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Page 64

by Penny Hawking

  “Hey.” I said nervously. I checked him out and realized for the second time since I met him, Andy was in shorts. These were faded long basketball shorts, with paint on them. It showed off his skinny but sturdy looking pale legs. He had on a loose fitted black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Looking at his arms, I had to once again remember just how skinny this kid was.

  “Hey yourself.” Andy said leaning against the door. He wasn’t inviting me in, but he wasn’t chasing me out either. That was a start.

  “What are you doing?” I asked taking a step closer to him. I needed to see if he was alone or not.

  “Packing…sort of.” He said staring curiously at me. “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “Are you packing alone?” I asked ignoring his question.

  Andy didn’t answer the question.

  “Andy?” I asked a little louder. “Are you packing alone?”

  Andy narrowed his icy blue eyes at me as he leaned against his door. “What’s it to you?” he asked.

  I scoffed. “You’re not going to make this easy are you?”

  Andy didn’t answer but he brushed his hair out of his face.

  I tilted on my toes as I put my hands in my pocket. “I’m in no position whatsoever to ask you this or anything…but…” I started shyly as I looked up to him. Andy straightened up. I opened my mouth again. “I’m just going to have the audacity to say this and ask for a very selfish favor because that’s the kind of person I am.”

  Andy rubbed his neck. “What?” he asked.

  “I only have a week and it’s not…it’s not enough to do and say everything I wanted.” I said taking a deep breath. “I realized that it is highly probable that I will never see you again so I just…just for this week, I want to go back to a time where you didn’t hate me.” I said my voice shaking at the end.

  I was too ashamed to look up at him.

  His silence was eating me alive. He was going to refuse me, I just knew it…but I…I couldn’t let that happen.

  “Preferably around the time of winter break…” I mumbled. I bit my fingernail nervously. I never bite my nails. “I could be wrong…but I think we were both really happy.”

  I looked up at him hesitantly because he still hadn’t spoken. “Andy say something.” I pleaded.

  Andy stared at me seemingly unable to talk.

  “Do you want me to beg?” I asked my voice cracking. I felt my eyes well up. “Think about it…we only have a week…doesn’t that mean anything to you?” I asked.

  Andy didn’t say anything.

  “The fact that after we leave, we’ll never see each other again.” I said. “I don’t want to end it like this…you’re my good memory.”

  “And then what?” He asked in the low voice that first attracted me to him. “After this week what happens?”

  I wiped a tear off my cheek. For somebody that never used to cry, I was like a leaking faucet lately. I gave a small laugh and a crooked smile. I shrugged. “You can remember me as that bitch who fucked up your senior year…and I don’t mind if you hate me forever, just as long as you never forget it.” I took a deep breath. “So that way when you’re ready to get married and have kids, you won’t make the mistake of falling for somebody like me ever again. I can be that one special mistake.”

  “You’re crazy.” Andy whispered in awe.

  “I think just a little.” I said. “But hey I taught you a really good lesson.” I said my voice filled with remorse. “In fact we can both agree that I’m the perfect demonstration of what not---“

  I gasped as Andy grabbed my arm, pulling me to him and smashed his lips against mine. Caught off guard and completely interrupted, it took a couple seconds for me to realize what was going on. By that time his hands had cupped the side of my face as he kissed me hard and long and desperately. My arms wrapped around his back as I pressed my body against him, meeting his kisses, stroke for stroke.

  “You’re crazy.” Andy murmured again on my lips. He kissed me again as his body pulled me inside the house and closed the front door. The emotions that overtook me of having him in my arms once more were almost too much to bear. To feel his lips against mine, to indulge in his caress on my face, to run my hands up and down his back, to bask in his heat. I moaned as I moved my head away from the kiss. I was panting because I’d forgotten to breathe.

  Andy removed his hands from my face, as he took short controlled breaths. “So what exactly does your crazy request for one week---?”

  I cut him off the same way he’d done with me. With my mouth. I was on tiptoes as I cupped his face, hungrily kissing him as I worked my mouth against his. My hands worked its way around his neck and into his hair. His tongue pried my mouth open as he stumbled forward, his hands reaching out to find some support. Sliding my hand down to his hips, I followed his steps. After several seconds, Andy’s hands finally grasped on to the kitchen table. I moaned as he pressed his body against mine causing my butt to press into the corner of the table.

  Breaking the kiss, Andy kept his eyes locked with mine as he hoisted me up and placed me on the table. He didn’t hesitate to spread my legs and come in between them to resume the kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I smiled against his lips. This. I missed this so much. I missed this so much with him. My hands of their own accord tugged on his shirt. Without a moment hesitation he backed up and slipped his shirt off his body smoothly. My mouth immediate located his neck when he returned. Running my hands down his back, I kissed and nibbled his neck.

  “Whatever you want from it.” I murmured against his collarbone.

  Andy moved away and lifted my chin with his index finger. His crystal blue eyes piercing in mine. He stared at me for a long time, but I didn’t look away. I wanted him to know I was serious. That being me, this was the best I could do for us…for what we had…for our time together.

  “Okay.” He said simply.

  “Okay?” I asked a little surprised. “That’s it… okay?” I said moving back a little. “You have nothing else to say?” I asked. “You’re not going to ask me why? You’re not going to set any ground rules? Nothing…you have nothing else to say?” I asked. “I just made a crazy ass request and all you say is okay?” I said getting worked up.

  A small smile tugged on the corner of Andy’s mouth. He reached down and unbuttoned my jean shorts and slowly unzipped it. “Okay.” He said again. His mouth pressed gently against mine. I sighed as I fell into the kiss. This kid was really something else.


  I arched my back and closed my eyes. I could hear my panting resounding against the walls of his room. I dug my nails into his sweaty back as I attempted to match his strokes. Andy pounded away inside me and I could barely keep up. My brain had seized to function and all it could concentrate on was the pleasurable sensation emitted from his rhythmic movement. I moaned as Andy sucked on my neck forcefully. His hands placed above my head gripping so tightly onto his headboard it was turning his knuckles white. I roamed one hand into his damp hair and the other down to his glistening pale butt. Tilting my head and bringing it down, his mouth found mine again roughly, demanding, seeking. I held nothing back as I panted. My sweaty body was sliding up and down his as I felt my insides quiver. Andy brought his hand in between or bodies and slid it up my drenched thigh. He groaned against my mouth as his hand thumb moved from where our body intersected to rub my clit. My knees jerked as it clamped his body. The little ounce of sanity I was holding on to disappeared as I let out a breathless gasp. I moaned as I jerked my hips further into him, attempting to erase any trace of separation. Panting, Andy lifted my thigh as he thrusted into me harder and faster. Not giving me time to think and breath as the long awaited orgasm overtook my body followed right behind it by another which caused me to shake uncontrollably.

  It took a while for the shudders to leave my exhausted body. My nerves working overtime, trying to grasp what had just occurred. By that time Andy had pulled out and had slumped to the side exhausted, his eye
s closed. After a few minutes of silence I turned my head to notice the subtle rise and fall of his back. He was sprawled out on his stomach, his head turned away from me, unmoving.

  A small smile appeared on my lips as I propped myself on my elbows and watched him. Lazily I reached out and softly traced his collarbone. I made mindless small circles on his back.

  “I really like you a lot Andy.” I whispered. I brought my hand down further to trace the thin blade scars on his thigh. “Thank you.” I leaned over and kissed his shoulder. Carefully, I withdrew from him and slowly got off the bed.

  Andy’s eyes slowly opened, but he made no indication of moving.

  I grabbed my underwear off the floor and slipped it on. I took Andy’s big sleeveless shirt and put it on as I walked to the bathroom. I was so hot and thirsty; I splashed water on my face and drank from the faucet. Satisfied I turned off the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I gave a small smile and took a deep breath.

  It looked like sometimes things didn’t get solved the way you wanted. There were no definite reconciliation, or big speech, or turning of a new leaf. Sometimes you accepted the person flaws and all just because of the need. Sometimes it was wrong, and sometimes it was necessary. I was glad Andy made it necessary for me. Even though I knew we were never going to talk about it, nor would we be together. But sometimes like this, just a week of being loved and learning to love was all a person truly had to hold on to.

  I wiped my face with the t-shirt and went back to the bedroom. Seeing that Andy hadn’t moved from his last position, I quietly entered the bed and pulled the sheets up and closed my eyes. I smiled to myself and sighed contently as I huddled to the corner and let sleep overtake me.

  A few moments later a small smile appeared on Andy’s lips. He shifted in his bed and turned to watch her sleep. His arm slid gently over her body as he pulled her to him, allowing her body to fit against his. She’d stayed.


  “Okay, that was the last call for boarding.” Jared said to his band mates excitedly.

  I held on to Andy’s hands as we walked slowly to the gate. It’s amazing how certain people drop into your life and shake the very foundation of your being. How this sad, troubled guy was able to come and crumble years of who I thought I was in a mere months was beyond me. I thought I could have helped him to become a better person, to become more sociable, to be happy. He didn’t change at all, I was the one slowly changing day by day and I never realized. He did something for me that I could never ever repay him for and I will be eternally grateful. Thanks to him, I not only found my dad, but the family I had always wanted with the Honsus. My older sister and I still bickered back and forth but I had genuine appreciation for her now. Though I didn’t know how my relationship with my mom will play out, just knowing I was surrounded by people who cared so much, put a light in me that I would never turn off. Pursuing my dreams and traveling with a world renowned photographer was all thanks to him. I may never be able to tell Andy the impact he had on me, but I hope he realized it. It was unfortunate that I was too stubborn to realize what I had until it’s gone. It made me think why the right people come into our lives at the wrong time. But then again, if I’d already dealt with my issues and handled everything differently, would I have ever even met him?

  We seem to meet people in our lives for a reason and in the end we just have to make the most of what we’re handed. Could I have done better? Yes. Would I regret it? Most likely, but the way things played it…it seemed our paths were meant to crash only for a moment. He will be touring the states and probably the world soon, becoming a big rock star. I will be taking pictures from the dirty streets of London, to the mountain of Kilimanjaro. Life could be worse.

  Good-byes were always the worst. I hugged each and every one of them for a long time (yes even Seth). Not sure how I would do parting with them. Brad hugged me the longest, saying I was the best person on the planet and nobody could replace me. I smiled at my little admirer and granted him a soft peck on the lips. Brad proudly turned to Andy and nodded confidently, getting laughter from everybody and a smirk from Andy I was surprise to see Christina crying as she hugged me tightly. I wished them luck as I grinned and told them they were going to be famous. Carly promptly informed, only if they listened to what she said. I hugged Carly tightly who was a bit bitter, only to find out Bernard still had not come back from Utah, and was going to try to meet them somewhere in the United States.

  I felt my pieces of my heart breaking for each of them, (Yes even Seth) as they filed in one by one, to line up to show their business class ticket.

  Andy was the last one to turn to me. I reluctantly drew my hand away from him.

  “Well…” He said taking a deep breath. “This is it.”

  I nodded, smiling but not really meaning it. I patted his black shirt and moved his hair out of his face. “Take care of yourself.” I said my voice trembling.

  “Same to you.” He said; his voice not steady either.

  I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I almost cried when he suffocated me with his hug and kissed my neck. I turned my head and kissed his cheek lingering. “Thanks for loving me.” I whispered choking. I took a step back, unable to hold back the emotions. I waved at him and took a couple more steps back as he stared at me.

  “Sir are you ready?” the stewardess asked politely.

  Andy finally looked away from me and nodded as he gave his ticket.

  “Bye Ornelia!” Brad yelled happily from inside the gate. I waved at him and the others as I said bye to my family. I watched Andy join them without looking back towards me. I turned around and took a couple deep breaths. It was better that way. Had he turned around and given me one last look, I would have broken down.


  Oh shit. I felt a tear slid down as I spun around.

  “We will see each other again.” Andy said smiling, his blue eyes twinkling. He nodded at me and disappeared from my sight.

  I cracked a sad smile as I waved goodbye even though I could no longer see them. We will see each other again. Maybe not in a couple months, or a couple years…but one day. And maybe that time, the timing would be just right.

  The End


  8 years later

  “Here.” Ornelia said handing Antonio the portfolio. Her assistant sighed as he took if from her hand and tucked it under his arm. He fixed his skinny navy tie tucked inside his sweater vest, adjusted his thin Prada glasses as he gave her a stern look just barely brimming with amusement.

  “Ms. Jones….” He said softly, his warm Italian accented voice feeling the room. “You were supposed to be on the plane yesterday.” He said looking over the gorgeous 5’5 beauty he’d fallen in love with since she hired him as personal assistant 3 years ago. But of course he could never ever let her know that. He would rather die by her side with the pain of unknown love then to lose his job. The 6’2 Italian man shook his head softly.

  Ornelia grinned and shrugged her shoulders sheepishly. “I know Antonio.” She pointed to the folder. “I’m all done…no more work…I promise.” She grinned as she swirled around in her chair. She got out of her chair happily and wiggled her shoulders.

  Antonio immediately rushed behind her. He massaged her shoulders gently easing the tension. “So much stress…” He whispered in disapproval.

  Ornelia moaned from the pleasure. “I know.” She said closing her eyes. “Time for me to relax.”

  Antonio let his hand softly ease up her neck. Rubbing her soft warm skin. He felt the contact with her skin affecting him so much that he had to remind himself to breath. His thumb caressed her neck.

  “Antonio…I don’t know what I would do without you.” Ornelia said sighing. Her alarm went off, startling both of them. “Oh shit that’s loud.” She said as it vibrated around her whole office.

  Antonio chuckled. “Otherwise you would ignore it and continue working.” He said reaching for his phone and pressing a b
utton, to deactivate the alarm set up in her office walls. He cursed himself for forgetting to turn it off and giving them an interruption. Not that anything would have happened anyways.

  “Aaaahhh…” Ornelia said as she moved from Antonio and kicked off her shoes. She walked to the door of her office and opened them. “Tell the pilot, I’ll be ready in two hours.” She said to Antonio.

  “Of course.” Antonio said nodding.

  “Oh and Antonio.” She said turning back to look at her handsome assistant. She grinned. “Thank you very much for agreeing to let me take you to America.” She said warmly.

  “Ms. Jones…wherever you go I go.” Antonio said honestly. 3 years ago, he was working a painting stand near the Grand Hotel Atlantis Bay, one of the most luxurious hotels in all of Italy. That was the perfect place for him to draw the millions of artists and models and famous people who checked in there. Unfortunately he’d gotten a little low on money and the money he was getting from the different artists weren’t sufficient to cover his debt. He didn’t want to lose any fingers or scar up his pretty face. The Victoria Secret fashion show was being held there and it was the perfect opportunity for him to get money, seeing how he was going to be surrounded by the rich and famous models, bands, actors from all over the world. Unfortunately he’d decided to rob the lady in room 216 and his curiosity got the best of him when he snatched her portfolio showing behind the stage shoot of all the different models. He knew for a fact that could sell a lot on the streets of Sicily. People would pay anything for pictures of models. By midday his luck had turned and he was soaring high, until the police arrived, snatching his collection, beating him up and locking him up. That was the first time he’d laid eyes on her as she walked through the jail, looking at him cut up and bloody and handcuffed to the bench. Antonio had stared at her in shock as she demanded to have him release saying she didn’t mind the money but she desperately needed the pictures back. To his fortune, all she demanded was for him to secure all the pictures by 6 and have them promptly return to her room. When the officers asked about the money, she’d said what money? And walked away. Anyways by 5:30 he was at her hotel room the portfolio in hand bowing for forgiveness and gracious at the American that had spared him minimum of 5 years in jail according to Italian law. She’d opened the door holding a couple lenses in her hand and simply asked how good his English was and if he knew what a camera was. Antonio had jumped up eagerly and never once left her side, traveling with her all throughout Europe and Asia and now going back with her to her country.


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