Book Read Free

Bad Guys

Page 10

by Sarah Michelle Lynch

  “As if I would.”

  I see my phone light up, finally some power back. Sitting up in the cushions, I scroll through my guilty pleasure – Instagram – and feel happy again. Ooh, Cavill’s been back on. He looks good. Ooh, nice.

  Then out of the corner of my eye, I spot Adam getting undressed. The jacket comes off and I’m certain he’ll go into the bathroom to remove the rest. But he doesn’t.

  He removes his shirt, undoing one or two buttons, then pulling it impatiently over his head. Adam isn’t big or anything but he’s actually beautiful. He has these graceful lines, a sort of pretty bone structure. He’s even developing abs.

  “What happened to that lanky streak of piss we once knew?” I laugh loudly.

  “I discovered food and sex,” he says, “but lately, the gym. Theo urged me to start going to help me have an outlet.”

  “He’s one heck of a man. Lily is so lucky,” I murmur, absently, something interesting popping up on my phone. “Great speech today, by the way. To the point. Little bit of crass humour. A dash of soppiness. Everything a wedding speech should be.”

  “I was shitting it, you know!”

  “Couldn’t tell.”

  “Oh, god. I think it was worrying about Susan that didn’t help.”

  “Yeah, what a great support she is, hmm?” I’m chuckling to myself when I look up, finding him without his trousers, staring at me. Surely I hit all the nerves already, so what is his problem?

  “What is it?”

  “Would you fuck me?” he asks, seriously.


  “I’m asking, well, not right now, obviously… but would you? Am I… do you think…?”

  “You’re asking the wrong person, Ads. Ask Chloe. She’d jump your bones.”

  “Yeah, but that’s Chlo. I’m asking you. Would you fuck me? Or am I like a horse that needs to be put out to pasture now?”

  I put my phone down and cover my face with my hands, laughing. “My lord, what do I get myself involved in while trying to help my friends?”

  “You’re a woman of the world. I just want to know. Would you? Or am I not what women are looking for?”

  I continue to laugh into my hands because this is ludicrous and also a little endearing, it has to be said.

  “Come on, Sass. Why else would she do this to me? What’s wrong with me?”

  I take my hands away from my face and look at him seriously. “I think you are a geek, but you’re a hot geek.”

  “But honestly, would you? Or would it be gross, thinking about being with me after I’ve been with a fishwife like her?”

  I laugh, I can’t help it. He makes me laugh. I’m glad he’s still got a bit of his old self in there, somewhere.

  “If we met in a bar in New York and you were polite and took me out, and we had a nice time, a lot of laughs and some sort of chemistry, I’d probably fuck you.” His arms are folded, not believing me. “But you’d have to be a stranger, because I don’t fuck people I know.”

  “What?” he asks, sitting on the bed in his David Gandy boxers.

  I recognise them because I have two pairs. I like to pretend David’s had them on before me.

  Plus, they’re silky as fuck.

  “I have an intimacy thing. A real problem with it, actually. And I can’t believe I’m talking about this with you.”

  “Is that why you and Robert…?”

  I look at him and grimace. “Adam, your wife could be ransacking your house right now, cashing in all the bonds, slashing your shirts and putting your PlayStation games in all the wrong boxes… and you’re asking me whether I’d fuck you and what happened with Robert?”

  “Hey, I must’ve got used to hanging out with wrong chicks.”

  I shake my head and cover my eyes. I can’t believe I’m opening up to this guy.

  “Do you remember Zee? Your football mate?”

  “Err, yeah. He was a bit weird.”

  “Well, I wish you’d have said at the time.” I throw my hands up in the air.

  “Yeah, but we didn’t think you’d actually…”

  “…cause I didn’t!!”

  “Oh, okay. So, what happened?”

  “Well, to cut a long story short, and I really am going to skim now so you’d better be listening hard.”

  “Listening. All the way,” he says, arms crossed over his lap.

  “Zee thought he had, but he’d really just jacked himself off between my thighs. And then he was really horrible to me when I suggested it’d been crap. Like, really horrible. And his cock was small. He had a ton of bush, it was revolting. Kissing him was like kissing a walrus.”

  “Fucking hell, then. Don’t know what I’m worrying about.” He smacks his head, laughing.

  “And then I basically was off sex for years, like, I mean, nine years.”

  Adam’s jaw drops open and his head, I swear, it sinks a few inches into his body. “Nah.”

  “Yep. The drought ended in New York. It was sort of… an epiphany. I can just be nobody out there and that’s what I do. I don’t have to see them again, I don’t have to… well, it’s just physical and that’s it. That’s all. And it suits me.”

  “Okay,” he says, “we’re gonna talk about this more, right after I’ve been to the loo, and actually, this talk of small cocks and big bushes and walruses, it’s kind of grossed me out. As has this whole day really, so it’s probably time to wash it all off properly. Aside from the two best friends marrying, I mean, but the rest… pretty fucking shit.”

  I laugh, smacking my hand against the mattress. “Please, alleviate thyself. Be my guest.”

  He chases to the bathroom and I admire his tiny tush as he goes.

  Chapter Ten

  Adam emerges from the bathroom in a towel, hair dripping.

  “Don’t worry, I’m putting clothes on,” he says, grabbing his holdall and trotting back to the bathroom.

  “I wasn’t worried,” I tell him, clearly not bothered about a bit of skin.

  The TV is on now and I’m watching a Marvel film that’s on late. Didn’t really start this franchise. Don’t really know what’s going on. Only that it’s past one in the morning and I’m too wired to sleep.

  “Do you want some tea or coffee or something?” I ask Adam. “Got a right hankering.”

  “I can always go for coffee.”


  I grab the kettle and discover he’s combing his hair in front of the mirror, still with just a towel on.

  “I need to fill this.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He steps back to let me near the sink.

  I fill the kettle but notice him in the mirror behind me, staring at my hair.

  “What are you looking at?” I ask.

  “I don’t know,” he says, closing his mouth fast.

  I finish my job and turn around fast, studying his face.

  He has pale, beautiful skin. Almost completely unblemished.

  His eyes… they are really blue. Like the sea in Rhodes, where I once swam on holiday with all the gang. That was a good one.

  “What is it?” he asks.

  “Your eyes remind me of Rhodes. Remember that one?”

  “Yeah,” he says, “I had a massive crush on you that holiday.”

  “What, when we were eighteen?” I never knew.

  His cheeks go pink. “There was no getting near you, Saskia.”

  “But Chloe?” That could have only been a year or so later.

  He shakes his head, annoyed with himself. “It was wrong. With hindsight, I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I honestly didn’t think it was anything more than sex. I love Chloe as a friend and I always will, but I mean, if she’s come back for me – and if she went looking for information from Markos thinking it might, I don’t know, make me beholden to her – maybe it’s best you set her straight. I can’t imagine what I’ve got that Cole hasn’t. It’s a bit crazy but I don’t have a time machine to make things right and not do what I did back then.”
br />   I shake my head. “And there was me thinking you were one of the good guys.”

  “I am,” he defends himself, “but I was young, a fool… it was one of those things.”

  I take a deep breath. “I thought it had maybe had something to do with Helen and Tom, why you kept your distance from Chlo and never made it official.”

  “No,” he says, forthright, “I really thought it was just sex. And Paul knew it was you I fancied. Even he had a go at me for it, playing with fire, he said.”

  I shake my head again, this time even more unimpressed. “If she ever finds out it was me you had a crush on, she will never, ever speak to either of us, ever again. I know her, Adam. I know her properly. Her self-esteem is held together by a thread.”

  He gulps and covers his mouth and chin with a hand, nodding in agreement. “I am sorry for it.”

  “Me too. You’re right, I was untouchable, but there were reasons.”

  “I know,” he says, nodding slightly. “I suppose part of it was Helen, you know? The whole culture they had… putting themselves about… I honest to god thought Chloe was initiating me and that was it.”

  “Maybe she felt that, too in the beginning… then she got attached.”

  He shakes his head. “So, she’s not come back to the UK at the same time as my marriage is sinking?”

  I throw my head back laughing. “She’s back for Lily I suspect but also to lay old ghosts to rest and figure out how she feels about Cole. He scares her… he’s not perfect, but I know he will want to settle down eventually. He even proposed and she said no.”

  The look in Adam’s eye is priceless; he can’t believe it. “What is she doing?”

  “Avoiding life, you know?”

  I really liked Adam at one stage, but after the whole thing with Zee and me thinking they were all still mates, I shelved that big style. And then when he was with Chloe, there was no going there after that. I have thought about him now and again, but I never let myself dwell too much. The truth is, Adam has an amazing personality and he is the real deal. He is pretty much exactly what I want in a man – clever, creative, funny and honest. And he does have sensationally floppy hair… those eyes… and a really nice mouth and chin. It’s a sexy mouth, not as full as David Gandy’s, but a mouth that could make a woman sing, I’m betting. Not too big for his face and just the right amount of lip for sucking… nibbling… little kisses everywhere.

  I might have once thought I had a type… but I’ve slept with a lot of different men… and they were all nice. In different ways.

  “You’re staring at me,” he says.

  “I got lost in thought.”

  “What about?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” I insist absently.

  “How about that drink?”

  “Yeah, absolutely.”

  I’m about to leave the bathroom when I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

  Adam has an enormous erection and it’s threatening to take down his towel.

  He’s big, then.

  I draw breath and almost choke.

  Adam reaches out and strokes my hair behind my ear. “You’re beautiful, Saskia and very much my type with this hair. I can’t help it. It’ll go.”

  I turn around, intending to put the kettle on the vanity unit because I don’t think I can hold it in my shaking hands any longer.

  In the mirror, I see his gaze. It’s on my hard nipples which are pushing against the silk of my pyjama top.

  I lift a hand to touch my nipple over the silk and bite my lip, the hard pebble under my touch so sensitive, even over the material. When I see his eyes in the mirror, hooded with lust, his mouth hanging open, his breathing erratic… it excites me. I slide a hand across my chest and discover the other just as hard, then I slip a finger into the buttons and pop one open, then another, and another, until the garment is undone, the valley of my breasts revealed, nothing more.

  “You first,” I murmur, my pussy throbbing with anticipation… desperate to see him.

  I hear the towel fall to the floor and his cock bang against his abdomen.


  He moves to the side of me a little and I look into the mirror, seeing him just behind me, his massive cock risen and pulling away from his body. He’s wonderful. His skin is so pale and fine and his cock is thick, his balls covered in gorgeous wispy hair, his pubic hair trimmed neatly.

  “Have you measured it?”

  “A little over eight inches,” he murmurs, “but I’m sure it gets bigger when I come. I like to keep my hair short so it looks really big.”

  “It’s gorgeous,” I whisper. “Really beautiful.”

  The veins wrapping around it are even more delicious than those in his stomach, pulsing with blood and lust.

  “Now you, Saskia,” he says.

  “Why don’t you do the honours?”

  I watch him hesitate in the mirror. It’s one thing admitting you’re a man and have urges… it’s another admitting you really want to see another woman naked, especially when she’s not your wife.

  “Nobody will know,” I whisper. “It’s just sex.”

  “Swear it’ll be between us. Nobody else,” he murmurs.

  “I swear, Adam. Absolutely. Nobody can know but us. It’s too dangerous.” There’s Chloe… plus his vengeful soon-to-be ex-wife… and many more people besides who wouldn’t want to see us together because this would rock the boat.

  He places his hands on my shoulders, his long lashes fluttering. “I haven’t truly enjoyed sex in a long time… since I discovered about the… you know.”

  “How she lied to you,” I whisper.

  “About my fertility,” he clarifies.

  “It’s okay, Adam. I love sex. That’s all it is. You can let go. I understand.”

  He gathers the material of my top at the shoulders and slowly tugs it away to reveal my breasts. We both stare at how red my nipples are and he moves in right behind me, his erection pressing against my bottom.

  “I’ve never… ever… they’re… red,” he manages to say.

  “I’m a red-blooded Russian, Adam,” I say, putting on the accent, “and I love to fuck big dicks, honey. Long and hard, roughly, deep into the night.”

  He takes my waist in his hands and I sweep my hair to one side, offering him my throat. He leans in and inhales my floral Dior fragrance. Then he kisses my skin and I feel a rush of blood to my aching pussy, my lust pulsing right there.

  His hands slide up from my waist and he scoops them around to my breasts, moaning, “God, Saskia. You’re a fantasy. You must drive all the men wild.”

  It’s funny but all the men I’ve ever been with have treated me like I’m nothing new… because all the women that are on tap in New York are beautiful. So I’m a little appreciative that Adam is so in awe of me. It makes me feel wonderful. My breasts push against his warm hands and he squeezes gently, then a little harder, eventually bunching his fingers until my nipples are being pulled away from my body.

  I crane my neck and lean back into him, my eyes shutting, my hand reaching for his hair which I adore and have always wanted to touch.

  He kisses my throat and I can’t help but moan loudly, almost squealing, and it’s even worse when he digs a thumb under the waistband of my pyjama bottoms and tugs them down, little by little. Eventually they slide off and I kick them to the side to join my top.

  I’m shunted forward and the edge of the vanity unit digs into my hips as he presses his body to the back of mine. He rocks his cock between my buttocks and squeezes them with his hands, groaning, “My god. Fuck.”

  “Oh god,” I moan, the blood flow in my pussy so heavy and hot.

  I peer at him as he strokes his hands back up my body and pinches my nipples, his eyes wide open, watching with fascination in the mirror as he plays with my deep crimson nipples which are hard one minute, soft the next, his hands always making them plump up whenever he puts them on my breasts for any length of time. He slides a hand down my body an
d into my knickers and I tug his hair as he slips his finger around my wet nubbin, flicking it until I come, the waves of pleasure so easy, so effortless. He lifts his hand out of my knickers and circles his wet finger around my nipples, painting me, his eyes dark and brooding as the storm clouds of his deepest desires gather.

  He turns me around to face him next, my rear against the edge of the sink unit. He gathers me to him and leans in, licking across my mouth to taste me, then he groans and bites my top lip, and I push my tongue out of my mouth, waiting for him to touch it with his. He does just that and swiftly sucks my tongue into his mouth, kissing me full-on, my mouth smothered, my senses dragged somewhere else while all I can feel is his heat, his lust, seeping into my body.

  Frantic, he licks along my throat, kissing, then licking again, then sucking. I hold the edges of the unit behind me and arch into his touch, so grateful when he finally kneads my nipple in his mouth, my body responding with only more wetness between my thighs and a new level to the continual ache between my legs.

  He kisses my stomach, taking his time, flicking his tongue against my navel and holding onto my hips as he kisses my skin just above the waistband of my knickers.

  He inhales the scent of me over my knickers and growls, then he grabs my foot and puts it on his shoulder as he kneels in front of me, turning his head to kiss the inside of my thighs.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Saskia and you don’t even know it. You think you do, but you don’t. You’re exquisite. You’re the most beautiful woman in any room. You must know it.”

  “All I know, right now,” I pant, my chest heaving, “is that I really, really just want to be fucked.”

  He bites my inner thigh and I yelp, reaching out for his hair and pulling it. He’s not put off. He kisses all the way down my leg until reaching my ankle, even licking me there, though my feet are bound to stink having been stuck in heels all day.

  He performs the same ritual, kissing and biting the inside of my other thigh, licking down to my ankle again.

  “Oh god, Adam.”

  I’ve never been more delighted when he hooks his finger into my soaked gusset, tugs it to the side and shoves his tongue right up me, deep inside, sucking all the juice out of me, his mouth lathered in my lust… his hands on my thighs, holding me open.


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