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All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five

Page 14

by Winters, Jeannette

  What are they doing there? “I owe you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll put it on your tab.”

  He had some of the answers, at least, the biggest one was settled. They were safe and out of New York. That eased his mind; it meant he could continue ruffling feathers to uncover the truth about the murder, without worrying that she or Jamie would get caught in the crossfire.

  Beckett still wanted to know what she was doing there. He should have called KJ first. But he’d never thought she would return to the island. What for? Their life was in New York, and the island already had patients and families arriving. From what he had seen so far, she was not the medical type.

  Beckett wasn’t sure if KJ was still on the island, but according to what she had said before, she and Drew were going to make it their home.

  One last call. KJ answered and filled him in on the employee arrangements for Danielle. He was happy for her. But why hadn’t she mentioned it to him a few weeks ago when he’d stopped in? Probably because she didn’t want me to know.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Danielle slid into a sweet routine after only a few days. So did Jamie, as she normally found him playing with the other children at the park. Blossom seemed to be the center of attention, no matter where they went. It was hard enough to miss a two-hundred-pound dog, but with one that was as sweet as she was, it was practically impossible.

  There were only a few children on the island right now. That wasn’t surprising, as they were just starting. Thankfully she had taught a variety of school-age children before taking on this position. She also had experience with children who didn’t speak English. She could still communicate and teach, even with language barriers.

  Danielle found it difficult to tutor one student in particular. Bethy was often weakened due to chemo treatments. She was only a year or two older than Jamie, but her positive energy was contagious. She and Jamie were fast becoming two peas in a pod. There were even a few times when she came and played with Jamie in their villa. She never asked why Jamie didn’t speak, nor did Jamie look at Bethy any differently, with no hair and intravenous tubing coming from her left arm. It was amazing to see how young children either liked you or didn’t based on who you were and seemed to overlook anything that others would consider out of the norm. If we could all be like that.

  Everything was settling in perfectly. Well, almost. Jamie still had not uttered another word since the day Beckett showed up unannounced. She was getting concerned and needed to reach out to Doug to let him know what had transpired that day.

  “Healing through a tragedy such as Jamie’s isn’t something you can map out in any medical book. There are signs to watch for, but each person will face things differently. They heal differently and protect themselves from further hurt differently. I can’t explain the bond between Jamie and Beckett, but it evidently is strong.”

  “I don’t understand; we haven’t known him that long. How can someone care about a person so deeply that it hurts not to be with them?”

  Doug was quiet for a moment. She had learned that meant one thing: it was going to be an answer that usually made her look in the mirror at herself. She wasn’t wrong.

  “First let me address Jamie. Children have a keen sense that we sometimes fight as we get older. He does not see Beckett as this huge, powerful, intimidating man. He sees something inside him, which he finds comforting. Beckett has always been a protector. Jamie must be homing in on that, which is why he feels safe when he’s with him. When we feel that way, our need for control does not seem to matter quite as much. That could explain why his first word spoken was Beckett’s name. He was excited to feel that protectiveness again.”

  “I would do anything to protect him. I would lay down my life for him.”

  “Yes, I know that. But for Jamie it’s different. You were already in his life when his parents were murdered. It wasn’t something you could control or stop. He might still be in fear of it happening to you, too. I’m sure you’ve noticed that Beckett is not a man you want to go head-to-head with. He’s a good man but one who fights for what he believes in wholeheartedly, and God help the ones who stand in his way.”

  She’d seen that in him as well. Even though he’d tried hard to hide so much from her, she also had seen what Doug probably never had. Beckett’s vulnerability.

  “So now on to you. Unlike Jamie, who is looking for something to make him feel safe, you’re looking for reasons not to allow yourself to feel. You can’t go through the rest of your life living for Jamie. He knows you love him. But to be able to love him, you have to open yourself up to feel again. I understand how difficult this can be. When you feel, you also feel the bad. But you’re not doing Jamie or yourself any good if you don’t acknowledge your feelings, whether they’re good or bad.”

  Although she was comfortable talking with Doug about many things, she stayed away from the topic of Beckett when it came to her own issues. Not that Beckett was an issue, but how she felt about him was. How could Doug tell her that having feelings for someone who apparently didn’t feel the same about her was a good thing? Like Jamie, she wanted protection, and her heart was one of the things she needed to protect.

  “I get it.” That was all she could bring herself to say. Unfortunately, Doug wasn’t done with her.

  “So, we know what Jamie’s reaction was when Beckett showed up. What was yours?”

  Absolute delight and then when he never called again, total misery. “I was happy to see him.”

  Once again the silence. No more. I don’t want to think about Beckett. I can’t think about what I want and what I can’t have. It’s too painful.

  “Have you told him how you feel?” Doug asked.

  No, and not planning on it. “You make things seem so easy, Doug. They’re not. I don’t even have his number anymore. Somehow in my relocation, I packed my cell phone in a box that went to charity. Don’t worry, I was smart enough to call and cancel my phone service.”

  “Beck and I have been friends for more than twenty years. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me giving you his number.”

  No, then I’ll be tempted to call it. She wanted to refuse but couldn’t. Everything within her wanted to hear his voice again, feel his arms around her. She jotted down the number before she hung up the phone. All she could do was sit and look at the phone. Just pick it up. Call him. Say hi. It’s not hard.

  She couldn’t move. It was so much easier when her excuse to herself was that she didn’t have his number. At any time, she could have reached out to KJ, and she was pretty sure she would have it. Although no one said those two were close, she knew KJ was a former Marine, and from what she had seen, Marines bonded together whether currently serving or retired for years.

  Danielle picked up the receiver and dialed the number. Breathe. It’s just a phone call. Nothing more.

  “Beckett,” his voice boomed through the phone.

  Even the way he answered his phone was powerful and in control. She knew then if he had wanted to reach out to her, he very well would have. Without saying a word, she hung up the phone. Calling was a dumb idea. What did I think was going to happen? He would recognize the number as one on the island and call out her name, professing how much he missed her?

  As far as Danielle knew, Beckett didn’t even know she’d left New York. Sitting here and feeling bad for herself was the last thing she needed. Jamie would sense her emotions, and that wasn’t a risk she was willing to take. Getting off her bed, she headed to Jamie’s room.

  “Hey. What do you think about spending the day with me on the beach? It’s so beautiful, and the waves look great.”

  Jamie smiled up at her and nodded.

  “Great! Get your swim trunks on, and I’ll go pack us a picnic lunch.”

  This day can still be perfect. Even if it’s just the two of us.

  The seaplane circled the island. Beckett was lying back with his eyes closed. He had just spent the last few hours listening to Gunny talk, and he was
ready to be off that plane.

  “You might want to open your eyes. You’re missing one hell of a sight.”

  “I’ve made this trip before. I think I have the island memorized by now,” Beckett answered, not moving.

  “Fine with me. I can enjoy the beautiful scene all by myself. If I ain’t mistaken, you’ve probably seen it before anyway, but for me, this is a sight I could look at all day.”

  What the hell are you talking about, Gunny? Beckett adjusted his seat and sat up. Gunny pointed in the direction of the beach. He saw what Gunny was eyeing. Even from the plane, he could see Danielle’s amazing body lying on the beach in a bikini. God, she’s beautiful.

  The plane began to turn and Beckett said, “The dock’s that way, Gunny, or have you lost your way?”

  “Hell, no. I could find the dock with my eyes closed.”

  “Then what are you doing?”

  Gunny laughed. “Taking in the sights, buddy. I might be getting old, but I ain’t dead.”

  Normally Beckett would have laughed right along with Gunny, but not when that sight he was going to be ogling was Danielle. “You do another pass over that beach, Gunny, and I promise you it will be your last flight.” His warning was one that he would have given his men.

  Gunny got the message and turned the plane around once again. “So it’s like that, Beck?”

  He wasn’t going to answer him. Not only because it was none of his business, but also because he didn’t know the answer. She was special to him. He thought about her in ways he’d never thought of another woman. When they went their separate ways several weeks ago, he figured it was out of sight, out of mind, but that hadn’t happened yet. And by the way his body was reacting from the sight of her, it didn’t look like it was going to happen anytime soon either.

  When he got off the plane, he told Gunny to have it ready to head out at sunrise. This was a quick stop. He wanted to see her and Jamie, but there was no way he could leave the investigation for any extended length of time. They were making progress, and he wasn’t about to let that slide. Someone was blocking their every move, or, at least, trying to. Whatever was going on, the cover-up would eventually come to light. All he needed to do was make sure Danielle and Jamie were safe. He had updated Gunny on what to be on the lookout for, but now he needed to make sure he could track what was happening on the island even if he couldn’t be here himself. Sorry, guys. There’s about to be a software update to the security system that we might not have discussed.

  Beckett wasn’t sure how Trent would respond if he knew what he was about to do. Some things are best not discussed.

  He wanted to go down to the beach and sweep Danielle into his arms, but he had a friend he needed to see first, and he knew he could count on her. Grabbing the duffle bags, he headed to KJ’s suite. He didn’t want to put her in the middle of anything, but he needed eyes and ears on the ground here, and there wasn’t anyone he trusted more than a fellow Marine.

  When he got to KJ’s room, somehow she wasn’t surprised to see him at all.

  “Come on in. I think we have a lot to talk about,” KJ said as he entered.

  He had hoped they would be alone, but that wasn’t the case. Drew was there, wearing a concerned look.

  “If what we heard is correct, you’re going to need more than just KJ watching this place and someone else to cover your ass when it all goes bad. That is my specialty.”

  Beckett nodded. If KJ trusted him, so would he. “I appreciate it. Let’s get down to business then.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Danielle had been relaxing on the beach one minute and the next Jamie was grabbing her hand and pulling her off the blanket. She was blown away by his actions and wanted to enjoy every second of his small hand in hers, but he wouldn’t stop pulling at her. Danielle didn’t even stop to pick up her picnic supplies. She was going to follow him to wherever he felt he needed to be.

  As they made their way back to the villa, she wished she had, at least, grabbed a towel to wrap around her. Normally she wouldn’t walk around in her bikini, but this was hardly normal. Turning the corner to her villa, she realized why Jamie had been dragging her at such an excited pace. Beckett stood at her door, just about to knock.

  Danielle fully expected Jamie to let go of her hand and run to Beckett. He didn’t. Instead, he pulled her down the walkway, and once Jamie was near Beckett he reached out his other hand to Beckett and smiled. There they stood, holding Jamie’s hands. No one spoke at first. But after a minute, Danielle noticed Beckett had stopped looking at Jamie and now was looking at her. She had forgotten her state of dress or better yet, undress.

  “Why don’t we go inside and change, so we can visit with Beckett?”

  Danielle punched in the lock code on the door, and only then did Jamie let go of their hands. He was off and running to his room. Once inside, she was left standing alone with Beckett. She felt her body warm as his eyes leisurely roamed over her.

  “I should go get dressed.”

  Before she could leave, he pulled her into his arms. “You look fine the way you are.” He bent and kissed her briefly before releasing her.

  “Why are you here?” She was thrilled to see him but needed to understand why, once again, he was gracing them with another surprise visit.

  “Are you saying you’re not happy to see me?” He arched a brow, looking at her.

  Damn you. Don’t turn this on to me and what I want. “Jamie loves seeing you.”

  “I know that, but that wasn’t my question. I asked about you.”

  Admitting anything to him was only going to give him power over her. She was not willing to relinquish any control, only to need it again when he walked back out the door. She wanted to give him a piece of her mind. He comes, kisses her, leaves, and then doesn’t call or come by for weeks. Then starts it all over again and expects her to welcome him with open arms? You’re dreaming if you think I’m going to fall back into bed with you, Beckett. I am not going to be an anytime-you-want-it girl. Never have been and never going to be.

  “Anything that makes Jamie happy makes me happy. That’s the only reason I’m glad to see you,” Danielle said, hands on her hips and staring him squarely in the eye, waiting for him to question her again.

  He only smiled and said, “You’d better get some clothes on before I can’t stop myself and show you just how damn wrong you are.”

  Every bit of confidence she had tried to portray vanished. He was right, and she’d better leave before she couldn’t resist him either. Quickly she went to her room, showered, and dressed in a light pink sundress and sandals. She wasn’t sure she was ready to spend the rest of the day with him, but at least, she was going to do it with clothes on.

  Jamie had had another major breakthrough, but once again it had been because of Beckett. She wanted these moments to last forever, but they seemed to come and go just as Beckett did. Unexpected and unannounced.

  Danielle wished she could talk with Jamie and hold his hand again, but she knew it had to be on his terms. If she asked Beckett to leave now to give them some alone time, he would only remind her of the same things Doug had told her.

  How was it a man without any children seemed to have a lot of knowledge as to what to do? In some ways, his natural instinct was better than hers. It would be so much easier if he wasn’t right all the damn time. God, why do I care about this man? Why him? Why not someone I can have?

  That was close. Beckett hadn’t expected her back from the beach so quickly. His intention was to get into the apartment, set up the hidden cameras in the living room, and get out. Just as he was about to open the door, she and Jamie came around the corner. Another thirty minutes and he would have had the cameras set up in the doorway too. No one was coming to their villa without him knowing it. It was illegal and probably unethical, but he cared about neither. All he wanted was to keep them safe.

  It had taken a bit of convincing, but KJ finally understood it was in Jamie and Danielle’s best intere
st. Until he knew there was no threat to them, he would take whatever actions he felt needed to be taken. If that meant she found out and hated him for it, that was a risk he was willing to take. Better you hate me than get hurt.

  With Jamie in his room and Danielle in the shower, Beckett quickly installed two cameras in the living room. Before he could install the ones for the doorway leading to her villa, Danielle came out of her room. She was in a dress that made him think of springtime love. It was light, and hugged her curves, showing off her beautiful breasts, making him want to rip it off her. Are you ever not sexy as hell?

  He was just about to tell her so when Jamie came bouncing back into the room. Great timing, buddy.

  “I know you just came from the beach, so what adventure would you like to go on now?” Beckett asked Jamie. He hoped that there would be a vocal answer, but none came. “How about the park?” Jamie nodded.

  Just then, a knock sounded at the door; Blossom was already sitting at attention. Damn, you might be better than my security system.

  When Danielle opened it, she found Bethy standing there. “Can I play with Jamie?”

  Beckett saw a sweet girl not much older than Jamie, smiling ear to ear. From her appearance, she obviously was receiving treatment here. What surprised him was how Jamie reacted to her. He went right up and stood by her.

  “Bethy, we’re going to the park. Do you want to come with us?” Danielle asked.

  “Can I call my nurse and ask if it’s okay?” Bethy asked.

  “Yes, of course. You know where the phone is.”

  Beckett gave Danielle a questioning look and she mouthed to him, “Tell you later.” Seems like they’d have a lot to talk about later.

  Once Bethy got the green light for the park, they were out the door. Beckett watched Jamie and Bethy run ahead of them. “We seem to have been left behind.”

  “I know. Those two are spending a lot of time together. She’s the most amazing little girl.”


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