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All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five

Page 13

by Winters, Jeannette

  He lifted his hand to her. She pulled with all her might, but he didn’t budge. He wanted to laugh as she tried to use her own weight as leverage to pull him up. There was no way it would work. He put his other hand on the couch, and with his good leg, pushed himself up. She looked happy, as though helping him in a small way made her feel good. I don’t understand women. But, God, you’re unlike anyone I’ve met. The more I know about you, Danielle, the more I want you. And that’s not good. Not for you at least, and that’s all that matters to me.

  In the tiny living room, there was no way around her without brushing up against her luscious body. His cock was hard, and he was sure she knew it. No matter what his body was saying it wanted, he was in control and not giving in. Not this time at least.

  “Why don’t you walk me to the door?” Beckett suggested. It was only five feet away, but it gave him the distance he needed right now.

  She held the door open and asked, “Are you staying in New York for a while?”

  He was, but he couldn’t let her know that. He hadn’t planned on stopping there today. His sole purpose for being in New York was to meet with Sarge and study that damn police file. He knew there were murders left unsolved, but he would be damned if this was going to be one of them. Danielle needed closure, and he wouldn’t stop until he was able to give her that.

  “No. I have business to take care of.” He hated lying to her, but if she knew what he was about to do, she might want to help and might get hurt doing so. No, he had to protect her and Jamie. At least, until he knew if her sister’s murder had been a random act of violence or if it was made to look like it.

  As the door closed behind him any doubt about having changed from the asshole he had been in the past vanished.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The last of the things were packed, probably too quickly, because she had the overwhelming feeling she had forgotten something. It was too late now to do anything about it. She and Jamie were on their way to meet the seaplane. Whatever it was couldn’t have been that important. Nothing outside of Jamie is.

  KJ and Drew made sure everything was taken care of for her. When her landlord was screaming at her that she had to pay the full year’s lease and would forfeit her security deposit because she had not fulfilled the terms of the agreement, they somehow got him to back off, and surprisingly he was much more pleasant than he ever had been.

  At first, she’d thought about keeping the apartment in case things didn’t work out on Marpe-Agape Island. But she knew if they didn’t, New York would no longer be her home. It held a lot of good memories but was also a constant reminder of those no longer here. I don’t know where home is any longer, but it’s not here.

  The prearranged pick-up car arrived on time and dropped them off at the dock, where she saw a familiar face.

  “Nice to see you again, Miss McKesson. Hello, Jamie. Ready to go back and spend some time on the beach again?” Gunny asked.

  Jamie nodded but was not smiling. Danielle had explained to him that they were going to live on the island and would get to meet a lot of families who would be coming there for help. Nothing she had said got a reaction from him. It was as though he was waiting to hear the one thing she couldn’t say. She understood who he wanted to see and how he felt. Beckett is not going to be there.

  The island was magnificent, and working there was a job most people would love to have. Danielle was thankful and looking forward to making a small difference in the lives of those who needed to be there. Unlike her last visit, which was a vacation, this was work. She was going to be part of a team of specialists, but she was far from the most important. Her contribution seemed small compared to what the others were bringing, but she was grateful for the opportunity to provide school lessons for the children who would visit there.

  Thinking about what she didn’t have wouldn’t allow her to move forward. Doug had taught her that the tighter you try to hold on to control, the less control you had. That wasn’t easy to do. “Go with the flow” wasn’t the way she worked.

  Her time on the island with Beckett, though wet and wild, was still within her control. When she said no it was no, and when she said yes, it was, Yes! Yes! Yes!

  She blushed as she recalled how even her feet shook as she exploded around him. He wanted her like no one ever had before. Every night her dreams were haunted by memories of him looking straight into her heart and soul as she rode him. He had been as hungry and passionate for her as she was for him. But what happened to that soul-scorching fire? Didn’t he feel it also? That’s a stupid question, Danielle. Of course not. He stopped in three weeks ago and never reached out again. Face it, he doesn’t want you.

  She looked out the window as the island began to appear on the horizon. She reached into her pocket to take a picture of the view. Not in her left, not in the right. Damn. I forgot my cell phone. What is it about me and cell phones? I can manage a classroom of thirty children and not lose a thing. So why can’t I keep track of a simple thing like a phone?

  She knew the reason was because she rarely used it. The only person she had spoken to every day had been her sister, each morning bright and early before their hectic days had started. Now without her here, it was only an object and would better serve as a paperweight. Whatever pictures she had, she could still access online. There was only one thing she wished she had written down somewhere. Beckett’s number. Not that I need it. If he doesn’t want me, then I don’t want him.

  Leaning back in her chair, she had to face the facts. It was meant to be this way. He hadn’t called her, and obviously she wasn’t meant to call him either. Probably all for the best. Now all I have to do is forget how he made me feel. If that’s even possible.

  Before she knew it, they were on the dock and heading to the resort. She wasn’t going to have the elaborate suite she’d had last time; they had set her up in her very own villa. She couldn’t wait to see it in person. All she’d had to go on were the pictures KJ had sent her. It was lovely, from what she saw, and huge compared to her tiny apartment. It appeared to have everything one could possibly need. That made it easy to decide what to do with her belongings. Most were boxed and waiting for the truck to come to donate them to the needy. She might not have had much, but she had lived in the inner city long enough to know there were so many who wished they had what she had.

  When she got to the villa number KJ had told her, she used the code for the lock to open the door. “Okay, Jamie and Blossom, welcome to our new home.”

  Opening the door, they all made their way in. Home. Over the last year, the word had meant nothing to her. No matter where she was, it was just four walls and a place to return to each night. Nothing made it feel like home. Not in New York or here.

  Danielle wondered if she would ever feel differently. Not content at being someplace but actually missing it and wanting to be there more than anything.

  Looking at Jamie, he seemed to be feeling the same way. They headed in different directions to explore and stake claim to their preferred bedrooms. It was more beautiful than she had seen in the pictures. Why they were giving her such a beautiful villa on top of the salary they were paying her, she had no idea. When they’d first told her, she’d thought Drew had been joking. From what she knew about him, it wouldn’t have been out of character. The stories KJ told her were unbelievable, but as she got to know him better she realized KJ wasn’t exaggerating. Once Elaine provided the same job information as Drew, she knew it was true. Elaine didn’t joke around about business. Not one bit.

  Danielle went into Jamie’s room and found him sitting quietly on the bed. Blossom was lying at his feet. He wasn’t playing with anything, just sitting, looking sad.

  She sat on the bed beside him. “Jamie, are you sad that we left New York?” He shook his head. She asked a few more of the standard questions, as she always did to communicate with him. “Hungry? Tired? Sick?” All had the same response. She knew there was something and wished he would open up and tell her. S
he wasn’t sure she could help him, but without understanding what the issue was, she had no idea where to start. As she wracked her brain, trying to think of the last twenty-four hours and what signs she had missed, it dawned on her. It wasn’t a toy or a thing he’d left behind. It was so much more, and something she had no control over, even for herself. “Did you think Beckett was going to be here?”

  He nodded but didn’t look at her.

  Poor baby. We’ll get through this together. How she wished she could hold him and take away his pain. But if she reached for him and he pulled away, she would have only added more stress to him. This was not about her needs, so she had to do it his way. “I know how much you like him. I like him, too. Remember what he said? He’ll see us again. Remember a few weeks ago when he came by the apartment and surprised us?”

  Jamie nodded again.

  “Maybe he’ll do the same while we’re here.”

  He looked up at her, as though checking for the truth. She wasn’t sure if it was or not. But she knew it was her heart’s desire as well.

  Sitting here wasn’t going to make it any easier for either of them. They needed to get out and do something. “How about you and I take a walk on the beach with Blossom? She was stuck on that plane all day and must be bored.”

  Blossom sat up and wagged her tail in agreement. Glad you’re on my side, girl. Jamie nodded, got off the bed, and left his room. She could tell he was sad, but she hoped every day it would get easier. For both of us, Jamie.

  Beckett didn’t like what he was finding. The police file had been intentionally altered. But why? The leads they had received somehow had gone cold. Had they even followed up? He and Sarge had spent another night talking to people who lived in that area at that time. No one remembered the police asking them any questions at all about that night. That was a huge red flag to him.

  He wasn’t a police officer, yet he had done a lot of investigations while in MARSOC. You had to know exactly what you were getting into before you made your move. These detectives couldn’t have been lazy enough to not interview at least one neighbor.

  “Sarge, my gut is telling me this report shows only what they want us to see. What is it they know but don’t want anyone else finding out?”

  “Fuck if I know,” Sarge answered. “All I know is there can’t be that much incompetence. So that leaves one thing. They purposely don’t want anybody to find anything, and they’re not searching, nor did they ever search for the killer.”

  “My thoughts exactly. We’re gonna need help with this one.”

  “I would take this as a hint to back off. Whatever their reason was for altering the evidence, you don’t want to take them on. We could be stirring up a hornet’s nest.”

  “Don’t tell me what I want to do. We might not know why or who, but there’s someone out there who does, and I will find the answers. I have only one question: Are you in or out?” Beckett asked roughly.

  Sarge shook his head. “Got your six. So what do you want me to do?”

  Beckett knew he could count on him. It was how they’d gotten through all those years together. He’d never thought he would have need to call on his buddies again. Definitely not for something like this.

  Beckett jotted down an address. “I’m sure we have already been noticed. So I can’t have you do this for me. I need you to get someone you trust to go to this address and watch the woman and child there. Make sure nothing happens to them.”

  Sarge took the paper with information about Danielle and Jamie. “I know who to call.”

  “We’re going to need some help here, Sarge.”

  “How you gonna get help in this city?”

  Beckett smiled. It was the perfect place, loaded with veterans who needed him as badly as he needed them right now. “Let me worry about that. You just make sure those two are safe. Nothing can happen to them. Understand?”

  “Beck, what is she to you?” Sarge asked before he left the hotel room.

  He wasn’t sure. The only thing he was sure of was that every cell in his body was drawn to her in a way he’d never experienced before. Maybe when this was resolved, he would allow himself to explore those feelings deeper, but for now he had to focus on the mission at hand. Anything other than that, and someone could get hurt. “She’s a friend.”

  Sarge gave him a doubtful look but didn’t question him further. “I’ll check in once I have my guy in place.”

  Beckett wasn’t going to rest until that call came in. He needed to round up some eyes and ears on the street. He walked out the door and headed to where he had seen some homeless vets hanging out the other day. Doug told him all they needed was a reason to get up each morning. He was about to give them one.

  It didn’t take long to find the guys he was looking for. They possessed a certain skill set, but most of all they needed to hold to valor and honor above all. They were leery at first, and who could blame them? He was a man coming into what looked like the pits of hell and offering them a job. A real job.

  Beckett had started the security system company, thinking that was all he was capable of anymore. The military had wanted to put him behind a desk, but he had refused. How the hell had he put himself behind one? This was his company, and it was time to expand and offer multiple levels of security with him at the helm, fully engaged.

  What better way to develop his team of special security than to hand-pick and train them here and now? The first thing he did was reserve a room and told them to clean up and shave. “This isn’t the Marines, guys, but we sure as hell will always be Marines. We’re going to get this bastard.”

  “Ooh-rah!” they cheered.

  Sarge hadn’t called two hours later. Danielle and Jamie must have gone out, and he was waiting for them to return. It was a beautiful day, and Beckett was glad they were not sitting in the apartment.

  There was a knock on the hotel room door. He wasn’t expecting anyone. With everything going on right now, he wasn’t taking chances opening up to just anyone. It was evident their questions had stirred a hornets’ nest. He wasn’t sure who was out to sting him yet, but he was confident he would soon find out.

  He put his pistol in the back of his jeans once he saw Sarge through the peephole.

  “I thought you said you were going to call.”

  Sarge came in and said, “I thought I’d better come to deliver this news.”

  Beckett looked at him. “What the hell does that mean? What news?”

  “They’re not there.”

  “So wait until they return,” Beckett barked.

  “I mean they’re no longer at that residence,” Sarge stated.

  Beckett didn’t understand. She hadn’t said anything about traveling. Of course, he hadn’t asked. Maybe if he had called her sometime during the last few weeks, she would have told him her plans. “Does anyone know where she went or when she’s returning?”

  Sarge shook his head. “Looks like your friend decided to move a few days ago. She donated pretty much everything to the homeless. But no one knows where she went.”

  “She didn’t vanish into thin air. If you can’t find her, I will.”

  Beckett knew one person who would know where Danielle went. Grabbing his cell, he dialed Danielle’s number. A message came on. “The number you have called is no longer in service.” What the fuck? Did she change her number? Why? Was someone harassing her, causing her to change her number and leave? If so, why not reach out to me for help?

  The way he had bounced in and out of her life, he couldn’t blame her for not trusting he would be there. Trust needed to be earned, and he obviously hadn’t earned hers.

  There had to be someone she was talking to who would have a clue where she went and why. Doug. He dialed his number, and thankfully he answered.

  “Beck. What’s up?”

  “Doug, got a huge favor.”

  “Anything you need,” Doug replied.

  “What did you and Danielle talk about when you met?”

cleared his throat. “Maybe I need to change the previous answer. Anything that does not mean breaking the law. There are HIPAA regulations regarding this type of thing, Beck.”

  “I don’t care about any law. I need to know she’s okay. You do know she’s gone, right?”


  “Don’t fucking ‘Beck’ me. I’m not in any mood for a lecture on your medical oath. What about the one we took in the Corps? Did you forget that one?”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Beckett knew Doug had the information, and he wished he was there in person so he could extract it from him. Doug may still be a tough bastard, but right now Beckett’s adrenaline was high, and God help the person who got in his way.

  “I can’t give you the information you’re looking for, Beck. Have you talked to Gunny lately? You might want to give him a call and tell him I said hello.”

  Doug was smooth. He lived by the letter of the law. And it was a good thing Beckett understood the message. What he didn’t know was why Gunny. What could he possibly know? There was only one way to find out.

  Gunny must have been flying, as he could hardly hear him when he answered. “Where the hell are you?”

  “Nice to talk to you also, buddy,” Gunny said sarcastically.

  Gruffly, Beckett said, “I’m not calling for small talk.”

  “What do you need?”

  Answers before I go crazy. “Have you seen Danielle McKesson lately?”

  Laughter bellowed from Gunny. “Did you two have a lovers’ quarrel?”

  Beckett felt his blood pressure rising. He was glad Gunny found humor in this, but he didn’t. “Answer the fucking question, Gunny.”

  “Yeah, I saw her a few days ago. She hired my service as a pilot, so don’t be getting all jealous.”

  Don’t worry about it, Gunny. Jealous is the last thing I am right now. “Where did you take her? Who was with her?”

  “Jamie and that damn dog of theirs. That dog leaves nose prints on every window. They flew back to Marpe-Agape Island.”


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