Julie Seedorf - Fuchsia Minnesota 02 - Granny Skewers a Scoundrel

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Julie Seedorf - Fuchsia Minnesota 02 - Granny Skewers a Scoundrel Page 15

by Julie Seedorf

  The Big Guy looked at Granny thoughtfully. “And you know this how?”

  “She’s remodeling her basement. There is a cut in the wall. Maybe she buried something. And…her weeds talk. And Sally didn’t have any daughters.”

  “Do you have any witnesses to this attack?”

  “Mavis and George and Thor,” Granny said emphatically.

  “And if I questioned them, would they back up your story?”

  “Well, maybe. But what I am telling you is true. Something is going on over there. You need to look into it before more people die.”

  The Big Guy heaved a big sigh, grabbed Granny’s cane before speaking so that he would not get jabbed in one of her wild spurts of energy and replied, “The case is almost closed. As soon as we find Neil Nail, we will be able to arrest him and close it. He killed the two women and he started the fires and there is the possibility that he killed his father too.”

  “He wouldn’t do that. I have another bone to pick with you. Jack Puffleman won’t let me work undercover in his store anymore and he said the merchants have orders from you.” Granny poked her finger directly at the Big Guy.

  Another big sigh came out of the Big Guy. “Until we catch Neal Nail, your life is in danger. You know something but you don’t know what it is. The sad thing is that whatever you know you have probably forgotten, never to be remembered again and Neil doesn’t know that.”

  “Well when I remember what I’ve forgotten that, according to you, I will never remember again I will forget to tell you,” Granny said with a smug grin as she got up and went find Delight.


  The table was ready. The shysters and Baskerville were locked in her bedroom. The food was being kept warm in the oven. Granny had decided on stuffed chicken breast with roasted potatoes, grilled asparagus and a side salad of fruit topped with honey apple dressing. Her chocolate, peanut butter cup cheesecake was cooling in her second fridge in the basement and as an appetizer Granny had seared duck livers with roasted scallops and curried cauliflower puree. The scene was set.

  Granny pulled out her pots and pans from the drawers and opened a can of chicken broth and dumped it over the pans. She then took her pans and rinsed them in the sink and put them in the dish drain. After doing that, she pulled out her chicken-scented room spray and spritzed it around the room. She put her nose up in the air and sniffed. Yes, it smell like cooked chicken. When she was sure that it smelled like she had cooked the foo, she hid the spray and pulled out a fuchsia apron with a large coffee cup on the front and put it on. Then she went over to the drawer and pulled out the flour and fluffed a little on her apron.

  Granny looked down. Yes, it looked like she had been cooking. Thank goodness for the underground streets today. Not only had it been sleeting when Granny had left Ella’s Enchanted Forest at the Fire Hall but she needed a way for Delight to deliver the food without anyone seeing her. Mission accomplished.

  Granny lifted up the top of the foot stool and moved the blanket inside, opening the bottom to grab her bottle of wine and a glass and poured herself a small glass of wine as she waited for her guests. She thought this was a pretty good idea if she hadn’t said so herself.

  The doorbell rang as Granny was drinking her last drop of wine. She quickly threw the glass underneath the blanket inside the footstool and answered the door. The smiling faces of her daughters greeted her.

  “This is so much fun, Mother,” Penelope stated as she handed her mom a plant and moved inside the house.

  “May the stars line up perfectly for you tonight, Mother,” Starshine said as she kissed Granny on the cheek.

  Granny looked at the plant, wondering how she was going to keep it alive until summer. She might have to get a few pointers from Delight and Ella on how they kept their forest alive all these years.

  Both girls look at Granny expectantly. “What’s the occasion?”

  “No occasion,” replied Granny. “Can’t a body have a dinner party? Where’s Butch?” she added, referring to Penelope’s husband and changing the subject.

  “He said he couldn’t take any more drama today. He had a bad day at work,” said Penelope. “Some woman from Fuchsia came to our town looking for a yard alarm and since he is in the alarm business someone sent her to Butch,.” Penelope explained. “Well this woman said she had a nosy old neighbor who kept stealing her goat and she wanted her stopped. Well, Butch said to her, ‘She’s getting your goat, eh?’ and this woman started yelling and attacking Butch. His boss came out and the woman started to turn sweet as pie. As a result, Butch was suspended for a couple of days because the woman fainted and had to be taken to the ER. Short story long, he couldn’t take any of our family dramatics tonight. You don’t happen to know who that woman was and who the old woman was who she was talking about do you, Mom?”

  At that moment, the doorbell rang again. Granny hurried to the door so she didn’t have to answer Penelope. It couldn’t have been the hussy anyway, or if it was, at least Granny was warned.

  Franklin, Heather and Angel stepped into the house. Angel ran up to Granny and hugged her tight. “I love you, my new Granny.”

  Granny knelt down and gave Angel a hug.

  “Where is Baskerville? Where are Itsy and Bitsy and Fish and Little White Poodle?” Angel asked innocently. “I want to play with them.”

  At that moment, the door opened aagain and Thor walked into the room. Granny decided it was time for introductions. “Penelope, Starshine, meet Heather and Angel. Heather is one of Franklin’s daughters”. Granny was about to introduce Thor and Heather when Thor said, “We’ve already met.” He walked to the far side of the room, ignoring Heather and winking at Angel.

  This wasn’t going quite as planned, Granny thought to herself.

  “Mother, do you still have Baskerville?” Starshine asked in a soft voice. “I just loved him.”

  Angel piped up. “Me too and I love my Grandpa’s Itsy and Bitsy and my new almost Grandma’s Little White Poodle and Fish.”

  Starshine and Penelope turned to look at Granny. Granny started to answer but Franklin stepped in and said, “Well, you see Fish was rescued from the pet store and Little White Poodle needed a home so Granny graciously took them in. Itsy and Bitsy are mine and when the four met they became inseparable. We share custody so there is nothing for you to worry about. And Baskerville adopted both of us. With your mother being so frail,” (The word frail coming out of Franklin’s mouth stiffened Granny’s spine) “a few pets to look after her and keep her moving are just what she needs. She needs a reason to get out of bed in the morning,” Franklin said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Yes,” Granny piped up in a crotchety voice while peering at Franklin. “Pets are just what I need to put a little bite in my bark. They’ll protect me from old letcherous men who attack me. Time to eat; everyone, sit down. Thor, I have a place for you right next to Heather. Franklin, you can sit on one side of Angel and I will sit on the other. Penelope and Starshine, take your places on any of the three chairs. I had a place set for Butch but that’s ok.”

  Franklin chimed in, “You could invite Elena.”

  Granny ignored Franklin as she set each plate of appetizers in front of each person. All eyes looked to the plate. Granny’s children all looked at each other. “Ah, Mom, what might this be?” Thor asked.

  “It is my specialty and it is a surprise.” At that moment, the doorbell rang. “Eat, I’ll get the door,” Granny instructed the diners.

  Reluctantly, they put fork to the plate but could not quite bring it to their mouths.

  Granny opened the door to find the Big Guy. “I need to talk to you, Granny.”

  “Cornelius, come on in.”

  The Big Guy cautiously stepped into the house. “I didn’t realize it was mealtime. I’ll come back.”

  “No,” Thor, Starshine and Penelope chimed in at once.

  “Sit down,” Thor said, “My mother’s meals are notoriously well known for their creativity.
My brother-in-law couldn’t make it and we have more food than we can eat.” Thor motioned with his hand that the Big Guy should sit down.

  Penelope moved over and left a chair in between her and Starshine. The Big Guy sat down. Granny got him a plate of seared duck livers and roasted scallops. He lifted his fork and dug in as everyone watched him take his first bite. Because of his arrival, the others had delayed their taste of the delicacy.

  “Granny, this is wonderful. I don’t know what it is but it warms my palate. Thanks for the invite.”

  After skeptical looks, the others took their first bite. Soon the appetizer was gone. “Wow,” Starshine said, “Did you go to cooking school when we weren’t looking? What’s in this?”

  “I’ll tell ya later. Moving on.” Granny got up and grabbed the salad for the next course, not wanting to let them know that they had just wet their appetite on seared duck livers. This time the entire table dug into the food, still cautious but with a little more enthusiasm.

  “Why did you stop by, Cornelius? This an official visit? If it is, my meal might be considered bribery.”

  “Don’t worry Granny,” said the Big Guy. “I was checking on you to make sure you were ok. I didn’t know your entire family and friends would be here. After our last conversation, I decided to stop by to see if you remembered what you forgot.”

  Angel piped in, “I always forgotted. My mommy says I forgotted to wash my hands and brush my teeth on purpose but I just forgotted cause I was so busy playing with Baskerville and his goat.”

  All eyes turned to Angel. “Goat? What goat, Angel?” Heather asked her daughter.

  “The one that comes to visit with Baskerville. You’ve never seen him, Mommy, cause he hided when you came out of the house.”

  “Don’t look at me,”Granny protested, “I don’t have a goat. It’s that hussy across the street and Baskerville seems real taken with her goat.”

  Franklin turned to Angel and in a soft voice said, “Angel, you shouldn’t keep secrets like that from your mommy or me. Ok?”

  “I knows. I won’t do it again. I’ll only keep mommy’s secret. Mommy, is it ok if I tell Granny and Grandpa our secret?” Angel asked innocently.

  The conversation was interupted by Thor coughing loudly. As he stood up from the table, he knocked the water glass over onto the floor.

  “I’m ok, I’m ok. Let me get this cleaned up. What do you have planned for us next, Mother?”

  Granny stood and walked to the kitchen, opened the oven and brought out the plates of stuffed chicken breast, roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus and one by one picked them up and set them in front of her guests.

  Franklin eyed his plate as Granny sat down to join the group. “I didn’t know you could cook like this, Hermiony. You are a gourmet cook. Is there anything you can’t do?”

  Granny hid a grin, “Why, Franklin, you are just getting a glimpse of my many talents.”

  After eveyone finished eating, Granny was about to collect their plates when Starshine turned to the Big Guy. “Why are you keeping track of my mother?”

  “Yes, I would like to know the same thing,” Penelope chimed in. “Thor, what haven’t you told us?”

  The Big Guy started to look uncomfortable. He stood up. “I, ah, must be going. My phone just beeped in my pocket. Duty calls. Thanks for the dinner, Granny; sorry I am going to miss dessert.” He quickly turned, grabbed his coat that was by the door and left.

  Franklin turned to Angel. “How about we have dessert in a little while. Why don’t I let Baskerville and the shysters out of the bedroom and you take them downstairs to play. Then we can have dessert.”

  “I’ll get them,” replied Angel. “I know how to open a door. You won’t forget to let me have dessert?”

  “We couldn’t have dessert without you,” her mom assured her.

  Angel quickly got up, ran down the hallway and opened Granny’s bedroom door. Baskerville bounded out excitedly. He ran over to the table and gave Starshine a big lick on the face. She giggled. The shysters were more cautious, knowing Granny’s family was a little persnickity about animals in Granny’s house.

  “Come on, come on, let’s play,” Angel called as she started down the steps. Hearing her voice, the shysters and Baskerville followed.

  “Now, what don’t we know?” Penelope demanded.

  “Well, um, it seems someone, um, tried to poison me and then they set my garage on fire.”

  “What!” Penelope and Starshine said at the same time.

  “That’s it. You are coming home to live with me or going somewhere where you will be safe,” Penelope stated.

  “Not the wrinkle farm!” Granny stated in horror.

  Starshine shook her head. “No, Mom, you are too young for the wrinkle farm yet, although don’t push us,” she warned.

  “Stop, all of you,” Franklin said. “We have this under control. Neil Nail is the one responsible for the murders and for the attacks on Granny. He has disappeared, but we have an APB out on him and as soon as we nail him,” Franklin chuckled––“sorry about the play on words––Granny will be safe. In the meantime, Thor, myself, and the Big Guy are watching out for her.”

  Thor was about to say something when Baskerville bounded up the stairs. Around his mouth was what looked like a white beard. Trailing after him were Fish, Little White Poodle, Furball and Tank as Granny called the last two. They too had white beards. Before anyone could stop them, Baskerville ran to Starshine and started licking her cheek deposting part of the white beard on her face. Fish pounced on the table and rubbed his chin against Penelope. Little White Poodle jumped on Thor’s lap, the poodle’s beard flying onto Thor’s face. Furball and Tank split up, Furball landing on Granny’s head. The white beard fell off of his chin onto Granny’s face. Tank made a jump for Franklin’s lap and landed smack dab against his chest, wiping his white beard on Franklin’s black shirt.

  In the midst of the chaos, Angel came upstairs and threw herself in her mother’s lap and hid her head. “I pretended to be Granny and fed all of them the dinner that was in the fridge. Did I do a good job? Am I in trouble?”

  With those words, everyone looked at each other and started laughing, wiping cheesecake off of their faces.

  “I take it this is dessert?” Thor managed to say through his laughter as he took a swipe of the white now on his face and put it into his mouth. Heather, who was sitting next to Thor, reached over and took a swipe from his face and put it into her mouth looking at Thor with a twinkle in her eye.

  Granny, seeing the look, thought her plan might be working although she didn’t plan this. “Yes, this is my famous ‘Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake’ served with a dash of bark and bite.” Granny turned to Angel who was still sitting in her mother’s lap hiding her head. “And, no, you are not in trouble, Angel. Those shysters and Baskerville like sweet things and that is why they like you.” Granny pushed herself away from the table and stood up.

  “Since dessert is over, it’s time for everyone to go, except Franklin. I need to talk to him. Thor, could you take Heather and Angel home for Franklin?”

  Franklin gave Granny a strange look. “I can take them home and come back,” Franklin offered, a little confused.

  “No, I really need to talk to you.” Granny grabbed his arm. “It’s just, just, I feel a little unsafe tonight what with all the talk. I’m sure having you here for a little while longer until the talk goes out of my mind and the fear goes away will make me feel better.” Granny leaned a little against Franklin to get her point across.

  Penelope and Starshine winked at each other. “Right, you want to be alone. Because you’re scared,” Penelope stated. “Well, we could stay,” she offered in a teasing voice.

  Granny stared her down. “No! I need Franklin who is big and strong.” Granny looked up at him, wondering if she got the adoring look part down to convince him.

  “We’ll take Heather and Angel home.” Starshine offered. “We go right by her house.”

sp; “That would be better, Mom,” said Thor. “I have to check on Elena. Have a good night, Heather. Sweet dreams Angel.” Thor grabbed his coat before Granny could say anything more. Granny stared at the door as it closed behind Thor.

  Quickly, she let go of Franklin. “I feel a lot better now. Must have been the air coming into the house. It breathes the fear right out of me. You can all go now. Franklin you can take Heather home. I need my beauty sleep. Thank you for coming.” Giving Angel a quick hug, she ushered the confused group out of the house.

  Granny locked the doors, grabbed her knitting needle cane and umbrella and called it a night. Tomorrow was another day and she had to come up with a plan to make Fuchsia safe again.


  Granny’s eyes opened and she quickly sat up in bed and grabbed her throat. She let out a sigh of relief when she realized that there was nothing wrapped around her neck and strangling her. She had been dreaming that weeds had crawled up her body and wrapped themselves around her neck. She remembered gasping for breath and hearing Sally say, “The weeds have quit talking to me.”

  Granny heaved another sigh of relief. She looked toward the window and saw that it was daylight. Grabbing her cell phone, she checked the time. It was 8:00 a.m. Last night must have worn her out.

  She looked down at her wintertime attire. Perhaps, that is why she felt she was being strangled. The warm, though colorful clothes fit snuggly around her neck to keep her warm. It was time to go back to wearing her Sexy Granny and I Know it pj’s or some of her more colorful but scanty and freeing nighties. She would buy an electric blanket or wear her cuddly shyster robe to bed to keep warm.

  The pillow and bed still felt warm and welcoming. Granny propped up her pillows to lounge a little longer. As she did, she thought back to her dream and realized the weeds strangling her was so real. What did it mean? Why plant weeds in Sally’s back yard? Granny sat straight up in bed. Could it be?


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