can see somebody come before they see us. I thought. Believe me, it’s been tested and true. “Just because.” I said as we reached the side of the house. I leaned against the wall and pulled a very wet Andy to me. “Hi.” I whispered as I kissed his jaw.

  Andy placed his hands on the wall. “Uh…” he started. His eyes roaming over me. I smiled, I knew he wanted me, I knew he did.

  “Let’s play.” I whispered. I playfully nipped at his bottom lip and ran my tongue over his lip ring.

  “Okay.” Andy said softly his eyes clouding over as he stared at me intensely.

  I rubbed my nose with his. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” I whispered. I ran my hand down his black pea coat and put it under to grab his belt buckle.

  Andy shook his head as I unbuckled his belt. I smiled and gave him a soft kiss as I unbuttoned his jean. I moved my head over and kissed his cheek as I slowly zipped him down. I smiled against his face at the intake of breath when I ran my hand over the front of his wet jeans. Oh don’t worry Andy I’m just getting started. I thought as I slipped my hand into his briefs. It was chilly outside but it was so warm inside his pants. “Can you help me warm up a little?” I whispered against his ear as my hand enclosed itself around his hot member. It would take no time at all for me to work this semi-erection to its full capacity.

  “Oh.” Andy simply said as I ran my hand down his ridges.

  “Would you like to do that for me?” I whispered as I gave him a long slow stroke.

  Andy nodded, his breathing shallow as he laid his head in the crook of my neck.

  “Good.” I said as I applied pressure and worked my hands up and down. Andy kissed my neck hungrily as his hand made its way under my windbreaker. His hands were cold but refreshing against my warm stomach. I took heavy breaths into his ear as I kept pumping him. “I want you so much.” I whispered as I bit his ear. Andy groaned in response as his hand slid up to cup my breast. He squeezed it as his mouth attacked my neck. His cold lip ring against my neck felt amazing. Andy lifted my bra and ran his hand over my harden nipple. I ran my hand over his moist slit and massaged right underneath it. Andy lifted his head and moved both his hands to fumble with the zipper on my windbreaker. I tried to hold back the smile as I saw how his hands were trembling in anticipation.

  “No.” I said stopping him. Andy’s eyes met mine. “If you take off my jacket I’ll be cold.” I said innocently. Andy leaned over and tried to kiss me but I moved my head. I smiled at how affected he was. “How about you just enjoy?” I whispered sex dripping off every syllable.

  I removed my wet hand from inside his briefs and held his hips. I held his gaze as I knelt down in front of him. I blew him a kiss as I lowered his pants a little. I didn’t wait for him to protest, besides I wouldn’t have stopped anyways, I’d been dreaming about him for a while. I grabbed him and slowly licked my way from the base to the tip, wasting no time in coming around and slipping him in my mouth as far as he could go. I heard Andy’s ragged breathing. He was saying something but I couldn’t really hear him, he was barely making sense. I pulled him all the way out with a pop. I lathered him with my saliva as my right hand juggled his balls. Putting my mouth over his head, I gave short shallow sucks just to tease him. Andy’s eyes closed as he laid his head against the wall. The short shallow sucks became longer as I went deeper and deeper. I closed my eyes as I brought my hands up to help my mouth. It felt good to feel him trembling inside my mouth. To know that I was the reason why he could barely stand straight right now. It really was all in my hand, or my mouth you could say as I whirled my tongue around him applying pressure at the base.

  “Ornelia…” Andy moaned as his hand gripped my hair. I pulled him out my mouth and pumped him in my hand. I should stop teasing him. I thought as I looked up at his face straining to get control. Andy opened his eyes and looked down at me, his eyes begging and pleading. I laughed as I kept his gaze and licked the pre-cum off his tip slowly. It was dripping and so I winked at him and slurped it into my mouth. Twirling my tongue and sucking until, I heard his deep groan and ragged breathing. Andy immediately grabbed himself and pulled away from me as I watched him cum in his hand. I giggled and spit out what was left as he turned over against the wall groaning as he finished himself off. He slumped against the wall heaving, his eyes closed, his head turned to the sky. I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “Come on, you have to get out those wet clothes.” I said innocently as
I smiled at him.

  “Wet…” Andy said looking so lost.

  I held back a laugh as I grabbed the towel off the floor. I gave him a peck on the lips as I wiped his hand. “You might want to zip up your pants.” I teased. Andy looked down and quickly zipped up his pants. “You want more?” I whispered sexily. Andy grabbed my hips and I laughed as his mouth descended on mine. Oh he wanted more alright. I kissed him hungrily as I grinded my hip into his.

  I broke off mid-kiss just to be a nuisance. “Let’s go.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him back around the house.

  “After dinner.” Andy whispered in my ear as he hugged me from behind.

  “What happens after dinner?” I asked with a clueless expression. Andy kissed my ear.

  “Anything you want.” He said huskily.

  I stopped abruptly and turned to face him. Anything I want. I smiled and Andy just stared at me. He played with his lip ring as he ran small caresses against my stomach. That’s how Cece found us as she opened the back door.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Cece said.

  Andy and I both jumped as we parted from each other.

  Cece grinned at me knowingly. “Mom says dinner’s almost ready and she wants to eat before the big New Year’s Eve celebration on T.V.”

  Neither Andy nor I moved. Cece tried to hold in her laughter. “That means…”

  “Right…I’ll um…I’ll go change out of this.” Andy said quickly. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and turned to look at me. That was it, just one look, one look and I wanted to take him in the grass regardless of if my sister was watching.

  He jogged to the door and went inside. Cece turned to me smirking.

  “What?” I asked.

  “What did you do to the poor boy?” Cece asked.

  I smiled naughtily at my older sister. “Watch and learn sis.” I joked as I walked past her. “Watch and learn.”


  I took the next plate and dried them as I heard my mom laugh in the living room. “Why don’t we just use the dishwasher? It’s not here just to look pretty.” I grumbled as I took the next plate that Cece handed. What could those two possibly be talking about? And what where they looking at?

  “Are you going out with him?” Cece asked.

  “What?” I said turning my attention back from the living room to the kitchen.

  Cece turned to me. “That kid Andy, do you ever plan on being his girlfriend?” she asked. “Or are you just gonna keep stringing him along.”

  “Whoa.” I said putting my plate down. “What the hell is your problem?”

  Cece practically threw the last plate at me. “You don’t know how lucky you are to have a single unattached guy who has eyes for only you.”

  I watched her storm out the kitchen. My mouth hung open; speechless. I looked around wondering if I was being punk’d or something. What was stuck up her ass? She’d been in a sour attitude all throughout dinner. I dried the last plate and put it away. It must have had something to do with the phone call she got right before dinner. It had to be that because a couple minutes before she had been laughing and teasing me. I sighed, I had the most bipolar family to ever exist.

  I dried my hands and headed to the living room where everybody was gathered watching the New Year’s Eve event. It didn’t matter, I was going to get us out of here, if it was the last thing I did. When I walked into the living room, mom and Andy were hovered over a stack of Polaroid that I don’t believe I’d ever seen before. Whatever it was, Andy seemed to be really intrigued by it. I watched as mom put a handful back into a black box that I’ve never seen before and took out a couple more.

  “See, I told you he was obsessed with pictures.” She said flipping through the Polaroid. “Here.” She said happily pointing to the picture. “This is what I was looking for, the first time he got his new Polaroid camera, the boys were snapping pictures all throughout campus.”

  Andy took the picture from here and looked at it closely. I watched as he nervously played with his lip ring.

  “Here and this one.” Gisele said flipping through more pictures.

  I sat on the arm of the couch and looked around the room. Fleur was lying across the floor with her hand in her book. Bubbles was sleeping next to her. Cece on the other hand was missing. I sighed loudly and Andy turned around acknowledging my presence.

  “Mom we’re gonna go.” I said standing up. They could look at embarrassing baby pictures and stuff later. I went to Andy and grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

  “You guys are going to miss the ball drop.” My mom said hurriedly packing away the pictures. A couple fell and Andy bent down to pick them up.

  I rolled my eyes at my mom. “Mom, we’ve all seen the ball drop tons of time. I can assure you, I can bring in the New Year without it.” I said.

  Andy straightened up and put his hands in his pockets.

  “Well maybe Andy wants to be here for the countdown.” Gisele said turning her attention to Andy.

  “Uhm…I---” Andy started.

  “No stop, don’t talk.” I said dragging Andy away. “Mom he’s my friend, we’re just going out for a drive. He’s leaving tomorrow, we need hang out time.” I said loudly. I turned to Andy and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.” I said quickly.

  Fleur turned around and beamed at us. I didn’t know what she was so happy about, but I was glad for the support. I practically shoved Andy out the room and took a deep breath. Andy chuckled as he took our coats out the closet.

  “Wow you really want me to yourself don’t you?” He teased.

  I jabbed his side. “You have no idea.” I whispered.

  “Ornelia.” My mom called.

  I opened the front door and pushed Andy out. “Yeah we’ll be back later.” I yelled. I closed the door and turned around into the night. “Freedom.” I said exasperated.

  Andy shook his hair out his face and smiled. “I have something to show you.” He said.

  “In the car before she comes out.” I said grabbing his arm and pulling him to the street. “You drive.” I said going to his red truck.

  “Where?” he asked taking out his car keys.

  “Anywhere.” I said as I hopped into his truck. Andy smiled as he got in. He immediately put his seatbelt on. I settled back and relaxed. It was after a couple seconds when I realized that he hadn’t started his engine. “What?” I asked staring at him. Andy didn’t say anything as he looked at me. I shrugged in confusion. He reached across me and tugged on my seatbelt.

  “You always forget this.” He remarked as he buckled me in.

  “Sorry.” I said leaning over and giving him a peck on the lips. “I won’t forget.”

  Andy gave me a skeptical look as he started his engine. “Sure.” He joked as he drove off into the night with no particular destination. I turned the radio on to some soft bluegrass music. I turned the volume down and laid back and closed my eyes.

  “Sorry that my family is all up in your space.” I said softly.

  “I don’t mind, it’s cool.” He said.

  I stretched my hand to lazily rest on his head. “You can just take a right here and keep driving down, the road doesn’t really stop.” I said. Andy nodded as he made a turn. I brought my hand down to his shoulder and massaged it gently. I watched him drive and smiled softly. Mom was right, he was skinny. I ran a finger over his cheek, he could afford to gain some weight. But he was a beautiful kid…did I just say that? I guess I did. It was one of those unearthly beauties though. He was too pale for my taste…or so I thought. Shows how much I knew about myself. I slid my hand over to the nape of his hair and rubbed it gently. This was nice, very relaxing, and very comfortable. I looked out the window as I dipped my hand into the collar of his shirt. I couldn’t believe this year was over in a couple of hours. Everything that happened was right now going to be in the past. I mused to myself, a couple months ago I had no idea that I would be sitting here next to Andy bringing in the New Year’s. No sir. I didn’t even know I was go
ing to spend it at home. I took a deep breath and exhaled. Now that I think about it, there was no better place I would want to be right now and with no better person. I turned to look at him. I should tell…no I could keep it to myself. I feel like he’d want to hear it.

  I took a deep breath, butterflies choosing that exact moment to start havoc in my stomach. “I can’t think of anybody I’d rather bring in the New Year with.” I told him.

  Andy looked at me and then looked back at the road. “Zeus.” He said calmly.

  “Uhm…what?” I asked thrown off guard. I mean I guess I was trying to be some sort of romantic here, but you’re bringing up Zeus. I scoffed at his remark as I turned my whole body towards him. “Why…why would you be talking about Zeus right now?” I asked slightly appalled.

  “Because I don’t believe you.” Andy answered his eyes still on the road. “You would probably want to be spending this time with Zeus.”


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