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Fierce in Fur - Ridgeville, Book Four

Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  He hated the rush of nerves, hoping that he hadn’t built up his attraction to Elise only to have it slammed down when he got a good whiff of her.

  Stepping down from his truck, he strode toward the building, heavy boots thumping on the asphalt as he approached. He shoved one foot in front of the other, stomping to the front door and then he was inside, the welcoming scents of Seno’s cooking surrounding him.

  And then there was something different…something delicious and sinful, mouth wateringly good and both Brute and his cat wanted to bathe in the scent. Without hunting up the source, he knew it came from his delicate fox. She was in the diner, close enough for him to snatch and then hide until she agreed to their mating. She was his mate, his everything.

  Pausing in the doorway, Brute swept the interior with his gaze, searching for her. Within moments, he spied his quarry toward the back, smiling wide at the customers at the table. A growl built in his chest as he recognized the seated men.

  Harding, Wyatt and Deuce were all smiles while Elise served them.

  He didn’t like it, and the lion was ready to settle his problems outside. With claws and teeth. Taking a deep, calming breath, he waited until the sweet fox left their table before stomping toward them.

  Damn piece of shit assholes told him to steer clear of Elise and here they were…

  Before any of them could say a word, Brute shoved his way into the booth, pushing Harding into the corner. He glared at each of ‘em, growling low so that they got a hint as to how pissed he was.

  All three of them were looking a little pale and he was pleased with their reaction. “Hello, boys.”



  “What’s up, man?”

  Sure, they tried to play it cool, but the acrid flavors of fear teased Brute’s nose. “Now, if I recall, I was supposed to steer clear of Elise because of her past and I’m ‘a lot to take in’. All right, then. The question is, how are the three of you at once any easier than one of little ole’ me?”

  “You see…”

  “The thing about it is…”


  All three of them hemmed and hawed while he captured them with his glare. He readily admitted to being a scary fucker. It was his job. But the three of them together weren’t any less frightening than him alone.

  Seeing Elise approach, Brute tore his gaze from his fellow guards and watched her as she neared.

  Damn, she was just as gorgeous as he remembered. Hell, more so now. He’d seen her stressed and in charge, barking orders while she worked, and then panicking when it was all over. But this…this Elise bowled him over. She was so open…so happy. Pleasure radiated from her entire body so much that she seemed to glow. Her hair shone in the sunlight, eyes danced and a wide smile graced her lips. Those plump, kissable lips. Shit, he needed her. Even in the dumpy uniform, her curves beckoned him, tempted and teased him.

  Brute wanted to do nothing but sneak her away and hold her close for as long as she’d let him.

  Each step brought her nearer and he picked out more details…like the hint of a dimple when she laughed or that there was a slight hitch in her step. Hell, now his cat was pissed about who could have possibly injured her to the point that she had a very slight limp.

  Damn beast.

  In another two steps, Elise’s attention landed on their table, particularly Brute. Butterflies, fuck it, bats took up residence in his stomach while he waited for the fox’s reaction.

  He shouldn’t have bothered.

  Elise took the last two steps in a rush, reaching out and squeezing his hand the second he was within her reach and then said his name with a sigh. “Brute.”

  Just like that, the lion calmed. It slumped in relief in his mind, rolling to its side and then letting its head fall. It no longer growled or snarled at him. No, for the first time, maybe ever, Brute was a peace.

  “Hey, Elise.” They were frozen for a moment, her gaze locked squarely on his while he traced circles with his thumb on the back of her hand. That seductive scent surrounded him then and his nostrils flared as he inhaled, pulling more of her into his body. He nearly broke out into a shit-eating grin when he watched her do the same. Her tiny hand shook against his and he squeezed it in a gentle tightening of muscle before releasing her. “How have you been?”

  A tiny pink tongue darted out to lap at her lips and then disappeared. He ached to follow it, delve into her mouth and drink in her natural flavors. “Um, good. Great. The town is real nice and Seno has been taking great care of me.”

  A growl built in his chest, his calm cat now pissed as hell that he hadn’t been around to see after her. Brute suppressed the sound, sure that the little fox wasn’t ready for his intensity.

  Instead, he replied, “I’m glad to hear it. Real glad.” He looked at the other three men in the booth, glaring at each of them. “You know, the guys were just leaving, but I don’t wanna eat alone. Do you think you can sit with me a bit?” He gave her his full attention. “I promise I won’t bite.”


  Shit, shit, shit.

  And another shit.

  He was here. As in, here here.

  Fur brushed her mind, a gentle stroke that Elise wanted to grasp with both hands, but she kept the urge at bay. Her fox was interested enough for that tentative touch and she refused to fuck things up by pushing the issue. It wasn’t the first time her timid animal had made itself known, but it was the first time in public.

  Maddy had helped her search for her fox when they were alone in her apartment, but this…this was new and unexpected and…amazing.

  Elise licked her lips and slowly pulled her hand from Brute’s, mind racing as she took a step back. “Okay. So, you guys want anything to go?”

  The three other men glared at Brute and then gave her smiles. She had no doubt their exit was caused by the big lion sitting feet from her, but she couldn’t muster any sympathy. Not when her fox stroked her thoughts once again and showed interest in the larger man.

  With grumbles, the men left her and Brute alone. He sat once again while she stood clutching her order pad. “Um… Did you want to order?”

  “If you’re eating with me and let me pay?” He raised his eyebrows and she felt nothing but snippets of hope from him.

  Another thing her time with Maddy had returned to her. Nothing near her original Sensitive abilities, but at least feeling the emotions of others could help keep her safe.

  His hope and happiness rubbed off on her and, for the first time since she’d come to Ridgeville, she sensed her future was a little brighter.

  “Yeah, okay.” She nodded. “What would you like?”

  Smiling wide, Elise took down Brute’s order, not bothering to hide her surprise when he wanted not one burger, but four. Then again, the man was huge, bigger than Seno. But she couldn’t muster an ounce of fear of the man.

  Not since she’d placed a tiny baby in his large hands and watched the gentleness that he’d shown. He’d towered over her, could have easily overpowered her without a thought, yet he’d cradled the small child as if he’d die rather than hurt him.

  With a spring in her step, she headed to the window to pass off her order. It was time for her break anyway, and something in her ached to spend time with Brute. She’d known that he was the cause for everyone’s fear, but she couldn’t imagine why everyone felt that way. He was kind and gentle, with an innate goodness that couldn’t be ignored.

  They were all just jerks.

  Elise passed the ticket to a bored Seno and then leaned against the counter. With it so slow, Alice was in the back, taking a break, so it was just her and the big boss.

  “Five burgers?”

  Her smile widened further. “One for me and four for Brute.”

  “Brute? Brutus Mauer? Aw, kiddo he’s…”

  Elise didn’t care for his tone. “He’s fine. He’s nice, Seno. I don’t know him well, but…” God, how did she explain something to someone who had no fra
me of reference. “He’s just a good guy.” She finished lamely. She made a fist and rubbed it over her heart. “You know how you tell me that certain customers are good people? He’s one of my good people.”

  Seno looked skeptical, but finally slumped his shoulders in defeat. “Okay, kiddo, okay. I know he won’t hurt ya. Not on purpose. But he’s a big guy and…”

  “Leave her alone and cook the damned burgers.” Alice’s voice came from the back, cutting into their conversation, and Elise couldn’t suppress her laugh.

  The giggle earned her a glare from her boss.

  “Fine, fine. I’m cooking the burgers. You ladies getting your panties in a bunch and…” He kept grumbling while he worked, leaving Elise to her thoughts.

  Her mind flitted, bouncing around. She recalled delivering the babies and Brute’s care. Then his attentiveness while she helped Maya. His earnestness when he said he just wanted to help. The distance he gave while she worked, as if sensing she couldn’t deal with someone close. She even remembered his body, tense and ready for action, when Alex had begun roaring at her.

  Would he have stepped in? It seemed like it.

  The cool brush of her fox’s nose followed by a stroke of fur showed that her beast agreed. Elise suppressed the shout of glee as relief and happiness rushed through her. In the handful of minutes that she’d been in Brute’s company, she’d had several interactions with her inner-fox.

  Elise couldn’t imagine being friends with Brute could be anything but good.

  “Order up.”

  Blinking, she pulled from her inner thoughts and reached for the plates, placing them on a tray before hefting it onto her shoulder. “Thanks, Seno.”

  Not waiting for a response, she headed back toward the table…and to Brute.

  In moments she was at his table, their table, and setting the tray down.

  “Shit, Elise. You shoulda told me how heavy this would be. I could’ve gotten it.” His voice was filled with worry and she rolled her eyes.

  “I do this all day, Brute. It’s fine. Get your fingers out of my way.” She brushed his hand from the plate and then lifted it from the tray. “Just eat.”

  God that felt good. The fear that would have debilitated her before didn’t make an appearance, didn’t even poke its head of out its hole and nudge her. She hadn’t been that blunt with anyone but Alice, Seno and Maddy since she’d hit town. Being that way while dealing with Maya’s delivery was one thing, but this was the first time she was in a normal situation with someone she didn’t really know and had reacted, well, normally.

  Unloading the last of their plates, she set the tray aside and settled into the booth opposite Brute and just stared at the beautiful man. No, he wasn’t really beautiful. Not like a supermodel or pinup. He was just…just Brute.

  The bright lights shone against the smooth skin of his head and she followed the lines of his face to a strong jaw and soft looking lips. Part of her, the part that hadn’t died while trapped by Freedom, almost wondered what his kiss would be like. Almost.

  Her perusal continued to his broad shoulders, thick biceps and thicker chest. She imagined his dark shirt covered layers of muscle and couldn’t fathom the strength he held. A man’s inner cat was typically larger than his human body and if that was the case with Brute…the lion would be huge.

  A delicate nudge by her fox proved that the idea didn’t scare her nearly as much as it should have.

  Without waiting for Brute, she dug into her burger, chomping down on the juicy sandwich as if she hadn’t eaten in a million years. She still hadn’t gotten over that aspect of her imprisonment. Freedom had fed her, sure, but only when they remembered her. Or rather, she was remembered by the right person. Plenty of men had her in mind when they wanted to rape her, but otherwise, she wasn’t even a flicker of a memory to them.

  Elise moaned as the first burst of flavor passed over her tongue.

  If she hadn’t been watching the man across from her, she would have missed the flash of pain that crossed his features. “Damn.”

  “Brute?” She set her burger down.

  Then it hit her, lust. It was hot, burning her skin, and terror struck. She’d felt interest in the last two weeks, but this went so far beyond that.

  “No…” Her voice was barely a whisper and she felt the heat of her blood leave her face but the fox… Her fox pushed against her. It wasn’t a nudge like before, but an outright shove. As if the beast wanted to answer the lion’s call.

  Brute breathed deep and worry immediately replaced the desire. “Easy, Elise. Nothing’s happening. I’m attracted to you, that’s all. I won’t move, won’t even talk to you if you want. Just lemme sit here and eat lunch with you.” She thought something more than attraction lurked just beneath his skin, but she kept her mouth shut. “Is that okay?”

  Elise stared at him and forced her breathing back to an even tempo. His words had a ring of truth. He could have done something already if he’d wanted to. There was no doubt in her mind that Brute could have taken on every man in the diner, including Seno, and won. Hell, he probably could take over the pride without breaking a sweat.

  So…so, she could have lunch with him. Have lunch with the man who had cradled Maya’s baby with gentle hands.

  Lunch? Yeah, she could do that.

  Chapter Five

  “I feel like I’m playing a game without the instructions. So I’ll just make it up as I go along. That means I win, collect two hundred dollars plus I’ve just sunk your battleship. Everyone else can put their left foot on blue.” – Elise Mara, almost Sensitive, semi-fox and all around confused.

  “He’s here again, kiddo.” Seno’s voice cut through Elise’s concentration, sending her fox scurrying into the back of her mind once again.

  She and Maddy had been working diligently, meeting for an hour each day, luring her fox out while also blunting the sharp edges of her memory. For a month now, they’d labored together, sometimes doubling up their time in the last two weeks since Elise had a reason to get better now. Well, better was more of a relative term.

  With each day that passed, each smile she shared with Brute, she was becoming convinced that he belonged to her. If only the damned fox would cooperate and help her confirm her suspicions. The little beastie was easing closer each day, but refused to stick around for very long.

  “Thanks, Seno.” She pushed to her feet, figuring her fifteen minute break was at a quick end. Brute had been visiting her each night after the dinner rush, sitting at the counter and chatting while she tidied, rolling flatware or marrying the salt and pepper. And in all honesty, she wasn’t upset that her break got cut short, not when it meant spending a few (or more) safe minutes in his company.

  “Well, uh,” the big man scratched the back of his neck and then ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorta giving you the rest of the night off.”

  Elise narrowed her eyes. Seno wasn’t a slave driver, but he didn’t just send someone home out of the goodness of his heart. “What do you mean?”

  “See… The thing is… Aw, hell. Brute wants to take you out and I gave him my blessing. He’s been coming in here every night to see you—”

  “You sure he hasn’t been coming in for the pie? You make a really good pie.” Her lips twitched as she suppressed the urge to laugh. That was something else Maddy had helped her rediscover…her laugh.

  “Elise,” Seno growled. “He’s proved to be a good boy and he asked me to let you off tonight.” The man straightened fully, impressing her with his full height. “I gave my blessing, told him to treat you right and that I’d gut him if you weren’t smiling by the time you returned. By midnight.”

  “Blessing? Midnight?” She let herself glare at him. It was okay to disagree with people. They wouldn’t hit her for having an opinion, least of all Seno.

  “Well, it’s not like your father is here and good girls don’t stay out to all hours. In my day…”

  Elise snorted. “In your day, a horse was transportati

  A yell from out front ended their little “discussion” and Elise bolted, slipping around Seno and practically skipping to the front of the diner.

  Brute had asked… Well, he hadn’t asked her, but he’d gone to her faux-father and gotten permission to date her at least. Gah. Date. She wasn’t sure she’d ever really done that. Not well, at least. And then there’d been the years with Freedom…

  She shoved that thought aside. The pain, terror and ache that came with the memories were not nearly as sharp, but they still poked at her with a very pointy stick.

  Bursting through the kitchen door, Elise caught sight of Brute and her heartbeat stuttered in her chest. The man was gorgeous, no doubt about it. Even after spending so much time with him, her breath still caught in her throat and a nervous flutter settled in her stomach.

  She had it bad. If only the fox agreed.

  As if he was in tune with her, Brute’s focus shifted from Alice and zeroed in on her. Beneath her gaze, desire heated his features and Elise felt a tiny shiver of arousal tinged with worry slither down her spine. Yes, she’d recovered in leaps and bounds with Maddy’s help, but, but, but…

  She placed a hand on her stomach and took a deep, soothing breath, willing her nerves to calm. The human therapists had barely done anything for her while the Sensitive lioness had put her back in touch with her fox and her powers as a Sensitive as well. She’d long ago thought both were lost to her.

  The only hitch was that both the fox and her abilities only popped up around Maddy…and Brute.

  And now, she’d go on a date, a real date, with the man who managed to tug the fox out of hiding.

  “Hey,” she closed the distance between them.

  “Hey, back.” His smile was easy, wide and open, and the delicate nudge of her fox’s nose had her smiling wide in return.


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