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Fierce in Fur - Ridgeville, Book Four

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  Chapter Three

  “I don’t have a short temper. I have a zero-tolerance policy for assholes.” – Brute Mauer, Asshole Eradicator

  Brute couldn’t forget her. The sight of the in-charge woman barking orders as his Prima gave birth warred in his mind with the image of her cowering and clutching at her brother. Like a light switch, the memories flitted back and forth.

  And he cursed himself and the situation that hadn’t allowed him to savor her scent. The cat clawed at him, telling him that missing out had been a mistake. By sight, he and the beast wanted her, craved her whether she was growling or panicking. Both sides of the woman intrigued him, lured him.

  And disappeared on him.

  Brute had watched as her brother hustled her to his truck and settled her in the passenger seat. He’d stayed frozen near the rear of the SUV as the others decided on who was riding with whom. He had to watch and make sure she put on a seatbelt, ‘cause he was prepared to march over there and put it on her if she didn’t. Thankfully, it hadn’t been necessary. His focus remained intent on the beat up truck when Gavin pulled onto the on-ramp and then into speeding traffic.

  It took everything in him not to race after them, throw people into their seats and then floor it until he caught up to Elise.

  But he hadn’t. He’d almost patiently waited for the split with Neal, Carly, Ricker and Maddy loading into one SUV while the rest of the crew loaded into the other. Maya had bitched a fit about not having baby seats, but somehow, Alex had talked her into the truck.

  Brute didn’t even want to know what the Prime had promised the Prima for her cooperation.

  And now, they were back in Ridgeville. Two of the couples and Gina dropped at their respective homes, and he was just pulling into the driveway at the pride house. With care, he helped the Prime, Prima and newborns inside. He made sure the coast was clear and they weren’t bothered on the way to their room. He was determined to give them time to themselves.

  Which left him with time to think about Elise. About her flushed cheeks and the way she nibbled her lip while deciding if he could be trusted. He had no doubt that she’d been wary when he offered to take one of the twins. And he was thankful when she’d brushed the feelings aside.

  Then he thought about her shining brown hair and the way thin strands fluttered in the breeze. Mostly about how he’d wanted to tuck them behind her ears so they wouldn’t bother her as she worked.

  Right now, memories flowing through his mind, he cursed the fact that he couldn’t add thoughts of her scent to the scenes.

  With a shake of his head, he left the hallway and tromped to the first floor, heavy boots thumping against the wood stairs and then the marble tiles. Bypassing the formal dining and living rooms, he headed on down to the family room. Also known as: the man cave. The males in the pride had unofficially claimed the space as theirs and stuffed it full of comfortable leather furniture and more electronics than Best Buy, plus a small fridge they kept stocked with beer. Including light beer for Deuce. The pansy.

  Male voices filled the entryway and Brute rounded the corner to find exactly what he’d expected. Harding, Wyatt and Deuce were scattered through the room, all slumped into their chairs, eyes glued to the TV.

  No one’s gaze cut to him, and Brute was thankful for the reprieve. He didn’t want to talk about seeing his Prima’s girl parts, or the ferociously timid woman he couldn’t get out of his mind.

  Some game was on the TV, but Brute couldn’t focus on what he was seeing. An ache was building in his chest, and the need to see Elise and make sure she got to her new place okay was eating at him. He rubbed the spot with the heel of his hand, hoping that he could massage the feelings away.

  The fucking cat wasn’t having it. Nope, it craved the smaller woman, demanded that they go hunt her and bring her back to their den.

  Not that their den was anything to write home about. He slept there. That was it. He’d been living in the apartment since he’d left home and it wasn’t a home, but a place to lay his head. He might have to start looking for a new place if he planned on bringing his ma—


  No. He wasn’t one of those guys who’d settle down with a mate. Hell, most of the time, he could hardly get close enough to a woman to even see if she was the one for him. The ladies took one look at his size, the tattoos and bald head and ran as fast as their paws could carry them. He had no doubt Elise would be the same. The woman had probably only stuck around because she’d had to help Maya.

  So lost in his thoughts, Brute didn’t realize a full beer can was coming at him until it was too late. A flare of pain bloomed on his head and he turned toward the source, a snarl on his lips while his fingers shifted into claws.

  Harding raised his empty hands. “Easy, man. I thought you saw it coming. Didn’t mean nothing.” The man’s face was pale, eyes wide, and pungent fear poured off him. “I swear.”

  Brute forced his beast to calm, to remember that Harding wasn’t prey. He was a partner. He was one of Maya’s guards. Had to remember… Inhaling deep, he let the breath out in slow increments. He licked his lips, ran his tongue over the fangs, coaxing the cat into pulling back. A flex of his fingers, crack of his knuckles, and the claws receded. It took a few minutes for the lion to relax, but it eventually padded to the back of Brute’s mind.

  “Sorry.” Another cleansing breath. “Just on edge.”

  Harding nodded. “Yeah, we get you.” His gaze flicked around the room, landing on Wyatt and pausing on Deuce. “You want a new beer, man? The other one is sorta dented and shit from your head. Maybe you need the light stuff. Deuce could probably hit you with one.”

  Rolling his eyes, he let a smile form on his lips as he reached down and grabbed the damaged can, setting it on the coffee table before relaxing again. “Naw, I’m still not that much of a pussy. Gimme a Guinness or something.”

  A can was tossed across the room and he caught it this time around. No sense in letting the cat out to play again. Hell, he’d need to go for a run soon. While others could get by with shifting once a month, Brute had to go furry at least once a week. Cat was a prickly fucker.

  “So, what was Maya’s idea this time?” Wyatt spoke up, eyes never leaving the game. A closer look revealed that they were watching soccer. Damn, they were scraping the bottom of the barrel. They all tended to watch more violent sports and soccer was never bloody enough.

  “We ended up catching her on her way back from Virginia with a woman and her brother.” Brute popped the top on the can in his hand and took a deep drink of the bitter brew. “I figure the woman is joining the pride or settling in Ridgeville. Not sure about the guy. The chick had bags with her, so at least she wasn’t kidnapped.”

  “True.” Deuce added.

  Brute had no doubt that Maya was capable of abducting someone if she thought they’d be better off with her. The woman was that loving…and crazy.

  “What’s the chick’s name? Maybe the Prima has mentioned her before.” Wyatt, always the thinker.

  “Elise. Not sure what she is, but she’s a pretty little thing. Short. Curvy. And—” Brute stopped talking when he realized that the room had gone quiet. Hell, they’d even muted the TV. “What?”

  “Elise Mara?” Harding’s eyes were wide, face pale. “Real, real short? Kind amber eyes? Dark hair?”

  Brute shrugged, but on the inside, he was pissed that anyone else had laid eyes on sweet Elise. “Maybe. Not sure about her last name, but the description fits.”

  “And you’re attracted to her? Brute, man…” Harding shook his head while Wyatt and Deuce groaned.

  He glared at them all. “What?”

  Deuce was the one to speak up. “Don’t go there, man. She’s… Remember the chick that Maddy and Ricker helped rescue from Freedom? That little Sensitive fox?”

  Brute searched his memory, but finally nodded. The guards hadn’t been part of that hunt, Ricker having handled it all, but he’d been briefed on what had happened.

  Freedom, a shifter organization bent on destroying the hierarchies, had broken into Maddy’s home and kidnapped her. After making the Sensitive calm the shifters in the compound, Maddy had been thrown into a cell with another Sensitive, an abused fox. Eventually Ricker had gotten them out of there, but not after Maddy had killed a guy trying to sexually assault the fox. From the hints they’d received, the fox had been held for two years and been raped and beaten repeatedly during that time.

  “You’re saying…” The lion roared at the mere idea of Elise being harmed in any way.

  “Yeah, man. That’s what I’m saying. You need to steer clear, yeah? I love you, man, you know that, but you’re a lot to take. Especially for a woman. Even more so for one who’s lived through Freedom’s brand of hell.”

  The cat snarled in his mind and shoved at Brute’s control. Without conscious thought, the bones in his face cracked and broke, reforming into the beast’s muzzle. The lines in his cheeks sharpened while golden fur pushed through his pores. The lion wanted out, wanted to hunt down and slaughter everyone who’d ever hurt Elise. Hell, if they’d made her sad, they’d die.

  And that thought right there was part of the reason that he’d steer clear of the little fox. Even if it killed him.

  * * *

  Elise could get through this, even if it killed her.

  The way her heart was trying to break through her chest, she figured she’d be dead in the next handful of minutes.

  Gavin had brought her to Drool and Dine so she could meet Seno, get her schedule and the keys to the apartment over the diner. Doing all this had seemed so simple in her mind. She’d worked hard with her therapists, even if they hadn’t been all that helpful to her fox and Sensitive nature.

  Now she’d come to the moment of truth.

  Gavin escorted her from his car to the front door and held it wide, ushering her into the noisy space with a hand at her lower back.

  “I’m gonna grab a table in the corner. I’m right here and you’re safe. You hear me?” Her brother hadn’t even bothered whispering. Nope, the asshole had to embarrass her by speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. She ignored the fact that nearly everyone’s focused flicked to her, some people outright staring while others merely snuck a glance and then quickly turned away. “No one’s gonna hurt you ever again.”

  Elise squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, shoving back the memories of when she hadn’t been safe…when she’d been chained to a bed while a man shoved his co—

  With a shake of her head, she banished the memory.

  “Okay.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but she knew he’d heard her when he brushed a chaste kiss to her temple.

  Watching him stroll away from her, she ached to follow him, let her brother pull her into his arms and shelter her from everyone’s stares. Instead, she squared her shoulders and practically stomped to the register. “Hi, I’m Elise Mara. I’m here to see Seno. I don’t have an appointment, but—”

  “No worries, girl.” The woman waved off her words. A look at the waitress’ name tag revealed her to be Alice, and Elise remembered Maddy telling her that the older woman was all bark and no bite. Literally. The woman was a wolf who couldn’t shift without an Alpha’s help. Since Alice had chosen to live in Ridgeville instead of the wolves’ home of Stratton, it’d been a while since she’d shifted. “Why don’t you take a seat there in the back? I’ll getcha a cup of coffee and send Seno on out.”

  Without waiting for a response, Alice disappeared through what Elise assumed was a kitchen door, leaving her standing alone at the counter.

  Okay, then. She could do this.

  Taking a deep breath, something she’d been doing lot lately, she squared her shoulders and did as asked, settling into a booth a scant moment before one of the biggest men she’d ever seen approached her. God, he was almost as big as the man who’d helped her deliver Maya’s twins.

  If he was here, he could protect her…

  Elise’s eyes went wide. The guy seemed to get larger the closer he came and panic crept toward her, inching into her mind with every breath. She couldn’t do this. Not here. Not now. She’d just arrived in Ridgeville and couldn’t freak out in front of everyone yet.

  Placing a hand to her chest, she pressed the spot over her heart, felt the rapid tattoo through her palm. Calm. She imagined the forest surrounding the town was lush and filled with life now. She could run and play in the trees. Gavin would be at her side. Gavin… Gavin was in the diner and would protect her. She could do this…

  The giant slid into the seat opposite her, easy smile on his face. Stains decorated his shirt and, for the first time, she noticed he was also wearing an apron.

  “Hey there, kiddo. I’m Seno.” He didn’t hold out his hand, instead keeping them loose on the table top.

  Elise silently thanked him for that small concession. Fear still poured through her veins, pushing and shoving at her to get the fuck out of the diner and run as far and fast as she could.

  “H-h-h,” she swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Hi, I’m Elise. We spoke on the phone and…”

  Seno nodded. “Yes, the apartment is all ready for ya. It needs a good cleaning and maybe a coat of paint. Whatever you lay out, just deduct from the rent.”

  “Oh, no, I can pay—”

  Seno rolled his eyes. “Not happening, short stuff. I didn’t have time to get someone in to fix the place up and it’s been empty since I mated Alice. I’m happy to have you, honey.” The big man eased his hand across the table, nice and slow, and she watched as his much larger hand engulfed hers. The panic didn’t overwhelm her with his touch, didn’t threaten to shove her into unconsciousness, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. “You’re gonna do fine here, kiddo. Alice and I will make sure of it.”

  And she believed him.

  “Okay.” Tears burned her eyes. “Yeah, okay.” With her free hand, she brushed aside the tiny bit of moisture that had formed. “I’ve got my stuff, so I can move in today, if that’s okay. When do you want me to start?”

  Seno shook his head. “No, kiddo. I want you to get all set up, first. Settle in and—”

  This time, Elise shook her head. “No, I’ll spend some time cleaning today and get the place livable. My brother can hang out for a few hours to help with the big stuff, and then I’ll send him home.” She took a deep breath, calming her racing heart. She was voicing her desires. Seno wouldn’t haul off and punch her or drag her into a room… “I need to have a routine, Seno. I need to start living my life. The first step was moving here. I want to start right away, I need to. Please.”

  The larger man stared at her a moment and she was sure he was going to give her a hard time. Instead, a broad smile broke out on his face. “I like you, kiddo. You’re ready to bite back.” He patted her hand. “You’ll do just fine. You can start in the morning. It’s our busiest time and Alice could use the help. It’ll also give you a chance to meet some of your neighbors. They’re good people here in town.” Then his eyes narrowed. “But if anyone gives you grief you let me know. I don’t tolerate foolishness and neither will the Prime. You promise me, young lady. Someone makes you uncomfortable, you come right to me. Hell, tell Alice if you hafta. But no one,” he raised his head and turned to capture everyone with his gaze. “No one is gonna mess with this little lady. I won’t have it,” he snapped out the last sentence. “Now, where’s my promise?”

  Elise mustered up a smile for the big man. As scary as he looked, she sensed an innate goodness in him and his words kindled a spark of hope in her chest. Maybe…maybe things would be all right now. “I promise.”

  Chapter Four

  “The best things in life are worth waiting for. Unless you’re an impatient fuck. Then, go hunting.” – Brute Mauer, Ridgeville Pride guard who is thankful as hell that his parents are back from vacation.

  Brute managed to stay away for two weeks.

  They’d been the hardest two weeks of his life. True, he’d had his sisters to keep him some
-what occupied. He’d chased after Honor, making sure the she-cat didn’t bloody anyone while also ensuring that those guys sniffing after her didn’t get close enough to do anything but sniffing.

  Thank god his other sister, Emma, was normal.

  He went ahead and thanked god again when his parents returned three days after he’d met Elise and he was able to pass his sisters back off to them. He was never having children. Ever.

  But since he’d handed over the responsibility for Honor and Emma back to his mom and dad, he’d been lost. Oh, he still got up and watched over Maya and the twins when his shift came up. He still managed to feed himself in between drinking with the other guys.

  The only thing he hadn’t managed was getting a good night’s sleep. Not when images of the delicate fox filled his mind. Once the Prima was up to it, he’d questioned her further about Elise, confirming she was the tiny woman who’d been in captivity for two years and had only been out a handful of months.

  Damn. The things they’d done to her. He couldn’t even let hints of the thoughts linger in his mind or he’d lose control. More than once he found himself waking in the middle of the night, half-shifted and heading toward his back door. The cat wanted to be near Elise, ached to protect her, period.

  So far, he’d been able to keep the cat at bay with internal promises of going to the woman.

  It’d been just fourteen days and the cat was at its breaking point. Brute the man either went to Elise, or the lion would do it for him.

  So, he’d driven to Drool and Dine. Man, fucking Seno had a jacked sense of humor. But it was the best place to eat in Ridgeville and pulled a good crowd at every meal. Brute managed to hold off his arrival until what he assumed was the lull between breakfast and lunch, hoping to get a hint of her scent. By the way his beast acted, the pretty fox was all but claimed as their mate, no sniffing needed.

  Fuck, he felt like a teen all over again, going to talk to the first girl he ever liked and asking her out. Hell it took him three tries to actually make it from his truck. First he’d forgotten to put the damned thing in park. Then he’d sorta overlooked cutting the engine. And, hey, unbuckling his seat belt was a good thing.


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